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  1. Past hour
  2. Teaser from the knees up since I haven’t finished bases yet, but other than that and some Ardcoat on the lenses this is one of the 5 from my original post that I have redone in the new and improved scheme.
  3. Thank you! All very thoughtful and much appreciated. The skull on the chain is from the WFB Flagellants kit, and I think it helps tie in with the background of my faction as largely ex-Silver Skulls, who are headtakers.
  4. I've got an entire IG army to paint this year. I felt pretty good about what I got accomplished last year, but really going to try to shoot for the moon this time.
  5. Primaris get all the love competitive wise and firstborn still in play are on the chopping block. So…
  6. Expecting anyone to read on the internet is a fools game. Especially a forum!
  7. I find it interesting what will be the next loyalist Primarch to return. I have heard from reputable sources BA are going to get a massive glow up BT level so I can the Sanguinor being pumped up.
  8. I have found it works excellent on mobile devices and it’s my go to app now to generate army lists. I believe quite a few techpriests from BS have gone over to fully support it.
  9. Today
  10. Once the Event begins, the Strongholds will be posted in the WIP Forum, and linked to there from here Feel free to use this thread pre-event planning and motivation
  11. Yes, yes I am. Also, WAAAAAGGGGHHH!
  12. Yes indeed !!! * can this be a place holder or will there be another spot to pledge ?!… Cheers, Mithril
  13. Endless Hunger!!! Call to Arms 2024 is returning! June 15th- September 15th This is year it will be Imperium VS. Chaos VS. Xenos Vs. Horus Heresy! Are you ready to make your Pledge to the Forces of the Xenos?
  14. For the Greater Good!!! Call to Arms 2024 is returning! June 15th- September 15th This is year it will be Imperium VS. Chaos VS. Xenos Vs. Horus Heresy! Are you ready to make your Pledge to the Forces of the Xenos?
  15. Long live the Dynasties!!! Call to Arms 2024 is returning! June 15th- September 15th This is year it will be Imperium VS. Chaos VS. Xenos Vs. Horus Heresy! Are you ready to make your Pledge to the Forces of the Xenos?
  16. Glory to the Ancestors!!! Call to Arms 2024 is returning! June 15th- September 15th This is year it will be Imperium VS. Chaos VS. Xenos Vs. Horus Heresy! Are you ready to make your Pledge to the Forces of the Xenos?
  17. Praise the Four-Armed Emperor!!! Call to Arms 2024 is returning! June 15th- September 15th This is year it will be Imperium VS. Chaos VS. Xenos Vs. Horus Heresy! Are you ready to make your Pledge to the Forces of the Xenos?
  18. Are you ready to WAAGGGHHHH!!! Call to Arms 2024 is returning! June 15th- September 15th This is year it will be Imperium VS. Chaos VS. Xenos Vs. Horus Heresy! Are you ready to make your Pledge to the Forces of the Xenos?
  19. Also… decided the battle wagon was too long, so sawed off part of the back (with a woodworking saw!) and glued back together. And added some guys to the superstructure.
  20. Well, as the codex puts the smasha nobz into the squig hog unit, I needed another smasha nob… but didn’t have anymore squigs. For most factions this kinda thing could be a difficulty. But for orks, they improvise and overcome!
  21. Perfect timing! I need to fill in several gaps in my collection if I'm going to be able to properly field each of the detachments in the new Ork codex. Now I just need GW to get stuff back in stock
  22. Their abominable intelligence must be running wild again! Tried to ship out a bunch of yet-to-be-released minis again, but they learned from the Dante fiasco and were ready for it this time.
  23. Dr. Clock

    Gnolskrata Galberkin

    C/O Galber Salvage and Exploration Co.
  24. Real quick, thanks again for all the love for 3rd Claw, I wasn't expecting them to get so much attention. (Seriously they're doing numbers on IG, it's great) Honestly, she's still my favourite of the bunch. That might change whenever I get around to some Terminators, but I'm such a sucker for the beakies. Plus the belt fed Bolter is such a cool look. I got inspired to work on some Corsairs, and while the whole group isn't done yet, I'm very happy to show off the first few members of the Crimson Tongue. Starting off with two Corsairs, including the Squad Leader/Sybarite. While I was tempted to give her another rifle, I decided to play into the pirate vibe a little and give the leader one of the Howling Banshees swords. The pointing hand is from the Sisters of Silence kit, a bit I've had tucked away for almost a decade now. The Scourge was a bit of a pain, specifically the wings. They look great when finished, and I definitely prefer the look of the feathered wings compared to the bat wings, but boy highlighting all those feathers one by one sure is making me regret my choices. I'm hoping to get the rest of the Scourges and Corsairs finished soon, I've got them all up to the highlighting stage so they shouldn't take too long. (Besides any wings) I see feathers when I close my eyes now. I wasn't originally going to add more Eldar to the collection, I'm more than happy with Kaygil, but I found some in the pile of shame and after reading a bit of what Mike Brooks brought to the table with the Eldar in Big Dakka I was really inspired. Like, I can't express how excited I am that a queer author was given the chance to actually explore the Eldar in a new and unique way. Brooks casually introduced the idea that the Eldar are, to some degree, genderfluid/trans and it's the most interesting thing to come out of the faction in years. Using 40k to explore different concepts within the framework of the setting, introducing new ideas, letting marginalized people have a voice, not just regurgitating the exact same things we've already had before. This is exactly what I want from 40k, I love it. Okay, I'm done gushing. I also took some new photos of both 2nd and 4th Claw, so here they both are with all their lore, which I usually save for my Chaos thread but I might start posting more of it here. Second Claw - The Huntsmen Led by Lady Eileen the Crow Chaos Legionaries Brotherhood of a dead world, Orphans of a mad Father. -------- +They hunt together, a singular reflection of what was meant to be. Astartes, even now.+ -------- +The Warbands truest warriors, favoured of the Crimson Tongue. It was Eileen who first offered her hand to us.+ -------- +Nightmare creatures of the void descending upon humanity to murder and ravage and enslave. + -------- Fourth Claw - The Charnal Host Led by Champion Augustus Khorne Berzerkers Eaters of Worlds. Berserkers. Their devotion to the War God is absolute, their butchery and slaughter unrivalled. -------- +The Red Knight is ascendant.+ -------- +I have seen them lulled into calmness by my sisters songs. For a time, the melodies sooth the pain of their mutilations.+ -------- +Some scream and rage like heartbroken children. Others indulge in the bloodiest of duels. Only rarely do they rampage across the lower decks.+ --------
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