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Iron Hands.... of irony


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Proper update this time.

Bike is starting to get some final shape.


Like I previosly mentioned, I have added some lenght with piece of sprue and GS'd over it.

What do you think?

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Defilers close-combat arm, and the barrel is from Pred lascannon turret ^_^ .

@cathar the great & TAS

Thanks :lol:.

Minorish things left, but otherwise good to go:


I also solved the problem with backpack with some cord and sharp blade :) , MotF fits now.


I'm buying new primer tomorrow, so painting can start.

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I could add some stabilizer "legs" on sides, but I'll need some plasticard to do it. By the way, sorry for my ignorance, but what's Kwik Fit :lol: .

@cathar the great & TAS

Thanks guys :lol:.

Painting progress has started.


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kwik fit (or quick fit) models are ones that only have 3 or 4 pieces and can only be built on way, like the Assualt on Black reach minnies.


your MoTF came out great, particularly the legs and conversion beamer, they look awesome!


keep it up dude, coz your army is going to look awesome when its done!

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@Captin Xavier & Asmodeus' Swordhand

Thanks guys! :)


Thanks TAS, I've been lucky to this point perhaps :D .


Thanks for telling me ;), now I'm lil' bit smarter :HQ:.

Master of the Forge <name here> of Clan Garaask, Iron Hands chapter.




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@TAS & Firenze

Thanks guys :(.


This one's not a real update, but next additions for my army are 2 predators, 1st will have heavy bolter sponsons and other with lascannons, both will have autocannon turret. I'll do a 10-man sternguard unit too, with 2 heavy flamers. AND I'll tomorrow visit a hardware store to get some plasticard (if they sell it that is...), so expect some scratchbuilding later this year :).

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Right on TAS :huh:, of course I'm gonna convert my ass off ^_^.

I'm currently working with 1st predator. It was built couple years ago, unfortunately I used plastic glue rather... genereously. It's pretty badly assembled, and I can't repair it, unless I cut it to pieces and work it out. But I'm not that brave :ermm: . So I just dusted it and started painting, hope that I didn't disappoint anyone.

This time I speedpainted, to see how many mistakes I'd make. I still have long road ahead.


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Pred looks good to me. Perhaps black paint has a similar ability to 'slim' things down much like black clothing does :lol: Honestly, i can't see anything wrong with that tank, with the exception of the missing sponsons :P


Can't wait to see the Sternguard (knowing my luck that will be what breaks my will and makes me start to build up some IH <_<).

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Thanks TAS, I'm too eager to start doin' the sternguard, but duty comes before fun, so I'll do predators first <_<.

Oh, I was going to buy some plasticard from local hardware store, asked from the shopkeeper that do they sell plasticard, and 1st thing he said was "Huh, what's plasticard?!".

Just great. Gotta order from net after all.

Predator "Cyprum" is 99% finished.


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IF i start a small detachment oh IH, you do know i'll be hating you right kik? :)


The pred looks great. You've done a great job on the freehand as well, looks very crisp and clean. Now i'm at the point of trying to figure out, what's the last 1% of the Pred that needs to be done? :lol:

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@Asmodeus' Swordhand

Glad ya like it, but it's just scroll from tank sprues :D.


Awww, come on, I knew from beginning that you had soft spot for Iron Hands ;).


Thanks mate, if you want easy way (shameless advertisement!) to paint cogs, check out my IH tutorial :P.

Hmmm. What was included in last 1%? Lettering on scroll, white on sponsons, and many many things :tu:. Finish'd by the way.




I mentioned on TAS' blog that I do some mini projects if I see some cool tutorial or similar. These ones I did one month ago when I saw Lamenters excelent Lamenters tutorial :P.


I've started doin' my 2nd predator, and I mean with starting, that I've dusted it :D.

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