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Kharn in 6th edition


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Don't forget he hates everything so he re-rolls 1s in the first round as well... :D

He and his unit reroll all misses, not just 1s.


(I know Khârn always hits on 2s, but it makes a big difference for the rest of his squad.)

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Don't forget he hates everything so he re-rolls 1s in the first round as well... :)

He and his unit reroll all misses, not just 1s.


(I know Khârn always hits on 2s, but it makes a big difference for the rest of his squad.)

Yeah I know, but this topic is about the friendly guy Khârn. :D

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Don't forget he hates everything so he re-rolls 1s in the first round as well... :)

He and his unit reroll all misses, not just 1s.


(I know Khârn always hits on 2s, but it makes a big difference for the rest of his squad.)

Yeah I know, but this topic is about the friendly guy Khârn. :cuss

Fair enough. I've seen a few people confuse the rules for Preferred Enemy and Hatred, so thought this was the case again. Ignore my post, then :cuss

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Don't forget he hates everything so he re-rolls 1s in the first round as well... :)

He and his unit reroll all misses, not just 1s.


(I know Khârn always hits on 2s, but it makes a big difference for the rest of his squad.)

Yeah I know, but this topic is about the friendly guy Khârn. :cuss

Fair enough. I've seen a few people confuse the rules for Preferred Enemy and Hatred, so thought this was the case again. Ignore my post, then :cuss


Meh,I for one think that his warlord trait is very relevant when one debates his utillity in a list ;)

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I'd say he's actually better than last edition. He now has hatred of everything so he almost never kills his own squad. I can't believe they didn't nerf him at all but he's now insanely good!


Only thing that makes me wonder is with hatred, you reroll misses. Well it could be argued that he never actually misses, as his "misses" actually hit his squad..... Not saying I think this is correct, just playing devil's advocate here.

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Now after a duel, you only need him to roll a +1Strentgh to be an Instagibbing monstrosity of S8 on charges...


"Excuse me sire?!, is this your HQ with T4?, yes, well thank you sir.

*VVeeemmmh!!!, SPlotrch!!!*

"Oh by the way dear sir, GO SH*T a BRICK!!!"

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Now after a duel, you only need him to roll a +1Strentgh to be an Instagibbing monstrosity of S8 on charges...


"Excuse me sire?!, is this your HQ with T4?, yes, well thank you sir.

*VVeeemmmh!!!, SPlotrch!!!*

"Oh by the way dear sir, GO SH*T a BRICK!!!"

Don't forget that Gorechild is Armourbane. ;)


Why, hello Mr. Vehicle! *smash*




I can't wait to throw Khârn at a Baneblade. :D

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Yup its a shame that the Champion of Chaos rule don't include MC's and walkers...


Oh by the way I HAVE THE FREAKIN CODEX IN MY FREAKIN HANDS !!!!,and a Heldrake kit...,expect pics very soon...




Same here for a couple of days now, no Heldrake kit, prolly wont get it :o

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New Khârn:




Love for the lovegod, kitties for the throne of kitties.


"I'll never hit you guys again! Just don't hide in the cold, my love will hold you warm



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Not to rain on everyone else's parade, but Khârn doesn't reroll his 1s if he's in a squad. Betrayer treats them as hits on friendly models, and Hatred only lets you reroll misses. When Khârn goes commando though, he'll never miss. As a side note, the wording for betrayer is really awkward I find.
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Not to rain on everyone else's parade, but Khârn doesn't reroll his 1s if he's in a squad. Betrayer treats them as hits on friendly models, and Hatred only lets you reroll misses. When Khârn goes commando though, he'll never miss. As a side note, the wording for betrayer is really awkward I find.

Yeah, I realised that as well; since he's not actually missing, he can't reroll those 1s. Not to worry, he's still even better than ever ;)

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You try to hit an ennemy model, you miss it, you just missed the ennemy model.


The wording of the rule is that the 1's arn't discarded and that you put them aside, it doesn't say that they counts as hits or anything or that you can't reroll them.


Khârn Vs Sm(or anything), Rolls to hit, gets a 1, its a miss, because you din't hit the ennemy model, so you reroll, if you get again a 1 then you put it on the side, and a friendly model gets the hit.


No matter what if you get a 1 to hit your intended target, its a miss, because you simply din't hit the ennemy model, it then becomes a hit on your teammates.

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The wording of the rule is that the 1's arn't discarded and that you put them aside, it doesn't say that they counts as hits or anything or that you can't reroll them.

Sorry mate, gotta disagree there.


"Instead, [rolls of 1] automatically hit a friendly model...locked in the same combat."


It's pretty clear that if he rolls a 1, it doesn't miss and still hits something. The rule for Hatred requires that the model misses with its close combat attacks; it does not matter who the "intended target" is. Khârn's rolls of 1 are not misses.


(Unless he's on his own, then you can reroll those 1s.)

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Wait for the FAQ

The RAW would say he doesn't actually miss, instead, they automatically hit a friendly blargablarg


but it kinda conflicts with Gorechilds rule that Kharns melee attacks always HIT on 2+ which means 1 is a miss.


Either way I'm loving new and improved Khârn He's even 5 pts cheaper, WHO NEEDS MELTABOMBS!!!

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The wording of the rule is that the 1's arn't discarded and that you put them aside, it doesn't say that they counts as hits or anything or that you can't reroll them.

Sorry mate, gotta disagree there.


"Instead, [rolls of 1] automatically hit a friendly model...locked in the same combat."


It's pretty clear that if he rolls a 1, it doesn't miss and still hits something. The rule for Hatred requires that the model misses with its close combat attacks; it does not matter who the "intended target" is. Khârn's rolls of 1 are not misses.


(Unless he's on his own, then you can reroll those 1s.)


Then where is the point of giving him Hate?


To give it to the rest of the squad?, for that you take an Apostle and it would cost less and be less risky.


PLus it also depends on the wording of the "unmodified" in the sentence.


It could mean that a 1 that you get the first time you throw is unmodified. OR it could mean that once you made the reroll, it there is a new 1, its an unmodified, because you can't rethrow it...


Arrrgh!!!!, this drives me nuts...

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