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Steel Wings - Fourth attempt. New stuff added!


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Right, to take a break from my currently stalled attempts at getting the Rainbow Warriors completed, I thought I'd try getting the Steel Wings complete. It's now the third attempt at getting them done, and their forth incarnation (no they aren't Gallyfrayan, although that would be cool and I've been beaten to the punch in that regard anyway :laugh: )


Here is the last disasterous attempt


After a lot of thought, I've been thinking about making them Iron Hand successors.


Why? Well, having the word Steel in the name in part. They never rang true being Blood Angel or Ultra successors to my mind, just by dint of the name. I know that this isn't a prerequisite for a name to be logical, but I digress.


I've been thinking about back story (for some time), about how a fairly (but not too) adept society would be preoccupied with flight. I first came about the idea having watched a few (semi) dramatized programmes about Leonard Da Vinci. It showed how fascinated with flight he was, not just the flight itself, but the process involved. That got me thinking. If I could find a plausible way for me to create a world that isn't too primitive, but not too advanced either, who are fascinated with flying. My ideas were varied:


A Civilization that relied on crude flying mechanisms to get from one place to another (think of the "flying rocks" in Avatar), because the alternatives are either too risky or too difficult (rope bridges etc) I'm not necessarily saying that the World has flying rocks, but (hopefully) you get the point.


A Civilization that has myths and legends of Gods (The Emperor etc), living in the sky and their attempts to reach them.


The above are two of the more plausible ideas. In either case I was rather hoping to have this Civilization to be experiencing a kind of 40k Renaissance, where they are exploring things and making discoveries. Before anyone states that 40K is the Grim Dark version of the Dark Ages, which is true enough in a sense, what I mean is, Imagine Europe around the time Da Vinci lived and transpose that to this world. I wasn't going to have them make dangerous/Heretical discoveries that the Ad Mech would stomp them out for! :laugh:


How does this tie in with the Iron Hands? Well, as some Frater have noticed, that all of my DIY's are successors of First Founding Chapters that aren't....represented so much. As I have a life long fascination with Tech (Mecha, whatever you want to call it), the Borg, Cybermen et al, you'd think that I'd have gone for Iron Hands from the start. Not so, as back in the day, the Iron Hands were no where near what they are today. The Mantra of "The flesh is weak etc" was no where to be found, and I honestly found them to be rather uninspiring. But, the more I explored the site, I more I found them not to be so (mainly to reading posts from such Frater such as Bannus and Basswave), so that leads us here.


My intention is that the Steel Wings have a predilection towards tech that fly (Jump Packs, Land Speeders). I'm not going to state that they have massive amounts of the above :rolleyes: but that they prefer using them, much in the same way that Sallies love Heat based weapons and Thunder Hammers etc, an Iron Wing if you will :laugh:


So, below I'll be filling in stuff as it occurs to me and hopefully forth (or should I say 0000100 :wink: ) time is the charm.


Edit: Just realized that I've posted past 1k posts.....damn, it seemed like a long time ago when I first posted. Where does all the time go? :laugh:

Edited by Aquilanus
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Right, this is where the IA will be housed.


To be continued.....


EDIT: The BBCode has fethed up :sad.: so for now it's back to basics.



Raised as a Chapter of the Tenth Founding, the Steel Wings come from the world known as Petracco, in Segmentum [insert name]. The world has been a member of the Imperium for Millennia, being previously a world valued for its Ore and other resources. Over time, those resources were exhausted, resulting in the Scions of Mars to leave. The mining of those resources caused great amounts of pollution, the Natives having to live high in settlements built into the very rock of Mountain ranges. It was rumoured that there was some unspoilt land left, and the denizens of those settlements dreamed of reaching them. Much of the technology they had access to had either been taken away, fallen into disuse or knowledge had been lost. The settlements had managed, to create a working society that idolised the same technology that brought their home-world to ruin, albeit in their own unique way. All knowledge was treasured and recorded meticulously in huge journals. One main goal was to escape their settlements aiming to be able to live on those vaunted spaces of land, unaffected by pollutants. Flying devices were constructed, that whilst crude in their design, were robust and effective enough for their purpose. None were ever found. It was a lie kept from the general public, for to admit such a thing would have torn the fabric of their societies. To keep up the pretence, more and more flying machines were constructed, their designs more and more efficient.

It was inevitable that each settlement would encounter each other again. Making contact again for the first time in Hundreds of years, the pilots were immediately wary of each other. This distrust resulted in reconnaissance missions on each other under the pretext of trying to find pure land. When each started to infringe on the others' borders, warfare was inevitable. Weapons were loaded onto the flyers. Conflict continued for longer than any Native could recall. It seemed that the populations of the world would be decimated.


This continued until a Iron Hand Thunderhawk was attacked by the flyers, who, in the presence of such a powerful and alien seeming sight, had immediately joined forces to repel this invader. Once the Iron Hands' intentions were known, representatives from all settlments had agreed to a cease-fire. Whilst this still endures today, all natives on Petracco are ever suspicious of their neighbours.

Because of this inherent distrust of others, the Chapter is reluctant to work with other Space Marine Chapters, unless it is in their best interests, or that of the Imperium. Whilst loyal to the Emperor of Mankind, they are not fully committed to the cause. This view point is unknown to outsiders, but if it was known, one would question why they would tie themselves so close to the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Imperium, for neither have had the planet or it's natives interests at heart. The Steel Wings value the technology the association brings, revere the Omnissiah, but follow the ancient Petracco maxim "Keep ones friends close, but keep your enemies even closer...".


The call to Petracco

Whilst the citizens of Petracco assumed that they had been abandoned, their pleas for help had not fallen upon deaf ears. The situation report had been mused over, considered and passed along many sections of the Administratum. Bureaucracy had pushed a resolution to the planets' ultimate fate to history. However, after many years, it finally came to light again, and a small contingent of Iron Hands were asked to investigate. The Clan council had nearly rejected the request outright, feeling that the fate of that world should be decided by others. But after seeing the natural resources that the planet had been stripped of, it was decided to investigate further to see if that world still had anything left to offer. The landing party had, upon arrival in the Thunderhawk, been mildly amused by the rival factions squabbling, but were impressed that they put aside their differences to attack them. Once their intentions were known, a full accounting of the Petracco's history was heard. After seeing the world, one that revered technology in a way reminiscent of the Omnisiah, the commanding officer of the Party, Nishrai advised the Clan leaders, that should a new successor Chapter be made, that it should be based here. They agreed, and that it was on the Tenth Founding, the Steel Wings were born, with Nishrai and a select few as the Training Cadre and commanding officers.


The Origins of the Iron Wing

The Steel Wings were at their Founding a Codex adherent Chapter, and continue to be mainly so to this day. However, over time, the formation of the Second Company into what is known as the Iron Wing was deemed necessary to take advantage of the flying and mechanical skills of many Marines. Whilst all Marines have above basic knowledge on repairing and constructing equipment, such as the Bolter, there are some whose skills are legendary. Those who show such skill are entered into the Second Company. Competition for consideration of entry is fierce, and the Iron Wing are shown as an example to the Chapter - a spiritual and physical union of devotion to both the Emperor and the Omnisiah. Members of the Iron Wing are always taken to a battle, for many a battle has been won due to their bravery and inspirational piloting.

Battle of Ghiberti

The Steel Wings have a solid record of victories but for one stain: The battle of Ghiberti. Ghiberti was a Planet is a nearby system, one that had shown recent signs of Chaotic activity. They were sent to that system to route out and destroy the incursion before it was too late. The arduous task of entering the system was difficult enough that a request for reinforcements was sent and a Chapter known as the Bahltimyr Rayvens was sent to help. With detachments from both Chapters planet-side, they had both managed to create a sufficiently secure beach head in which to allow the main landing parties. However, the Steel Wings were suspicious of the 'Rayvens, whose reputation as being a twenty-First Founding Chapter had meant that a lot of their previous battles were conducted either alone or with other Chapters within that Founding. The suspicious nature of the Steel Wings meant that communication between them was stilted and infrequent. Because of this, and the Rayvens' recalcitrant attitude meant that the attacks were not co-ordinated properly. Both sides had received considerable losses, and it was upon the eightieth day of the attack that the Steel Wings withdrew. A general call to retreat was given, but because of both sides animosity, the Bahltimyr Ravyens did not receive the signal to withdraw until it was too late. Orbital weapons decimated the Planet, the remaining Rayvens on board their Ship, the [insert name], took the action as a traitorous act and retaliated. The ship was destroyed by the Steel Wings' Flagship, the Soul of Petracco. Once it was realised that the Rayvens had attacked in perceived self defense, search parties scoured the Planet for survivors. None were found.


Whilst the Steel Wings realised that they had in effect destroyed their Cousinly Chapter, they rationalised that the Bahltimyr Rayvens were not to be trusted due to their origins. After receiving and processing the official report, the High Lords of Terra have given no official Edict on the matter and was consigned to history.



The Steel Wings maintain a Fortress-Monastery upon the highest peak on Petracco. It was originally the centre of the Adpetus Mechanicus' base of operations, a massive Fortress Foundry that could be seen from orbit, such was it's size. None of the Natives are permitted to approach unless given express consent. Recruitment drives are made where necessary and candidates are selected through tests of daring and mechanical aptitude. Braver candidates attract attention by piloting their flying machines and attacking the great creatures native to the planet, or even having the audacity to stealing an egg from one of the nests. These creatures, soar high above, much to the jealousy of the humans who have observed them, carried on the thermal currents, spewing great jets of foul liquids, their physiology adapted to absorbing massive amounts of pollutants in the lower atmosphere of the planet. Candidates are also selected because of their aptitude with machinery. Whilst some of the erstwhile candidates prove themselves in the air, the machines they fly allow others to prove their worth as well.




Whilst they are direct descendants of the Iron Hands Chapter, they follow the scriptures of the Codex fairly closely. Aspirants from different settlements are mixed, to remove their distrust of each other whilst enhancing their distrust of outsiders. Because of the significant impact flyers have on their heritage, the Chapter values flying equipment, such as Jump packs, all variants of the Land Speeder, and the much rumoured Jet bike. The Chapter would love dearly to discover such an arcane device and learn it's secrets.


Marines who show a high aptitude to such devices are organised into the "Iron Wing", the name given to the Second Company, the First Company being composed of Veterans as stated in the Codex. Whilst this company has high emphasis upon speed and high mobility, the other companies use the typical Rhinos, Whirlwinds, Land Raiders etc.


Companies are each lead by an Iron Lord, the equivalent of a Captain, the name borne in recognition of their roots. The Chapter Master has the title of the Steel Liege. The position of Chaplain does not exist, as they have adopted the practice of having Iron fathers, a fusion of Chaplain and Tech Marine from their parent Chapter. Such individuals are mighty, inspirational Warriors who have shown their devotion to the Spiritual needs of both Marine and Machine.

As a direct descendant of the Iron Hands, the Steel Wings, are proud of their heritage. Their Gene seed is as pure as their Primogenitors. The Chapter shares in the belief that the flesh is "weak" and all Steel Wings have, at full indoctrination to the Chapter, a bionic implant, that of an artificial hand to honour Ferrus Manus. Further augmentation is widespread within the Chapter, some of the oldest Marines being substantially bio-mechanical. There are only three functioning Dreadnoughts within the Chapter, due to such wondrous creations being hard to come by. The three current Dreadnoughts are Nishrai, the original Chapter Master, Zahilm, a former Devastator Sergeant, and Bayadom, a former Assault Marine. Collectively, they are known as the Triumvirate, a Petracco term for three ancient and wise kings who collectively ruled the planet before the Imperium came.


Battle cries


"For Manus!"

Edited by Aquilanus
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Are you putting forth an attempt or are you on the fourth attempt? :D


Oh english you delightfully overly complicated relic how I love thee!


Haha on a more serious note I think a renaissance period population would work. It leaves you many avenues to pursue. I like the images of Da Vinci and his flying machines too. That period of time was filled with wonder about science and how the world works. I think you could find a good narrative to work with.


I have recently been swayed to the IH by reading Fulgrim and then all the great stuff by bannus and basswave on here too. I agree with you and think they would be a better fit with "steel" part.


Maybe their homeworld could have some large flying animals that had a metallic sheen to them almost like dragons or something(sorry if this is too cliche)? That would seem inspiring to me for some less advanced culture.


I personally like the ancient myth idea the most. I think its the most plausible and maybe you could go with something like how the steel wings arrived to claim the world and they arrived in their thunderhawk and upon landing the locals called them the "men who ride on silver wings" or some such.

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If I could find a plausible way for me to create a world that isn't too primitive, but not too advanced either, who are fascinated with flying.

...makes things complicated.


Hmmm... This might be of interest to you.


A Civilization that relied on crude flying mechanisms to get from one place to another (think of the "flying rocks" in Avatar), because the alternatives are either too risky or too difficult (rope bridges etc) I'm not necessarily saying that the World has flying rocks, but (hopefully) you get the point.

Two solutions:

Oasis-city-states separated by desert.


Mountain-city-states separated by dense and dangerous jungle.


In either case, traveling by air is quicker and easier.




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Have you considered a ringed planet that isn’t inhabitable but the ring is or an asteroid belt. The belt or ring could be populated with the reason been that they were mining the belt. Their main dealings would be with the admech who collect the minerals etc. By nature they would be gifted pilots from flying though the belt those who aren’t are removed from gene pool all to quickly . They would seek the thrill of flight. They could find old space craft that didnt make it though the belt giving them a renaissance culture too as they explored an researched the old wreaks, Would fit the flying rock planet idea
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Are you putting forth an attempt or are you on the fourth attempt? ;)


Oh english you delightfully overly complicated relic how I love thee!


Both :down:


Haha on a more serious note I think a renaissance period population would work. It leaves you many avenues to pursue. I like the images of Da Vinci and his flying machines too. That period of time was filled with wonder about science and how the world works. I think you could find a good narrative to work with.


Da Vinci (amongst other people) is an inspiration to me, for many reasons, and as far as I know this idea has never been tried, so I'm rolling (flying) with it ^_^


I have recently been swayed to the IH by reading Fulgrim and then all the great stuff by bannus and basswave on here too. I agree with you and think they would be a better fit with "steel" part.


I don't know why it's taken so long for me to get around to the idea. I first came up with the Steel Wings about twenty years ago, when I first played. Back then, although they had the idea of Primarch's, they hadn't set the number at Twenty (Eighteen), so in theory every Chapter could have one - the Steel WIngs Primarch's name was....Aquilanus, and their Armour was a Dark Blue. Hence the reason why they're the Primary Chapter for me (except Space WOlves, as back in teh day I was bokers over them...)


Maybe their homeworld could have some large flying animals that had a metallic sheen to them almost like dragons or something(sorry if this is too cliche)? That would seem inspiring to me for some less advanced culture.


I had a similar idea in mind. I was going to have them as a menace that forced the Natives to invent something that could fight them back, but I didn't want to put forward an idea that was a cross between Avatar and the Battle of Britain! :D


I personally like the ancient myth idea the most. I think its the most plausible and maybe you could go with something like how the steel wings arrived to claim the world and they arrived in their thunderhawk and upon landing the locals called them the "men who ride on silver wings" or some such.


I kinda have a similar thing with my Rainbow Warriors, where the natives see a THawk blast through a cloud causing a rainbow (a portent of great change) to form. It's a good idea, but if I go with that I want it to be totally different to the RW.


Thanks for posting Mate! ^_^


If I could find a plausible way for me to create a world that isn't too primitive, but not too advanced either, who are fascinated with flying.

...makes things complicated.


Hmmm... This might be of interest to you.


Fair point. I should have said that whilst they aren't at a "Cave man" level of existance, they aren't at the pinnacle of development within the IoM either. Imagine that their work is a mix of Renaissance Europe and Industrialised Europe compared to us now (with us "Being" the Imperium eg Ultramar, if that makes sense)


A Civilization that relied on crude flying mechanisms to get from one place to another (think of the "flying rocks" in Avatar), because the alternatives are either too risky or too difficult (rope bridges etc) I'm not necessarily saying that the World has flying rocks, but (hopefully) you get the point.

Two solutions:

Oasis-city-states separated by desert.


Mountain-city-states separated by dense and dangerous jungle.


In either case, traveling by air is quicker and easier.





Those are good ideas. Thank you for the link. I'll have a good look at it. It looks interesting regardless ^_^

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Have you considered a ringed planet that isn’t inhabitable but the ring is or an asteroid belt. The belt or ring could be populated with the reason been that they were mining the belt. Their main dealings would be with the admech who collect the minerals etc. By nature they would be gifted pilots from flying though the belt those who aren’t are removed from gene pool all to quickly . They would seek the thrill of flight. They could find old space craft that didnt make it though the belt giving them a renaissance culture too as they explored an researched the old wreaks, Would fit the flying rock planet idea


That's an idea I hadn't considered. I'll have a think about everything everyone has posted and see what I can come up with.


Thanks to everyone who's posted, there are a lot of ideas here! :down:

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I'm making a bad habit of double posting :P For that, I apologise.


Planet: Petracco


Segmentuum: Undecided as yet.


Planet description: City states vary, some are in the middle of deserts, others are on Mountain ranges, surrounded by large bodies of water (due to a massive flood, or other occurrence forced the denizens to move to higher ground.) Level of Technology, is consistent with Industrialised Europe, culturally more like a mix of the aforementioned with Renaissance Europe. Airships of varying sizes and advancement are used to trade with other city states. Culturally, each state is unique, having been for the most part isolated for many years. Distinct level of distrust between them all, but necessity requires them to reacquaint themselves with each other.


Steel Wings have a Floating Monastery-Fortress that patrols the planet in high atmosphere. Current level of Technology means that the natives can not reach them. The Chapter monitor the planet for examples of bravery, tech savvy and above loyalty to the Emperor.


Indigenous species of winged lizard locally termed "Dragons" live near populated areas, causing problems, resulting in locals using weapon-bearing aircraft to kill them. Steel Wings watch such battles as part of recruitment process. Those they find showing bravery, tactical skill etc are brought to the Mountain of Tamahagane, a Mountain which has been made level. It is forbidden for anyone to go there unless sanctioned by the Chapter. Aspirants are tested there using various trials (more indepth info when I think of it) Recruitment drives are made every six months/one year? , more if demand requires it.


Chapter traits:


Iron Hand successor, so ties with Ad Mech, although not sure to what degree yet.

Steel Wings are also inclined to bionics, not sure to what level yet.


Chapter is Codex adherent, with the exception of the "Iron Wing" -a Company that employs significant amounts of Land speeders and Jump packs.

Chapter has Dreadnoughts, most notably the Triumvirate Nishrai (Former Chapter Master), Zahilm (Former Devastator Sergeant) and Bayadom (a former Assault Marine)


Other Characters to be brought in from the "And we all fall down" story.


"10 things about a Marine in the Steel Wings Chapter":


1 Seeks to be flawless, a perfect killing machine

2 Reveres Ferrus Mannus as much as the Iron Hands

3 Relishes the day they meet the Emperor's Children

4 All Marines view the "Iron Wing" as the pinnacle of the Chapter, and wish to be in it

5 Are wary/distrustful of other Chapters, much like the Iron Hands, partially due to Iron Hands dogma, but also a residual amount of inherent distrust Natives have.

6 Marines are in part selected for their knowledge of metal working etc even if that knowledge is crude by chapter standards.

7 Marines accept bionics as a way of strengthening themselves. There is no stigma, more a dedication to the Machine spirit.


Okay, it's harder than it looks :sweat: , but if I can think of more I'll add them in....

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Indigenous species of winged lizard locally termed "Dragons" live near populated areas, causing problems, resulting in locals using weapon-bearing aircraft to kill them. Steel Wings watch such battles as part of recruitment process. Those they find showing bravery, tactical skill etc are brought to the Mountain of Tamahagane, a Mountain which has been made level. It is forbidden for anyone to go there unless sanctioned by the Chapter. Aspirants are tested there using various trials (more indepth info when I think of it) Recruitment drives are made every six months/one year? , more if demand requires it.


So... a field, then?

Or do you mean a mountain with a flattened top?


I know, I'm exercising awesome levels of pedantic-ness.

But this just caused my brain to throw a minor hissy fit, so I thought I'd bring it up.


Sorry I'm not being more helpful, but I'm seriously tired. ^_^

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Indigenous species of winged lizard locally termed "Dragons" live near populated areas, causing problems, resulting in locals using weapon-bearing aircraft to kill them. Steel Wings watch such battles as part of recruitment process. Those they find showing bravery, tactical skill etc are brought to the Mountain of Tamahagane, a Mountain which has been made level. It is forbidden for anyone to go there unless sanctioned by the Chapter. Aspirants are tested there using various trials (more indepth info when I think of it) Recruitment drives are made every six months/one year? , more if demand requires it.


So... a field, then?

Or do you mean a mountain with a flattened top?


I know, I'm exercising awesome levels of pedantic-ness.

But this just caused my brain to throw a minor hissy fit, so I thought I'd bring it up.


Sorry I'm not being more helpful, but I'm seriously tired. :tu:


Yes, that's what I meant.


From one petanttic insomniac to another.


Go.To.Sleep. :lol:

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I like the idea of the second one where the inhabitants reach out to the sky and their gods. In the series, Ancient Aliens from the history channel, one of the person there(forgot his name) said 'Humans has a primal instinct to achieve 'god-like' status that we strive to reach out to the sky and beyond to be like 'our' gods.'


They might see the marines as they descends from the heavens from their THawk as gods. they could view the marines more like demi-gods. This is just a though i got.


Apart from the assault marines and Landspeeders, how about the techmarines modify their bikes to be jetbikes? or do you want the marines to earn their place before being able to use landspeeders and jetpacks?



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OK just had a great thought. I dont know if you have ever read Dan Simmons, Rise of Endymion. In it he describes a world covered in mountain ranges but below a certain level there is a heavy poison fog and acid seas that are lethal to humans. All the humans are confined to live in cities above this threshold on the side and tops of mountain ranges. The way they move between cities is by zipline over the smaller chasms and by gliders over the larger ones. Technology would not have to be at a high level to do this so that would satisfy your flight/tech problem.


Here is a link to the cover art to get an idea of what I am talking about. Also if you get a chance the series is fantastic with incredible imagery.


Rise of Endymion

If this sounds good and you would like to know more let me know.

Edited by Andrew J
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OK just had a great thought. I dont know if you have ever read Dan Simmons, Rise of Endymion. In it he describes a world covered in mountain ranges but below a certain level there is a heavy poison fog and acid seas that are lethal to humans. All the humans are confined to live in cities above this threshold on the side and tops of mountain ranges. The way they move between cities is by zipline over the smaller chasms and by gliders over the larger ones. Technology would not have to be at a high level to do this so that would satisfy your flight/tech problem.


Here is a link to the cover art to get an idea of what I am talking about. Also if you get a chance the series is fantastic with incredible imagery.


Rise of Endymion

If this sounds good and you would like to know more let me know.


That's rather uncanny. I was thinking about a plausible way of making the World have ties with both the Ad Mech and the Iron hands, and I remember one of the Planets that Colonel-Commissar Gaunt and his Ghosts had to attack. It was in many ways similar to what you've mentioned.


Food for thought I think :P

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I like the idea of the second one where the inhabitants reach out to the sky and their gods. In the series, Ancient Aliens from the history channel, one of the person there(forgot his name) said 'Humans has a primal instinct to achieve 'god-like' status that we strive to reach out to the sky and beyond to be like 'our' gods.'


They might see the marines as they descends from the heavens from their THawk as gods. they could view the marines more like demi-gods. This is just a though i got.


Apart from the assault marines and Landspeeders, how about the techmarines modify their bikes to be jetbikes? or do you want the marines to earn their place before being able to use landspeeders and jetpacks?




Sorry I didn't reply. My computer is a stubborn little.... :D and didn't show your post until after I'd posted a reply for Andrew J. I need to threaten it with a 10lb lump hammer again (i'll be damned if I appeal to it's machine spirit... ;) )


I'm in the middle of collecting my thoughts about the beliefs etc of my Chapter and the natives of the planet. I hope to get that done tomorrow.


With regards to the Jet bikes, that would be cool, but unless I'm imagining things again, I was of the impression that Jet bikes are considered heretical, due to the (lost) technology that allowed them to fly, and "current" views on them being something that Eldar and other Xenos would use. I could always make a couple, but use them as regular ones via "counts as" ^_^

EDIT: For Primus' sake, Typos and this Gorram computer.....

Edited by Aquilanus
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Another double post, but I've managed to write a very broad outline of the Population and the Chapter. There are typos :) and I know there are things that haven't been explained as well as they could as of yet, but I'll edit them a bit later this evening.


Would like to hear any comments you all might have :)

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Would like to hear any comments you all might have ^_^


I have absolutely no recollection of my thousandth post.


But I don't think that's what you meant? ;)


Ignoring such things as homeworld and "all that jazz..", what one thing characterises them as a Chapter?


Mistrust, I suppose. They distrust the Ad Mech, even though they closely ally themselves with them. They aren't entirely sure of the Imperium either. They aren't Chaotic, and will never will be, but if there was another way of ensuring the fate of Humanity was assured, they'd take it. They realise that despite everything, the IoM is the best chance Humankind has got. The Ad Mech took what they wanted from their world and left it for dead. The Imperium knew this and didn't give any kind of assistance to them. Because of this Steel Wing Marines keep themselves to themselves when not fighting.


They revere Tech, even though it was the same or similar that ruined their world. The perception of technology is that it is not bad, Tech can only be used wisely, or not (Kinda like the Gun argument "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" ) They feel that it the Ad Mech need to be more accountable for their actions, as does the Imperium. Of course this is never going to happen, so they keep their feelings to themselves, and get on with the job they have been given. Keeping their (perceived) enemies close to them means that they will see any future (perceived) betrayal coming and be ready for it....

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Mistrust, I suppose. They distrust the Ad Mech, even though they closely ally themselves with them. They aren't entirely sure of the Imperium either. They aren't Chaotic, and will never will be, but if there was another way of ensuring the fate of Humanity was assured, they'd take it. They realise that despite everything, the IoM is the best chance Humankind has got. The Ad Mech took what they wanted from their world and left it for dead. The Imperium knew this and didn't give any kind of assistance to them. Because of this Steel Wing Marines keep themselves to themselves when not fighting.


They revere Tech, even though it was the same or similar that ruined their world. The perception of technology is that it is not bad, Tech can only be used wisely, or not (Kinda like the Gun argument "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" ) They feel that it the Ad Mech need to be more accountable for their actions, as does the Imperium. Of course this is never going to happen, so they keep their feelings to themselves, and get on with the job they have been given. Keeping their (perceived) enemies close to them means that they will see any future (perceived) betrayal coming and be ready for it....


Which is a great premise, leading to the key question: Does this theme run through your work currently? If not, why not?

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Which is a great premise, leading to the key question: Does this theme run through your work currently? If not, why not?


I thought I'd posted that the second post is where the IA will be developed ;) Probably haven't as I was in a rush to get out the door when I posted. Post #2 is where the IA will actually be posted and updated. As far as I can see, I've added what I typed in my last post in (hopefully) better detail. If not, then I take a look and rewrite it again ^_^

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Which is a great premise, leading to the key question: Does this theme run through your work currently? If not, why not?


I thought I'd posted that the second post is where the IA will be developed ;) Probably haven't as I was in a rush to get out the door when I posted. Post #2 is where the IA will actually be posted and updated. As far as I can see, I've added what I typed in my last post in (hopefully) better detail. If not, then I take a look and rewrite it again ^_^


I'll let you know a secret; I haven't actually read it yet.


I've asked before questions akin to the one you answered and a lot of times people give great answers but then have to say it doesn't actually come through in their work.


So now, I can pledge to read it and know you don't mean a massive redraft right now ;)

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Which is a great premise, leading to the key question: Does this theme run through your work currently? If not, why not?


I thought I'd posted that the second post is where the IA will be developed :( Probably haven't as I was in a rush to get out the door when I posted. Post #2 is where the IA will actually be posted and updated. As far as I can see, I've added what I typed in my last post in (hopefully) better detail. If not, then I take a look and rewrite it again ;)


I'll let you know a secret; I haven't actually read it yet.


I've asked before questions akin to the one you answered and a lot of times people give great answers but then have to say it doesn't actually come through in their work.


So now, I can pledge to read it and know you don't mean a massive redraft right now ;)




I understand now (am half asleep at the mo, and currently gearing up to going back to work tomorrow after 9 days off ^_^

), so my brain is frazzled. It's a good idea that ;)

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I'm flattered to know that I was partly responsible for your inspiration :D Let me help further then ;)


Just to be on the less cliche side, the "dragons" could puke up corrosive gunk instead of fire as a result of living in highly polluted areas. Maybe even have hunts where the most able warriors travel into these polluted wastes in simple bio hazard suits to kill those things. Maybe stealing eggs as a rite of passage.


Who trained the fledgling chapter?


What's their hq organization? Do they still have iron fathers?


I really like the Italian vibe this gives off. Good work so far, keep up the good work ;)


The flesh is weak!

Edited by BassWave
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I'm flattered to know that I was partly responsible for your inspiration :D Let me help further then ;)


Just to be on the less cliche side, the "dragons" could puke up corrosive gunk instead of fire as a result of living in highly polluted areas. Maybe even have hunts where the most able warriors travel into these polluted wastes in simple bio hazard suits to kill those things. Maybe stealing eggs as a rite of passage.


A good idea that, consider it stolen borrowed :(


Who trained the fledgling chapter?


What's their hq organization? Do they still have iron fathers?


I'm still working on the Training Cadre. I'm still researching this "schism" that resulted in the Sons of Medusa etc, but I'd prefer to use Iron Hands themselves or a Chapter that has similar views as them than the SoM. I was going to have them as Codex Adherent, excepting the "Iron-wing" (Think of Dark Angels' "Raven-wing", but mainly Land speeders and Jump Packs) and I would like to have Iron Fathers.


I really like the Italian vibe this gives off. Good work so far, keep up the good work :(


The flesh is weak!


Thanks :( I'm glad that I've finally been able to find a First Founding Chapter that suits them, pity it's taken about 20 years to do so! :(


Hopefully will have a big up date on Friday or Saturday, as I'm too bushed to be able to gather my wits at the moment.


Edit: Typos :)

Edited by Aquilanus
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A good idea that, consider it stolen borrowed :lol


Use it, its a gift ;)


So why do you want the IH to train them? What traits do you want inherited?


I've placed them being Founded in the Tenth (M35), which is, if I've read correctly about when the Sons Of Medusa split from the Iron Hands proper. The SoM weren't properly ratified as a Chapter by the HLoT until M37. I also like the Iron Hands attitude towards other Chapters (i.e. wary, distrustful, disdainful etc). I know that the SoM feel this way too, but with the other information about the Schism, it was the best fit ^_^

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