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40k Radio World Wide War!1 tournament

Iron-Daemon Forge

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Hi Folks


Just return from the first 40k World Wide War ran by 40k Radio from the Scotland side of thing.


Was a good laught & some tough games & some messing about because it was games vs friends (Note: NEVER RAM a Rhino into another Rhino again.... round 2 more on that).


Army was 1750pts.


My list was:

Daemon Prince, Wings

4 Termies, all Combi Plasma

4 Termies, all Combi Plasma

10 Chaos Marines, Heavy Bolter, Plasma gun, Icon, Champ with Power Weapon

Rhino, extra armour

10 Chaos Marines, Heavy Bolter, Plasma gun, Icon, Champ with Power Weapon

Rhino, extra armour

10 Chaos Marines, Heavy Bolter, Melta Gun, Icon, Champ with Power Weapon

Rhino, extra armour

5 Chaos Marines, Plasma Gun, Icon

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators

Total - 1750pts


So before doing this, instead of writen word upon words & also just been ubber tired. What that saying... a photo speak a thasound words. So what better way to do a report than to show photos of it from start to finish, with a few notes.


Round 1: The force is weak

Eldar, army list.... lots & lots of Jet bikes with a few other stuff lol, this army also won best painting.

I slaughter them leave him with Fire Prism & ONE Jet Bike, he kill a unit of Termies

Mission, Kill Point Dawn of War but 40k Radio change them a bit.

Ohh yes & we where on table ONE :P












One the reason for the heading was my friend & oppent Andy dice where not with him that all (how many fail DOOM!!!?) while mine, all the dice shown there was to WOUND a bit unit of Jet Bikes from Rapided Fire Bolters.




















Fire Prism falling back from the mass fire from Obliterators & also so my Daemon Prince could not assault it.




Last turn below




Right that game one for the time being. I am very tired & will focuse on getting rest of the photos uploaded so ether post some more later tonight or tomorrow see how it gose as I got post this on a few other fourm.



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After a little break with armies on display onto Game TWO


Game 2: How the chaos gods can turn.

Army Slannesh

List, Two Daemon Prince, Unit Termies, Deflier, Rhino Squad, 4 squds??

13/7 my oppent, this game was down the line & was to the bitter end that it could been a draw but oppent done well. Was very drain mental the game & that good.


This is also where I got to learn about the Ram rule for tanks..........




















This is where I found out about the fine rule for RAM. Basicly I done it because it was a tournament full of friends, it was for a laught & so I can say I try it as who know next time I will get to try it.

Basicly did not work out... I get a ONE... my oppent get a SIX on the penatrating hit..... sh*t..... humm, somthing did not add up with that Ram attack now did it??? B) all you can do is laught & was famouse though out the day since the owner of Edinbrugh gaming club seen it & just could not stop laughting.


Game 3: Old foe's

Eldar, more Jet bike goodness but with some other stuff...lol

Win to my oppent 17/3

So from being on table one for two round then being knock off, down to table two on round 3 vs a good friend of mine, ever time we fight... it alway is hard fought & he one these jammy people where it gose your way, then very very last turn he not only pull it to his win but slaughter your army..... this dose not change today.















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There a object under this tank ^^ Then this happen B) :P



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How I was trying all out last attemp to hold three of the five objects






Front Rhino was still ok, Troops where holding the Object after the there rhino got blasted from Avtar..... it was not him who finish them off but bombarment from the Dark Reaper squad commander & D-cannons.




Ran back Rhino




My Champion Rhino got blow up by a luck Dark Reaper shot, so make his standing holding two of the five objects that this point.










My ONLY model left on the table. Made 16 Saves that turn from... 16 wounds.


Overall though:

Really enjoy the tournaments as it was good food, playing our favour hobby for 40k & just hanging around with friends. There was stuff that I done during games like Raming the Rhino which in a UKGT I would not normal done, bujt as said it was for a laught & they do say favour foutuen (sp) the bold (if only that was true B) )


So went (note score where from 4th Ed 20/0 - 17/3 - 13/7 - 10/10)

Game 1: Table 1, win 20 to me

Game 2: Table 1, Loss 7 would been a draw it was really close & really bloody on both side as shown above.

Game 3: Table 2, loss 3, never won against my friend Paul feel like it until turn 4 when it usely swing his way.


Nothing I would really change in my army, the 5 man squad was taken as a quick build & hold object as I usely play 1500pts games & they are not part of it. Few things I could have done better in my games, but no think/see that I done any mistake which is good.


Now to photo a little select photos of armies on display.




Armies set up for the painting voted by the gamers, as said Andy won it for his really cool Eldar force, a lot better up close & was really good fight against such a nice army.


So a bit of my IWs :P

















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I always love looking at in game pics in battle reports. It looks like there were some great armies present. Thanks for sharing these pics! :P


What's in your normal 1500 point list, if you don't mind sharing?

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I always love looking at in game pics in battle reports. It looks like there were some great armies present. Thanks for sharing these pics! ;)


What's in your normal 1500 point list, if you don't mind sharing?




Yes a lot the armies where really great/cool being

My own Iron Warriors :P

Andy & his Eldar

Donzo & his Daemon (photo there, built & painted in three weeks (week of building, 2 week of painting))

James (Dorn on these fourm) Blood Angels.


I got a lot more photos on the painting part that I will try up load some point.


What's in your normal 1500 point list, if you don't mind sharing?


The above but take away two Obliterators (so now 4 with 1/1/2) & the unit of 5 Chaos Marines, that 250pts.... 250+1500 = 1750pts


The force in general done pretty cool. Only loss one game vs Orks (fought them 5 times) due to a big unit of there Elites smash in (should of gun them down first). Other wise the other four games where vs 120 orks, ever time I wipe them down to two units/20 boyz while I only took 50% from each squad or light loss.

Only army I suffer against would be Tau force since everthing pretty much got a way of taken on the Rhinos.

But so far a lot win, loss & draw but now getting hang of 5th Ed. As said do well vs Orks, Marines... damons has been 50/50 due to never fought them before first time got slaughter (only army to do so against ne in 5th Ed) then won against them second time.

So far fought, Deathwing, 2x Ultramarines (one them new codex), 2 Daemons, 5 Orks, 4 Blood Angels, 4 Tau, 3/4? Chaos, 4? Eldar, 1 Dark Eldar, 1 Necron. Still need to try my army vs Imperial Guards & Nids (been ageis since I last fought Nids a year I think?)


Hope that helps



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Just got my result in


5th Place


Army: Iron Warriors

Game 1: 22pts

Game 2: 8pts

Game 3: 3pts

Total 33


Army painting & sportman: 63, I know I got top mark for sportman, also second higest in this area ^_^


Overall total 96.


Not bad, as said it was a good event with good friends, games of 40k & good food :D Really want more tournament in the Scotland area on 40k side of things.



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Still need to try my army vs Imperial Guards & Nids (been ageis since I last fought Nids a year I think?)


Hey Psycho ^_^


Andy linked yer posts in his ELG news blog thing. So I though I would ask if you fancy facing my nids again?


Anyway I though I would post the army you faced last:


Burning Shrine





1 Avitar






3 Jetbikes (1xcannon upgrade)

3 Jetbikes (1xcannon upgrade)

3 Jetbikes (1xcannon upgrade)

3 Jetbikes (1xcannon upgrade)

5 Pathfinders


Fast Attack

3 Vipers (3xcannon, 3xRocket launchers)

3 Vipers (3xcannon, 3xRocket launchers)

10 Warpspiders (1xExarch, 1xextra gun, 1xwithdraw)


Heavy Support

3 D-cannon (inc 6 crew)

3 D-cannon (inc 6 crew)

3 Dark Reapers (1xExarch, Crackshot, Rapidfire*)


*I forget its porper name.


Its ironic that the army I bought for this contest is very similar to the player your gave a good kickin to (Andy L, your first game). Because of problems I used a 'what do I have lying around' army which did better.... more fool me I think.


Still I think you will agree that it makes a nice change from me using nids :P, I am ashamed to say that I was a bad man when it came to learning the rules specific to my army. I spend all the last few days building, gluing, painting and going to work so I never got a chance to sit down and look at the diffrent senarios or the specific rules for my army (like shooting at crew with platforms).


I have to say that the Avitar saved my behind in everygame. In game 1 VS blood angels it held up the assault dudes allowing my D-cannons to esacape and then rain missery down on closly packed Assault Marines, HQ's and death company. In the second game when everything was falling apart my opponent obsessed about it a little, as it ran from terminators to vindicators wreaking havoc (CSM). I think the 2nd game was the hardest one of the contest for me, much like Insane Psychopath i found it the most draining. (Turn 1 I lost my most expensive unit trying a skip-skype move, -250pts... sob, rolled double 6).


In the last game VS Insane Psychopath, my avitar as well as killing his HQ as it came in reach also did a nice number on his terminators, and then blew up his transport sitting on my objective (I had 2 at this point Insane Psychopath has 3). This then resulted in a pile of indirect fire landing on his unit decimating it (all dead).


The last game only allowed maximum game points if you captured (with troops) all 5 objectives. A near impossible task, as you need to obliterate your opponent and keep (most likely) all your troops alive. In this case I lost 1 unit of bikes to an oblitorator early on, thus I could never get a full victory even if I had managed to kill Insane Psychopath's rather hard to kill oblitorator.


Still I enjoyed all the matches I managed to sneek in 7th place overall. (Joint 2nd for General Ship). My painting really let me down, forgetting all my bases for the vipers and bikes did not help.


If you look at a few of the pictures posted by Insane Psychopath, you can see the cammo paint on the vipers is not finished... hehe, I did not even get the cockpit on :(, most of my points in the area army painting and sportsmanship, came from sportsmanship and convertions. I am very pleased with the way the Jetbikes look, although they need finished I had cut the front of them, remodled the gunz and increased there leanth. I also had plans to add some more to the back of them but I did not have time.


Insane Psychopath is quite an aggressive player btw (the way he plays not his attatude). He did not mention this but when I had 2 transports full of c-marines and a unit of c-terminators arrive 4-12" from my D-cannons almost ontop of both the centre and left objectives.... I was not a happy chappy. I have played his Marine bike army a couple of times too, and he shows the same tendancy. Which is good because there is nothing more boaring than a player that hides at the back and never comits to a do or die stratagy!.



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Monk Fish: Hi Paul happy to see you enjoy the game. As said you are one jammy git (not mean this as bad thing) when it come to games be it vs me or when I seen you battle other when I worked in the store. Just seem to be your thing to let people win & then last very turn WIPE out there army :lol: I will pray & scarifce some people to the chaos gods so one day I do win & none the above happens :lol:


But until then I'm going keep learning from our games as your alway given me though for the brain.


Also whats the max pts [not bonus] for battles won ? 60 ? because whats the max score you can get out of a paiting and coming to a tournament with a big team of friends [aka sportsman score]?


I would need to see the pack again (just got home from GW Falkirk so a bit tired as also other stuff through out the day). However I know that the gamers give you a total of 10pts per round, 3 round = 30pts. I know I got the full 30 from oppents with sportman & that we where able to sort any rule question out with out any fussy/took the answer in good faith.

Painting.... not sure again would need to get the pack/I think it still up on the 40k Radio sit.


Insane Psychopath is quite an aggressive player btw (the way he plays not his attatude).


Thanks Paul... I promise not to take your launch money a week from today when I pop into the store :D Just my style of play, try limit return fire but same time make my oppent sweet (not really) thinking "ohhh no!!!!!!!" with 30 Chaos Marines supported by the Daemon Prince & then 8 Chaos Termies with some nice combi Plasma.

Just way I am because I am never really a hideing whole game man (unless I had good reason to). One reason my IW under the current codex now went Rhino's heavy just get up close. It has cause a lot shock to oppents :D

It also thanks to my good friend MrBlacky where if we do bad in a tournament or for a laught we rather launch a all out attack... we could get slaughter but same time we do cause a lot people thinking "ohh no how do I deal with this" than just sit & hide.


A bit like 300/Spartens.


Still I enjoyed all the matches I managed to sneek in 7th place overall. (Joint 2nd for General Ship).


Your a bad bad man as I said you are jammy & a good player. Also don't worry about learning your rules on the day as said your still a good player. Also hope you found your codex Eldar.


Anyway will try get a rematch against you one day. I am in on Tue (week today) but I am fighting Tom... so maybe a week or try fit in second half??.... it is Tom after all & he to easy (hope he read this) with his Deathwing marines :lol: I'll ether PM you near the time see what what as the Grand Tournament down in Nottingham two weeks on Sat, so want as much games as I can over next few weeks.






Paint was up to 45pts but a lot thing like a display base was included (no time for myself to make one)

Then a grand total of 30pts for sport man (10 per round),

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Yea talked to a few other folk and we all agree your hiper-agressive in your play style.


I think I have only really been hyper agressive with my Tau (strange as I play nids and orks). That is due to there survivability, both nids and orks (not orks so much now) have to conserve streanth to a final blow. (i.e. only agressive towards the end & surgical assaults)


I have found with the new rules that I find flanking with mass stealthsuits (inc fusion blasters + BS + markerlights, targetlock) and two full waves of tau bugs (vespid) deepstriking in an aggressive manner can be crushing. (stealths marker for vestip :) BS5 Vespid).


I will need to get my Eldar army finished to the point where its; what I 'was' going to take to the world wide war, and then use the results list as a sorta hunting list :), so I can stalk and kill the other players that were there... you'll note that you are on that list...MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA


Two weeks on tue (7th October?) I maybe around, if so I will take you on second game :)... no idea what I will use though, as usual I will leave you guessing. (maybe its time to bring back my 9 broadside's with plasma rifles army again :) )


O'yea, I was in the store this Tue poking Andy L about his defeat to you.... Muahhhahaha I like being evil. I don't think anybody I have talk to had an easy second game... (maybe with the exception of two of the 3 Blood Angels Players).


I will comeback and post the army's feilded (ie race/faction)



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Anway for people who are intrested in the mix of armys here is a list:



-Imperial guard



--Blood Angels

--Blood Angels

--Blood Angels

--Dark Angels






-CSM (Nurgle)

-Demons (Slanneshii)



-Eldar (Biel-tan)

-Eldar (YME-LOC)



-Dark Eldar





So not that manny imperials then.... must be the dark brooding weather over here :P

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Wow...damn being ill! Wish I could've gone.


Insane Psychopath, your army looks awesome, and playing against Andy's Eldar...It just looks fantastic.

Duffy?? If it is thanks & shame your unwell on the day.


My IW, there still more to come on painting side. With the GT in two & a half weeks I've paint strip four of my Oblits & re-models them to be a little more WYSIWYG (though don't have to) with the new weapons (Plasma Cannon, etc..) also got some plans for two new Plasma Gunner troopers.

So come time for the GT.... going to be next leval for me in fourm painting & converting.


Andy did put a lot work into his Eldar as well, really deserve to win on all acounts.



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