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Is it worth it to build a SW army now?


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I have accumulated a fair amount of Space Marines and will be starting a new Space Marine army as soon as I finish up my Bad Moons orks. I really like the color scheme for Sons of Orar (red with white shoulder pads) and have considered building them.


But.... I have a soft spot in my heart for Space Wolves and have seriously considered building them instead. But with an ancient codex, that one can't even buy anymore, is it worth it do build them now? Would it be better to build an army, based upon basic Space Wolves assumptions that we hope won't change too much, or would it be better to simply build conventional marines and wait till next year with a new Wolves Codex?


What are your opinions on this?

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You either want to be a Wolf or you don't....the other details of Codex and rules and models don't even matter.


I am just starting trying to play and it didn't matter to me about our Codex being older than crap, we have a BUNCH of great guys to help out with figuring out things.

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The hard truth is we are in for changes in the upcoming year, this includes new models, new rules, new unit configurations.


If you are compelled to join our ranks we would gladly have ya and welcome you. I agree with muzzyman1981 great bunch of folks here who are willing help you with the long journey ahead.


Sgt. Vrox

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I can understand where you're coming from. I played SW back in 3rd and haven't played in years but interest in 40k has grown in the area so I'm being drawn back into the game. There's no doubt about it, I'm a SW but I'm a bit concerned about the incoming codex. reason being, I don't want to trick out my units according to the 3rd edition codex only to find out I can't do field those models anymore. I'm debating building standard marines with the parts and hording the special sprues so I can easily impliment the new wargear and options after the new codex comes out.


but to speculate, I think both the bloodclaws and grey hunters will receive wolf guard sergents and if you field a 10 man squad we'll receive free power weapons so we'll run parallel to the new SM codex. although that's just my opinion.

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As for the ranks, they won't change too much, the whole fluff is BC's first (large squads) GH's after they get more experienced (average size squads) then long fangs last (small size squads).


From what I can gather your best bet is to keep your large BC squads (Heard cap is 20-10 or even as high as 30 but I doubt it). Keep your grey hunters with bolters (hear they're getting bolter, bolt pistol, ccw) and that's the bulk of your army.


If you want to be a wolf, you make the commitment, you shouldn't worry too much, it'll be over a year before you have to start worrying.

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To be a SW is something you can´t choose, you will be it by heart or never. I´m a SW for 16 years now, from 2nd Edition on. Fact is that our ´dex is old as the anthracite, but ask my opponents. They fear the SW cause we don´t have a standalone ´dex. We profite from the new C:SM and the 5th Edition love us too. It´s the best time to be a SW. It´s always the best time if you´re a SW. And now i need more ale.
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Same here. I got into 40k by trying to sell off my models to pay for other hobbies, decided to give it a try, and have been a SW player since then. You either want to play them or you dont. After playing around with Tau, Necrons, and then Tau again, I have remained a SW player.. and thats my only army now.


I wouldnt invest heavily in custom models (LRE for example), but overall, even if they do change our rules somewhat, you should still mostly be able to use the same figures.

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With the exception of maybe the Leman Russ Exterminator and a few bits of wargear I doubt the new Space Wolf codex will change a whole lot. And in the end if I gotta rip off a few arms and replace them well thats a small price to pay to smite the Emperor's foes with the Sons of Fenris.


In other words if you want to play Space Wolves, than play Space Wolves and don't let anything stand in your way (to the mead mostly but other stuff too)!


I'll tell you this, there are only two forces in the Imperium: Space Wolves and Support.


Oh so true, so very true :lol:.

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Well, I decided to start a SW army now. I just can't wait another year for the nex codex to come out. I'll build whatever I want now and if the new codex invalidates them, then tough luck.

That´s the right mindsetting, whelp. That´s what i expect from a real Son of Russ.

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Well, I decided to start a SW army now. I just can't wait another year for the nex codex to come out. I'll build whatever I want now and if the new codex invalidates them, then tough luck.


"What do you mean my HQ can't have an assault cannon anymore?! My terminators what?! they can only have 1 heavy weapon per... WHA?!" *Thunk* (the sound of a black shirt thudding to the ground is heard for miles...)


"Anyone else think my army isn't 'legal'?!"... *cricket* "Good, now git over here you dress wearing marines, I've got a rule in this book that says I hit you on a 3+..." *BAM!* "Haha, gotta love the classics."

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Well, I decided to start a SW army now. I just can't wait another year for the nex codex to come out. I'll build whatever I want now and if the new codex invalidates them, then tough luck.


"What do you mean my HQ can't have an assault cannon anymore?! My terminators what?! they can only have 1 heavy weapon per... WHA?!" *Thunk* (the sound of a black shirt thudding to the ground is heard for miles...)


"Anyone else think my army isn't 'legal'?!"... *cricket* "Good, now git over here you dress wearing marines, I've got a rule in this book that says I hit you on a 3+..." *BAM!* "Haha, gotta love the classics."


Yeah i love that one as well though the robe wearing guys seem to cower at my army as i never had a real change of beating them up.

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I love fighting Orks or Khornate flunkies. After playing Tau and spending every game dancing around trying to get shots off and being very precise its sooooooo much more fun to just throw sixty plus Space Wolves across the field howling and watch as everything in their way dissapears. My brothers Eldar almost managed to stop the charge but a smattering of Wolf Guard Pack Leaders and HQ's hit his lines and his Eldar vanished in pretty short order, ah how satisfying :D.
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I wonder why it really is just so much fun absolutely manhandling eldar. I think it's because they are the antithesis of SW. Hopping around, using lots of magic and shooting, somewhat questionable in close combat....so alien to SW's...
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I can tell you i was fence sitting on whether to sta with SW's or start a new army for 5th Ed. The new book is nice but it also feels so generic once I got my hands on an authorized copy.


I watched some games from outside of the fish bowl and really most 40k games are decided, won, or swayed in close combat.


Even without major specialist Troops, the GH packs are te epitomy of 40k close combat. Rapid Firing Bolters and the the abilty to counter attack. Come on! Whats not to like.


Granted Im doing some fine tuning for 5th Ed, but there is nothing major really that changes.


Starting now is as good as starting 8 years ago with our book. I really don't think there will be any major changes or flaws come the new book.


Ive come to not really care.

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Besides.... as a friend of mine said when we were figuring out wich armies to bring to the doubles tournament in a month "Remember, play for fun because otherwise whats the point?".


Space wolves are fun.... their whole book is just interesting. Ive heard alot of talk here and there about people saying "uuuu! new codex SM! must swithc my army to that" and Im sorry, I couldnt do it for the same reason I couldnt play chaos anymore- just doesnt have a distinct feel.


Space Wolves have a very distinct feel.... like fine soft fur ending in sharp enamel.

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Now take this with a grain of salt, because I'm no long fang, but there are a few good reasons to play the sons of Russ.


Take space wolves if you want to stand toe to toe with any army on their own turf, turn it around on them and kick them in the teeth. Choose the sons of Russ if you want to take full advantage of all the phases of the game. We don't sit around during the movement phase so we can shoot heavy weapons, we move forward, we engage the short ranged firefight and only put heavy weapons on vehicles who can move forward too. When we get into melee we make short work of the finest CC fighters in the galaxy with our newest recruits and our veterans will only die with enemies piled 6 deep about them. Even if other armies can do any one thing better than us, we can do it almost as well and then beat them in CC. We have the best Scouts in the game, the best assault troops in the game, the best Leman Russ tank a marine commander can take :P . Black templars wish they could be us in CC, Blood angels wish they could be us in the short range fire fight and Dark angels just with they could be us. I know I'm heavily invested and so take what I say with a grain of salt, but There. Is. No. Substitute.


the Space Wolves are the roughest dogs in the empirium. Space Wolves Rock!



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Plus get in now and you can avoid the "Its the new thing rush" that is sure to come. Thiking about it, I expect our new list to be just as powerful as are old one, why, well because GW is in the business of selling models and there has to be a reason to buy all those shinny new models. GW works to market each new release to have something tasty that will get all those power gamers to buy the hot new thing. In addition a little change here and there in troop composition to force the grizzled longtooth to make a purchase or two...


It's like a new drug, oh wait, that would make me an addict, its like food yeah yeah a new flavor of food.

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