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My take on Grimtuff's Dognought


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Greetings brother wolves


I have posted the main part of this as a W.I.P in the W.I.P section, but after 350 hits and only two replies I thought I would bring it back to the fang


A long while back Brother Grimtuff posted his Venerable Dreadnought that got affectionately reffered to as 'Dognought'. One of the most original Dreads I have come across, so much so that I have always wanted to build one.

Now I have the parts and started the conversion http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=163231 , I find myself in need of some advice


Here are the last couple of pics. The advise I need is as follows.


What is the best weapons load out for the ultimate close combat monster? This can be as a Venerable, Ironclad or regular Dread as it's role is not yet carved in stone.(Because of it's size I now figure as did Grimtuff, that maybe it should be Venerable but I am open to suggestions)






The second piece of advise is wether to keep the centre section bare or have it covered - my feeling is covered but maybe angle the cover towards the back looking more like a wolf's torso






As always, C&Cs openly invited


Thanks in advance - DGC

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Id say leave the bottom bare, get the back some armor... plasticard or otherwise. It just looks way to front heavy as is.


Whered you get the head for that thing?


And personally Id trade those assault cannons off and make it an ironclad. The "Wulfen" dreadnaught. A great hero of your Great Company nearly died in battle, shattering his body but conquering against impossible odds even for an astartes.... and was intered as a reward. It wasnt until he finally awoke that it was discovered he had partially transformed into a wulfen.

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i am glad to see i am not the only one trying to make one like this. i really need to get ordering bits though....


but i planed to have mine be more like an ironclad. i was going to give it 2 CCWs (not sure which i would give), 2 HF and 2 HKM.

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I have used the AOBR Dread as to be honest I didn't really like it and I would rather destroy that instead of an old metal one


Re: Weapons. My biggest problem is where to put them. I have considered mounting them in the forward facing armour panels and using the front legs or head as 'counts as' DCCWs

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well i kinda like the "on the back" look (*thinks warmly about the show" Zoids"*) which is what i plan to do with mine. apart from it's apoc data sheet, i was going to put a magnet(s) on it's back and has spots where i can place the missile pod for the HKMs, or spots for an AssC if i wanted to run it as a normal dred. i could also see it working well with RB weapons as they are on top of the model as well. i was goin to basically make mine so i could load up and kind of weapon i wanted. though the front legs or jaws should be the DCCW. i say jaws because i know some people that would argue that if a leg was blown off, he would be able to move, and by just saying jaws, it wouldn't get ride of the whole head.


i must say i like the head you used... what bit is it? i have tried to many times to make a wolf head from platicard and failed, what you have is perfect.

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The head is from the metal Chaos Juggernaut with the collar removed


I also remember Zoids but having a little respect for the interred marine the only place would be his sarcophagus lid area. Height is a problem and including a weapon mount would make it even taller.


I am thinking of going for a dummy run using some mock ups on the front facing armour, also thinking to keep the torso armour as has been suggested but build it up a bit higher to balance things out. This thing is probably going to look more like a Hyena


Catcha - DGC

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Height is a problem and including a weapon mount would make it even taller.


yeah i thought that... the one i am going to make i actually made most of the sarcophagus smaller and thinner. which is why i was thinking back mounts.

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A quick update with regards to weapon options. I have decided to go with either a Ven Dread or regular Dread as I think trying to make an Ironclad out of this would be too difficult - anyway, that's my next project


So this is what I have come up with. These are just try-outs and are only held on with stickytack. I only did one of each just to see how they work and to save too much time if it didn't look right with. The plan is to magnetise them and make the 'Dread' as versatile as possible. So what do you think?








C&Cs always welcome



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  • 2 months later...

Brothers of the fang. I return with news of the beast they call Wolfnought













The main part of this article is stiil in the W.I.P forums but I bring these pictures to you to show you the beast is alive.


I am in need of some inspiration, C&Cs to give the last bits of detail to the model. Some suggestions of adding 'hackles' have been made but at the moment I'm not sure if that would add to the model or just make it more cluttered- still unsure. But any other suggestions for wolfing it up would be appreciated. I will probably add some furs somewhere on it and I'm thinking on some fluff as well. Mostly along the lines of Wolf Gaurd with the mark of the wolfen finally giving over fully to the beast within whilst tearing and shredding his foes with his lightning claws. After taking the enemy to the gates of hell it's self, he finally collapses within a breath of death, little recognisable of the fellow brother he was just a short time previous. The Wolf lord on hearing of the fallen brother summons his wolf priest and sends them both back to the fang at the earliest opportunity. The Wolf Guard is held in stasis whilst a specially converted sarcophagus is prepared in order to take his altered form. After the prayers and rituals to the all father, the Wolfnought is awakened, to again tear the enemies of the emperor apart until Russ shall return


As always, C&CS are more than welcome



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you know what might work? is a fenrisian wolf standing with him on the base...purely aestetical of course, but it might help bring out the wolf from him, especially if you added just a tad bit of cloaking to him :) amazing work though and feel free to throw something at me if i sounded dumb....i wish i could convert half as good as some of you guys.
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Cool idea, I can picture that


A while back there was a thread about various wolf figures - can't find it at the moment but one or two of the non GW ones were metal, they might be a little easier to pose. Can anyone remember the thread or the models in question??



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Fantastic! This concept is entirely new to me. I look forward to seeing it painted up!


I believe this is the thread you asked for:



I cannot see I am entirely convinced by any of them. I hope We will get wolf miniatures along with the codex. Those we have are obviously made for having goblins riding them. They are both childish-looking and too narrow on the middle. I think they look almost entirely like the boars... But I digress.


Great work!

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Love the way it looks DGC, definately oozing with character. I guess the only thing that I wish it had would be a tail (my thoughts would be something like, using the torso of a necron wraith to give it a mechanical tail look). Other than that, I would LOVE to see you get painting on that badboy.


two thumbs up! :pirate: ;)

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Oh, my... ;) . Thats the coolest (and only) Dread... I mean Dognought I,ve ever seen. Add some some wolfy bits to it, but not too many. I agree twith OnlyInDeath that the tail look a little wierd. Apart from that: Wonderful!!


I suggest that the base should be covered with the mutilated remains of an unfortunate Thousand Son and/or Dark Angel.

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Thanks for all the C&Cs. They are most welcome and it always helps having the use of someone elses ideas / vision / preferences


As requested, here is a parts list for the wolfnought. If you were to buy all the parts new then this would be a serious drain on your wallet so I recommend ebay or similar to get the bists you need (anything you dont use you can always resell :thanks: )


Grimtuff used a metal or plastic Dread as the main body but I used the A.O.B.R one as I don't really like it and would rather mess up with one of them instead of a metal one which I love, so that is your choice but you need a Dread of some sort for the body.


Ther rest runs like this


One set of Furioso dccw arms

One IG Sentinel to provide the rear torso and one set of legs and the tail (although I may still change this)

A second set of I.G Sentinel legs

One set of plastic SM Typhoon Missile launchers (from the new addition Landspeeder) for the forward facing weapon pods and the torso side detail. The lenses were cut from Rhino searchlights

Some 2mm x 1mm magnets for keeping the weapons swapable

Pairs of any weapons you want to use. I've used predator heavy bolters and lascannons, SOB heavy flamers and multimeltas

The head from the current range metal chaos juggernaut

A IG tank wheel for the neck and some guitar wire, styrene rod and or vinyl tubing for the neck details

Styrene sheet for the armour panels

The central armour on the torso is a Landraider sponson weapon cover. The supports are made from the remains of two SW banner poles - cut to fit. The lower end supports are made from two Rhino track teeth and the upper ones are the square mountings from the banner poles

At least six single I.G track links to provide the stubs to mount the toes onto the feet and a lenght of track links to provide the rivets for the other sides of the toe mounts. You could make these yourself but using the ones on the track links will make sure they are the same diameter


I'm sure that some of these bits could be substituted by others, it's all down to what's in your bits box, but some bits will help in keeping things easier to reproduce if they should break or you mess up the fit. I was going to gs the toe joints but making them from track stubs made it easier to build and replace if nessersary


Hope this helps. Anything I've missed - just ask


I have managed to carve up a GW wolf and it looks o.k (ish). Will post pics in a day or so


Til next time - DGC

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