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Freehanding the Space Wolves Symbols


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ok, theres a thread in the space wolf forum about how to paint the great wolf symbol so i thought I'd post up how i would freehand it.

apologies for the rushed pics but i did it really quickly, if you guys want Im sure i can take better, more detailed pictures for you :D

also this was my first go at this symbol so it might seem a bit rough, but its really not overly difficult and with practice yours will look better.


the important thing to remember is to thin your paints a bit as that way it will flow off of the brush better, it makes this sort of thing so much easier.

the other thing to note is that i painted this in black because it shows up better. i also painted it on some card so its a bit bigger than it would be on a shoulder pad but the process is exactly the same.



1) start by painting an 'S' shape. this will form the basis of the body and tail.




2) add a small 'V' at the top of the S. this will be the wolfs head and jaws. also add a small dash pointing upwards from where the V and S meet. this will be the wolfs ear.




3) Make the legs by adding some small 'Z' shapes at the bottom of the curve on the S.




4) For the upper legs use a small slightly curved line. you don't have to attatch these to the S as the body will be widened slightly in a few steps.




Ok thats the basic shape made. Now we need to start to build up a more defined image of the wolf.


5) Ok, you need to paint another 'S' shape for the front of the belly. this should start at the point of the 'V' and run down to where the back leg joins the 'S'. This will widen the neck and create the stomach area.

you also need to add two small '(' shaped lines. one from the head half way down the spine, and the second where the first ends, at a slight angle, and finishing at the base of the tail.




6) Using small lines you can make the mane and tail. The idea here is to create several points. do this by by painting several angled dashes a bit like this \\\. there should be some running from where the ear is to the bottom of the first '(' you painted by the wolfs spine. the same should be done on the tail but you need to do this both sides of the line.

it should be something like this \\\\





7) add another 'V' shape at the top of the lower leg, this will be the thigh. once that is done add some more dashes to the lower part of the leg as shown in the picture below.




8) now you need to add the claws at the end of the foot. this is simply three small lines. imagine it a bit like this /_





9) Finish the other leg in much the same way. The techniques used will be identical to those above.




10) for the upper legs you will need to work in a similar way. make the dashes point away from the body and then add the claws on the end of the leg.




11) Complete the last leg in the same method. once you have done this leg add a small line starting half way along the bottom of the two top legs and finishing just beneath the upper most, this will stop the leg from looking to thin and add a bit of definition. do a similar line on the top most leg but this one doesn't need to start so far along the leg and should thicken out the neck very slightly.

+apologies for the smudge on this picture, the paint was slightly wet and i brushed it with my sausage fingers :)+




12) this is a very quick step. you simply need to another 'Z' shaped line starting from the bottom of the ear forming the shape of his eye and then dropping into the snout. this is simply done to give the wolf a more defined head




13) this is the very final step, simply fill in the gaps in the wolf. there may be some untidy edges but don't worry as you can easily tidy up the edges by using whatever colour the background of the shoulder pad should be.




And there we go. It may look long and complicated but its all simple shapes and i would urge you to give it a try even if you think its beyond you. there is no harm in trying. maybe use a scrap bit of card and try it a few times rather than trying it for the first time on your freshly painted mini.


lastly, if you guys like this do you want me to do any more similar tutorials for some of the other logos?




+apologies for all the underscores on some of the mini diagrams for the claws and tail but i had to do that otherwise the placement of the bottom row was messed up+

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ok, heres a run down of how i freehand the 'Thunderwolf' symbol. this was fairly easy for me as its the symbol of my great company and i use it on my models :(


as with before, try and keep your paints thin as it will enable the paint to run smoothly from the brush. if the paints too thick its harder to get a smooth finish.

theres more pictures on this tutorial as i took a picture of every step so it seems longer but is, in my opinion, an easier symbol.


1) I start with the tail. simply paint a 'C' shape for the tail.



add two '(' shaped lines, one much shorter than the other to form the wolfs back. the smaller one represents the hips and the larger one is the spine and the neck.



2) now add the legs. as before its easy to break them down into simple shapes, the back leg is like a '2' and should be positioned to start where the 'C' of the tail and the '(' of the hips meet. the leg should go almost as far back as the furthest point on the tail



then simply add a small dash around halfway down the curve of the leg, this is the second back leg that is partly hidden by the first.



for the front legs, its another '(' shaped line. one should begin at around the meeting point of the two '(' that were the hip and spine. the other leg should start around halfway down the '(' of the spine.



3) for the head, start by adding a '<' at the end of the spine. this is the ear and the eyebrow area.



now for the mouth, add a '[' for the jaws with the top line being longer than the bottom.



Ok thats the basic shape done, now we need to bulk out the details for it to look like more than a collection of scribbles.


4) start with the tail, using another 'C' just bulk out the back half of the tail. it should be thinner at both ends. i thickened the inside slightly to make it look better. (this is just a representation of a wolf not an anatomically correct one before some says anything *coughmaznascough* :D)



5) to bulk out the rear legs start with the foot by using a 'D' shape with the flatside down. using a ')' shape line, bulk out the back of the thigh area and the ankle area. you should be able to do this as one line but it doesn't matter so long as it looks about right.



now add a long, slightly curved line for the front part of the thigh. this should start at the point of the knee and run along until it reaches the first of the front legs. it may look odd, but when its finished it will look better.



for the other rear leg, simply make the foot like you did for this one, and add a small line to create a 'V' shape just above the foot.



6) for the front legs, put the foot on and the paint a 'C' shape finishing it at the top of the second front leg.



a similar process for this leg but don't continue the line all the way to the jaws.



7) We're about to start with the head. forst begin with the ear. add a '^' to bulk out the ear, making the top most edge curve out slightly.



to make the bridge of the nose use a '¬' shape line with the end of the smaller part finishing just below the upper jaw line. the picture below illustrates this better than me



use a 'M' shape between the bottom jaw and the front leg to create a small bit of fur on the chest.



add some small teeth to the lower jaw using small dashes, much like with the fur in the above tutorial.



do the same with the top jaw to create the mouth



8) nearly done. start adding fur on the back of the wolf running along the larger curve. use the tip of your brush to create small trinagles. i begin by the ear and work down but it doesn't matter where you begin. you should get a result similar to this.



do the same with the back end of the tail



lastly do the same with legs, adding fur lines to the bottom parts the leg.



and finally, fill the outline using black to complete the image.



+again apologies for some of the blurry pictures. I have done step by steps for Harald Deathwolf and Gunnar Red Moon and will add those soon+

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as asked, heres how i would paint Gunnar Red Moons symbol.


1) start by painting the moon in the background. i painted it red for two reasons, firstly the name 'Gunnar Red Moon' and secondly because it would show up against the background and the skull.

Painting the moon as a circle isn't as easy as you would think but with a bit of time and care (and the ability to clean up the edges using whatever colour the background is) its not that hard to do. Start with a '+' shape.



then make the circle using the edges of the cross as a guide to keep it even and regular. if some parts look wrong then simply tidy up the edge using whatever colour you have painted the background until you have a pretty good looking circle.



2) moon done, now its time to start the skull. add a line along the lower third of the moon, this will be the bridge of the nose and the eye area eventually.



next add a small '<' to make the nose area at the end on this line.



another '^' mid way along that first line is the eye socket.



2) make the jaws by adding a small line running paralel to the nose for the lower jaw. then add another line, almost horizontal, in the gap between these two lines. this will be the top jaw.



3) Using a 'C' shape make the back of the skull. this will almost connect the lower jaw and the line that formed the bridge of the nose.



now using a small, curved 'L' connect the back of the skull with the lower jaw.



to bulk out the lower jaw add another curved 'L' shape as shown below.



4) now the basic shape is done we have to start defining areas and finalising the shape. start at the back of the skull by painting a '<' shaped line, but slightly curve it to form a peak at the back of the skull.



using a 'W' shape add some small bumps between the bottom of the skull and the lower jaw. the picture below should explain the placement a bit better.



5) finialisng the jaws. you need to add a small ')' at the start of the top jaw, this will help to define the joint between the top and bottom jaws.



paint the teeth in the lower jaw by using a jagged line. theres not too mcuh more of a technique to this merely to get an idea of teeth.



to finish the top jaw you need to add a '|' from the bottom of the nose ending just below the line for the top of the jaw. this will form the front most fang.



and then add the teeth in the same manner as you did for the lower jaw.



6) details. you need to add a triangle for the eye, this should show the colour of the moon through it so try not to make it solid. if you do dont panic, simply paint the appropriate colour within the triangle and your fine.

you also need to add a ')' shape. this will be part of the shape of the skull. it should be positioned roughly along the edge of the moon like i have below.



7) finally paint the inside of the skull with whatever colour you want. if you dont feel confident about doing this with the eye in place then simply swap this step and the previous one around as you have less to worry about the. if you go over the edges don't worry you can tidy it up with some black for the outline and whatever colour the shoulder pad will be. in this case i used som white paint to tidy any mistakes i make, but on a smaller scale some slight imperfections shouldn't be too visible.



as with the others, don't feel afraid to try it out. you may prefer the look of transfers or you may prefer the feeling you get from painting the symbol yourslef.

a good thing to do is use some scrap card, or even a base to practice on. try it a few times until you feel confident to apply it to your model and then away you got. if you make a mistake just repaint the shoulder pad.


all the best, Andy

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  • 3 weeks later...

sorry about the length of time its taken me to update this... heres the first of this batch


Harald Deathwolf;


STEP 1, this is where we make the basic shape of the wolf head;


start with a tick, imagine the Nike logo. this is the begining of the ear and top of the muzzle.




then add a backwards 'L' shape at the tip of the tick. this is the nose area.




another 'L' shape should be added to represent the front of the neck and bottom of the lower jaw.




again another 'L' shape forms the bottom of the logo and the back of the neck




STEP 2, adding detail to the nose and ears;


add a curved '<' at the bottom of the tick to shape and bulk out the ear




then using small < shapes add a few points along the back of the neck to represent fur




add a '¬' shape along the bridge of the nose, starting where the ear is and finishing about half way along the nose.




you then need to add a very small diagonal line at the end of the nose. its not vital important to do this, and the logo will look just fine with a normal pointed nose.




STEP 3, detailing the mouth;

add a small '(' shape to form the back of the mouth and the inside of the lower jaw




add small triangles to form the upper teeth




do the same along the lower jaw and try and put a small point at the bottom of the chin pointing down towards the ground (this is another flourish which isn't strictly needed but its how the logo is shown in the picture i used as the basis. it may look better on larger logos, but on shoulder pads sin't too important)




just like you did for the back of the neck, add some triangles to the front.




now just add a small triangle to represent the eye, this is the last stage of detailing the wolf head. its best to leave the middle of this triangle clear, athough if your more comfortable you can add the triangle after filling in the colour of the head.




Now simply fill the lines with watered down paint as normal.




STEP 4, the starburst;


paint a small circle just outside the mouth. this is the centre of the starburts.




carefully plot out the points of the star. its easiest to make a '+' and then add the diagonal lines.




then start thickening the lines into points. this can be awkward but with care (and the knowledge thatyou can easily clean up mistakes) then it shouldn't be too hard








and heres the final thing, after i cleaned up the lines using white paint.




obviously with more care on the points it will look better, but after the length of time between updates i got lazy :D

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krom dragongazes logo...


STEP 1, basic shapes;


start by making a rough circle. this will gauge the overal size of the logo, a thing which is harder to judge if you start with the wolf head.




then paint a line, angled slightly, about halfway down the circle. this is the basis for the wolfs nose.




add a slightly curved line so that you almost form a quarter of the circle. this will be the neck area.




now add a small line, parallel to the nose. this will be the lower jaw.




add a small 'V' to form the ear and thats the basic shape done.




STEP 2, defining details;


start by adding a bump to form the eyebrow.




next thicken the upper jaw/nose and add some small points for teeth.




also thicken the lower jaw, again if you can add some small points for teeth.




Add a small point just below the bottom jaw, and continue a curve down the the bottom of the neck.




start just behind the ear and add 3 upward facing triangles for the fur on the back of the neck.

then add several smaller triangles this time facing downwards going down towards the bottom of the neck.




Now fill in the wolfs head, which will just leave the ring of fire left.




STEP 3, flaming hoops;


There are 3 main tongues of flame on the ring. they are north, north-east and east. start with these first as they help to get the final positioning right.




lastly block out those three and ad smaller triangles in roughly the right position. that should be that... oh yeah, don't forget to add a small triangle of white (or whatever colour you are painting your shoulder pads) for the eye of the wolf.




apologies for the blurred pictures, hopefully you can still see what i'm trying to explain. if i get time i will retake them.

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last update for tonight i think.


Bran Redmaw


I really should say now, this is quite a hard one to do as you need both sides to be symmetrical. as such the construction lines look quite confusing and complex, and i'm sure theres a better way of doing it but this worked for me so here you go.


start by making a 'T' shape, with the top bar slightly curved.




about halfway down the vertical line add a horizontal bar. this should be about the same width as the top of the T. in between these two lines add another horizontal line about half the length of the previous one.




add a small bump at the top of the T. This should be about the width of the smallest line you've drawn so far.




add an up turned 'V' with the point starting at the middle bar. the ends should sit just below the lower bar.




use small curved lines to bulk out the ears. start at the tip of the top of the 'T'. then finish the line at the middle (smallest) bar.




once the ears have been shaped, add small diagonal lines joining the middle and lower bar. these will be the cheeks of the wolf.




now add small points between the lower bar and the bottom of the 'V'. also add a small triangle at the base of the ears.




add some small triangles to the bump at the top of the head.




with that done its now a case of making the muzzle. this is fairly simple. you basically need to make an arrow, with the bottom slightly curving upwards.




with that finished fill in the wolfs head with black paint, and the muzzle with red.




you then need to paint small triangles for the eyes and small tear drop shapes for the blood drops.







and thats it.

i will say this is the hardest one i have had to do so far, and i will try a few other ways incase i come up with something easier.

also i know the nose is too long, but this gives you an idea of the way i have done it. with practice you should be able to do it fairly simply.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Dude, I was just finishing up a grey hunter from Bran Redmaw's Great Company today. Perfect timing on that man. It looks tough, especially since I've never really tried freehand, but I'll be following the tutorial and hope for the best.(trying it first on plasticard before committing to the should pad) Thanks for the great work.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Wow, cant belive i hadnt run across this yet.


I will actually freehand sven bloodhowl's insignia on my personally sculpted thunderwolves, and supply pictures as proof, if you upload his.



thanks alot!

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  • 10 months later...

My first post here!

Have just started a 40k army after playing LotR for a few years. Haven't played any games yet, but finished painting my space wolf dreadnought using your completely awesome freehand guides.

I can only say to anybody else there that hasn't tried them to give them a go, the instructions are perfect and although my versions of them probably don't do them justice, if I can do it anybody can - give it a go!


Thanks SO much for these guides, really, they are fantastic!


Here's my guy:



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