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Into the Maelstrom

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Hi everyone, new to these forums as well as power armor. Having played nids for a while and chaos daemons I decided to make a nice CSM army as well. I decided on the corsairs because I love their new color scheme, much more so than the old one where the different marines would just paint red X's on their armor. I was trying to paint these guys to improve my overall painting skills to have a chance at a youngbloods golden daemon. I'm only still a youngblood (14) and I was trying to get a chance to enter golden daemon this year, however I will turn 15 right before the competition which in turn allows me not to enter. But I am not going to let that stop me from painting so I continue on.


I am slowly working my way to 1750 points so I will keep this updated with my finished models.


Here is what I have done so far,





















Let me know what you think,



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This looks very good. Very clean.


I really like the chains on the Melta. How'd you make it? I can't say I like Huron's topknot, but that's just my utter dislike for the stupid things. Chaos marines really have a lot of unnecessary headgear (looking at you, Berzerkers :D ).

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Well painted, the topknot on Huron does a lot for the model and did you GS the chains on the meltagun?

Not entirely sure of this, but judgeing by the shape, those are chains off of a Empire Flaggelent's Weapon. Not 100% sure but fairly certain.


Marvelous work by the way, I agress with the thousandth whisper in that the red is a bit flat, but i like the flatness. To me it reflects the idea that it was just some crude paint that they used to defile thier imperial colours. Thus to me it works. just my 2 cents

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The red on the rhino is a bit flat, but I hope to get rid of that once I weather them. The chain was in my bitz box so I'm not quite sure. It's either the empire flaggelent one, or an old dark eldar chain.


I've been working some possessed, so here are the first finished two.


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Those are really excellent, man. You should be proud. I only have one little nit-pick: the marine in the second image, holding the melta. The "teeth" on his helmet look as though they're just flat white. I think they'd look much, much better if you gave them a little more shading like you've given the horns in the rest of the force. Told you it's a little nit-pick. :)


Nice work.

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It's funny, I was thinking about Red Corsairs this morning (the lack thereof), lo and behold The Laughing God delivers! :)


My only critique is the Rhino (as has been pointed out already it looks flat and uninteresting as it is).The battle damage and weathering that you mention will help offset this but, have you considered adding freehand of the Red Corsair logo, or a decal of the same to the side(s) of it?


PS. My favourite is the running possessed, he has that 'come 'ere' feel to him. :)

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Thanks for the comments guys,


The rhinos look a bit flat because of the lack of weathering, and I did not wash them with baal red as I usually do my marines due to the large flat surfaces would force the wash to pool, and that just looks bad.


I will add the red corsair fist eventually although first I need to figure out how to print my own decals. I'm not brave enough to freehand the fist just yet. B) Any good tutorials would be great!


@Brother Nihm, I was thinking the same thing. You would think that being the chapter GW used for the codex would spark some more interest but I guess not. What really won me over is the awesome new color scheme.

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Very beautiful and to follow everyone else your Huron is masterful.


Now, 4 pieces of input/questions:


1: I know you said you disliked the old scheme but I think it would make an interesting spin to buy a space marine tac or dev squad and paint them up in their original chapter colours and cross out their chapter emblems showing that they are new to the warband and without much trust.


2: Are you gonna include any Space Wolves from the Fang of Fenris (that was the ship yes?)?I think it would not only be fluffy to do so but also oh so right. If you do decide to include some SW in your force I think if you could find the old storm claw or *insert name of other unit here* boxed sets from the 13th company I know they include chaos bits just so you wouldn't have to buy a SW and chaos kit.


3: Some Night Lords might be fluffy too. Not only do their tactics mix with the Corsairs but also they worked together to achieve the fall of Vilamus (refer to w40k rulebook pg.146).


4: If you want look up a book from black library called Heroes of the Space Marines. All the stories are exceptional but two would standout above the rest for you. The first is Skull harvest and I can't give away much but it has alot to do with the corsairs and Huron. The second story is Renegade and well..... it's very much about how space marines might fall and follows around 30 marines go through this process; very interesting.

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Battle Brother Mecharius, great ideas!


I've been spending the last few days trying to figure out what I should choose. I'm trying to get my hands on some of the old wulfen models as I think they would be a perfect fit. Maybe a normal space wolves squad who have remained in their old armor, with the X?


Nightlords are also a favorite of mine, but GW charges $25 for the conversion kit alone :)


I plan on finishing the possessed this weekend so stay tuned.


(I also found that book, I look forward to reading those stories, as I was wondering where all the corsair fluff was hidden.) :lol:

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I'm trying to get my hands on some of the old wulfen models as I think they would be a perfect fit. Maybe a normal space wolves squad who have remained in their old armor, with the X?

Wulfen would work well and you could count them as berserkers. You could just say that since turning on their comrades they have given into the inner beast. Now as for the thing about armour; the defectors from the Fang would've been with Huron long enough that they probably would have their armour painted in corsair colours to show their allegiance to him. Another alternative for space wolves is to just grab some SW heads from a friend or something and mount them on normal chaos marines.


Nightlords are also a favorite of mine, but GW charges $25 for the conversion kit alone :tu:

I know GW is ridiculous; it was merely a suggestion that would be cool if you ever wanted some raptors in the force.


...so stay tuned.

Well why wouldn't I? I only post in threads that I want more of (except when crushing fluff nazis and when I can burst peoples' bubbles :D)

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Got some more stuff done, including some weathering on the tanks. Just stippled some mud on the bottom. I also finised another possessed, only two more WIPS to go.



Cool temple of skulls I painted up.










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That is a cool temple,

My only critique is that the yellow star on the temple looks out of place and flat, a suggestion could be if you painted it up to give a lava-esque glow. Then it wouldn't seem so dull.


And it also looks like the Possessed benefited from washes, that red looks so vibrant. Not to mention the metallics. ;)

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son, I dont think you need to worry about a "summer job" anytime soon. Start up "The Kid's Painting Service"!


As far as the models, great stuff, all I would ad is hit them with a dull coat to bring out the highlights and washes etc.

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Update time,


Here is a test Bezerker






Bought this, I can't wait to paint it.



Another Shot of the temple.


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