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IT: The Unborn

Ferrus Manus

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Here's my Gauntlet entry, rather than the Mourning Souls.


Will add parts in as I go. C&C welcome, this is very rough at the moment.


Index Traitoris: The Unborn

Warriors of Change




The tale of the Unborn renegade Chapter is one of woe and grief. It is a tale of things never to exist forcing the birth of other strange and twisted existences that should have never come to pass. Now servants of the Great Changer the Unborn fight for their master and his plots. The greatest irony being that their Master’s plans may never come to completion; for if they did it would be an end to ambition and the end of the Changer himself.


The Chapter was founded during the 20th such event. The details of their gene line have been lost to history, however, it is known that the lauded Brother-Captain Leni of the Iron Knights was chosen to lead them – suggesting that they were sons of Dorn. Even at this early stage of their creation catastrophe struck at the young Chapter, unbeknown to them. As Leni and his veteran cadre traveled to take charge of the new Chapter their Strike Cruiser, The Cradle – a now apt name, they were attacked by an unknown force.


Not much is known about what happened at this point, but it has been suggested that the cadre of Iron Knights was slaughtered to the man. However, what is known is that a Brother-Captain Leni reached his destination with only two others, a Librarian and another Astartes. It has been noted that Leni was changed in someway; the officials and Mechanicus servants were utterly fearful of him and would avoid him at every step. His manner was not endearing to a hero of the Adeptus Astartes. He was reportedly arrogant, selfish and callous. These were men that were no strangers to Astartes and yet they felt that Leni’s presence so close to Terra seemed wrong, utterly wrong.


So the young Chapter went to war, Leni taught them what they needed in the crucible of combat; removing the weakest brothers early on. Their ranks swelled with an unnatural speed. So great in fact that the Mechanicus couldn’t supply them with the amount of equipment needed yet they seemed to be fully equipped upon the field of battle. Something was wrong with this new Chapter and yet the suspicions were nothing more that a distant thought. Even as the Chapter’s psychic ranks multiplied to unheard of numbers for a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes little was done in the way of investigation or challenging this youthful Chapter – much to the Imperium’s cost.


As the Chapter fought on in the Imperium’s name their tactics became more and more erratic and their practices with them. More and more reports came in of the Chapter using witchcraft and unusual psyker practices. These could not be ignored and the Chapter was put under investigation by the Inquisition.


The Lenini Uprisings and Excommunicate Traitoris


A senior Inquisitor, one Lord Augustin, and his entourage were sent to investigate the Chapter. The Chapter was eager to allow Augustin to proceed with his work, wishing to prove that they were loyal sons of the Imperium. His early reports suggested that on the surface the Chapter seemed loyal enough, and that they were to witness the Chapter outside of battle and examine their practices. Shortly after the Inquisitor vanished and was never heard from again, the Chapter claiming that he had fallen in battle, unconvincingly, no body was ever produced. Such a claim would have never gone unchecked, however, as the Inquisition prepared to fully examine the Chapter the Confederation of Light had risen and had began to move on Terra. The Inquisition’s attention was gravely needed elsewhere.


In the great confusion of those times the Chapter went forth again, conquering world after world – this time however, in the name of a greater power: the Great Changer. All those planets conquered rose up against the Imperium and declared their allegiance to the Chapter and the Chaos God Tzeentch. It wasn’t until the death of the High Lord Vandire that the Imperium took notice of these traitorous systems, now known as the Lenini Uprisings, and sent a force to combat them and bring them back into the Imperial fold.


At first the Imperium had great success in the outer systems, fighting only poorly armed rebels and PDF soldiers. Once they moved into the inner systems they came under attack from Astartes and their progress was hampered. These Astartes proclaimed themselves to be the Unborn and that they would destroy the Imperium for not allowing themselves to be truly created. The Imperials moved in again, this time with greater force and numbers, their ranks including several battle groups from Astartes Chapters, such as the Scions of Light and the Arctic Lions. After brutal fighting and the deaths of millions the Unborn were dislodged and the Lenini Uprisings put down. With that, the Unborn retreated into the warp.


Traveling Full Circle


The Warp is shelter to all those who bend their knee to the maelstrom’s Masters. The Unborn were not the first to take advantage of this; after their defeat they retreated into its depths, preventing the Imperials from giving chase. Whilst they hide in the nightmare plane, their master – the Great Changer – called to them, calling them to him. Heeding Tzeentch’s will the Chapter followed the call. They traversed the dark paths deeper and deeper into its hellish depths. Finally, they arrived at Tzeentch’s stronghold – the Maze of Tzeentch.


Declaring that he had been chosen, Leni strode into the Maze’s depths alone. The rest of the Chapter waited for what seemed an age before their master returned. No one knows what happened within the maze, nor has Leni ever gone into details. But, he had been changed beyond all recognition, ascending to Daemonhood. He was flanked by two Lords of Change, the greatest servants of Tzeentch. He exclaimed to all that he had been brought before the Fateweaver, the Oracle, and had been given the following:


“Change will be eternal and never ending: to change is to die.”


The paradoxical prophecy puzzled the Chapter for a long while before it was claimed that the beginning was in reference to the Chapter, whilst the latter segment was referring to the Imperium. Hence the Unborn decided to return to real space and begin the fall of the Imperium.


The Unborn broke into real space and began to travel back to the area of space responsible for the Lenini Uprisings. It seemed they had been gone longer than they could have thought. The systems they arrived in had begun to rot and grow stagnant. Each of them beginning to fall in on themselves and were slowly dying, utterly ignored by the Imperium. The Unborn raged at this, further proof that the Imperium wasn’t able to truly protect its subjects. It was here that Leni declared a holy crusade, in the name of the Great Changer, to bring the Imperium to its knees and bring forth an age of glorification the Warp.




Coming soon




The Chapter worships Tzeentch completely and utterly; to blaspheme against him is to incur their wrath. They treat his word as law and at often looking for portents from their Master and act on those they divine with swiftness; their Sorcerer commanders using the gifts granted to them to help further his will. As children of the Great Changer the Unborn are forever looking to destabilise the Imperium and bring it to its knees, they seek change everywhere – even if it is only but a little their sacrifices would be worth it.


The Chapter hates the Imperium utterly. They believe that the Imperium failed in its duty to protect the Chapter and the people. Now, under the command of Tzeentch the Unborn hate the Imperium for being a stagnant bastion against change, and therefore a ward against what they see as true freedom. Since nobody who is truly free can be born of such a restricted place, the chapter takes the name "The Unborn" because their true birth will come with the death knell of the Imperium. Thus, they put all their efforts into ending the Imperium.


Ironically, they see Leni as their saviour. It was he who saved the Chapter from the Imperium and showed them the true ways of Chaos and the Great Changer. By the standards of the Imperium, the Unborn are very free thinking, only bound by the word of their Master. They are free to interrupt Tzeentch’s will in anyway they please, without repercussions from an outside organisation.


Unlike many renegade Chapters, the Unborn believe in the virtue of brotherhood; believing that their struggle against the Imperium bonds them into a tight-knit fraternity. The Unborn refuse to plot and scheme against their brothers in aid of their own greatness, believing that Tzeentch will deem when they shall rise in his favour.


Geneseed and Recruitment


The gene lineage of the Chapter isn’t known, all Imperial records were destroyed upon their excommunication and the Chapter itself has long forgotten and sees this as a release from the Imperium; they are no longer tied by some misplaced loyalty to a long dead hero. However, it is known that Brother-Captain Leni was a member of the Iron Knights suggesting that the Chapter were originally sons of Rogal Dorn. The amount of Astartes within the Chapter that actually carry the geneseed from the Chapter’s birth is minimal. A higher proportion of the Chapter’s members carry geneseed that has been stolen from slain enemies.


In terms of recruitment, the Unborn are not as lucky as some of the other, more infamous, heretical Chapters in that they don’t have a homeworld in which to operate from and to use in the training and indoctrination of recruits. Not only this, but the Chapter is unable to have a constant intake of recruits, unlike their loyalist counterparts, mostly because most loyal citizens of the Imperium would rather die than join the Chapter – many have even committed suicide before indoctrination can begin. As such, the Unborn tend to target Penal worlds for their recruits; taking those who have already transgressed against the Imperium, even seizing those who’s mental state is questionable to say the least.


Once captured the recruits are taken aboard The Cradle and are put through severe indoctrination and testing. They are taught to believe that the Imperium is corrupt and that the Chapter’s motives are pure; due to their predicaments pre-capture, many of the intake take little persuading in such matters. The genetic tests they are out through are similar to those used by loyalist Chapters, used to determine the suitability of a recruit to be implanted with the unholy geneseed.


Battle Cry


“For the Great Changer!” Or some variation, such as “For Tzeentch!” or “For Change!”

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Cool! At last, someone sticking up for (apparently) the least popular chaos god amongst DIYs.

I like the idea you've got up to now, but I don't get where the name "The Unborn" comes from in the story. It seems a bit... odd, especially since they declare their chaos-alignment pretty spectacularly.


Just one thing, though.

In your sidebar you refer to a captain Lenin, rather than Leni.

In fact, I'm not sure you need the sidebar. Only hinting at him being replaced is probably sufficient. Added mystery, and so on.


I look forward to seeing more about these guys, anyway. :)

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Cool! At last, someone sticking up for (apparently) the least popular chaos god amongst DIYs.

I like the idea you've got up to now, but I don't get where the name "The Unborn" comes from in the story. It seems a bit... odd, especially since they declare their chaos-alignment pretty spectacularly.


Just one thing, though.

In your sidebar you refer to a captain Lenin, rather than Leni.

In fact, I'm not sure you need the sidebar. Only hinting at him being replaced is probably sufficient. Added mystery, and so on.


I look forward to seeing more about these guys, anyway. :D


The idea was that these Astartes hate the Imperium for the fact that they didn't protect them when they were founded. They could never be born into a loyalist Chapter as the true Leni was killed by the Tzeentchi Champion, and brought up as traitors - hence they are unborn, if that makes sense?But that will be covered better in the Beliefs section. Thanks for catching the typo. Guess its a bit obvious where my inspiration came from.


I'm guessing that that is not a coincidental name...

(Leni, particuly Lenini)

Coincidental? That these warriors of Change are led by someone whose name is similar to a historical revolutionary? Maybe, maybe not ;)


so the original leni was replaced by a clone made by tzeentch?

Now that would be telling.




Thanks guys, I'm glad you like them. I'll try and get some more written up tomorrow.

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First and foremost, I like the overall concept. I also truly like a Tzeentch-inspired traitor chapter that just happens to announce itself during the most chaotic period of one of the most chaotic periods in recent Imperial history, and then proceeds to conqueror whole systems before anyone notices. Very Tzeentchy of them.


Having said that, a few things:


1) I agree with Ace...drop the sidebar. I wouldn't even mention the "suggested reasons" for why he turned. I would write it like this; he has a certain personality when he departs...when he arrives, the vessel is heavily damaged and most of the cadre is dead. Leni's personality is patently different than before...cold, mercurial, etc. Leave it at that. Then when they rebel...is it because he turned? Was he supplanted? Who did it? Why? All the good stuff that readers minds will be mulling over.


2) You need to explain what Leni and his "cadre" do with the Chaplains and the Librarians. Both groups pose potential issues to any subverting influence...Librarians sense the taint, Chaplains question motives/purity, etc. A lot of good IA fodder could come from this.


3) Inquisitors always struck me as loners. I think "group of senior inquisitors" is a stretch. I'd say one powerful Inquisitor and maybe his large retinue. Secondly, Inquisitors sent to verify the stability of an Astartes chapter would be triple on-guard. The =][= are masters of intrigue, deception, et al. An especially senior one isn't going to get led through the tulips. I think an Inquisitorial presence is correct for the IA...just needs better fleshed out.


4) What Leni has done at the end is on par with what the Astral Claws/Red Corsairs did at Badab. There would be entire battle fleets pitted against them, multiple astartes chapters, etc. All good things for the IA, they just need the attention that they would be due inside the Imperium.


5) So your boys have "Daddy" issues, eh? lol


Hope it helps. Looking forward to seeing more.

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1) Will do.


2) I can't see a fledgling Chapter having Chaplains and Librarians, except those brought it, for the simple reason that they have no one to teach them and train them into these roles. The Imperium wouldn't allow psychic recruits until they can have proper training and there wouldn't be any Chaplains because the Chapter wouldn't have undergone indoctrination to the point that normal Chapters do. Hence, no extremely pious Astartes.


3) Fair point.


4) True, I guess I need to big up the response. Not too big, however, or it will begin to make some people wonder why the GW didn't mention them.


5) I guess you could say that :lol:

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2) I can't see a fledgling Chapter having Chaplains and Librarians, except those brought it, for the simple reason that they have no one to teach them and train them into these roles. The Imperium wouldn't allow psychic recruits until they can have proper training and there wouldn't be any Chaplains because the Chapter wouldn't have undergone indoctrination to the point that normal Chapters do. Hence, no extremely pious Astartes.


That makes sense, but it'd be wise to mention it early in the IA. The process might not be the same in every chapter, after all.

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Again, I agree with Ace. You can get away with the Chapter never recruiting pskyers...therefore no librarians. The Chaplain piece...the =][= is going to get sorta suspicious-like if an Astartes chapter stops sending their folks to the Ecclesiarchy for spiritual training.
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Again, I agree with Ace. You can get away with the Chapter never recruiting pskyers...therefore no librarians. The Chaplain piece...the =][= is going to get sorta suspicious-like if an Astartes chapter stops sending their folks to the Ecclesiarchy for spiritual training.


I think you misunderstood me. I was talking about when the Chapter was first created, about the time that 'Leni' greets them. There would be no Librarians or Chaplain to detect a hint of Taint. However, being led by a Tzeentchi Champion the Chapter inevitably recruited as many Psykers as they possibly could as well as putting in place 'Chaplains' to help ensure all brethren were followers of their creed.


Also, I don't people picked up on it but if you take this line:

Their ranks swelled with an unnatural speed. So great in fact that the Mechanicus couldn’t supply them with the amount of equipment needed yet they seemed to be fully equipped upon the field of battle.

It may suggest, (may ;) ), that the Chapter was getting arms and armour from other sources - and possibly other Battle Brothers. Potentially a source that is willing to invest a lot of resources into this Chapter to ensure they thrive.

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Also, I don't people picked up on it but if you take this line:
Their ranks swelled with an unnatural speed. So great in fact that the Mechanicus couldn’t supply them with the amount of equipment needed yet they seemed to be fully equipped upon the field of battle.

It may suggest, (may ;) ), that the Chapter was getting arms and armour from other sources - and possibly other Battle Brothers. Potentially a source that is willing to invest a lot of resources into this Chapter to ensure they thrive.


Might look better as:


"Their ranks swelled with an almost unnatural speed, and although the Adeptus Mechanicus were only able to issue them with limited supplies of weapons and armour, the entire Unborn chapter seemed to be fully equipped upon the field of battle."


Just thinking that equipment and equipped in the same sentence is a bit close together. :tu:

And that's everything I've picked up on, error-wise.

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Thanks I'll get round to editing it.


Now, I have a question. I don't want this IT to devolve into a complete description of the Chapter's flaw and stuff. But I can't see it working with the more traditional sections. So, what other sections do you think should be in there?

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The Chapter hates the Imperium utterly. They believe that the Imperium failed in its duty to protect the Chapter at its inception. They see the imitation of Leni as the Imperium allowing them to fall. The Unborn believe that the Imperium never gave the Chapter chance to be born as it should – a loyalist Emperor-fearing Chapter. Instead they allowed them to become a twisted parody, hence their name. They are Unborn, sons of the Imperium’s failure. Thus, they put all their efforts into ending the Imperium.


This part still flat-out states that Leni was replaced. :cuss


I reckon somewhere stating whereabouts the Unborn are now and how they get recruits might help flesh it out.

Also, I'd like to see what colours they wear.


I also think that the reasons for hating the Imperium are a bit convoluted and bewildering. I don't like to bring this up, since this is obviously the key point of the chapter, and where the name comes from, so I've invested some time in concocting an alternative idea.


The Unborn could hate the Imperium for being a stagnant bastion against change, and therefore a ward against true freedom. Since nobody who is truly free can be born of such a restricted place, the chapter takes the name "The Unborn" because their true birth will come with the death knell of the Imperium.


Of course, this suggestion can be freely discarded. It's just an idea. ;)

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The Chapter hates the Imperium utterly. They believe that the Imperium failed in its duty to protect the Chapter at its inception. They see the imitation of Leni as the Imperium allowing them to fall. The Unborn believe that the Imperium never gave the Chapter chance to be born as it should – a loyalist Emperor-fearing Chapter. Instead they allowed them to become a twisted parody, hence their name. They are Unborn, sons of the Imperium’s failure. Thus, they put all their efforts into ending the Imperium.


This part still flat-out states that Leni was replaced. :)


I reckon somewhere stating whereabouts the Unborn are now and how they get recruits might help flesh it out.

Also, I'd like to see what colours they wear.


I also think that the reasons for hating the Imperium are a bit convoluted and bewildering. I don't like to bring this up, since this is obviously the key point of the chapter, and where the name comes from, so I've invested some time in concocting an alternative idea.


The Unborn could hate the Imperium for being a stagnant bastion against change, and therefore a ward against true freedom. Since nobody who is truly free can be born of such a restricted place, the chapter takes the name "The Unborn" because their true birth will come with the death knell of the Imperium.


Of course, this suggestion can be freely discarded. It's just an idea. ;)


Hmm, I like that Ace, I may take that. Thanks :cuss As for colours I haven't a clue but I want to steer away from the traditional blue and gold of Tzeentch. Does anyone have any suggestions (just not red and black)? Otherwise, I'll take a look at their current whereabouts and recruitment. Muchos Gracias.

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What about a white color scheme, a regal blue trim/accent color, and muted/etheral golden tzeentch runes all over the white armor? There was a really slick Khorne scheme that had demonic faces all over the armor...it looked pretty terrifying. I think a similar tzeentch-themed scheme would be even cooler...just my opinion.
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I actually had the unborn down in my head as white and gold, with light grey legs.


My colour schemes tend towards the garish somewhat, but if you want I could have a go at running up a picture.

Space marine painter is fun! :P



Hmm, I like that Ace, I may take that.

Excellent! I had to sit and think about that until my brain creaked. :P

I'm just glad that I've made a viable suggestion.

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Inquisitors always struck me as loners.


They are up to a point. In order to better police the Inquisition and to coordinate their efforts, Inquisitors are encouraged to attend Conclaves, factional meetings, and generally have some means of keeping in touch with each other. Operating alone is good, but there comes a point where it's just too easy to disappear with your Inquisitorial seal and not be discovered for some time.


Secondly, many Inquisitors will choose to associate on a factional or case-by-case basis. If you have multiple Inquisitors who are unknowingly working on the same investigation then they are likely to join forces when they discover this. Tasks set by agreement in Conclaves (hunting down traitors is a set example) will be done by teams of Inquisitors, rather than just one. Inquisitors associating in groups based on their faction is not unknown either.


The Inquisition does operate in the dark, but up to a point (I'd recommend no more than five Inquisitors) they can also cooperate in the dark.


Secondly, Inquisitors sent to verify the stability of an Astartes chapter would be triple on-guard. The =][= are masters of intrigue, deception, et al. An especially senior one isn't going to get led through the tulips.


Yup. If the Chapter wasn't being fully cooperative, I'd be surprised if he didn't bring along some "friends" from the Chamber Militant or another Chapter. Stressing the (alleged) openness of the Chapter to investigation would be a good idea.

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I didn't spot anything to complain about on this read-through, but I'll come back later once my analytical brain is put back in and try again. :(


So far, looks good.

Any idea how the Unborn view other Chaos factions? (I realise this might be quite a complicated question, all things considered :P )

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Ok, thanks Ace.


Any idea how the Unborn view other Chaos factions? (I realise this might be quite a complicated question, all things considered :) )

I guess the simple answer might be a 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' sorta deal.



On another note, I was messing about with the painter and came up with a schem (full of black and reds by the way ;) ):




What do you think?

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In my mind, The Cradle is a huge red, almost Tyranid-like creature that is an almagamtion of flesh and machine.


Just wanted to say that.


I do not think that you said what the Cradle which is strange 'cause it's a defining feature of the Chapter. Or maybe I just skipped over it...


Fancy Headers would be nice too.


Good Work!

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