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LPC: Tutteman


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I've just enter myself for the challenge. I'm taking it slow though on account of wanting to do a really good quality (for me) paint job and also as I have limited models to paint.


The model I'm starting with is a simple one. I wanted a marine who WASN'T some major commander of note because I'm afriad I'm a sucker for buying loads of characters, I have far too many HQs. I settled on a sergeant, senior enough to have some "bling" but not so that I'll add to my hall of HQs. As this goes on I hope to perhaps add more models but lets not run before walking.


I haven't started the painting but I shall soon. Any C&C or just plain ideas are welcomed. Thanks in advance.





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Nice pose - really dynamic!


One little critique though - you have a few mould lines showing. Might want to get rid of them before you paint.


Yeah mold lines have been shaved, I think I've got them all...but there's always one. ;)


I'm not sure if there's really a way to fix it apart from some creative application of greenstuff, but his backpack banner isn't really following his movement. Apart from that, looks good!


Also true, I'm gonna just let that slide on two counts, firstly I really don't have the skills to do it and secondly my plan involves some banner work which will be a lot easier on a flatter banner. He basically remains unchanged apart from a base change (he fell off yesterday so I changed the sprue parts to a scarab so give him more support) and I've added an Aquilla to the banner pole.

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Knowing Double Post :) Ah well.


I've started the painting on this guy. But his banner fell off, I'm debating whether to re attach it or not.

The first pic is obviously earlier on in the painting. There are some splashs of paint out of place but they shall meet their end some ;) . As always C&C is welcome.





(Spot the missing object ;) V )



I'm thinking of hazard stripe for the chainsword, but they wouldn't be the traditional yellow black (I have no yellows ;) )

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Techinically my second WIP update given the first post was the Work starting.


I've decided to re attach the banner and go with my original plan for it, other then the topper will now be a broken necron head. A nice clean trophy.



Very little progress on the man himself. One good thing about posting pics is I can see splashes etc much better. :)






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Well thats that done. I will get more better pics probably, if only for my own sense of completion. In addition I've added a WIP of a "True Scale" Chapter Master I've had around even longer then my LPC guy. Hoping I'll be able to post some pics of him to, but I must now declare my Vow finished :D Enjoy.

EDIT: Okay, maybe not finished but... :D



A scale comparison between new project and old, also show you the finished product.





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Thank you, I'm proud of how that turned out. I didn't really bother to work it out as I went, I just decided to put Hexadecimal in binary on it. However since you ask... :lol:


1st Row: 5

2nd Row: 4

3rd Row: 11 (OR B in hexadecimal)

I knew we learnt Binary and Hexi in computing for some reason ;)

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Okay double post again but I have based the guy and got some good pics...I hope ;)








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Indeed it does, I'm wondering, can I still add to my vow cos otherwise I'm finished before the end of entering...So I shall probably add in two more models. The True Scale Chapter Master and a Chapter/Company Banner holder (with binary/hexadecimal or course :) ) And thanks for tracking me Fire Lord Captain
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