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IA: Shadow Falcons


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Hey guys, unfortunately real world issues have prevented me from dedicating time to my IA, but i should be able to know.

I was going to just edit my original IA, but thought that would just be straight up threadomancy, so here we go again.


"Protectors of Pacificus"


aised as part of the Fifth Founding from the geneseed of Corax, taken from the stocks of the Raptors Chapter. The Shadow Falcons were created to be a fleet based Chapter tasked with strengthening the defences of Segmentum Pacificus from the ever increasing threats from Ork and Chaos Warbands, as well as to act as escorts to the numerous Explorator Fleets deployed in the area by the Adeptus Mechanicus.

The first Chapter Master was a former Raptors Captain called Lucius D'ken, who headed the initial training cadre sent from both the Raptors and Raven Guard. D'ken proved to be a true son of Corax, as he was a master strategist and tactician, who excelled in the use of surgical strikes to achieve victory. A legacy carried on by the Chapter to this date.


s bearers of the Raven Guard geneseed, they too suffer all the problems associated with it. However, due to reasons inknown, the mutation of the Melanchromic Organ has become more advanced, leading to a recruits skin turning as white as snow and both his hair and eyes becoming jet black within hours of its implantation. This is not seen as a curse by the Chapter, but instead as a blessing for it lends them the appearance of their beloved Primarch, Corax.

This advancement of the organs mutation has caused the Shadow Falcons problems over their millenia long history, due to several Inquisitors questioning their purity (and in turn, their loyalty). It has also caused issues when serving alongside Guard Regiments also, with the Guardsmen being almost as afraid of their "ghostly" allies as they were of the enemy. So, in act to prevent this unnecessary and unwanted attention, it was decreed early in their history that no member of the Chapter would remove his helmet in the presence of an outsider.


he Shadow Falcons are very similar in appearance to the Raven Guard, with their black armour and its white left arm and helmet. This is no coincedence though, it is a tribute to the Legion and Primarch they bear the gene-legacy of. Their Chapter badge is also a tribute, this time to the Raptors Chapter as it is their emblem also, for providing their first Chapter Master and half of the initial training cadre. With both these factors combined, it displays the origins of the Shadow Falcons clearly.

It has also been noted that the Chapter does not make use of Company colours, but instead distinguished between by the use of roman numeral upon their squad designation marking.



ike the majority of Astartes Chapters, the Shadow Falcons do not view the Emperor as a God, but instead as the greatest man to have ever lived and is revered as the founder and master of the Imperium. The Primarchs are revered also, for they are seen by the Chapter as the pinnacle of mankind, the standard to which every Space Marine should look to attain to. The belief behind the great Crusade still runs true through the Shadow Falcons, that it is the destiny of mankind to rule the Galaxy and that it shall not be shared with any of the vile Xenos species.

Not for the Shadow Falcons is hours spent in prayer or performing holy rituals, instead this time is better spent improving their martial abilities and furthering their knowledge. For, in their eyes, to truly honour the Emperor is to know his foes and how to destroy them. As such, due to this belief, the Codex Astartes is seen not as a holy tome to be adhered to but instead as a guideline to war that is open to both interpretation and expansion. This has led to some differences of opinion with some of their brethren, most notably those of Guilliman's geneseed.

Whilst the Shadow Falcons will happily take to the battlefield alongside other Imperial Forces, they often operate seperately from them, performing their own missions alongside that of their allies. This has led to some tension with those in command of the warzone, however, none have ever doubted their resolve or ability to succeed.


s they have been since their creation, the Shadow Falcons are fleet-based and operate from the Umbra Additum, a massive battle barge of unknown origin. It is speculated to be a now lost pre-heresy design, but is known to have the ability to house the entire Chapter and its support staff if required. Little is recorded about the rest of the Chapters fleet, not its true size or strength but it is known that they possess at least 4 Strike Cruisers- Ebony Eagle, Twilight Kestrel, Onyx Owl & Sable Hawk.

Furthermore, since they have no homeworld to recruit from, recruits are instead drawn from the feudal worlds of Segmentum Pacificus. With the worlds of Borgia and Saburau proving to be favoured. These recruits are taken aboard the Umbra Additum to begin a long and ardous training regime in the Chapter's training barracks. Here, they will be drilled and schooled in every form of war known to the Shadow Falcons. However, for many this will be the end of their quest to become one of the Emperor's Angels of Death, but this may not be their final chance to serve the Chapter. For many of the failed recruits, will become Serfs and go on to serve the Chapter in another aspect such as a ship crew, armoury assistants, household staff etc. Only those who experience extensive injuries or commit a heinous act against their brethren go on to become Servitors, for the Shadow Falcons believe a thinking man is more capable at a task than a mindless drone.


ver the millenia since their creation, the Shadow Falcons have become the definitive surgical strike force. Making great use of rapid eployment to eliminate key targets and objectives before the enemy can react.

Primarily the Chapter will look to deploy its initial Infantry force and Dreadnoughts via Drop Pod under close fire support from Land Speeders and Thunderhawk Gunships, whilst simultaneously Thunderhawk Transports deploy Armoured Support if required. However, understandably this strategy is not always a viable option, and as such the Shadow Falcons will adapt and improvise accordingly. This is due to each Commander being able to call upon decades of studying the teachings of both Corax and the Codex Astartes.


he Shadow Falcons are organised in accordance to the Codex Astartes, however, they have evolved their structure of each Battle Company to better suit their own needs. Each of these four Line Companies now permanently maintains its own Veteran Squad and two Squads of Scouts which enables them to become a self-contained battle force and to operate without additional support for extended periods of time.

Interestingly, the venerable first Company, often referred to as the Shadow Company, have been noted to favour the role of Sternguard over that of Vanguard. This is almost certainly a direct result of the Chapters extensive marksman training, yet despite this, when they are equipped with Terminator Armour they almost always deploy as assault squads.


ollowing in the footsteps of their the Raven Guard, the Chapter does not have a battlecry but instead uses a motto. This is spoken in two parts, the first by the commanding officer, the second by the gathered Battle-brothers. This motto is; "kill quick, kill clean".

As always, any thought or advice is greatly appreciated.


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There is nothing wrong with this chapter; although I would suggest dropping the shared training cadre as I don't see much point in it and it could lead to confusion (however, the training cadre idea is only a Liber theory so you can just ignore me).


However, at the moment there is very little to this chapter that makes them interesting. I think you need to define what their central themes are and be able to expand this through every step of the chapter. For example, if you take their ghostly appearence as a central core them - how could this be linked to their beliefs?


Also, Corax's teachings of war are in the Codex, Guilliman used them :D

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Thanks for the replies, i was a little worried about no one replying to be honest.


hummus: I never actually noticed the similarity, however what that picture does not show is that the entire left arm is white, so it differs enough for me.


Ferrata: I'm glad i at least at have the basics right. I see your point about the training cadre, yet i'm actually quite attached for some reason. This may seem a bit silly, but i kind of like the idea of them not having a 'look-at-me' theme, as i kind of wanted to have them as my interpretation of Space Marines- no frills, special ops warriors that just get in, complete the mission and go home!! In regards to the Codex/Corax thing, i think i was trying to pay homage to the Primarch a little to much.

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Ferrata: This may seem a bit silly, but i kind of like the idea of them not having a 'look-at-me' theme, as i kind of wanted to have them as my interpretation of Space Marines- no frills, special ops warriors that just get in, complete the mission and go home

You have misunderstood what a theme is. The highlighted section in the quote is a theme you can use on your chapter. A theme doesn't need to be Vikings, or Dragons, or Nurgle Marines, it just needs to be the core personality of the chapter. A chapter that is all about the work would have a very interesting story, how did this pragmatic view come about. Do they still do the hours of prays and rituals? Do they just see everything as black and white? How do they interact with what they would deem fairy chapters? How does this affect how they treat their homeworld/recruitments?

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Ferrata, thank you! I had never thought of my Chapter as having a theme at all, and you have opened my eyes to what a theme really is. Personally, i was leaning towards little in the way of worship and rituals, instead going for the whole "killing for the Emperor is worship enough" route.

I was going to have them as quite happy to ally with most Chapters, but now you've raised that idea i am unsure. As for recruitment, i don't see it affecting it much as they are fleet based, maybe if they had a homeworld it would of.


Any ideas on how to expand this theme would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, trub.

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As for recruitment, i don't see it affecting it much as they are fleet based, maybe if they had a homeworld it would of.

I would presume they would be like modern military training - what do they look for in taking people into the higher elites? Physical ability? Skill with a weapon? Native Intelligence? Leadership? Your chapter could have a recruitment method much more similar to Boot Camp than other chapters, akin to the Ultramarines. Recruits are taken in young (a la cadets) and are trained in the ways of war. There are no trick tests, or hidden messages or anything like that. No leaving them outside and see if they find the place - just plain and simple training.

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Not true - barracks can be aboard a Battle Barge; they are massive. The Wing of Death have a giant holding pen upon their Battle Barge, so I am sure your chapter can make enough room for a barracks. They pick recruits up from worlds they pass, selecting them for their skill etc. They train on the ship, and failed aspirants could become Storm Troopers as the chapter does not want to turn them into servitors for example.
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Consider that idea stolen, as i have already decided to make their battle barge massive anyway.

But i reckon instead of just Stormtroopers, i may have Serfs of all types, depending on where said recruits talent lay.

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Its good, I just want more.


Expand the Origins section. An early battle, how they initially fare as a chapter. Tell us more about Lucius and his influence. They sometimes escort AdMech fleets, do they get better gear as a sort of payment?


Expand on possible issues with the Inquisition. You mention them having doubts a couple of times. Maybe give us an example, and explain how they proved their loyalty, and how they're not traitors.


Expand on their beliefs section. We know they believe in the Great Crusade, and man's inherited destiny to rule the stars. How does this color their chapter? Do they constantly crusade to conquer new worlds? How do they feel about Techmarines, Librarians, etc. What are their fews on psychics?


You have a contradiction in your organization. They prefer the role of Sternguard, but Terminators form Assault companies. Why? Do they believe that the Terminator armor is simply better suited assault? Or is there another, more personal reason?


I just want more of everything. I'm greedy! I like the chapter, but right now, they just seem to be Raven Guard successors. I want them to stand out; to POP! I wanna know more about what makes them unique and special. I like the chapter, and I like the possibilities, but I want MORE! :P

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Expand the Origins section. An early battle, how they initially fare as a chapter. Tell us more about Lucius and his influence. They sometimes escort AdMech fleets, do they get better gear as a sort of payment?


I am currently working on an early battle to include, which should show more of D'ken's influence. I wasn't going to have my Chapter as super well equipped but i was going to use the angle that they their equipment is always in a good state of repair and they are always well supplied as reward.


Expand on possible issues with the Inquisition. You mention them having doubts a couple of times. Maybe give us an example, and explain how they proved their loyalty, and how they're not traitors.


This one i will have to sit and think on for a little while, whats a suitable way to prove your loyalty and purity??


Expand on their beliefs section. We know they believe in the Great Crusade, and man's inherited destiny to rule the stars. How does this color their chapter? Do they constantly crusade to conquer new worlds? How do they feel about Techmarines, Librarians, etc. What are their fews on psychics?


I think i was going to have them trying to reclaim worlds lost to Chaos or the Orks (they're in Paificus, so its possible.)

As for their views on specialists, i hjad thought they would be held in high regard as they are very skilled and needed. Psychics/Librarians held in even higher regard, for both the Emperor and the Primarchs showed psychic abilites- the next step in human evolution perhaps??


You have a contradiction in your organization. They prefer the role of Sternguard, but Terminators form Assault companies. Why? Do they believe that the Terminator armor is simply better suited assault? Or is there another, more personal reason?


This is from my own personal belief, that if you believe the fluff anyways, that if each suit of TDA makes the wearer a walking tank, i want them in close and really taking it to the enemy and dishing out as much damage as possible. (Plus i think they look cooler as assault squads!)


they just seem to be Raven Guard successors. I want them to stand out; to POP! I wanna know more about what makes them unique and special.


Well, i like the fact they are RG successors and don't want to deviate to greatly, but i too want to make them "pop", hence why i am looking for help to do so.


Thanks for the reply, trub.

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This one i will have to sit and think on for a little while, whats a suitable way to prove your loyalty and purity??


Have an Inquisitor visit and spend time with the chapter. If they're pure and good, he'll see that and go back to his guys and let em know you're cool. That would really only need to be a one time thing though. I dunno how you are gonna have multiple investigations.


I think i was going to have them trying to reclaim worlds lost to Chaos or the Orks (they're in Paificus, so its possible.)

As for their views on specialists, i hjad thought they would be held in high regard as they are very skilled and needed. Psychics/Librarians held in even higher regard, for both the Emperor and the Primarchs showed psychic abilites- the next step in human evolution perhaps??


Ok, so they have a high regard for psychics. Do they have a large Librarium then? Are there any notable psychics, or is there a historical figure that lead to them seeing Psychics as they do? As the Librarium Staff are fond of saying, "Why why why?" Always ask yourself why they/you feel the way you do on subjects, and then expound on that why.


This is from my own personal belief, that if you believe the fluff anyways, that if each suit of TDA makes the wearer a walking tank, i want them in close and really taking it to the enemy and dishing out as much damage as possible. (Plus i think they look cooler as assault squads!)


Ok, so expand on this. Tell us why the Shadow Ravens feel that way. What you believe and what the Shadow Ravens believe are essentially the same thing. So include in your article why they/you feel how you do.


Just always ask yourself Why?

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Think i'll work in the Inquisition's investigation from the angle that it was put off numerous times due to the Ad Mech vouching for them, but eventually it went ahead. Inquisitor Lord and retinue spent a considerable time aboard the Umbra Additum,. only to find nothing wrong and forced to clear their name.


I was going to have the Chapter possess a rather large Librarium, as this would allow easier navigation throughout the Segmentum (being so far from Terra) and i was also going to run with the idea that they are very adept at premonition. And as such, it them who guide the Chapters path throught the Segmentum and from battle to battle.


Reckon with the TDA issue, i'm going to go with the route of them being great wonders of lost tech and because of this the Chapter feels they are best deployed in close to make best use of their abilites and as to protect them from being massive targets to the enemies guns. Primarily, the will be used for boarding actions and for teleport assaults.

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