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IA: Death Dealers

Legio Artificium

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Greetings members of the bolter and chainsword. I am a new comer to the wh universe, drawn by the announcement of retribution expansion for DoW2 i know this site has nothing to do with the rts just wanted to be clear on my background) and I started to read the about the lore

and background and man was I amazed. I stumbled upon this site and the 1000 chapter project and I just couldn't resist...though I have only been reading about wh lore for 2 weeks, I just couldn't resist participating so here I am. Please, given the background I have just given be easy on me if I make a mistake while creating my chapter that can be obvious for more in depth users, I just felt I needed to post quickly since the count is nearing 1000. But by all means, do comment, criticize and give me direction

Name: Death Dealers/Black Legionnaires...need help with this one, I am using Death Dealers for the purpose of this illustration because the word legionnaires is just too long but I would like opinions on the name.

Name: Death Dealers

Origin: Tale of the faithful heretic

Alpharius Omegon (will use name to refer to leadership of the Alpha legion be it one man or two), a primarch fallen to chaos taking his entire legion with him...but the tale isn't really that simple or straightforward, for Alpharius, the master of secrets and lies had a very different agenda. Before the heresy, the primarch of the alpha legion had been contacted by an alien cabal that showed him the possible fates of humanity and the galaxy

pending the outcome of the heresy and for that he decided to side with Horus...not for power immortality nor for the sway of chaos on his mind but for the greater good of the galaxy. However, Alpharius being the man he is, wouldn't simply spread corruption amongst his legion

and sacrifice them to chaos without a back-up plan and hence was the birth of the Death Dealers. (Xeno Cabal isn't my imagination, I read it on Lexicanum).

Originally known as Omegon's Legionaires, they were a cadre of Omegon's elite and most trusted battle brothers and non-space marine specialists (Lexicanum states Omegon was in the habit of recruiting non SM specialists for various tasks as needed per conflict/operation).

Their purpose was a control group, non-chaos tainted, and hence in their right minds to monitor the events of the heresy and take action as necessary to ensure the success of his plan...rumor even has it that Omegon tasked them with taking him out and replacing him (records of how he planned to have them do that are sketchy at best though given Alpha legion's records of dual primarchs, look alike marines and excellent enemy infiltration

skills, anything is possible) should the taint of chaos from being at the heart of the heresy get to him and blind him to his original purpose.

Exact records of what happened after that are completely unkown to the Death Dealers although questions like who did the ultramarines kill, who facilitated the arrival of their strike force to Alpha Legion HQ swiftly, why wasn't the legion soundly broken at the supposed death of their primarch, is their a twin primarch still out there, is he a servant of chaos or a member of the xeno cabal, does he know we still exist and worst of all is he one of us are still a matter of discussion within the chapter to date.

As far as the imperium is concerned, the Death Dealers are just a loyalist chapter of a traitor legion that has broken away from their chaotic brethren at the on-set of the horus heresy.

Home World: Fleet Based.

When they were first established Omegon needed them as mobile, flexible and decentralized yet well co-ordinated as possible to monitor the unfolding events of the heresy on various fronts within the Imperium and act accordingly. This philosophy has been carried with them ever since to the extent that they consider having a home-world an undesirable act of stagnation to be frowned upon. More importantly, the concept of the Perpes Iter Negotium

(never ending quest) to search for dangers threatening mankind (and the galaxy though never openly stated) carries with them from their founding.

Recruitment worlds:Solers Qua Instituo (Skill where found)

The Death Dealers recruit skill where-ever they find it, be it for their ranks or for their specialists, even if that skill was found on a recruiting world of another chapter, an approach that could get them into never-ending conflicts with other chapters if not for their stealthy infiltration methods carried on from the Alpha legion that could mingle with enemy civilian populations unnoticed.

As with their ancestors, Death Dealers don't recruit based on individual quality only but based on how the that individual works in a group...their Death Trials (Nex Expertus / Tentatio) incorporating many challeneges focusing on teamwork and co-ordination between multiple teams. Even when evaluatng an individual mere strength was not enough but intelligence and personal initiative are important.

The Legion also made a habit of recruiting non-Astartes specialists in every theatre and campaign they entered, commonly members of the Imperial armed forces, though almost any human could be approached by the Legion for his knowledge or skills. These operatives often

remained in their original position, ready to respond to Alpha Legion commands. Compromised operatives were not discarded if it could be avoided, and Alpha Legionaries would go to great lengths to retain them or hide their existence, lengths that included the fatal silencing of other Imperials.

Beliefs, Culture and Heritage:


This was an extension of the Legion's philosophy that they were a body of one that could strike in many places at once. This complete solidarity with each other expressed itself in other ways. Decisions within the Legion were made in a fairly open and reasonably democratic way, with all ranks - including the Alpha Legions' non-Astartes operatives - allowed to interject and comment freely during planning sessions. This freedom was allowed not just on military matters - the Alpha Legion internally discussed matters of philosophy and galactic policy that would have been forbidden or frowned upon in other Imperial institutions.

Later recruits for the Legion were selected by the Primarch primarily based on high intelligence and personal initiative.

2.Scientia Subjectio: Forger of Science

The chapter has strong beliefs in technology and therefore they replace tech-marines with more sophisticated Scientia Subjectio who not only work to preserve and maintain the chapter's equipment but to develop them. Obscure memories within the Vinculum Eternus suggest these Scientia Subjectios trace back to a handful of Purtubero's warsmith's recruited by the chapter to make use of their mastery of technology that rivaled even that of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The memories are unclear as to whether they were a handful of loyalists rescued by Omegon's Legionaires after the start of the heresy or whether they were recruited before the heresy and if so whether they were stealthily recruited behind their Primarch's back or with his knowledge as a token of kinship between 2 primarchs sharing a resentment by the others. Regardless of how, these warsmiths were eventually integrated into the Legionaires after the heresy, training their tech marines in their artsand giving birth to the Scientia Subjectio.

3.Eternus Vinculum Infragilis: The eternal bond unbreakable

It is unkown how this defining characteristic of Death Dealers started, though some records point towards an incidence were the chapter's Scientia Subjectio's were tasked with creating brain implants that would render the reciever more able to share data with his brethren to further emphasize the one body capabale of striking in many places philiosophy (mentioned above) which resulted in Omophagea and Sus-an Membrane failure in receivers. Despite that the valued the result more than the loss given their philosophy and beliefs. Through generations, the implants were developed to enable Death Dealer squads to link with one another and relay various sensory information to other squads although on a very limited scale lest their minds overload and lose the ability to distinguish between what is recieved and what is percieved. Only a libraian has the knowledge, training and equipment to network various

squads to his brain effectively. This is the Vinculum Infragilis.

As the bond unbreakable was being used more in battles to give units more tactical merits, librarians sought a means to retain the invaluable knowledge and experience of every battle as a whole and as perceived by every battle brother and not just that but their feelings as well...their zeal, fury and pride after victory, hence the Vinculum Eternus was born.

The implants were further modified and enhanced to store all the experiences of the mind not just project them. Upon the death of a battle brother, recovery of his implant is as important as recovering his gene seed. These implants are then networked within the chapter librarium to expand the bond eternal collective with all the memories, knowledge and experiences of the fallen bother.

Further experimentation to enable the implants to make the receiver less prone to psychic influences and suggestions are also being studied and researched.

4.Fides Non Veneficus : Trust Not the Psyker

The Death Dealers despise pshycic powers believing it to be the primary force shaping the warp and luring creatures of the materium to its influence which according to Alparius's dealings with the cabal will bring forth the end of all things. For that reason, psykers are hated, distrusted and never recruited into the chapter ranks not even as specialists.

The chapters librarians while retaining the same name are radically different. They are non psychic individuals with high affinity for technology, equipped the most advanced and sophisticated weapon prototypes the chapter's Scientia Subjectio has to offer, usually high yield energy weapons capable of deploying shockwaves for offense or force field barriers to shield battle brothers and provide them with cover.

It is also their task to navigate the Vinculum Infragilis on the battle field consolidating information fro various squads in various locations simultaneously to create the big picture necessary for tactical decisons.

Elite and more strong minded ones whose minds have had more experience interfacing with the technology directly can even navigate the Vinculum Eternus for valuable experience and insights into foe and friend alike, though the danger of losing ones mind in this vast ocean of memories, returning as someone else or not returning at all is ever present.

Accessing the Vinculum Eternus however has led to librarians taking on the roles of chaplains as well, spiritually leading their brethren by carefully projecting feelings of zeal and fury from the bond eternal librarium to their minds, again the process is very delicate lest it overwhelms the mind of the reciever. A common phrase recited by a librarian before such a ceremony and by battle brothers after it is: My name is legion for we are many.

Tech-Librarians as they are sometimes called by other chapters use a shiny silver rather than black color scheme and weild a ceremonial hammer like other librarians albeit containing some of their high tech gear and energy shockwave weaponary but not a power weapon.

Modus Operandi: Combat Doctrine and Organization

Flexibility and adaptability are the key and as they say Stabilitas Est Infirmitas (Stability is weakness).

Check the 2 lexicanum quotes above.

Whilst known to have possessed Terminator and 'stealth' squads (who appear to have worn blackened or dulled armour), the majority of the Legion appears to have armed and equipped themselves in a similar fashion unless tactically imprudent

Death Dealers are ranged fighters preferring to take out their enemy from afar with superior fire power, they are also favor precision in their weapons and tactics.

The Death Dealers follow a highly flexible and non-codex approach to their deployment.

Companies are referred to as squadronsand while numerically similar to codex standard, they differ in composition. A squadron comprises veterans besides standard battle brothers and initiates (scouts) to maintain a homogenous flow experience between ranks. Most members are equipped with tactical marine gear with some devastator support. Assault marines are forgone for tactical marines with jet packs focusing on flanking with ranged fire and explosives and

kiting when the enemy gets close. Even many terminators and dreadnaughts focused on the ranged configurations. The chapter is even known to have developed a dreadnaught configuration with lighter armor and firepower and powerful rocket packs for mobility.

Assault units with heavier armor that are meant to keep the enemy at bay eschew melee weapons for short ranged ones with the only true melee weapon being a dreadnaught fist, though a variant that doesn't rely on a power weapon with powerful hydrolics to crush but on discharging the power of the main gun embedded in the fist through its metal shocking the target to death or shattering it with a powerfil sonic shockwave.

The Death Dealers employ thirteen squadrons. Ten of them are standard as described above with the eleventh comprising specialists deemed too worthy not to accompany the chapter permanently. Members of the eleventh are not full space marines but receive some enhancements based on the role thy expect to be serving, for example an assassin may receive enhanced senses, Catalepsean Node and multi-long to be able to operate in harsh conditions.

Specialists are kept in their own squadron never to deploy on its own and assigned to other squadrons as needed. As the saying goes, the eleventh never deploys but it always deploys.

(I am considering to make the chapter's tech-librarians actually members of the 11th, apothecaries may be, miscellaneous support duties).

The two remaining squadron are not numbered but referred to as Alpha and Omega squadrons. They are also not squadrons in the typical sense but more of selections from other squadrons.

Members of Alpha are taken from other squads based on combat abilities, the best battle brothers, best initiates, best librarian, best veterans and best specialists. The meaning of the word best here is highly dependent on the situation.

Omega on the other hand recruits from all other squads based on stealth and infiltration, the ability work behind enemy lines unsupported for a long period of time.

Alpha squadron actually draws its name from Alpharius, having the best units deploy according to the situation while Omega draws its name from Omegon leader of the Effrit stealth squad.

Within, the ranks of the Death Dealers, it is the highest honour to be deployed with both squadrons and then a member can say the honored phrase: I am Alpha and Omega signifying him to have incorporated both aspects of Alpharius Omegon and taken a step further towards the primarch.

The meanings of such phrases however are never discussed infront of none chapter personnel since the inquisition wouldn't be so happy at the mention of Alpharius Omegon by a chapter.

It is important to note that Death Dealers don't shy away from standard engagements, they just deploy in the most effective way per situation. They also usually don't put on any insignia on their shoulders to make sure secrecy is maintained during their operations and inability to trace any action back to them,

unless they are openly put in a joint operation with another imperial arm, their insignia being an Omega sign due to their origins as Omegon's Legionaires.


-Ultramarines: while not openly hostile there sure is a very negative attitude between the 2 chapters. Death Dealers can't forget how the ultramarines were in the habit of mocking their tactics and accomplishments and boasting over them for things they had 200 years more to accomplish not to mention their supposed killing of their primarch. Th ultramarines view them with doubt in the light of their original legion's actions and because they don't abide

by the codex...worst still, their insignia, the omega, looks like an inverted ultramarine insignia which the ultra-marines consider a direct insult. It has been rumored that Death Dealers sometimes use their agents to spread faulty intel to the ultramarines to cause them to attack them to start a conflict without being on the receiving end of an inquisition for attacking another chapter.

-Imperial fists: tensions similar to ultra marines, lexicanum stated them without details, so i don't have much to say here, although i can talk about the iron warrior descendant science forgers as a cause since iron hands and imperial fists were enemies.

-Dark Eldar, chaos. tyranids, necrons and orks and any other threat...Death Dealers value the original objectives of Omegon and to date they are the basis for their agenda hence combating any major threat... they try to avoid conflicts with tau and eldar whenever possible because they view them as possible allies against large scale galaxy level threats. They may even help them against certain threats but if need be they can engage them to secure

an objective.

Possible good relations:

-Adeptus Mechanicus due to their high affinity for technology though the adeptus seeing them develop some of their own technologies may view them as competition,specially if they feel tempted to keep some STCs they find to themselves or to copy them before handing them over

or if they infiltrate the mechanicus itself

-Blood Ravens: Heavily hinted to be a loyal faction of a traitor legion placing them in more or less a similar situation as the Death Dealers.

Unique Technologies:

Optic camouflage/stealth, enhanced gyro-jet ammunition and bolter design for more precision range and damage, resent all heat based tech and consider it primitive (melta/plasma/flamers)and replace them sonic shatterers (that vibrate molecules away from each other) in the short range, particle beam cannons (in the long range) and matter disruption field projectors in melee (project the matter disruption field used in power weapons forward similar to a flamer with bright blue haze), longer range more precise missiles that can track targets or be guided by infiltrators/scouts/stealth teams, advanced sensory equipment, sonic rather than frag grenades and emp grenades instead of melta bombs.

So, is it worth the 1000 chapters project? what do more experienced members in wh universe think? How much did i screw up? comments, directions?

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Welcome to the B&C and to Warhammer 40,000!


First, let me suggest the DIY Guide. It's a good thing to read when creating a chapter for the first time.


The whole "we're loyalists from a traitor legion" thing isn't looked upon too kindly. It can be done, but it has to be done very, very well. You may want to read more lore and think of a different origin.


The name "Death Dealers" is perfectly okay. "Black Legionnaires" refers to numerous members of the Black Legion, which I'm guessing brings up some connotations you don't want.


Lastly, don't depend on Lexicanum as a primary reference for lore. Try to get out there and buy Codex: Space Marines or a lovely (or not so lovely) novel from the Black Library. I personally reccomend "Brother of the Snake". Lexicanum is good, but it is still a wiki and as such has a number of incorrect refrences or bits of guess work.

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Thank you for your comment and your advise, i sure plan on getting some GW material, as far as the IA, i think the whole point is to build the chapter around 4 points:

1.High affinity for technology

2.Recruiting non-sm specialists

3.Group culture even in planning and decision making

4.High flexibility in combat operations


Points 1 and 4 can achieved easily without relations to Alpha Legion (good relations with Adeptus mechanicus and running errands for them and chapter combat philosophy developed over the ages...from early contact with Tau may be) but points 2 and 3 seem very difficult for an sm chapter without a solid basis and i only could find one in Alpha legion...is there a non traitor legion with a similar culture i can borrow from? does make sense to have a chapter founded from scratch based on these principles and if so why?

Ordo xenos requesting the foundation of a chapter to act as a permanent chamber militant providing a more specialized pool to draw kill team members from (they'll still get them from all chapetrs but this one would be practically built from the ground up to suit their combat doctrine) and being the first line of intervention should kill teams prove insufficient and bigger scale military intervention is necessary?

Specialist recruitment here might mirror the ordo's recruitment from all arms of the imperial military and the group culture to embody the soul of kill teams? hell, they'd have the best equipment and technology the imperium and xenos have to offer and would be highly flexible in deployment hence covering the 4 core points I would like to include...do you think this would be an appropriate backstory?


Also, I was trying to mitigate the whole we are a loyalist faction from a traitor legion by having them founded before the Alpha legion's fall to chaos but looks like this doesn't quite cut it...it is awful to be a new guy amongst veterans...just kidding, you were really helpful.


Looking forward to more comments.

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Thank you for your comment and your advise, i sure plan on getting some GW material, as far as the IA, i think the whole point is to build the chapter around 4 points:

1.High affinity for technology

2.Recruiting non-sm specialists

3.Group culture even in planning and decision making

4.High flexibility in combat operations


This is good. Having a definate theme is the first step towards an awesome chapter.



Points 1 and 4 can achieved easily without relations to Alpha Legion (good relations with Adeptus mechanicus and running errands for them and chapter combat philosophy developed over the ages...from early contact with Tau may be)


Alright. You've figured out point one. As for point four, the Codex Astartes puts an emphasis on flexibility in combat, IIRC.



but points 2 and 3 seem very difficult for an sm chapter without a solid basis and i only could find one in Alpha legion...is there a non traitor legion with a similar culture i can borrow from? does make sense to have a chapter founded from scratch based on these principles and if so why?


Point two is sort of iffy. The Astartes have chapter serfs, which can be called into combat in certain scenarios. Point three can be done, but I can't think of a good way to do it without becoming entirely distracted from this Economics homework I'm supposed to be doing right now.




Ordo xenos requesting the foundation of a chapter to act as a permanent chamber militant providing a more specialized pool to draw kill team members from (they'll still get them from all chapetrs but this one would be practically built from the ground up to suit their combat doctrine) and being the first line of intervention should kill teams prove insufficient and bigger scale military intervention is necessary?


If these guys were a permanent Chamber Militant, what would the point of the Deathwatch be? Think about it from the Inquisitor's point of view:


"Well, we've got these lads over here that fight exactly how we want them to, or we've got these guys that fight in a variety of styles and have a variety of beliefs, some of which are diametrically opposed to each other."


Not much of a choice, is it? As for large-scale conflicts, that's when you either throw more Deathwatch at it or start calling upon any available forces to come and aid you.


Specialist recruitment here might mirror the ordo's recruitment from all arms of the imperial military and the group culture to embody the soul of kill teams? hell, they'd have the best equipment and technology the imperium and xenos have to offer and would be highly flexible in deployment hence covering the 4 core points I would like to include...do you think this would be an appropriate backstory?



Certainly. This has definate potential.


Xenos tech, though......you can't really be friends with the AdMech and use xenos tech at the same time, unless it was behind their backs. Maybe you could put that into your chapter?


Also, I was trying to mitigate the whole we are a loyalist faction from a traitor legion by having them founded before the Alpha legion's fall to chaos but looks like this doesn't quite cut it...it is awful to be a new guy amongst veterans...just kidding, you were really helpful.


Thank you :) ! I'll be more than happy to help this chapter reach its full potential.

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I've been doing some research on chapter serfs and if I understand right, they don't exactly fit the image I have for the 11th squadron. A great deal of what the serfs do is non-combat activities and the scenarios in which they are deployed aren't exactly numerous...what I seek is a squadron whose elements or at least some of them always deploy such as combat science forgers who instead of researching prefer deploying to battle with say jamming equipment or more sophisticated camouflage equipment to mask larger scale mobilizations, specially trained operatives for recon, assassination and sabotage and the like...They will not be descendants from space marine potentials who didn't quite cut it like the serf but instead recruited to fill in that specific role and received augmentations for it. They are even regarded as equals by their battle-brothers (though physically they are not) due to their role on the front in any combat operation.


I've been reading about the Crimson Fists and how they lost many of their battle brothers leaving them with more specialists than sms and while definitely I won't go around just copy-paste with this, I am thinking an event that drastic or one similar to it could radically change the combat doctrine of a chapter into the model I am after but I still didn't think of something definitive.


As for the group culture, perhaps this can be a side effect of accessing the Vinculum where one way or another they merge with each other on the mental level.


As far as their relation to the Ordo Xenos is concerned, I didn't mean exactly a chamber militant but a meta chamber militant...just like the Ordo recruits more marines from certain chapters like Crimson fists, Imperial Fists and Ultramarines, they would be similar and even more.


Finally, regarding their relationship with the mechanicus, they don't have to use the tech in its tainted xeno form but have their science forgers study/reverse engineer and create imperial weaponary out of it integrating it into their arsenal just like phase swords were taken from necron tech. Naturally, I might be tempted to have them use some tainted xeno tech in the way just to throw a predicament with ordo xeno and mechanicus for some plot-sake but it's still too early to think of that.


Still working on gene seed...hoping for more comment:)

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well the good things i can see are many, but here is a couple of things, marine chapters are indapendent, hell alot of people dont even consider them human, so you can do what ya want, the whole traitor loyalists, if ya want that still maybe thing about renegade loyalists, unable to be part of the imperium they fight to protect, but unwilling to go and join there brothers in the eye and turn to the dark gods, but then there is also the fact the geneseed isnt all that important, you could list it as Unknown, make them part of the cursed founding ( so no actuly records are avalable, or maybe just ultra marines, the purist geneseed witch means any thing you want to do diffrent just means they mutated for somereason or another, or ( scine the UM are over done, and i hate them so much ) the imperial fists are another good seed second puriest (( or frist from my point of veiw, the ultramarines are dirty )) but eather can work for what u want


now for the admechs, thats easy to work with, u just happen to send more marines to become techpriests then normal chapters, maybe early in your career you fought in a crusade with the iron hands (( i am sorry if thats the chaos guys, i get them both confused it annoys me, but yall know what i mean when i say this )) and as a young chapter fighting next to old legion in all but number impressed and set you to be more like them, and the ordo xeno, well just be on the easten/southern part of the galaxy and then you have nids, orks, necrons, tau and such to be up aganst ( atleast more so then chaos scine you are on the other side of terra from the eye you dont see much traitor marines and such (( relitivly speaking )) so you send a good chunk of fresh marines (( just out of recruit status )) to the death watch, for one it allows you to more spcilized ammo and if you are on good terms with both admech and ordo xeno, not many people will speak much about you wondering off with some random peice of xeno tech in the midst of battle, then use them to curry more favor between the ordos and admech by tradeing it to them for information, armour, and other such things, hell might even thing about makeing your librarins something of uber intelectiuals and also have friends in the I ordo that deals with languages


(( sorry for being long winded here, sleep dep does this to me, i might get on later and edit it to be more legible, but i needed to get my thoughts out into the eather

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For the xenos weapons, I believe there are inquisitors who believe in fighting fire with fire so to speak and they use xenos weapons against the xenos. You could maybe have your chapter be friends with such an inquisitor or something. Or perhaps just cut out the xenos equipment, but have them use more advanced bolters or the like. The bonus would be that they'd be produced by a local forge world or so. You could use the mentor pattern bolters for example. And I'm sure marines use jammers anyways...they just don't write it to keep up the myth :(


And as for group oriented tactics I don't see why they couldn't fight like that. Try and think of a battle story where they failed because they failed to act as a group. That could be a reason for training your marines as a group in the future I reckon.

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For the xenos weapons, I believe there are inquisitors who believe in fighting fire with fire so to speak and they use xenos weapons against the xenos. You could maybe have your chapter be friends with such an inquisitor or something.


I find this angle fairly hard to produce in an IA to a quality that it needs to be in order to pull the entire thing off. Firstly, chapters as large body of fighting men do not escape notice in committing heresy, technological, idiological or otherwise in the same way that Inquisitors do, nor do they have equal power and authority within the Imperium.


Astartes have fear, respect and reverence working in their favour. The fact that they technically aren't actually a part of the Imperium lends them a different latitude of movement to Inquisitors. Not only that but Inquisitors are single individuals within the teeming mass that is the Imperium and often operate from within the shadows.


Aside from all that, I don't really see why a chapter of Astartes, already heavily indoctrinated to follow the rules, would put down their bolters in favour of what.... shruiken catapults? Pulse Rifles? Imperial weapons, despite their antiquity and often technologically inferior design are still comparable to most of the xenos weapons available in the galaxy, if not perhaps quite so efficacious in certain areas.


To my mind it simply requires a lot of explanation that in the end for me, unless presented with another part of the chapters theme that this dovetails with which mutually support each other, ultimately adds nothing to who they are which is the main crux of an IA.

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I didn't mean that they would put down bolters for the sake of shuriken catapults or pulse rifles...I was more referring to adapting technologies like rail gun/rifle for some vehicles/sniper weaponry, stealth tech (i assume eldar and tau are more superior in this field than the imperium but am not sure), laser targetting but definitely not give away the trade mark bolters of the imperium.

I even at one point thought drones but skipped the idea since this would be way too much given the empires standing from AIs and the sanctity of the machine spirit.


Finally, I have read that one chapter (don't remember exactly which) aided an inquisitor of the ordo xenos and in return he helped them using some political manoeuvres avoid an investigation by the ordo hereticus so some mutual favors might do the trick specially that they won't actually hold the raw xeno tech in hand but more of a technology pattern modeled after it which means a full scale study of their weapons is required to have a chance to charge them with anything.

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