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Captain Lysander with terminators


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I just played an 1850, spearhead, annihilation game Vs. orks with a balanced army being led by Lysander. I wanted to talk about how amazing he performed for my army and hear about other experiences he has had for you all.


My HQ was Lysander, and I had him attached to a squad of 10 tactical terminators with 2 cyclone missile launchers. I deployed them 1st turn, midfield.


This unit spent the entire game midfield, they cracked open a battlewagon, and storm bolted and krak missiled a Nob biker squad led by a warboss with a painboy to death, before they could get stuck in close combat.


Turn 5 arrives, we have both killed 4 of each others units. I have 2 tactical squads screened behind a ven dred and the 11 terminator squad. The dred is locked into combat with 20 boys from a battlewagon, while two battlewagons are approaching the terminators with 20 shoota boys, 14 burna boys, and a big mek with a burna.


I shoot 4 krak missiles into the lead battlewagon, scoring a glance and 2 penetrating hits. All of them are saved by the Kustom Force Field. During his turn the wagons park in front of my terminators, all units disembark. He gets 46 hits with his burnas, scoring a couple dozen wounds, with 5 of them not shooting so they can use their power weapons. His boyz also unload their ammo, and then all 35 models charge me.


We tie combat, I still have 4 termies and Lysander is at full health.


My next turn I charge my two tac squads into the mix, I win this round by about a dozen wounds, both units break, and both are swept up and destroyed.


I didnt have my 10 man terminator squad anymore, but Lysander was still completely healthy. I win the game 7 to 5. And the terminator squad was responsible for all 7 of my victory points.


This is the only time I have used him, but I plan to do it more often, when deployed midfield they can reach out and touch any model that isnt sitting far back, They can break open a tank or whittle down any squad with bolter fire. And when assaulted they can take almost any punishment untill some backup comes.


Overall it was just an amazing unit, it costed almost a third of my total points but was responsible for every victory point, and by being a big scary unit, allowed me to manipulate his forces to my will


I'd love to hear your experiences both using and facing Lysander. And has anyone tried to use him in a similar manner?

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Lysander kills whole armies on his own. He can even goe toe on toe with greater deamons in apocalypse Oo 4 wounds, invul save of 3, immune to instand death combined with 3 strengh 10 attacks that stun the enemy down to his ini.. really, he can eat up everything on his own, you won't find a better CC char than him.. For lousy 200 points he is even a save bet for most idiotic players as he just aquires the ability to roll dices, then he runs on and smashes anything whatever it might be. That's why I don't play with special chars.. some are just way to overpowered for what they cost.
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Lysander kills whole armies on his own. He can even goe toe on toe with greater deamons in apocalypse Oo 4 wounds, invul save of 3, immune to instand death combined with 3 strengh 10 attacks that stun the enemy down to his ini.. really, he can eat up everything on his own, you won't find a better CC char than him.. For lousy 200 points he is even a save bet for most idiotic players as he just aquires the ability to roll dices, then he runs on and smashes anything whatever it might be. That's why I don't play with special chars.. some are just way to overpowered for what they cost.


More points but Abaddon (sp?) the Warmaster of Chaos can put the smack down on Lysander although Lysander can win as well... and the Warmaster of chaos eats squads much quicker... although Lysander will do better aginst the really heavy tanks... I imagine... haven't tested it myself...

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That's why I don't play with special chars.. some are just way to overpowered for what they cost.


The last time I put Lysander on the table was a few months ago when my club did an all-special-character game. Lysander took down Angraath and a greater demon, squishing a few less important foes along the way.

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OP - Funny thing is I have never fielded Lysander (seen him used very effectively though) but if i did it would exactly as you have done OR with a 10man Sternguard squad jumping out of a drop pod. His bolter drill is EPIC in these situations and often gets overlooked due to his personal ferocity.


Good job in your victory btw!

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I'm sorry to say, but my Lysander and his termies were crushed effortlessly so many times by Space Wolfs (led by their uber heroes), that I don't field him too often anymore. Still he was able to handle a large group of Black Templars incl. Champ all alone a couple of times...

But that "staying in midfield and shooting storm bolters on things" approach may work with orks, but just try it once against an army with AP2 templates...

You'd cry while removing at least 2-3 termies / turn due to f. ex. plasma fire.

Maybe it's just me and my playstyle, but I couldn't use Lysander+termies really effectively.

With assault termies, he's overkill, with tac termies... tac termies suck for 40pts each. Yes, even with Cyclones.

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Ive used him with a similar squad but added a libby w/ gate in 2000pnt games. now they can basically teleport where ever they are needed.

they are best used for shooting, they are great in cc but bad dice rolls can ruin your day, so i find it best to stay back until its absolutely necessary to charge, here lysander dominates but youre going to lose parts of the squad against all the power weapons and multiple attacks that seem to be out there


still my favorite unit that can scare the hell out of your opponent

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Lysander kills whole armies on his own. He can even goe toe on toe with greater deamons in apocalypse Oo 4 wounds, invul save of 3, immune to instand death combined with 3 strengh 10 attacks that stun the enemy down to his ini.. really, he can eat up everything on his own, you won't find a better CC char than him.. For lousy 200 points he is even a save bet for most idiotic players as he just aquires the ability to roll dices, then he runs on and smashes anything whatever it might be. That's why I don't play with special chars.. some are just way to overpowered for what they cost.

This. I think GW still lacks the ability to make cool special characters that are balanced in points. For this reason I don't use them either, I'd rather win with good tactics. That said, the man is obviously a beast :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
But that "staying in midfield and shooting storm bolters on things" approach may work with orks, but just try it once against an army with AP2 templates...

You'd cry while removing at least 2-3 termies / turn due to f. ex. plasma fire


Well every unit has to have some kind of weakness, I play against a guy who regularly uses vindicators with his blood angels....scary business for a squad of walking termies. The games basically come down to whether or not I can stop the vindicators before they do too much damage. Although in this case Lysander is always great to soak up one shot from every vindi that does get in range.


I've been playing this squad a lot since I first used them and they have yet to be as badass as the first game, and if my opponents CAN ignore them they will, but when they reach midfield they can reach out and touch almost anything, and are a large enough group that they are hard to run around to avoid.


Plasma isn't too much of a concern to me, I space them out well so that the most they can hit with a cannon is 1, and if he is in plasma cannon range, he is also in cyclone missile range.


and there is always that 3++ to use

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