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And the Heretic CJJ returns ... welcome back <_<


Heretic? Maybe I should change my banner.. I've studiously avoided use of the Traitor ones though...


Interesting, I've noticed how much my mind wanders and I waffle from looking back at the above.



Anything there that stands out as crazy? My only thought would be the intergrated Veteran/Scout Company that sounds vaguely heretical.


EDIT: Taken from post #1 to free it for my actual IA.


So, my IG11 entry.. Boy, this is going to take some work!


Time to brainstorm, so things I like about other Chapters:


Veteran Scouts

Favouring Close Combat warfare

Fleet Based, specialising in void warfare - ship-to-ship/boarding actions

Swordsmanship and Honour duels



Interesting ideas in my own head:


Integrated Veteran/Scout Company - akin to Black Templars Initiate/Neophyte relationship, but with Power Armoured newbies

Very insular - minimal contact with other Imperial Forces and Organisations, a reluctance to take part in conflicts at the behest of others

Minimal use of armoured vehicles - ties in with fleet based, void war, specialists

I like the idea of different Cults within the Chapter, different brotherhoods in the way of the GC Lodges that tie a Chapter together tighter than just "I am a Salamander.." for example

Specialists are expected to be able to command


So, how do we tie this all together to give the basis of a Chapter?


The Chapter will definately be fleet-based - I like the idea of roaming the fringes of the Imperium, but that would be stepping on the feet of/stealing ideas from the Space Sharks new fluff.


Close Combat orientated, due to their preference for boarding actions.


Scouts as a whole are out - what use are Scouts in a Chapter who dislike setting foot upon the ground?


Intergrated Veteran and Scout Company - half Veterans/half PA Newbies serving as "squires", with the 10th Company a "standard" Company.


May even make them smaller than 10 Companies, as I like the idea that they are so caught up in prosecuting their wars that they never once think that they are killing themselves through attrition.


I'll need to explore the Cults idea, but I like the intial concept.



Which leads us to the very first question: Are Chapters founded, Templars aside, as fleet-based? Or is it a case of surrendering their homeworld for whatever reason? My mind - and memory - says the former.


Though an interesting idea has occured: after generations the purity of the populace of the planet slowly decays, forcing the Chapter to purge their own homeworld - following this they decide to punish themselves by taking to their fleet and roaming the Imperium.


Feel free to comment on any of this.. Point out any glaring idiocies etcetera.

Edited by Captain Juan Juarez
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My only thought would be the intergrated Veteran/Scout Company that sounds vaguely heretical.


Only if you consider going against the Codex as heretical .... which I, and I feel most of the Imperium, don't


Which leads us to the very first question: Are Chapters founded, Templars aside, as fleet-based? Or is it a case of surrendering their homeworld for whatever reason? My mind - and memory - says the former.


Several chapters I've come across began as crusading ... and if you push me on the subject I'll find them again.

Edited by Ecritter
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I quite like the name "Starstriders".


I'm unsure about Founding too.. In the past I've liked to have the weight of history behind my Chapter without ever really exploring that history, but here I feel that youth might lend credence to their "strange" and "distant" ways.


The Chapter was formed during the Xxx Founding, though the true reason for their creation is lost and their early history is full of skirmishes and full scale battles against a variety of foes.


The Chapter would choose the ill-fated world of Caelum as its birthplace, taking the sons of its warring noble Houses and turning those who survive into the sky striders of ancient Caelum legend.


Caelum was a paradise compared to many such Astartes worlds; capable of supporting far more than its meagre population on a world of so many shades of green and blue.


A hasty beginning I admit, but it captures something of the spirit of what I am going for.


EDIT: Damn the typos... Yada, yada, yada.


EDIT EDIT: Who knew someone already had the name "Void Walkers" in use :D

Edited by Captain Juan Juarez
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Hmm, very unorthodox in structure, with obvious nods to the Black Templar Codex (which I assume is how they would play on the tabletop). Not Codex followers, are they? Or rather they have a very radical interpretation of its tenets.


Details from Imperial Armour 9 allude that most newer Chapters are founded first as a fleet-based Chapter, then they are sent on their way, wandering the stars until such a time as they finally claim a planet as a homeworld. It's different for a much older Chapter though (see the Novamarines entry).

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I quite like the name "Starstriders".


I like the name and the concept behind it. The only hit against it (for me) is the alliterative S sound. But that's a personal thing.


I like the PA initiate/neophyte relationship for the 10th company. I've been kicking around how to do something like that with the C:CSM without success.


I think the cults would be the avenue to explore uniqueness here, because everything else is very close to the Black Templars.

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Hmm, very unorthodox in structure, with obvious nods to the Black Templar Codex (which I assume is how they would play on the tabletop). Not Codex followers, are they? Or rather they have a very radical interpretation of its tenets.


Details from Imperial Armour 9 allude that most newer Chapters are founded first as a fleet-based Chapter, then they are sent on their way, wandering the stars until such a time as they finally claim a planet as a homeworld. It's different for a much older Chapter though (see the Novamarines entry).


I see as it being drawn from Caelum; throughout life on Caelum anyone considered a Master at their role has an apprentice so that no knowledge or skill is lost and this is drawn through the Chapter - kind of like racial memory, except that a Marine carries the memory of those before him, rather than it being just located in archives.


To be honest, because I want them to be fleet-based, I had thought I would have to give them age because I want them to have a powerful fleet but with a hodgepodge of different ship classes.


I quite like the name "Starstriders".


I like the name and the concept behind it. The only hit against it (for me) is the alliterative S sound. But that's a personal thing.


I like the PA initiate/neophyte relationship for the 10th company. I've been kicking around how to do something like that with the C:CSM without success.


I think the cults would be the avenue to explore uniqueness here, because everything else is very close to the Black Templars.


To be honest, I wasn't consciously going for any similarities to the Templars - it appears that has just sort of happened but on the up side at least it is just the "squire" relationship and the fleet-based nature.


In terms of Cults, I'm unsure initially how to proceed thought I have the base idea of centering each Cult around a particular type of melee weapon - I think it would be interesting to see an esteemed member of the Cult of the Blade, for example, as a rank and file Assault Marine carrying a Relic Blade as a symbol of his status within the Cult.


As for Starstriders; I like the alomst symmetrical sound to the name and it "does what it says on the tin" - they stride across the stars slaying in the Emperor's name.



EDIT: My next stop will be to begin a more fleshed out version of the Origins - leaving out any real detail about Caelum and concentrating on the early years and their victories and defeats that lead them to the planet.

Edited by Captain Juan Juarez
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In terms of Cults, I'm unsure initially how to proceed thought I have the base idea of centering each Cult around a particular type of melee weapon - I think it would be interesting to see an esteemed member of the Cult of the Blade, for example, as a rank and file Assault Marine carrying a Relic Blade as a symbol of his status within the Cult.


The cults could be attached to a certain type of Marine. Give your jump pack guys Chain Axes (converted from Berzerker bits), your regular Assault Marines Halberds (converted from whatever) or summat and your basic Tactical Marines swords of one kind or the other. The modeling possibilities for different kinds of CCW make this an interesting idea. Such a scheme would certainly make the army visually interesting on the table top and be fun to convert.


As far as fluff, the nature of each type of weapon could have something to do with a tenet or belief or personality in the chapter. Like maybe one of your cults uses Power Mauls, for example, for very blunt and direct approaches to not just battle, but life in general.


The idea has merit.

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My ideas always have merit dammit! :D


Cult of the Sword

Cult of the Spear

Cult of the Axe


Are weapon based Cult ideas, but to be honest they seem rather.. sucky.. when trying to tie it all together as single concise idea.


Animal Cults are a bit... Obvious?.. And are something close-related to Native Americans I recall, animal totems and that kind of thing.


So back to the drawing board for that part of the concept I feel.


In terms of the "certain type of Marine"; I'm less inclined just because I see the Cults as a way to develop tighter bonds within the Chapter - obviously there is the "I'm of 3rd Company.." and "I'm of the *Chapter Name Here*..." but I want tighter bindings across the Chapter.


In fact I could say that the natives are generally solitary and have this - much like the Master/Apprenctice (Sith Marines?) relationship - pass into the Chapter, meaning that they need the Cults to form a bond of brotherhood that comes with ease for most Chapters.

Edited by Captain Juan Juarez
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What about elemental cults like Water, Fire, Earth and Air?


By your powers combined, I am Brother-Captain Planet! :lol:


How about something unusual? Like geometry or some other out of the ordinary thing for inspiration? Cult of the Circle, Cult of the Square and Cult of the Triangle? And the chapter icon would be some form combining all of them into one?


They could be the "Scions of Euclid" and instead of just the void they could crusade to reclaim the daemon infested human built portions of the webway, which is full of Lovecraftian angles...


I don't know, just throwing ideas out there.

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What about elemental cults like Water, Fire, Earth and Air?


Yeah, that's a tad




What about elemental cults like Water, Fire, Earth and Air?

How about something unusual? Like geometry or some other out of the ordinary thing for inspiration? Cult of the Circle, Cult of the Square and Cult of the Triangle? And the chapter icon would be some form combining all of them into one?


They could be the "Scions of Euclid" and instead of just the void they could crusade to reclaim the daemon infested human built portions of the webway, which is full of Lovecraftian angles...


I don't know, just throwing ideas out there.


The trouble - other than deciding on what to base them on - is how to tie it into the Chapter as a whole and where it comes from.


I'm half temped to er.. "borrow" from G R R Martin, using some of his Seven to name the Cults.

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During the SixthFounding the Chapter was called into existance, though the true reason is lost even from the Chapter archives; the earliest records available to the Chapter show only their inception and the victories and defeats that marked that rise to full strength.


Brother-Captain Alaric, late of the Iron Knights Seventh Company, was given the honour of leading this fledgling Chapter into existence. Alaric, a dour and solid leader, spent almost the first century of the Chapters history crusading amongst the stars whilst he left the building of the Chapter to his subordinates.


"I am a warrior of the Imperium,

Adeputs Astartes, and I cannot find it in me to nursmaid savages and children when my work is amongst the stars.

So, though it may draw the ire of many and bring slight to my honour, I take my blade to the place it will serve best; I will stride the stars and exact vengeance on those most deserving of my wrath.

- Brother-Captain Vertan Alaric


Even with only those thirty Marines drawn from the Iron Knights who followed him, Alaric carved an impressive stream of victories from the enemies of the Imperium; none more so than the breaking of the Siege of Tal-Maruun - Forge World of the Adeptus mechanicus.


Having shattered a full regiment of Skitarii, which became the beginning of the end for the traitor forces, Alaric was presented with an archaic, yet deadly, suit of Terminator Armour in honour of his victory. To this day, the Armour of Alaric is still the most potent symbol of a Chapter Masters authority.


Returning to his Chapter to find it ensconced upon the world known as Caelum, lead in turn by High Chaplain Wulfric and Master Apothecary Vallic, Alaric turned from his mission amongst the stars and saw to the forging of his new brothers into warriors fit to fight at the right hand of Dorn and the Emperor.


A bit controversial there, I admit, with Alaric soddin' off to do what he fancies but I had the notion that his "this is who I am, I need no one" attitude could interact with the solitary nature of the natives and reinforce that "we are not brothers, maybe cousins but never brothers," attitude.


In terms of Cults: the Warrior, the Smith and the Stranger spring to mind.


The Warrior - all about marshal prowess on an individual level; think the Custodes in The First Heretic


The Smith - the artisan of war, modifying and repairing arms and armour - akin to the basic Salamander trait.


The Stanger - a death cult.

Edited by Captain Juan Juarez
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How about constellations? Since they would be seen from a fictional planet, their original homeworld or another planet they're questing for, they could be anything you needed them to be, and they could tie into the Starstriders theme and give an entryway to writing interesting fluff involving their rituals and beliefs. Maybe they are crusading to find a planet where they can see these constellations again, the planet they can finally claim as their homeworld.
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During the Sixth Founding the Starstriders were called into existance, though the true reason is lost even from the Chapter archives; the earliest records available to the Chapter show only their inception and the victories and defeats that marked that rise to full strength.


Brother-Captain Alaric, late of the Iron Knights Seventh Company, was given the honour of leading this fledgling Chapter into existence. Alaric, a dour and solid leader, spent almost the first century of the Chapters history crusading amongst the stars whilst he left the building of the Chapter to his subordinates.


"I am a warrior of the Imperium,

Adeputs Astartes, and I cannot find it in me to nursmaid savages and children when my work is amongst the stars.

So, though it may draw the ire of many and bring slight to my honour, I take my blade to the place it will serve best; I will stride the stars and exact vengeance on those most deserving of my wrath.

- Brother-Captain Vertan Alaric


Even with only those thirty Marines drawn from the Iron Knights who followed him, Alaric carved an impressive stream of victories from the enemies of the Imperium; none more so than the breaking of the Siege of Tal-Maruun - Forge World of the Adeptus mechanicus.


Having shattered a full regiment of Skitarii, which became the beginning of the end for the traitor forces, Alaric was presented with an archaic, yet deadly, suit of Terminator Armour in honour of his victory. To this day, the Armour of Alaric is still the most potent symbol of a Chapter Masters authority.


Returning to his Chapter to find it ensconced upon the world known as Caelum, lead in turn by High Chaplain Wulfric and Master Apothecary Vallic, Alaric turned from his mission amongst the stars and saw to the forging of his new brothers into warriors fit to fight at the right hand of Dorn and the Emperor.


Combined with:


The world of Caelum was chosen for the Starstriders by High Chaplain Wulfric and Master Apothecary Vallin; with no known records available to the Chapter regarding the world and genetic testing showing high levels of purity, it took almost no time at all for the Chapter to formally lay claim to Caelum.


Caelum is situated almost in the centre of the triangle formed by Joura, Ultima Macharia and Hydraphur, and is covered across almost its entire surface by rolling grassland or oceans and seas of the deepest blue. The one startling except is the area in which the Chapter constructed ist fortress-monastary; upon the uninhabited north continent lays an area of desert.


The natives of Caelum seem insular and distant when compared to other peoples - there is no word within the Caelum language for "friend" or "brotherhood" - and the only aspect of society that brings anything but a dour or resentful silence from them is in the arena of their chosen professions; to be considered a true Master of anything, be it carpentry or jewellery manking, one must have an Apprentice. To be Chosen to be an Apprentice is the greatest honour one can achieve, outside of being chosen to become a Starstrider.


This is but one of the aspects that were drawn into the Chapter; along with that appreciation of the Master/Apprentice relationship, so too came the coldness and distance not usually attributed with the Adeptus Astartes. Alaric and his two most trusted subordinates, Wulfric and Vallin, would instigate their own plans as the Chapter began to develop a dour character in excess of even that of Alaric himself. So would the Cults of the Caelum be born, in mystery and honour, to tie the brothers - new and old - of the Starstriders together, seeking to instill that brotherhood that they command echelon had experienced as brothers of the Iron Knights.


Recruitment from Caelum proved to be almost exceptionally successful; after the first thousand years recruits were turned away, such were the numbers who survived the first stages of transformation and the population boom that occured around two hundred years after the Chapter first settled upon the world. Such recruitment levels could not hold out in the long term and with the expiration of such an influx would a terrible secret, unknown even to the Starstriders themselves, become known.



On their own, I think both pieces are not particularly brilliant but together they work quite well.


I intend to discuss the Cults of Caelum in a side bar and use a section to describe the genetic fall of the natives of the homeworld that saw them purged and the Chapter to "flee into the stars" to find their destiny.



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if youur planning cluts read the thousand sons. the whole each cult has a shape that essientially is their power. but at the same time it reflects in their character. healers also care etc. also think as to how your cults work with the cult aspects in chapters, such as the chaplancy, libarium etc. and then you also get the differing attitudes of the speed freeky assault squads compared to the more steady devistators, and all rounder tacticals. and then the ties of renks, chapters and squads. and ages. etc. andthen when your thinking that through, which codex, cause that helps in some ways. ie with wolves you get the likes of the blo0d claws, or newbs or faniticals. then the greys the steady headed all rounders, look down on bloods. the vets, similar to greys but better at cc but older and better. look down on greys. and then the longs which look down on all but dreads, and cant be arsed with cc when they can kill stuff from afar as efficetively... sureyou can do similar with most dexes but thats pretty much what they do. they also gots the differences in great company thing going on too. hope that helps.
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I just burnt out my detailed criticism circuits, but I thought I'd mention something as I was passing through the thread.


When I think of void-assaulting close combat specialists, the first thing that comes to mind are not elite scout units. Terminator armor grew out of the Mark III suits for a reason.

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I just burnt out my detailed criticism circuits, but I thought I'd mention something as I was passing through the thread.


- It hurts me so that you can only pass through my thread *sigh* :D


When I think of void-assaulting close combat specialists, the first thing that comes to mind are not elite scout units. Terminator armor grew out of the Mark III suits for a reason.


Somewhere in the first few posts is a small line about me ditching the Veteran Scout idea in favour of keeping the void assault angle.



Oh I have read A Thousand Sons, but that version of Cults isn't to my liking - their Cults are all tied in with their powers/abilities as psykers.

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I quite like the name "Starstriders".

Makes me think of both Skywalker and Aragorn (Strider)... good thing?




I, personally, like the name and it speaks of how they're eventually forced to operate - hindsight is a wonderful thing :tu:


Alot of names will have some kind of connotation, I imagine, but as I said I like this one.. Unless anyone has any more options for me to consider I shall stick with it for the moment.


Onward, with another update of ideas...


Returning from his own small crusade, Brother-Captain Alaric found a Chapter long past its infancy and with a burgeoning three Companies, plus his own small compliment of Veterans. Though Alaric could find no fault with the way his brothers had built the Starstriders up from the ground, his greatest concern was the alck of a sense of brotherhood - something inherited from the Caelun peoples in such a short space of time due to the above normal suitablility of potential recruits - and so, after much deliberation and searching through archives, the senior officers of the Chapter concieved a plan to bring their new brothers close together. So the Cults of Caelum were born.


The Cult of the Warrior is perhaps the simplest and most populous within the Chapter, with the majority of its members spread through the lower echelons of the Starstriders hierarchy. The Cult exists to venerate pure skill at arms; every brother of the Chapter is capable of performing well as a unit, but the initiates of the Warrior Cult take this far beyond into the realms of personal, single, combat - something in other Chapters that is usually the endeavour of Company and Chapter Champions.

It is interesting to note that the most Senior Master of the Cult is Brother Vaan, serving under Sergeant Baltan in 3rd Companys assault element.


The Cult of the Smith is tacitly led by the Master of the Forge and his Techmarine brethren,with intitiates coming to gether to work on pieces of armour or armaments, this in turn means that there are a larger percentage of modified or master-type weapons spread throughout all levels of the Chapter. This custom benefits the Chapter immensely in the field; some of the more gifted Brother-Inititates can serve in a limited way as Techmarines, in terms of repairing arms and armour on a small scale.


The Cult of the Stranger is possibly the most complex of all the Cults when you delve under its service, though many of its mysteries remain as such until one is inducted into higher ranks. Under the aegis of the Chaplaincy, the initiates of the Stranger Cult seek to live the perfect life in service to the Emperora adn then counter-point it with the perfect death. Initiates venerate those who have achieved this Perfection, seeking to learn by their example how best they might serve both the Chapter and the Emperor.


Admittedly this is supposed to be a sidebar, so this is perhaps the shortest I can make it currently.

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Why is the Master of the Warrior's Cult only a mere battle-brother? He should either be promoted or a higher ranking Astartes should take his place IMO.





I, personally, like the name and it speaks of how they're eventually forced to operate - hindsight is a wonderful thing ;)


Alot of names will have some kind of connotation, I imagine, but as I said I like this one.. Unless anyone has any more options for me to consider I shall stick with it for the moment.

Ok, it can stay ;) I'm waiting to see the rest come together :tu:

Edited by Battle-Brother Ludovic
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