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Initial thoughts for my traitor entry into Iron Gauntlet


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Hi folks!


One thing that I did not like from the transition from RT era to 2nd edition was how things went from an R rating (sometimes even X for Chaos) to a PG rating.


I want to bring back that old school depravity and debauchery from Slaanesh used to be portrayed. A bunch of Marines where Gacy or Dahmer would be considered tame initiates. Stuff that would make Caligula blush and wince.


I want my Slaaneshi marines to be over the top brutally sexual, with a heavy dose of cannibalism mixed in.


Remember the bladed phallus from the movie Seven? That kind of stuff.


Flesh colored armor.


Modeling bladed phalluses and camel toes out of greenstuff (keep them away from the kids)


Heh. Interesting apeture possabilities for vehicles...



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Sounds fine, but do keep it brutal and horrifying! After all, you don't wanna be making the Pimp Marines...


Weren't there a debate somewhen about wether or not Astartes had... reproductive organs? Might be worth checking out.

Also have you seen the movie Salò? Well that's debauchery for you. Be sure to have a look at that.


Other than that, my only objection would be that Dark Elders already have sexual-violence covered, but give it a go.



Something to think about :blush:

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[Mod Voice]


I would have to say you are going to tread relatively carefully with this topic. This is a family site so you'll need to keep it inline with that.


[/Mod Voice]

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Thought of a couple of names:


Lords of Ecstasy/Lords of Lust




The Breed


The Insatiable


The Vile


I'm thinking of them being mutated by Slaanesh to be able to breed, the geneseed being passed sexually. The offspring would cause the mother to die at birth and the offspring would grow into a new member of the unit.


Thoughts? Here is my first thought as far as colors...it looks metallic but is supposed to be fleshy



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I'm thinking of them being mutated by Slaanesh to be able to breed, the geneseed being passed sexually. The offspring would cause the mother to die at birth and the offspring would grow into a new member of the unit.

To be honest, I think this is a poor idea. One, it really isn't that strong of focus for a warband yet you are going to spend a majority of your words justifying it as the common idea is that Marines cannot have sex. The whole idea of gene-seed being passed sexually doesn't work as the organs need to be implanted. Two, I think it is a bit of a weak hook and a cheap one as well. It is all well and understanding saying that the marines can have sex, but say they breed that way takes it too far. Like I said, I would suggest finding something a little more concrete to hang the chapter on.

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JUst a little thought on this idea of children: While 'normal' Astartes are genetically neutered by all of the chemical/hormonal changes they undergo during the process of becoming Space Marines, there's nothing to say that they are literally (physically) turned into eunuchs. Hence there is no reason that Slaanesh couldn't reawaken both their sexual and reproductive abilities.


Therefore while I would thoroughly agree with Ferrata about the transfer of gene-seed not working, I could see that the sons of such Astartes and their female cultists (I'm guessing?) might be viewed as good potential candidates to become Marines themselves (once they hit the right age, obviously). That would require a longer time-scale of at least a decade or so, so the warband in question would have to be more solidly settled.


In general, I'd echo what everyone else has said that if you go down this route, you need to do so carefully.

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To be quite honest I don't think it's the right focus for a Space Marine warband.


It just doesn't strike me as the 'right' theme.


Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for free love and less oppressive views on sex and sexuality, however, it doesn't fit with the archetype of the Astartes, traitor or not.


However, that's definitely, without a doubt a truly personal opinion, nothing to do with what's possible or viable. That depends on how well you write it in order to pull it off.

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Thanks guys, I do appreciate the comments. What I am looking to do is to get away from the Slaaneshi marines that are basically an 80's hair metal band, and I see that the aspect of Slaanesh as prince of pleasure when it comes to marines is under utilized. I want these guys to be more Nine Inch Nails than , I dunno, Cinderella.


I like the aspect of the Emperor's Children and the sin of pride...it actually fits very well into the medieval chivalric sin of vainglory.


Since so far most people haven't liked the direction I'm going (not that I'm going to stray too far out of my plan) do you have any suggestions as to where I can go with this, kind of down the path I'm headed but in a more "appropriate" direction for marines, even the Chaos variety?

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I don't think the idea of Space Marines being able to, and aiming to, reproduce is a bad idea - it is just a little to think and shallow to base a force on. For example, it would be like taking a single aspect of the Blood Angels and saying that that is the chapter. The Blood Angels who just liked art would be a poor chapter, not because of what was there but what wasn't there. Now if a chapter goes about, doing dirty things to planets only to come back and take recruits from their offspring - that is fine and quite interesting. But it isn't really a chapter - there needs to be more to them. It makes them more believable.
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I see. Well, the reproductive aspect is not the end all, be all defining aspect of them. I see them being fueled by desires...lust, avarice (hmmm. golden armor with gems?), gluttony...with an appriopriately cruel streak as befitting Chaos.


For example...it isn't unusual for Marines (loyal or chaos) to eat their enemies...even the marines that aren't analogous to werewolves and vampires. With other Marines, I can see, based on tribal heritage, eating some of your enemy to gain their strength (ala Dances With Wolves and the buffalo heart scene). However, these guys are out and out cannibals, and will frequently eat their prey alive.


There are going to be some similarities between these guys and Dark Eldar, because Slaanesh is the corrupting factor for both (as an aside...I know very very little about dark eldar, as I stopped playing before they came out and haven't read up much on them since. However, I still worked for GW when the Dark Elf stuff was coming out in 95/96...I imagine their are a lot of similarities).

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So what you're looking for is Firefly/Serenity type Reavers.


I don't know as I've never seen firefly/serenity.




I'm married, and have been working and going to school since 2002. Any TV time is shared with spousal unit. She can't stand anything violent, sci-fi, fantasy or politically incorrect. Sigh.

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I'm married, and have been working and going to school since 2002. Any TV time is shared with spousal unit. She can't stand anything violent, sci-fi, fantasy or politically incorrect. Sigh.


That isn't a marrige, that's a dictatorship :HQ:


I suggest divorce, or a private viewing of the aforementioned!

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Don't do the Seven Deadly Sins, they're boring and played out and you need to have something truly, truly special to make them worth doing.


And actually, the Dark Eldar hate Slaanesh.



Thank you for your comments, I appreciate them. No, I'm not going to do the whole seven deadly sins thing, I think that is trite. I was just pointing out three they fall victim to.


I didn't knwo that about Dark Eldar. Interesting

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Beautiful beasts =/= warped by chaos.


Well yeah. But I just don't want the whole meat face kind of thing with jagged metal and all that. they aren't quite zombies-like. I am having difficulty exactly explaining how they are. They aren't growling and inarticulate if that helps.

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Well yeah. But I just don't want the whole meat face kind of thing with jagged metal and all that. they aren't quite zombies-like. I am having difficulty exactly explaining how they are. They aren't growling and inarticulate if that helps.


So you're trying to get Daemonettes in Marine form, basically. Daemonettes of Slaanesh, notorious for being both inhumanly beautiful and sexually alluring (though less of the latter in PG land) and still being somewhat mutated and 'wrong' as all Daemons are.


That came out wrong, I mean in concept. The fact that they look and are beautiful and attractive, moreso than any mortal woman, despite the fact that they are also hideously twisted somewhat in form but mostly in mind and action.

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