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Adeptus Custodes - UPDATE!


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Well folks, been a busy little bee recently and as usual, have several different projects on the go at once (in fact, this is my third post today)

I've been building a squad of Custodes and plan to run them as counts-as Grey Knights in games.

Here's the first two - the "Justicar" and a regular Custodes. I wanted to go for a Roman/Greek influence to the models. The Justcar has a short Gladius style blade and a large tower shield - a bit like a Roman Centurion.



Close up of the Custodes Spear.


Here's the WIP flamer armed Custodes. The flamer is based from the pics in the Horus Heresy: Collected Visions book. I've seen the Dragon head used on Salamander's flamers before and thought it looked good.



As usual, any C&C are more than welcome!

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Looking good. Looking at the artwork (Collected Visions right in my lap :lol:) I have a few suggestions to make them top notch.


1. The Guardian Spears seem to have a small gap between the mag and the blade. The bladeend closest to the mag also ends in a "wing". I think that would look really cool, and not be to hard to work out. pg. 29 is a good image of Valdor and his spear.


2. The Immolator Lance (flamer) looks good, but to me it feels a bit heavy to be carried by regular custodes. The only image I can find of it is in a Cataphract squad, and they are a lot bigger.


3. I just noticed also, the Custodes sometimes have small pike on the upper part of the bolter, kind of a counterweight to the mag. It looks really cool *hint hint* :)


4. They seem to have gloves, all of the regular custodes. Maybe something to try and get in there, to tie them even closer to the artwork.


Well, that is all for now. Keep up the good work, bro. They look mighty fine.


- Natanael

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Looking good. Looking at the artwork (Collected Visions right in my lap :lol:) I have a few suggestions to make them top notch.


1. The Guardian Spears seem to have a small gap between the mag and the blade. The bladeend closest to the mag also ends in a "wing". I think that would look really cool, and not be to hard to work out. pg. 29 is a good image of Valdor and his spear.


It would look cool, but I think I will save that level of detail for any character models I do.2. The Immolator Lance (flamer) looks good, but to me it feels a bit heavy to be carried by regular custodes. The only image I can find of it is in a Cataphract squad, and they are a lot bigger.


As I am running them as Grey Knight's, the lance would be a counts-as Immolator.


3. I just noticed also, the Custodes sometimes have small pike on the upper part of the bolter, kind of a counterweight to the mag. It looks really cool *hint hint* ^_^


I am working on that - I have several spikey railing pieces from the Chaos vehicle sprue that I intend to use.


4. They seem to have gloves, all of the regular custodes. Maybe something to try and get in there, to tie them even closer to the artwork.


There is a reason for them not having gloves - they are 40k based Custodes rather than 30k so they now have access to the same armour as regular Marines. Well, that is all for now. Keep up the good work, bro. They look mighty fine.


- Natanael



Thanks for the input. Hope the answers I gave helped to explain the reasoning behind some of the decisions I made while building these models.

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Man I should get those scibor heads so I can do my custodes too >.<


They are well worth it. They do require a bit of work to make them fit properly, but it's worth it in the end.

You can't see from the pics I've posted, but you will need to do some filing and cutting between the back of the helmet and the crest so that it fits over the collar of the torso armour. You will also need to GS some sort of neck fot the head to sit on as well.

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Love the models bu they seem slightly bulky and almost astartes like. in A thousand sons the custodes armour is described as being elegant and graceful, in my mind this is almost eldar like in its design. not bashing, just my htoughts
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Love the models bu they seem slightly bulky and almost astartes like. in A thousand sons the custodes armour is described as being elegant and graceful, in my mind this is almost eldar like in its design. not bashing, just my htoughts


The Custodes fluff makes them appear to be something akin to Astartes. The Custodes are superhuman like the Legions, but do not have a recognised Primarch. It is suggested that are are gene-engineered from the Emperors DNA.


I was thinking the same thing, and I think the issue comes from the Astartes lower legs. IIRC artwork of power armoured custodes shows they have much slimmer leg armour.


Everything else looks cool though ;)




I've seen a few Custodes conversions where Bretonnian, Eldar and High Elves legs have been used and they all look far too skinny when compared to the PA torso and arms. Thats why I chose to use the DA legs - they are robed but still look like they can support a PA torso.

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  • 5 months later...

It's been a long while since I started my Custodes. I havn't completely abandoned the project - just been.........distracted for a while :D

Anyway, heres a few pics of one of my HQ choices I've done. As I'm running them as GK's I decided on a Librarian to begin with.

It's a relatively simple conversion - just got to add the bolter to his halberd.





As always, any C&C are more than welcome.

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Here's some pics folks. First up, counts-as Brother-Captain (the Artificer Armour is counts as Termi Armour) Just need to add the bolter somewhere. I'm thinking on his left forearm.



Brotherhood Champion - one of my favourite conversions so far.




The start of a squad. Not too sure about the twin swords look - might replace them with a halberd later on.




Let me know what you think!

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Looking sweet, although it could just be me but the helmet on the Brotherhood Champion seems very big compared to the body
I second the comment regarding the head on the Champion, though i'm gonna go ahead and say the Scibor heads look too big on pretty much all of the models. High Elf heads would have worked better in my opinion. Looking good other than that.


I think that the head looks a little too because I based the conversion on the Emperors Champion model which is fairly slender compared to other Marine models. Plus all the other Custodes have a high gorget which covers the lower part of the helmet.


looking great Lestat, i love the flamer guy, looks like the flamer from the custodes art with the termys and stuff in.


lets see these guys painted!


That is exactly what I based the flamer on - Horus Heresy: Collected Visions has provided plenty of inspiration for these models. I will hopefully get some paint on them once I have completed a squad.

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The guy carrying a TH and pointing. Gosh, that is sexy. The Immolator Lance looks very nice also.


- Natanael


Never thought I'd hear Marines being described as sexy - but i can see what you mean. The Lance took some work to get it looking just right.

Thanks for the compliments!

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There is some really nice conversion work here but I must say I seem to be the only person who ahs noticed those heads are just way to big for those bodies. I think you should try making a few true scale marines/custodes using those heads, I think they would be a lot better suited.





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There is some really nice conversion work here but I must say I seem to be the only person who ahs noticed those heads are just way to big for those bodies. I think you should try making a few true scale marines/custodes using those heads, I think they would be a lot better suited.






Maybe the pics don't do the models justice, but the helmets really don't look too big in real life. I will admit that the crest and the fact that the helmet is conical makes them appear bigger than a normal Marines helmet.

Fluff-wise, Custodes are supposed to be a little larger than a normal Marine. Although I havn't true-scaled the models, I have used the Champion shoulder pads and torso as well as the Mk. VIII torsos to help add some bulk to the Custodes. The size of the helmet also helps achieve this.

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