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Index Astartes: Astral Reavers

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Index Astartes: Astral Reavers

Death Heads



I will mold you in battle. I will temper you in war.” - Chapter Master Caphon Derii, Astral Reavers

ear the end of the Thirty First Millennium, the High Lords of Terra sought out exceptional space marines with the skills needed to command the next generation of the Emperor's progeny in the Third Founding of the Adeptus Astartes. They would become the leaders of the first wave of desperately needed reinforcements since the end of Archtraitor Abaddon's First Black Crusade, and the symbol of the Imperium's continuing will to survive. Caphon Derii, a veteran of the White Consuls Chapter, and his cadre of battle brothers would number amongst those worthy few returning to the Sol System for assignment.


“I do not care what loathsome world bore you, or how you came to my fleet. I will make a Reaver of you, or you will die trying.” -Venerable Sergeant Kaio Jukai, Astral Reavers Tenth Company

n order to complete their Eternal Purge, Caphon's Astral Reavers went against the traditions of the Astartes Legions, foregoing the search for a viable homeworld, and instead electing to base themselves within their fleet. The Chapter's flagship, the Nausicaä, is a venerable vessel that has served the Imperium since the early days of the Great Crusade. Once a part of Battlefleet Solar, She was heavily damaged during Archtraitor Horus' drive towards Terra, and promptly removed from active service. Refitted by the Martian Machine Cult at Caphon's request for a crusade worthy fleet, the Nausicaä was gifted to the Astral Reavers at their founding alongside a half dozen other vessels. Nearly twice the size of a traditional Battle Barge, She serves as the Chapter's Fortress-Monastery, their spiritual home and sanctuary, and within Her hull lie the Chapter's greatest treasures: Memoirs of heroes, statues and portraits of their likeness, legendary weapons and armors, and millennia of recorded history.

The rest of the Chapter's fleets are the cumulation of millennia of piracy and reclamation. From humble beginnings, Caphon's dreams compelled him to take over the vessels of conquered foes. Soon, hundreds of beaten and battered vessels found themselves under the Chapter's control. Although the ships themselves provided little use after falling to Reaver guns, Caphon was able to trade the Chapter's spoils with the Machine Cult. In exchange the Reavers received hundreds of thousands of personnel, access to facilities and materials to repair their own vessels, and opportunities to commission new cruisers and escorts. On special occasions, the Astral Reavers request captured ships to be refitted and returned to their fleets, commemorating hard fought battles, and those lost in claiming them. These newly acquired craft often join forward forces, allowing damaged vessels to receive the necessary repairs. Ships are frequently rotated between crusading and reserve fleets, appeasing both the mighty vessels' machine spirits and their tens of thousands strong serf crews.

Recruits are drawn from a number of worlds through the construction and maintenance of numerous fortresses known as keeps. Uft'ni was the first world to construct an Astral Reaver Keep, and the only keep constructed under Derii's command.

For a time, Uft'ni was the Chapter's only home outside of their flotilla, and its people have left their everlasting mark on the Chapter. Derii came to this world in hopes of refitting his forces before continuing his Eternal Purge. However, the Uft'ni fascinated him with a history not unlike his own: During the Horus Heresy, Uft'ni was prepared as a bulwark against Horus' advance on Terra. Relentless combat ruined the world, and left Imperial forces in shambles. With the ever looming threat of defeat, the decision came to bombard the world's ice caps from orbit, and drown it. Only the tallest mountains and spires of its greatest hive cities escaped the rising waters, while untold trillions, Uft'ni and heretic alike, were lost beneath the surface.

The world's new seas changed it forever. Terrifying monsters rose from the depths of new oceans. Whether creations of heretical powers or a natural evolution, none would ever know. Upon hearing this, Caphon pledged to rid the world of its monsters. Astral Reavers and Uft'ni alike tell a tale of Caphon setting out with his finest Space Marines on a vessel gifted to him by the people. He returned in three days with only a handful of his battle brothers and a ruined ship. Behind them, they towed a great tentacle, fifty meters long, that dyed the sea red with blood. Neither he, nor any other, would tell the tale of their victory. However, Caphon's actions would go on to speak louder than he ever could. The greatest mark upon the Uft'ni people would become the Chapter's own. Taken as their heraldry, the krake, once Uft'ni's greatest terror, would become its greatest guardian.

Chapter Organization

“I've always felt that Gulliman intended his words to be interpreted less as laws, and more as... guidelines.” - Captain Tomas Beckett, Astral Reavers Tenth Company

child of Calth, and veteran of the White Consuls, Caphon Derii formed his Chapter as his gene-father, Primarch Roboute Gulliman, would have wanted. In accordance with the Codex Astartes, Caphon's Astral Reavers would have ten companies, and a thousand battle ready space marines between them. He would shun neither psyker nor Reclusiarch, and he would allow the Machine Cult to train his brothers in their most sacred art.

Brothers of the First Company are veterans drawn from its four battle companies. Each is a hero amongst heroes, and a legend in his own right. They are known as Black Spots for the Uft'ni omen of doom adopted within their heraldry, a single, dark circle between the mandibles of the Krake. These venerable warriors are trained to operate the Chapter's treasured suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armor, and are spread throughout the Chapter's Battle Companies to foster learning amongst their brothers.

The Chapter's Second through Fifth Companies are its Battle Companies, venerable warriors organized in traditional squad arrangements as dictated by the Codex Astartes. They are experts in their chosen craft, having passed through the Reserve Companies and proven themselves adept in every face of war. The Sixth through Ninth Companies are its tactical, assault, and heavy reserve forces. Comprised of initiates, they are spread to support and learn the ways of war from their battle brothers, so that they may one day take their place in the Battle Companies.

The Astral Reavers' Tenth Company serves as much as a second veteran company as it does an active neophyte training unit. Since Caphon's passing, the Chapter has claimed more worlds than the veteran Caphon could have ever imagined, and reaped the benefits of greater sources of recruitment. In order to train thousands of prospective marines, dozens of Black Spots are regularly seconded to the Tenth as Sergeants. Assignment is a mixed blessing, the single greatest slight on Gulliman's text, and the Chapter's future, one in the same.

Combat Doctrine

“Swing! Parry! Pass! Lunge! Give no step! Yield no quarter! This is how we fight!” - Captain Strabo Thussaud, Astral Reavers Second Company

ollowing in the footsteps of their Primogenitor, the White Consuls, the Astral Reavers are learned in the countless tactics found in Gulliman's Codex Astartes. They are a supremely flexible force, neigh matching the Ultramarines themselves. Fluent in the art of war, the Astral Reavers are capable of bringing to bear the full militant might of a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes against any foe, in any environment.

In order to protect and expand their mighty fleets, the Astral Reavers have become adepts of voidborne combat. Commanders relish in leading lightning assaults on their foes, dividing their forces to deliver attacks on multiple fronts. Their opponents are left vulnerable, incapable of retaliating or retreating before one host disappears and another strikes. The Chapter's ships are often modified at their request to accommodate additional boarding systems, including magnetic grapples and batteries of boarding pods. Fighting in the cramped spaces aboard enemy vessels, Astral Reavers are conditioned to excel in close quarters combat as they claim them for the Imperium.

Unsurprisingly, these tactics have bled into all levels the Astral Reavers' planetary doctrines. Battle groups are split into multiple elements, terrorizing their enemies through a storm of feints and blows. To keep pace with their battle brothers, commanders regularly forgo heavily armored tanks in favor of lighter and faster vehicles. Although, the Chapter's armory continues to maintain a host of battle tanks for front line use, and deploys them in conflicts that cannot be broken by the might of the space marines alone.

Chapter Cult

“Mine is the face of a hundred monsters. But, I am mightier still.” - Venerable Brother Malthec Cosse, Astral Reavers First Company

aphon's Eternal Purge has driven the Chapter since its creation, lectured by the first Chapter Master, and every Chaplain after. It is the reclamation of the galaxy, the Great Crusade that never was, and the Great Scouring that never ended. For the Astral Reavers the slaughter of traitors and heretics is a unique joy. It is the absolute destruction of the same breed that thought to steal away the galaxy, and dared to live when it failed.

The Changing of Faces is a practice that can be traced back to before the Chapter's founding. The skull mark worn by every battle brother, originally adopted from Derii's own remembrance of Calth, was the first heraldry to ever unify the Astral Reavers as a Chapter. Time has transformed the face into a mark of the individual and a ritual of growth, as Chaplains began to interpret Caphon's own adoption of the face of the krake as his own rebirth. Every initiate, upon entering the Chapter, earns his first face, a human skull, a symbol of everything the initiate is, and, synonymously, nothing at all. He is born again into the warrior fraternity of the Astral Reavers. In the ceremonies following battles, battle brothers who believe they have proven themselves in the battle tell tales of their victories. Their feats are judged in the company of their brothers, and, if deemed worthy, the faces of their freshly vanquished foes are fused with their own to create the next. The first ceremony earns brothers the title Death Head. Venerable Death Heads have faces incorporating many foes, cumulating in a single visage, more fearsome and terrifying than any individual enemy of the Imperium.

Trophy taking has long coincided with the reclaimer mentality of Astral Reavers. Bones, trinkets, and relics are only a fraction of the prizes that brothers seize to bolster their worth and honor under the Emperor. Reavers who believe their findings are of value share trophies with their brothers, and present them to Reclusiarchs, Techmarines, and Librarians to determine their worth. True treasures, Imperial relics and rare xeno technologies, earn their claimer praise and prestige. However, more often than not, they are rejected by the Chapter's specialists, and, in turn, their claimer, in shame. Other Reavers may continue to use their idle findings to entertain their brothers with their stories. These barbaric decorations often receive ill response from fellow Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, declaring them worthless at best, and, under the most extreme circumstances, even heretical. Though these claims have never endangered the Chapter's relationship with Terra, they have created a divide between the Astral Reavers and many other factions within the Imperium.

Together, these traditions have given the Astral Reavers a boastful swagger and flamboyance alien to many Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. Astral Reavers are eager to share the tales of their exploits, telling all those willing to listen of battles they've fought and enemies they've slain over the centuries. The most fascinating tales find their way into the Chapter's Librarium, immortalizing battle brothers in the Lexicanums' retellings long after their deaths.


“Though we may come from different worlds, the same blood flows through us all. We are brothers, from now, until the end of days.” -

ike a full two-thirds of Space Marine Chapters, the Astral Reavers can trace their genetic lineage back to the Thirteenth Legion Primarch Roboute Gulliman and his Ultramarines. Possessing one of the oldest genetic samples in the Imperium, it comes at no surprise that their Gene-Seed is free of the abnormalities and mutations that plague the descendants of other gene-stocks and latter foundings.

Battle Cry

“Let them howl their pitiful defiance. Maintain your focus, brothers, and this battle will be short.” - Chapter Master Tilus Nemo, Astral Reavers

omplimenting their combat doctrine, and matching the void they rule, Astral Reavers march to war in silence. Their foes are torn apart, accompanied only by the music of powered armor and spent ammunition.

Sidebar: Chapter Master Caphon Derii

Venerable Caphon, nearly as old as the Imperium itself, was brought into the galaxy at the premature close of the Great Crusade. A newly inducted initiate of the Ultramarine Legion by the time of the Word Bearers' attack on Calth, Caphon watched his home world die, powerless to fight off the traitors as they brought it to ruin. Traumatized, Caphon isolated himself behind the servos and ceramite plate of his power armor, watching as the Imperium tore itself asunder. He endured years of tragedy, paying witness the pains of death and rebirth on Terra, Mars, Isstvan V, Sebastus IV, and countless other worlds. A skull faced automaton by the end of the Great Scouring, Caphon rebuilt the Imperium in the only way he could, twice sealing the Traitors and their abominations beyond the Cadian Gate, within the Eye of Terror.

Once he had ascended to the position, for nearly a thousand years, Caphon never left the Veteran Companies of the Ultramarines nor the White Consuls. A leader in crisis alone, he saw his brothers through the maelstrom of combat across countless battlefields, where his superiors had fallen and no longer could. Coerced by his brothers into accepting the High Lords' invitation, Caphon reluctantly pledged to honor both the Chapter and Imperium. Caphon gave his newfound brothers purpose, just as they had given it to him. They would be the instruments of the Emperor's will, The reclaimers of His domain. Just as He had forged the Space Marines in the fires of war, Caphon would lead the fledgling Chapter through the greatest inferno he had ever known. The Great Scouring would be rekindled by a single hand, and one thousand more would fuel the flame. Caphon's Eternal Purge would ignite a legacy that has since lasted ten thousand years.

Ambitious, glory seeking, and, perhaps, mad, Chapter Master Derii dedicated his warriors to the firey rebirth of the Imperium. Clad in viridian armor, they would be humanity's hope through conquest. Caphon's campaign would be no less than a personal crusade, an Eternal Purge, and the continuation of the Great Scouring of yore.

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Brainstorming Ideas and Notes Last Edited September 19, 2012
These are ideas that i have for the Chapter. Many may still be up in the air. Others are finalized in my head, but still need to be incorporated into the IA. Unfortunately, I don't see many of these aesthetic decisions finding a spot, but, for the time being, I can at least point here if any questions arise about them.

General (Most of this is Aesthetics)
-Astral Reaver Captains wear helmets similar to Lokhir Fellheart. This is what is referred to in the Chapter Cult when Caphon adopts the krake as his second face. This helmet is the Second Face for Captains and the Chapter Master.
-I saw this really awesome looking miniature on coolminiornot. Even though it is not a science fiction miniature, I still want to take advantage of the inspiration it gave me. Uft'ni is a world heavily based on the sea, and, as such, reliant on ships, fish, and associated tools and resources. Uft'ni is also the Reavers' fist home world. As such, these tools and their imagery have been adopted by the Chapter. Fearsome looking sea creatures (Anglers like on the model's pad, swordfish, narwhals, perhaps sharks, and especially the heraldic krake) will also find themselves on armor and weapons.
-Black Spots wear white helmets and have black second faces (a black spot on their helmet) unlike the rest of their battle brothers who wear white second faces. They may choose to place a white circle on their forehead and a black circle on it.
-Astral Reavers seconded to the Deathwatch are typically Black Spots (whether from the First Company, Tenth Company, or veterans of those companies in the battle and reserve companies). To accommodate their black armor, many repaint their skull faces white over their helm. They may also choose to place a black circle on the forehead of their white face.
-Astral Reaver Apothecaries wear white armor (with white second faces (outlined in black on white helmets) unless they're black spots (in which case they wear a white helmet with a black second face). Some may choose to paint their Narthecium/ Reductor arms red/ Chaplains wear black armor and bone helmets/ Librarians wear blue armor and wear a white face unless they are black spots in which case they wear a black face/ Techmarines wear red armor and wear a white face unless they are black spots in which case they wear a black face. All specialists wear a green pad with the Chapter's heraldry.
-Given the Chapter's closeness with the Machine Cult, I imagine some skitarii forces pledging themselves to the Chapter or the Chapter lending battle brothers to Explorator Fleets. After all, what's more pirate like than searching for treasure?

-Nothing much to add, it looks a little bare, but better short and to the point than long and rambly.

-Astral Reavers recruit from worlds besides Uft'ni, and they may have had their own shares of influence, I just have no idea what they are yet (Worlds with cultures based on African cultures, Caribbean cultures, English cultures, Japanese cultures, Mediterranean cultures, and anywhere else I missed with social aspects related to the sea and piracy.)
-Uft'ni has Greek (or general Mediterranean) and Hawaiian influences.

Chapter Cult
-I've decided to use the Chapter's previous name, the Death Heads, as the Chapter's title. The name seems so appropriate, and it would be a waste to throw it away. Tying in with the Chapter Cult, any battle brother who has earned the right to grow his face is a "Death Head."
-Anchors are used as symbols of faith (And sometimes weapons are crafted to look like them. I imagine a Chaplain's Crozius or a Thunder Hammer). Tridents are used as relic and honorary weapons. Nets may be used as tools.
-The Eternal Purge may need a new name. It doesn't have the same mental image as the Great Scouring while the Great Crusade and the Eternal Crusade, parallels to this train of thought, are very clearly linked.
-Astral Reavers originally made use of red markings similar to the White Scars. I went through many methods trying to justify them, and none really click in my mind. I'd like to keep them, but I'm not sure how to justify it. However I may, I believe that it will tie in with the Chapter Cult.
-Before deciding that the Astral Reavers would go into battle silently, I debated between that and tribal war chants. Even though I continue to support silent warfare ("In space, no one can hear you scream" and such), I would like to incorporate chanting into the Chapter, and I think the Chapter Cult is where it would fit.
-Commissar Molotov gave me the idea for have the Chapter value water as a source of cleansing. His suggestion was to have water from the home world used by serfs and battle brothers to clean and maintain weapons. I like the idea, and I'll be looking for ways to incorporate it, even if it's not exactly as he suggested. Regardless, Astral Reavers typically like water (because I say so, there may be unique characters who don't like water, feel uncomfortable in and around it, and stand apart from their brothers for it).
-Astral Reavers use many Great Crusade Era heraldry like the Emperor's Thunderbolt. I don't know how Reavers would react to heraldry including the Imperial Aquila. I'm debating whether or not they should refuse to use it given negative connotations with the Emperor's Children. Suggestions?
-Sailors usually get tattoos to record their travels. Astral Reavers may do the same, or use tattoos to identify their home worlds. Both options and more are all possible. Ink adds character in this regard.

Characters and Personalities
This section is just for fun. But, since pirates are always full of character, I don't mind just listing names, acknowledging some of my past ideas, or a resource pool for some random spontaneous (re)generation.

-Chapter Master Caphon Derii
The First Chapter Master
He's earned a sidebar all to himself. Caphon started the Chapter on their current direction, with both the Changing of Faces and the Eternal Purge. I'd like to think of him as a sort of parallel to Sigismund and the Black Templars, but that just stinks of MISS.

-Chapter Master Tilus Nemo
His name in previous articles was apparently Outis. Tilus is derived from Nautilus, Captain Nemo's submarine in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Creative I know.
Right now, he exists exclusively in the IA for a single quote. Finding Nemo's place in the Chapter's history will be an adventure, I'm sure.

-Brother Astos Narrik, Chapter Champion
Because every Chapter needs The Jerk. He's the best, and he knows he's the best. He's arrogant, headstrong, set in his ways, and nothing is going to change that. Thank the Emperor he's not in command.
Narrik was unique in that he never elected to present his victories to his battle brothers, and is one of the few, if not only, to have lasted so long in the Chapter without modifying his second face beyond earning the right as a Black Spot to paint it black.
If I can work out the timing right, he may have a not so friendly rivalry with Li Jon.

-Captain Lucil Tobulo, Astral Reavers First Company
I'm not so sure about keeping his name (Lucil seems odd to me at this point in time, and Tobulo was conceived as a corruption of Corbulo, the Blood Angels Sanguinary High Priest), but I liked the concept: A sound leader for an otherwise characterful and rowdy bunch.

-Venerable Sergeant Pantilimon, Astral Reavers First Company
A shameless corruption of Pantalaimon, one of my favorite characters in the His Dark Materials series, and in turn, a corruption of Saint Pantaleon (or just his name in Greek, I'm not one to judge)
Pantilimon never had any characterization beyond leading a Terminator Squad, so I'll have no shame removing him from the list if it comes to it.

-Venerable Brother Malthec Cosse, Astral Reavers First Company
Right now, Cosse exists exclusively in the IA for a quote (a very characterful and chapter defining quote, but a quote none the less).
He's a black spot. And... yeah, I've got nothing.

-Brother Li Jon Okipiet, Squad Leader, Astral Reavers First Company, Deathwatch Veteran
Featured in Silver Phoenix's Deathwatch Challenge
I swear to you all, I had absolutely no idea that this character existed when I picked the name.
1 Power Fist. 1 Lightning Claw. 1 Storm Bolter. All insane, runty murder machine.

-Venerable Brother Roux, Astral Reavers First Company
Roux is a member of Pantilimon's Terminator Squad. He carries the squad's Assault Cannon, and was based almost exclusively on Games Workshop's Space Hulk Terminator Leon. I thought Leon's "Let my gun do the talking" attitude was boring. Roux was created as a polar opposite: Talkative, obnoxious, perhaps even a little (or a lot) humorous. I saw hims as Steve Erwin and Crocodile Dundee in terminator armor.

-Captain Strabo Thussaud, Astral Reavers Second Company
Universal mentor, played a part in bringing up Roca Filo (good student) and Astos Narrik (bad student)
Thussaud has a beard (because Ace Debonair says so). However, because I don't always follow Ace to the tee, Thussaud's beard is a well kept symbol of experience, masculinity, and pure, unadulterated badassitude. I'd also like it to fit into a helmet without lamp shading.
The name Strabo may eventually be chanced since it, like Lucil, was more or less picked off the top of my head (a terrible, terrible place to look for names).

-Captain Roca Filo, Astral Reavers Fourth Company
The youngest current Captain
The good student, Thussaud's pride and joy, and a sign of a good future for the Chapter's leadership.
I can't quite remember whether the name Roca was made by Ace Debonair or Grey Hunter Ydalir, but, either way, I didn't make it, and that's why it's good.

-Captain Tomas Beckett, Astral Reavers Tenth Company
Right now, Beckett exists exclusively in the IA for a quote (and do I love that quote).
His name hints towards a Keep World influenced by English and other Western European, seafaring cultures.

-Venerable Sergeant Kaio Jukai, Astral Reavers Tenth Company
Right now, Jukai exists exclusively in the IA for a quote.
His name gives me hope at eventually fleshing out one of those Asianiac cultured Keep Worlds.
As a leader in the Tenth Company, Jukai is by default a Black Spot.

There was a sort of link between Tobulo, Narrik, and Filo. Three prominent figures from, I guess now, Uft'ni, all similar in appearance, and split most clearly in demeanor. Tobulo was to look a generation older, while Narrik and Filo would appear almost as twins, separated only by their armor, manner, and posture. This was all for a written campaign long past, but the idea is still interesting to me at least.
Aside from the obvious and very intentional deviations, most of these Characters are Uft'ni. That's something I'd like to change in the future, introducing more worlds and the characters from them. Just to give perspective on this problem, when I was trying to write a campaign, all four Reaver captains present were Uft'ni, as well as most of their named underlings. It's hard to climb out of a rut when you start following some kind of method for naming your marines, but, at least when "pirate" becomes your method, it's less problematic than, say, Angels or Greeks.

Original Post Original Post Original Post

After several double posting errors, I've finally gotten this set up straight.
So, the Astral Reavers are one of my oldest Index Astartes Articles. Although there is currently an iteration of them in the Librarium titled the Death Heads, the Chapter has come a long way since then. It is my goal to have a fully edited version for the Librarium to replace the old one by the time it is up and running again. In addition to that, I'm also hoping to expand the article to a minimum of three thousand words. Meaningful words, honest. As of now, the article is just shy of 2000 words. Taking some pointers from Octavulg's Octaguide*, I intend on adding to the Chapter by giving them an introduction, as well as adding a section on their Gene-Seed, and possibly a Battlecry. I've never really gotten the point of either section, but I suppose that they're important enough to flesh out.

As you may guess by the fact that SPACE PIRATES is printed in bold throughout my draft, the answer is because it's my ... uh ... um ... err ... probably fifth idea for a name, and I still don't have one I like. The most recent idea was the Executors, and I don't believe it fits the Chapter's inspiration. Albeit, it was better than the Kraken Brothers (name number one). So, on that dreary note, I'm looking for name suggestions. Regardless of whether it's an Adjective Noun or something else entirely. My last brainstorming session left me with the Emissaries, Envoys, and Harbingers, big whoop. I'd like to give them a title as well.

I've also come to several other details and conclusions that might find their way into the article if they receive good feedback.
-Astral Reavers use Great Crusade Era heraldry such as the Emperor's Thunderbolt
-Astral Reavers are Mariners, ie: Black Templars : Knights :: Astral Reavers : Mariners
-Astral Reavers recruit from worlds besides Uft'ni, and they may have had their own shares of influence, I just have no idea what they are yet

*Recommended reading for all neophytes hoping to have a Librarium worthy Chapter

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Looks good, reads well, concepts great. I enjoyed it.


However, you're right - that name needs to be changed as right now, when I first started reading it, I thought it was going to be half tongue-in-cheek.


You need a name that suspends disbelief as quoted in the holy OctoTome. I actually liked Executors! :P


How about Exaectors? Technically it means Tithe taker or tax man - are you not taking the Emperor's Due? ;)


Digging this with a shovel - more!



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Arr, matey! :unsure:

Let's be havin' a look at yer IA, then. Arr.


...Sorry. The name 'Space Pirates' had me making aloud the raucous sounds of mirth for quite some time.


Chapter Cult

Caphon's Eternal Purge has driven the Chapter since its creation, lectured by the first Chapter Master, and every Chaplain after. It is the reclamation of the galaxy, the Great Crusade that never wars, and the Great Scouring that never ended. For the Space Pirates the slaughter of traitors and heretics is a unique joy. It is the destruction of the same inhuman breed thought to steal away the galaxy, and dared to live when it failed.


This sentence is a puzzle, conundrum and riddle.

I can't figure out what you want it to say, in other words. :)


Otherwise, this draft seems pretty solid.

Apart from the hilarious name.


What sort of imagery do you want the name to conjure up?

I'll have another bash at putting one together if you like.

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Looks good, reads well, concepts great. I enjoyed it.


However, you're right - that name needs to be changed as right now, when I first started reading it, I thought it was going to be half tongue-in-cheek.


You need a name that suspends disbelief as quoted in the holy OctoTome. I actually liked Executors! ^_^


How about Exaectors? Technically it means Tithe taker or tax man - are you not taking the Emperor's Due? :unsure:


Digging this with a shovel - more!




It's easier to work on something when its name makes you smile. Space Pirates make me smile. "Taking the Emperor's Due" worked when they were the Executors. Now, I don't know what they should be.


Arr, matey! :)

Let's be havin' a look at yer IA, then. Arr.


...Sorry. The name 'Space Pirates' had me making aloud the raucous sounds of mirth for quite some time.




This sentence is a puzzle, conundrum and riddle.

I can't figure out what you want it to say, in other words. :D


That's my mistake. It's supposed to be: It is the destruction of the same inhuman breed that thought to steal away the galaxy, and dared to live when it failed.


What sort of imagery do you want the name to conjure up?

I'll have another bash at putting one together if you like.


I'd appreciate it. The obvious inspiration for their name should draw from Caphon. They should be punishers and reclaimers. They should be scary. The word I keep running back to is "Reavers," but I'm open to suggestions.

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I'd appreciate it. The obvious inspiration for their name should draw from Caphon. They should be punishers and reclaimers. They should be scary. The word I keep running back to is "Reavers," but I'm open to suggestions.


Dread Reavers, perhaps?


A name that is not inspired in any way by the Dread Pirate Roberts. ;)


Storm Reavers, perhaps?

Tempest Reavers didn't sound quite right, and I thought something representing rough seas might work well.

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All names with some form of rolling off the tounge, particularly Obsidian Reavers, and all serious bar one*.




*Can you guess?


Soul Reavers? :P

I mean, what kind of Astartes wants to be named after a Legacy of Kain sequel? ;)


I'm still backing Dread Reavers. ;)

Sounds a bit piratey without being all-up-in-yer-face-stealin'-yer-grog about it.

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I'll be using the name that CJJ so graciously volunteered, the Astral Reavers. Thank you, CJJ, I thought you were saving the name for one of your own projects.


I still need suggestions on how to expand the core IA. I could see other keep worlds only existing in sidebars, and even then I'm not sure what kinds of worlds they would be. I'm not sure how I would fit in the use of Great Crusade era heraldry. But, overall I'm open to suggestions.

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I'll be using the name that CJJ so graciously volunteered, the Astral Reavers. Thank you, CJJ, I thought you were saving the name for one of your own projects.

Blasted CJJ with his catchy names and his mutter mutter grumble grumble... :lol:


I still need suggestions on how to expand the core IA. I could see other keep worlds only existing in sidebars, and even then I'm not sure what kinds of worlds they would be. I'm not sure how I would fit in the use of Great Crusade era heraldry. But, overall I'm open to suggestions.

Have you got any other stuff lined up for sidebars yet? (Perhaps a snippet about the Gehenna Perditia What did we call it Campaign?)

And are you counting the sidebar content towards the goal of 3,000 words?


I'm not sure of any ideas for other worlds just yet, although part of me is itching to suggest a more carribean one. :lol:

I dunno, I'm just in a nostalgic mood or something. <_<

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Have you got any other stuff lined up for sidebars yet? (Perhaps a snippet about the Gehenna Perditia What did we call it Campaign?)

And are you counting the sidebar content towards the goal of 3,000 words?


I'm not sure of any ideas for other worlds just yet, although part of me is itching to suggest a more carribean one. ;)

I dunno, I'm just in a nostalgic mood or something. :P


I'd rather be adding to the core IA than sidebars, but yes, I'm counting them. The Nuviath Campaign is still under debate to me (as an example, I'm thinking of a more island hopping mentality off the bat, and debating Chaos involvement rather than Eldar).


I could imagine a more Caribbean world, albeit Uft'ni is relatively Mediterranean inspired with a tribal sort of name (I thought it sounded relatively Hawaiian). Although, I'm imagining Hive Worlds (gangers and the like), Death Worlds (tribal headhunters), and worlds that are more Asian inspired (however much I may be treading on the White Scars' turf). Japan as opposed to Mongolian, I think. I wonder if I could get away with taking Japanese themes and sticking them on Tuchanka.


I'd still like to think of some sort of Gene-Seed and Battlecry sections. I've always hit a wall here as I've never seen the significance of either.

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I'd rather be adding to the core IA than sidebars, but yes, I'm counting them. The Nuviath Campaign is still under debate to me (as an example, I'm thinking of a more island hopping mentality off the bat, and debating Chaos involvement rather than Eldar).


I'm fine with either or both of those changes if you prefer. One battlefield is pretty much the same as another to the Infinity Knights.


Heretics, xenos, they're all fine targets. ;)


I'd still like to think of some sort of Gene-Seed and Battlecry sections. I've always hit a wall here as I've never seen the significance of either.

Gene-seed sections can be very important in Chapters where the geneseed and it's mutations are crucial parts of the Chapter.


In chapters like the AR, where this is not the case, you can pad it out with some of the details about recruitment, such as... if non-Uft'ni-born recruits are less compatible with the geneseed, or some of the trials recruits face.


And, of course, you can talk about how functional and excellent their geneseed is, or if anything's changed over the years.


Battle-cry is good for giving a really, really brief summary of your Chapter.

For instance, back when these were the Space Pirates, they could shout 'Arr, we be wantin' yer gold, scurvy dogs!', and everyone would know what sort of character the Chapter possessed.


As the Astral Reavers, you should probably go with something a little more serious, though.

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Thanks Ace, CJJ.


I could explain how neophytes are used as shock troopers (mini-space marines) and the Chapter's tolerance to losses in the Tenth.


So, I guess I'll also have a section saying how squeaky clean their Gene-Seed is.


The thing with a battlecry is what you want it to evoke; their prowess for war? Their faith in the Emperor? And all the other things that could come in to it.


For the Battlecry I imagine one of two ways of going about it: Tribal/ Warrior Chanting or just complete silence. The AR's goal is to inspire fear, they are the Emperor's Reclaimers (That could be used as their title too, if it's not already in use). The tribal chanting would work to a degree, but it's still up in the air in my mind because of the simple variation of worlds and cultures they draw from. So, are a hundred monster faced giants more frightening war chanting or silent?


Another way I could see expanding the IA, even if it is a sort of superficial addition, is by heading sections with quotations. Ace, that means you :D .


Finally, how should I fit in the other worlds they recruit from? How much detail should they have, if any at all?

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Tribal chanting works for me, particularly if led by howling, zealous Chaplains or Captains.


Another way I could see expanding the IA, even if it is a sort of superficial addition, is by heading sections with quotations. Ace, that means you :P .

Oh, alrighty.

What sort of quotes do you want?


It's almost a shame you're not just a bit codex divergent.

"I've always seen them more as guidelines" - Captain Jaik Arro of the Astral Reavers' Eighth Company


Damn it, Ace. Stop making them more like Pirates of the Carribean. Those days are behind us. ;)


Arr! :HQ:

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Oh, alrighty.

What sort of quotes do you want?


It's almost a shame you're not just a bit codex divergent.

"I've always seen them more as guidelines" - Captain Jaik Arro of the Astral Reavers' Eighth Company


Damn it, Ace. Stop making them more like Pirates of the Carribean. Those days are behind us. :P


Arr! <_<


:lol: I can dig it. Quotes by Caphon about leading his brothers through the fires of war, quotes about reclamation, whatever you think fits.


On that note, update:

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That was a great read dude, and I really like the name too. I've been having a look at all the different types of power armor on the Forgeworld site an hour ago and the name Astral Reavers really conjured up the image of Mk III armor for some reason.


As to the topic of recruiting worlds, I think it would still be in character if they just 'took' their recruits from any world they either just saved, or pass by. Just like pirates would (could)?take slaves from random fishing villages they sail by.




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The thing with a battlecry is what you want it to evoke; their prowess for war? Their faith in the Emperor? And all the other things that could come in to it.

For the Battlecry I imagine one of two ways of going about it: Tribal/ Warrior Chanting or just complete silence. The AR's goal is to inspire fear, they are the Emperor's Reclaimers (That could be used as their title too, if it's not already in use). The tribal chanting would work to a degree, but it's still up in the air in my mind because of the simple variation of worlds and cultures they draw from. So, are a hundred monster faced giants more frightening war chanting or silent?

Another way I could see expanding the IA, even if it is a sort of superficial addition, is by heading sections with quotations. Ace, that means you :P .

Finally, how should I fit in the other worlds they recruit from? How much detail should they have, if any at all?

Silence is infinitely more terrifying; a battle et has all sorts of subtle meanings beyond the actual words, but you could always include something about common sayings or phrases.

In terms of quotes, you can use them subtly to help with the pirate theme?

"Were you come from matters not, we will make you as cold and unforgiving as the void we sail."

That was tough going on an iPhone <_<
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As to the topic of recruiting worlds, I think it would still be in character if they just 'took' their recruits from any world they either just saved, or pass by. Just like pirates would (could)?take slaves from random fishing villages they sail by.


Picking up random recruits is commonplace for Chapters, especially those who've taken a hit like the Crimson Fists and Scythes of the Emperor. Astral Reaver Keep Worlds should be more reminiscent of Free Ports, places where Pirates could do as they liked. Despite the scavenger mentality when they take trophies, Reavers aren't exactly scrounging around for anything, least of all more able bodies. I would also think that the Astral Reavers would be a little too proud to fall back on 'scrounging' all too often. I'd rather keep it as is with the establishment of Keeps as training grounds. However, many worlds are claimed in unorthodox ways. A Campaign I'm working on on the side called Nuviath involves a world turning traitor. After the Reavers win, they claim the world as a recruiting ground, simultaneously leaving their mark and kicking the remaining populace in line.


Silence is infinitely more terrifying; a battle et has all sorts of subtle meanings beyond the actual words, but you could always include something about common sayings or phrases.


In terms of quotes, you can use them subtly to help with the pirate theme?


"Were you come from matters not, we will make you as cold and unforgiving as the void we sail."


I agree with the silence. But, they're not cold, they're warm and bubbly, and they laugh at you from behind the faces of daemonic horrors that have plighted the galaxy for eternity. That needs to be reworded.




I'm still surprised that no one caught my joke about a Japanese Cultured Tuchanka as a recruiting world, or at least haven't called me out on it.

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