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Hey all,


I'm getting ready to build another Space Mairine squad soon, and so far, I have not found the results I'm looking for with bionic conversions.


I was hoping we could make a thread with all of the different options for bionics, things like tutorials, places to find bits that make good bionics, common items that can be used in the conversions, etc.



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Hi I did a tut on these bionics ages ago but it looks like a lot of my old posts have gone.

Here are the wip pics. This is made from tube, green stuff, micro beads and guitar string.


If you want me to remover the pics (I dont want to take over the thread) just let me know






Here it is painted up with the microbeads sunk in.




What I like here is that from the front its really subtle but from the side or back its shows off the bionics



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The Iron Hands box has two sets of bionic legs, two torso's, two bolter arms,four heads, two grasping arms, a thunderhammer arm, and ten Iron Hands shoulderpads.


@ Ultra: Very nice looking bionics, I recently purchased extra battleship hit and miss markers on ebay, thinking they would make good piston looking bionics, but they were too big. Though they might work on terminators. What type of "tube" did you use to make the gear, and what are "microbeads", I'd like to try that style myself.


kikkala posted a tutorial a while ago with his style of bionics, I didn't find they worked for me, but I'll post the link anyway. Kikkala's bionics tutorial

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@ Ultra: Very nice looking bionics, I recently purchased extra battleship hit and miss markers on ebay, thinking they would make good piston looking bionics, but they were too big. Though they might work on terminators. What type of "tube" did you use to make the gear, and what are "microbeads", I'd like to try that style myself.


Hi, the tubes were bought from a local craft shop. They are the 2 smallest types they had (about 3mm and 5mm) These were just cut to length with the smaller tube acting as the leg and a drilled larger tube for the knee with the smaller one passing through it.


The micro beads came from a water filter. If you crack one open you will find a load of carbon as well as small "stone" beads of different sizes. These make great rivets if you drill a pilot hole and sink them into armour.

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Thanks for this, i've started a Sons of Medusa army and put a post in the WIP section as I get through bits.


I got the Iron hands box set and its solid. I've also been using guitair string and random components from my bits box.


Thanks for those external links, the puppets war mechaincal implants look damm fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At the scale we are working on, you can make simple and okay looking bionics with pretty much anything.


It's as simple as:

- remove the upper part of a leg / part of an arm

- replace it with a small piece of plastic rod or paper clip

- add some small pieces of thin cable or guitar wire

- success!


All you really need is a knife, a pin vice and random household items.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It all depends on the scale, simple paperclips with greenstuff can become bionics, for my 54mm (62mm space marine) I just did them with greenstuff over the eye and parts of the arm. You can use literally anything. At those smaller scales the simple bionics usually work the best, try to go too complex and it will look like something out of HR Giger
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  • 2 months later...

So I've got some pictures of bionics that I have done. My method was to saw off a major limb, replace it with a battleship "hit" marker, "I thought it would look like a piston, but its too big." after that was in place I add guitar string, rod, and then shape green stuff around them to make it look better. here are some examples.



I also wanted to bump this page, and encourage people to share their own pictures and ideas for bionics. Post away!

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