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Dark Angels 3rd Company


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Hello all,


Been a long time since I last posted on B&C, but I've been back lurking here for a while and the call of the Rock has been too much to resist. So when I was asked what I wanted for Christmas I opted to get the final parts I needed to complete my Dark Angels 3rd Company, which ended up being mostly Rhinos.


I'm not sure how well this will come out as a photo as it was originally done in Visio, but here's the Table of Organisation for the Company as I see them ready for independent operations. I've opted to set this in 009.M42, post Piscina so that the Company has only just returned to full strength (I can't see replacing Marines and integrating them into a tight force as a quick operation!)




I started wanting to just name each of the marines in the Company, but I've since decided to try and create a little background for each too. Starting with Company Master Ramiel:





Then moving onto the command elements of the company:




A long way to go still, but one of the things I love about this hobby is it's up to you how far you want to take these things.


On the model front I have everything bar the 1 techmarine (for some reason I've never trusted them!). All the infantry is assembled and around half if it is it a table-top standard of painting. The 2 LandRaiders, Vindicator and 1 of the Razorbacks is painted, the rest is pretty much built just a few Rhinos to go.


So I figured that I'd post up here to give me a kind of WIP and some motiviation to keep going, and to ask what you think I should aim for in the LPC? I have 2 young kids so painting time is about 2 hours a night at the most, but I'm aiming for an apocalypse game in June with the full 3rd Company (plus my Deathwing and Ravenwing) due to see action then. I'd like to leave the older (not great quality) painted minatures as-is for now and concentrate on the 2 tacticals, 1 dev and command squad that are just undercoated. Worth adding some vehicles to the list too?


Thanks for your time, and I hope I can get some pictures ASAP up of where the company is today


Edit - Apologies I should have credited The Dark Fortress - Book of Names for the inspiration to name all these marines!



(BTW, if the images above are too small and won't click-through, then the main album can be found at https://picasaweb.google.com/Chris.Lewis.Mobile/DarkAngels )

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Awesome, and completely in-line with what I have planned for my army too, when I can get back to work on it.

Even 2 hours painting per day will take you far with time, if you can stay motivated and paint regularly.


good luck, and be sure I will follow this topic! :)

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Thanks for the good luck messages, given my fascination with new shiny things I'm going to need it. I must avoid thinking about Dark Angel Fellblades ^_^


First day back at work yesterday so I didn't get too much done, other than to start on building a second Whirlwind. I had hoped to get everything out on display and take a few pictures of where I am starting from. I did manage to get this one picture of my project storage corner (main storage for inactive/completed armies is the attic), it all looks fiarly neat in the B&C bag






Looking at the images above the Background text for my Company Master looks pretty unreadable at that photo resolution. Hopefully the text below helps:


Originally from Piscina, Master Ramiel was born into a family with strong ties to the Dark Angels. For countless generations, at least one of his family had attended the Gathering of Warriors and more often than not had been selected to leave for the stars. With such a birthright it is no surprise that he learned to use a sword and pistol as soon as he could walk, that he threw all that he had into being stronger, faster and smarter than any of his peers. When the once a generation Gathering came around, Ramiel faced others with the same commitment and skill, and yet again proved his worth.


It was not until the first Dark Angel arrived that Ramiel faced someone he could not compete with, for a full battle-brother is a god amongst men. All the effort Ramiel had expended only to realise that this was but the first step on a long road, it often broke many aspirants to realise that they would be the least amongst their fellow marines and that their path was one of pain and suffering. But for Ramiel it was another challenge to defeat, another obstacle to overcome. As he was the best Piscina had to offer, so too one day would he be the best that the Dark Angels could offer.


Despite the rigorous screening as part of the Gathering of Warrior, many fail on the path of the battle-brother, and so to was it with many of Ramiel’s fellow recruits. Some rejected the gene-seed, some failed the psychic screening, and others the tests of loyalty. For those the role of Servitor awaited, and for the few who pass the tests and can survive the pain of the gene therapy promotion to the Scout company awaits.


With his sharp mind Ramiel prospered in the scout company, rising rapidly to become a combat squad leader and often leading his team on protracted missions deep within enemy territory. Ramiel earned his name in 804.M41, when he took part in putting down the Galloway’s World Rebellion, his unit had been assigned to a Rapid Reaction Force comprised mainly of marines from the 5th Battle Company aboard the Strike Cruiser Pride of Caliban. Responding to calls from the Sector Governor the Dark Angels were one of the first units to arrive in the Sector and were immediately sent to investigate the disappearance of the Arbites ships that had previously been sent to Galloway’s World. Upon arriving in system the Pride of Caliban was immediately contacted by the port authorities and ordered to approach no further as the system was under quarantine following an outbreak of plague. At the same time the ship’s navigator and librarian could detect the presence of a powerful psychic beacon reaching deep into the immaterium. Whilst suspicious negotiations continued between the Dark Angels and Galloway’s World, Ramiel’s squad was dispatched via drop pod to the planet. In order to prevent the drop pod being noticed it was launched on a pure ballistic course towards the planet, drifting in-system with all but emergency power shut down for several days. Once on the ground, and recalling the stories of the old Plains World warriors, Ramiel’s team was quickly able to identify the Genestealer infection at the heart of rebellion and to mark they key locations where the leaders were holed up. With this information in their possession, the Pride of Caliban feigned agreement to withdraw from the system only to make an immediate return close in system before launching a full combat drop. With the exact locations of the key leadership the Dark Angels were able to destroy the majority of the Genestealer infection within hours. Once the psychic and influence of the Patriarch was gone the people of Galloway’s World swarmed onto the streets smashing the remaining stealers and their kin under sheer weight of numbers. The swiftness and decisive nature of the victory were credited to the intelligence gathered by Ramiel and his team, and although they had not fired a single shot many battle-brothers and millions of citizens knew that they owed their lives to the Dark Angel scouts.



Following the Galloway’s World Rebellion, Ramiel was promoted to a full battle-brother. The training never stops though, and Ramiel worked his way through the ranks, first as a bolter armed marine in the Devastator squads then as an Assault marine before transferring to a tactical squad. In 846.M41 he was a Brother Marine in the 3rd Squad 5th Battle Company during the Eldar invasion of the newly colonised world of Valeria Secondus. When his Sergeant fell, it was Ramiel who stepped forward and led his brothers in some of the fiercest fighting the Dark Angels had seen in many years. Although a brutal and bloody campaign the Dark Angels were able to repel the Eldar from Valeria Secondus re-claiming the world in the name of the Emperor. For his part in the action Ramiel was promoted to Sergeant of his squad.


In 897.M41 Ramiel was serving as the Sergeant of the 1st squad, the 5th company’s hardened veterans, when contact was made the techno-recidivists of Faze V. The 5th company had been assigned to assist Rouge Traders from Clan Arcadius in investigating a region of space that had been cut off by warp storms for several centuries. When the fleet entered orbit around Faze V it was immediately fired upon by a previously unseen form of powerful energy weapon, adapting quickly the 5th Company completed a full combat drop. Upon the surface the company found itself engaged by Men altered by the cybernetic arts, and held entirely in the thrall of some blasphemous machine intelligence. Such a thing was outlawed by ancient decree and the Dark Angels fought with a vengeful fury. Smashing through the hordes of machine-enslaved humans, the Dark Angels launched an attack on the massive logic engines of the sacrilegious entity, disabling them and freeing the population from the machines control. But the people had never existed alone and they craved union with the machine and soon rejected the newly installed rule for Terra. Millions rose up crying for the voice of the machine to be returned to them. The Imperium’s response was swift and predictably brutal with the Dark Angels leading the counter-attack. In a gruelling campaign lasting four months the techno-recidivists were beaten back to their fortresses and eventually wiped from the surface of their world and from the annals of Imperial history for all time. The Dark Angels last act was to destroy the great logic stacks of the disabled machine entity but not before Grand Master Bekenel, Master of the Deathwing, and a party of tech-marines retrieved a last undisclosed scrap of data from the machine complex. It was this last act that was to prove Ramiel’s next promotion, with the sudden arrival of Master Bekenel and many of his Deathwing brothers the 5th Company was pulled back from great complex. Too curious for his own good and already showing the skills and leadership required of a senior Dark Angel Ramiel was marked for entry to the Deathwing


The tests of loyalty before joining the Dark Angels are extreme, but they are as nothing compared to the tests for entry to the Deathwing. Ramiels curiosity about the events on Faze V could have been his undoing as the Masters of the Dark Angels have many secrets they wish to keep hidden. But with his undoubted skill it would be a waste to remove Ramiel, so instead the decision was taken to test his ability to live with the truth of the Dark Angels shame, and whether knowledge that some secrets are best left unknown would curtail his curiosity. So Ramiel was forced to undergo the trials of Deathwing, and as with any other challenge his sheer stubbornness and ability would not let him quit. Ramiel was never quite the same afterwards, more guarded and more cautious with his trust, but nevertheless he was now a member of Deathwing, the elite of the Dark Angels and as such one of the very best warriors the universe had to offer.


Much of Ramiel’s life over the next half century is shrouded in secrecy. It is known that he once more rose to the rank of Sergeant, this time within the elite ranks of the Deathwing, but of his campaigns and battles little is known. The next time Ramiel is seen in the spotlight is in 956.M41 after he his promoted to Master of the 6th Reserve Company. Although the Reserve companies are not deployed in the same independent roles as the battle companies, it is they who are brought in when the situation is desperate and they who bolster the line in the darkest hours. During the Arcadia campaign Ramiel’s 6th Company was called upon to bolster elements of the 3rd and 5th Battle Companies that had been engaged in a brutal campaign against the Emperor’s Children legion. Ramiel’s timely arrival and the use of the Thunderhawks he had brought with him allowed the Dark Angels to pin the Emperor’s Children in place, with their manoeuvrability gone the chaos forces were no match for the heavier weapons and determination of the Dark Angels.


In 997.M41 Ghazgull Thrakka launched his invasion of Piscina through the use of his telly-porta technology. It was here that Master Belial led the 3rd Company in valiant defence of one of the Dark Angels most precious recruiting worlds, in the process earning the title of Hero of Pescina and earning a hatred from Ghazgull that had previously been reserved only for Commisar Yarrick. Ramiel and the 6th Company were sent along with the bulk of the Dark Angels Chapter to Piscina, and for many it was a desperate race to save their birth world from the Ork menace. Despite the small forces at his disposal Master Belial had fought the Orks to a near stand-still, but for every one he killed a dozen were waiting to stream through the telly-portas. Yet the brilliance of Belial meant that when the full might of the Dark Angels fell upon the Orks that outcome was never in doubt. Ramiel and the 6th company again distinguished themselves in the short bloody war, as doctrine dictated they were held as the reserve only committed to exploit a breakthrough or steam a breach. It is though that it was during this time that Belial was able to study Ramiel up close, for it is not often the full Chapter is committed to battle, and to decide that Ramiel should be his successor as commander of the 3rd Battle Company.


In 005.M42, after Grandmaster Gabriel fell aboard the Space Hulk Charnel Shrine, Master Belial was promoted to Grand Master and given command of the Deathwing. It was Belial that proposed Ramiel should take over the 3rd Battle Company, and although there were some who felt a promotion from within 3rd Company was due, the majority of the Dark Angel Masters agreed that it was time Ramiel was given an independent command. In the 4 years since Ramiel has finally restored the 3rd Company to full strength after the devastation of the Piscina conflict, he has led the Third Company on several victorious campaigns, repaying the trust given to him by his fellow Masters and the Inner Circle. Over 200 years old, a veteran of countless campaigns, trained as a specialist on every weapon system the marines operate, an inspirational leader and a brutal combatant, Ramiel is truly an Angel of Death

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Apologies for the double post, but I thought it worth adding the backgrounds for the command squad and Interrogator Chaplin Xaphan too:


Veteran Sergeant Menelauis

Third Company’s Command Squad is headed by Veteran Sergeant Menelauis, who along with Interrogator Chaplin Xaphan and Codicier Hebron form the heart of Master Ramiel’s war council.


Menelauis has been with the Third Company for almost two centuries, and served as the senior sergeant even before Master Belial took command of the Third. He is an excellent tactician, leader and veteran of hundreds of campaigns. He cares deeply for the welfare of his brother marines, ensuring that every single drop of blood spilled is essential to the completion of his mission. Some have taken this as softness, but Menelauis knows his duty and anyone giving less than their total commitment to a given task will soon learn to fear the wrath of this hardened combat veteran.


Company Champion Hamael – Hamael has recently been promoted to Company Champion after the death of his predecessor in the Piscina campaign. He has always had a preference for close combat, seeking to test and prove himself against the most dangerous foes. Whilst many of the Third’s younger and hot-headed marines find their place in the 7th and 8th assault squads, Hamael’s cool and passionless approach to melee is better served amongst the command squad which often holds itself back to be used as the final reserve in the most desperate situations.


Apothecary Nestor - Nestor is a veteran of Third Company, and saw many of his brothers slain during the heroic defence of Piscina from the depravations of Ghazgull Thrakas ork horde. Although the Piscina campaign. and in particular the heroic Battle of Koth Ridge. is considered a great victory the small Dark Angels force took staggering losses against the endless waves of Orks. As the Company apothecary Nestor was tasked with the recovery of the Gene-Seed from every single one of his fallen brothers. Along with Menelaius and the other Piscina survivors he has helped to rebuild the Third, taking great pride in seeing the Company returned to full strength and once more tasked with defending the Imperium.


Standard Bearer Forfax - Forfax is a native of the Plains World, one of the Dark Angels most ancient and revered recruiting worlds. A descendent of Ezekiel / Cloud Runner, he has a proud tradition of service to uphold and so far has not disappointed. Forfax carries the Sacred Standard of the Third Company, an invaluable relic that has stood proud over the Company since the times of the Great Crusade - should it be lost not a marine in the Company will rest until it is returned to it’s rightful place of honour.

Veteran Brother Elijah – Elijah is another new comer to the Third’s command squad, having previously served in the 1st Veteran Tactical squad. He has been assigned to the command squad to support his training and preparation for promotion to sergeant. Seeing Master Ramiel and Segeant Menelaius in action will not only help Elijah with his training, but to help him understand how they aim to operate the Third Company, so that when he does receive his own squad he will have a better understanding of how he is expected to fit in the overall battle plan.

Veteran Brother Gideon – Gideon commands the Razorback Ajax, which is assigned to the Third Company command squad. Gideon is an expert driver and heavy weapons operator adding to the command squad’s considerable combat abilites by providing them with mobile heavy firepower. Ajax itself is a veteran of many conflicts, and has been restored several times following near total combat loss.


Interrogator Chaplin Xaphan


To support Master Ramiel in his task of rebuilding the Third Battle Company, the Grand Masters of the Dark Angels have assigned Interrogator Chaplin Xaphan to the Third Company. Normally the chaplaincy position of a Battle Company is filled by a regular Chaplin, but given the higher number than usual of recently promoted battle-brothers it has been felt that the inspirational presence of an Interrogator Chaplin would be more appropriate.


Xaphan was recruited on Kammiel in 727.M41. He served with the Tenth Scout Company, seeing action in a number of campaigns including the Scouring of Aerius, the retaking of Jericho III, the Fortis Binary campaign and the 2nd Sarosh Crusade. It was during the battles of the Sarosh Crusade that Xaphan’s unwavering faith was truly demonstrated to those around him. During the Great Crusade Sarosh had resisted Imperial Compliance through summoning a dark creature of the warp, over the millennia this act had become nothing more than a dark legend, but the taint had never truly left. When the citizens of Sarosh rose once more in heretical rebellion, it fell to the Dark Angels to scour the planet clean once and for all. With the warp creature once more in possession of the planet even the mighty Dark Angels felt revulsion and horror upon touching the planet’s corrupted surface. Whilst some called for a withdrawal to the fleet and the use of virus bombs to cleanse the surface, it was Xaphan who spoke of the honour of the Dark Angels, of the first battle for Sarosh and all that their fore-fathers had given to secure this planet for the Imperium, of the creatures of the warp and how their evil could only be countered by the bravery and nobility of the marines, of the debt they owed The Lion and The Emperor. When Xaphan had finished not a single brother-marine advocated withdrawal, by the time the Crusade had finished not a single cultist remained alive and the dark beast was banished to the Warp for a thousand years.


The Inner Circle, aware of Xaphan’s fiery oratory and fanatic loyalty, now began to plan his path to a Chaplin. First he was transferred to the Eighth Assault Company, for a Chaplin is always to be found where the fighting is fiercest. Xapahan’s loyalty was next tested with his transfer to the Deathwing, and the knowledge that comes with induction to the First Company. Finally his command ability was next, with a transfer back to the Fourth Company as the Veteran Sergeant in the company’s command squad.


200 years after joining the Dark Angels Xaphan was recruited to the Chapter’s chaplaincy. He has served with a variety of strike forces and companies over the past 82 years, but no doubt his highest honour has been the capture of the Fallen Addabas. Addabas in league with elements of the Alpha Legion had begun to infiltrate and control the hive world of Gateway, rumours of the trouble reached the Fifth Battle Company who were on an extended patrol in the sector. The style of operation and the little information available on the infiltrators suggested to Xaphan that a Fallen maybe involved. Knowing time was of the essence, and too far rom the nearest Deathwing strike force, Xaphan formed a special kill-team from the veterans of the Fourth’s battle-brothers, choosing only those who had been inducted to the Deathwing or werebeing considered. Whilst the Master of the Fourth used the rest of the company to create and seal the perimeter, Xaphan led the kill-team directly to the heart of Addabas’ base. After a short but brutal battle the Alpha Legionnaires lay dead, and Addabas was captured for return to the Rock. This action earned Xaphan promotion to Interrogator Chaplin

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Fun...good luck to you! I resolved to complete the 5th company... 'bout ten years ago, when I had no other armies save for my IG...now, ten years later, I've got six squads done (5 tacticals and 1 dev) and four additional armies....not to mention a boatload of deathwing and ravenwing. I'm sure a hundred green angels could be painted and painted well in the space of a few months, but that would require focus and discipline... Anyway, I'm painting my final tactical squad for this year's LPC, and have models on hand for the dev squad (actually, I have enough spare marine sprue laying around to also do a few vet squads AND 2-3 alternate special and heavy weapon marines per squad...and I already have three times as many sergeants as I'll ever use). My goal is to field a thunderhawk, half a dozen land raiders, 40+ termies including titanhammer squad(s), and the entire 5th company in an APOC game... Toward that end, I still need a LR or two, ~10 termies, 20 assault marines, and of course the Thawk...
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Apoc is a bit of a motivator for me too, I'm hoping to get a game in this spring which will invovle the full 3rd Company, about 2K of Ravenwing and about 3K of Deathwing. Vauge idea so far is that the enemy forces are under the influence of a squad of fallen, the 3rd has been deployed to make the main assault on the enemy strong points, meanwhile the Ravenwing will make a strike from the rear breaking through to destroy the teleport jammers and freeing the Deathwing to teleport straight to the heart of the enemy defences. So we'll have some rules forcing the Deathwing to stay off board until the jammers are deployed, that the 3rd Company will be prevented from entering the inner defences by their commanders, enemy deployed in the centre of the board... We still need to work out who we'll use to face up to all this Dark Angels fire-power so it'll probably be some crazy mix led by a few figures in ancient black power armour.



Managed to get some photos last night of where the company is at the moment:










108 Marines, 3 dreads, 3 preds, 2 whirlwinds, a vindicator, LR Crusader, LR God-Hammer, 3 Razorbacks and 4 Rhinos. I have another Whirlwind and 3 Rhinos left to build (but are ready on sprue) and would like to add a few additional special/heavy weapons to provide some variety. I also need to swap some of the weapons around before adding squad markings to the units, but there is a long way to go before having to worry about that :lol:


A lot of these minatures are from when I got back into 40K in the later part of 3rd Ed (I started in Rouge Trader, missed 2nd Ed and came back for 3rd), so those that are painted need to be redone or at the very least touched up, but I'll leave those until last otherwise I'll lose all motiviation. The boys in green haven't had much love recently!



Starting point for me is the LPC, where I've vowed to complete two predators, the company master and the command squad. So here is what I'm starting on next




The middle predator I recently converted over to an auto-cannon turret and heavy bolter sponsoons. So whilst it's not part of the LPC I will try and include painting the replacemetn components in this same batch


Started base coating the company master last night... on my way to a completed company!

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This is like a huge project! Paint 100 something marines and write fluff for each? Wow... just wow!


You have quite a collection there and I'm happy to see a lot of painted assault marines! I got a soft spot for these guys since they have fallen from favor in the current Codex... Seems you've done both squads too! I think your impressive collection would benefit from some closer pics though. It looks too cool to be held at a distance. B)


It also seems that by completing you vow a large chunk of the Ironwing will be done. :)


Good luck mate!

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Thanks Captain Semper, most marines will only get a line or two about them and I'll try and keep the longer descriptions for the characters. Gives me something to do at lunchtime in work :D


Hopefully I'll get some close up pics as the company gets developed, most of the models that are painted are from years ago and with a very basic tabletop standard of paint. Not that I've improved much, but I am trying!


Speaking of which here is a WIP shot of the basecoated & washed Company Master, one of my LPC models:





Built all the greys up to white last night, and the white DA symbol on the cloak really doesn't work against a bone background. Back to red for the symbol I think, although I did contemplate gold but felt that would suffer with the same lack of distinction that the white symbol does.


Hopefully I can finish him up tonight and get the base done before the weekend.

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Hi All,


Finished my Company Master over the weekend and started on the command squad. I had hoped to try and get the command guys ready by the end of the weekend, but real life in the form of a gigantic ironing basket intervened :D


Here is Company Master Ramiel:



Then from the back:



Not even close to some of the painting talent on display here on the B&C, but I think he's an improvement on the older DA power armoured marines I have. I guess that's the important part, keep on improving :jaw:

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Oh man, first of all, this is an awesome thread, I don't know how I've missed it this entire time.


I love how you've charted the entire organisation and named ever marine, I always like to name my marines, and I get to flesh out a little fluff with individual marines on the short story I'm working on, but you've definitely inspired me to actually get on smartdraw and make a chart detailing my entire force, it will definitely help me keep consistency!


I think it's great how you took the time to write so much fluff, that's awesome, I haven't read it yet, but I'm bookmarking this page and I'll save it for sometime where it's not quarter to midnight!


That's an impressive and very respectable amount of models man, all of my hats off to you good sir!


And finally I really like that Company master, the shade of green is ace has a real suitable feel, I really like the glow of the power sword and your reds are great; those eyes are really well done.

You've got a real nice colour on that mantle and the white of the feathers and chest eagle is pretty much perfect.

How long did it take, and what paints are you using?


The colours are all really good and vivid, I see you know a thing or two about photography, have the colours just been boosted? <_<


And that Apoc game you're planning sounds awesome, please take some pics and write up a battle report! it'd be a downright crime if you were not to!


Best of luck with your vow brother!

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Not even close to some of the painting talent on display here on the B&C, but I think he's an improvement on the older DA power armoured marines I have. I guess that's the important part, keep on improving :)


Not at all – Ramiel looks ace :tu:.




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This is a very neat Master! The details on the banner and the cloak are very well defined and the bluish glow of the sword is quite ominous. :o I think I should also mention the base. Excellent work there mate!


So now that the Master is out of the equation, are you going for the command squad or will you give us a tank before more marines come our way?

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Thanks for all the kind words regarding Master Ramiel, I'm pretty happy with the model as a whole but there are lots of bits I wish I could do better.


Command squad is up next, just a brief update on WIP as I'm away with work at the moment. The whole squad:



Veteran Sgt:




Apothecary and company champion:




Standard Bearer and veteran:





By the way what is the best way to link my LPC vow to this thread? Makes sense to use this as the WIP update. thanks!

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Looking good! You really don't want to be in the way of the power fist guy, he looks, ermmm, angry? At times like that I can't help but think that the humble chainsword deserves cooler rules - just look at it, so vicious!!!


You are makinmg great progress! Get this done and go for the tanks! They look like a serious task to complete!


Regarding the link, I'd say go to the LPC thread where you submitted your vow originally and post the link to this thread stating clearly that it is supposed to your LPC WIP thread. I'd make this a new post so that the mods will pick it up easily!

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And finally I really like that Company master, the shade of green is ace has a real suitable feel, I really like the glow of the power sword and your reds are great; those eyes are really well done.

You've got a real nice colour on that mantle and the white of the feathers and chest eagle is pretty much perfect.

How long did it take, and what paints are you using?


The colours are all really good and vivid, I see you know a thing or two about photography, have the colours just been boosted? ;)


Thanks Tengo! Master Ramiel took about 12 hours in total, spread out over the course of a week or so. He's done in Vallejo and GW paints, the green is Dark Angels green over a black undercoat, badab black wash and highlighted with snot green. The red is scab red with a devlan mud wash and a 50/50 scab red fiery orange highlight. Cloak is a bleached bone over black undercoat, devlan mud wash, and highlighted backup with bleached bone. The whites are shadow grey built up through wolf grey to a final skull white at the edge.


The pictures are just a phone camera with the model placed against a white backdrop. For the first few pictures I messed around with auto-correct using Snapspeed on the phone, but didn't like the effect so Ramiel is just as he is... oh and I got lucky and had a sunny day when I took the photo :P



Captain Semper - Thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate the effort you've taken to motivate us with this year's LPC. Tanks are up next, I had to wait until pay day to pick up some new Chaos Black spray, it's here now and I've just undercoated the first of the Predators.

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Yours is called ramiel too eh? Good paint jobs on the armour especially. The robes look like they could use a little bit more darkness in the folds though
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Thanks HJL, the robes are a lot lighter than I used to do them, but I've been trying to get a more even quote which seems to come at the cost of losing some of going back over the Devlan Mud with Bleached Bone... I tried to add some Devlan back into only the deepest folds of the robe, so hopefully this is a bit better:





Veteran Sergeant Menelaus:



Company Champion Hamael:



Apothecary Nestor:



Standard Bearer Forfax:



Veteran Elijah:



Pretty happy that they reflect the upper end of what I can currently do at a squad level, there's a few things I'd like to improve (the two biggest that bother me are centring the writing on Menelaus' banner, and getting Nestor eye's right). Room for improvement then, but a I think a lot better than this time last year :lol:



Just the two Predators left for the LPC then (plus 3 whirlwinds, half a dozen Rhinos, a 3 predator and a ton of marines outside of the LPC!). Speaking of which I finally managed to get hold of some Chaos Black spray and after some dry weather over the weekend I managed to get them undercoated and then base coated in Angel Green spray:


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Making some progress on the first of the Predators. Just a quick WIP update:




Lots of green highlighting to do, followed by the weathering.


The side sponsoons are magnetised, but I had a spare Predator turret so the autocannon is fixed in place and I want to swap out to Las-Cannons it'll have to be a full turret swap (but the painting of that can wait for a while ;) )



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;) Cool!!! B)


The pic is great with the main gun slowly turning at the viewer - scary as hell! :P


I'm interested to see how you'll go about the weathering - I always fear I'll ruin my work, so my tanks look as if they just rolled out of the forgeworld...

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Just finished the first of the two Predators I promised for the LPC, just one more predator to go


I toned the highlights down compared to the infantry models, so not sure how well this has come out as it's more subtle. I though a straight snot green highlight would be too much on a tank so it's a 50/50 Dark Angels Green / Snot Green.


Weathering is Tamiya weathering powders, with black on the exhaust stacks and a brown on the lower parts of the chassis. I'm tempted to try and make it a bit heavier?










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  • 4 weeks later...

Been a while since I updated, real life in the form of Flu has really hit me hard recently. I managed a little bit of painting though and last week managed to complete all 3 predators (only two were in the LPC), but even logging onto a PC has been a struggle since.


But the good news is Predator "Reprisal" is done:





Side Views:








I also took the opportunity to respray and completly redo the third Predator - "Retribution". The full squadron:






So I need to write up the history for these new units now and get them onto an updated version of the Org chart I started with at the beginning of this thread. At the same time I've started on a tactical squad and hope to get them and their ride done as my next update.


Thanks for the comments on "Vengeance", I added kill markings to the sides of each of the Predators, and added "Squadron Command Tank" markings to "Reprisal". But not sure if barrel markings would represent kill markings?



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