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Grims WIPs

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Ok this is a thread mostly created to show my progress through the LPC (nothing too exciting, just 1 Dev squad) which will always appear the top of every post, provided I have something to add on them. However I also have several other WIPs started before the LPC so I thought I would also share those here too!

So first up we have my first WIP pic of the dev squad:


Basecoat applied and getting to work on the basics! I usually prefer painting my stuff on the sprue and then doing finishing touches after they've been assembled...its how I roll!

As for the other stuff that will be making an appearance:

Most of the battleforce box set is near completion, but there are a few pieces that need some attention before completion!


and this land raider


I got it off a friend who rather liked the chaos gods and melted on a few extra pieces of decoration which i have tried to purify


and he also decided to attatch a few extra pieces of weaponry and stickers


The LR is also missing a door hatch, but I got it cheaply so I cant complain too much :)

There is also a razorback that might make it into this thread as it has also been basecoated, but this is it for now! I'll add some more pics when my painting gets more underway! (and yes that is a chaos demon prince in the background of one of the pics, hopefully he'll be in the hall of honour shortly!)

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, its been quite a while since I last posted an update and it has been a bit of a challenge finding a decent amount of time to do some proper painting! But here is the result of my recent work!



I've had a few problems during my time painting these guys as I found that several of my paints were drying out and so applied some water to try and revive them, which seems to have worked although at first the blue was very watery...Overall I'm fairly happy with how they're shaping up, its pretty basic painting at the moment as they're all still sprue based, but the tidying up will come once they're finally free of that! Hopefully the next time I get posting on this thread they'll be off the sprue and in assembly!

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Honestly, you'll get a much better result painting the models once they're assembled, or at least part assembled. Painting them on the sprues like that gives you plenty to hold onto for sure, but when you come to clip the bits off you'll be left with a lot of mould lines and big old chunks with no paint!
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Honestly, you'll get a much better result painting the models once they're assembled, or at least part assembled. Painting them on the sprues like that gives you plenty to hold onto for sure, but when you come to clip the bits off you'll be left with a lot of mould lines and big old chunks with no paint!


Ya, thats what I was thinking.... I could never understand why some people paint on the sprues because the flash that needs to be trimmed off will leave nasty unpainted areas all over the model. Is there any good reason to do it that way?

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it allows you to do a cleaner job in some areas, especially spaces that will only be partially visible or be located in such a way that they are hard to get at and do neatly, and you can always take the mold lines off and touch up those parts later, that's what i normally do? and then i do my high lighting and such after it's all assembled
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Its pretty much as mysteriousmaskedmystery says, I prefer doing it this way as it gives a good clean job and admittedly it requires some touching up and work on the bits that were holding it to the sprue but when I was doing it to assembled models I found things needed a lot more work especially in the hard to get to areas!


I guess this way round just works for me, but I know I seem to be one of the few who paints sprue based!

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Personally I prefer to partially assemble them. Torso onto legs as one part, perhaps the left arm and head on there too, then the right arm and weapon separate. The backpack separate too.


Anyway, looking forward to seeing them off those sprues!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow I didnt realise I'd be so pressed for time to get these guys done before the LPC deadline!

As a quick update:

The models are undergoing assembly as we speak, I hope to have them posted in their finished condition later on tonight, perhaps with a librarian I have begun to spontaneously make out of bits and from the battleforce and bitz box, the land raider has also started to receive a coat (but it'll need a lot more blue!)


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