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Mourning Knights


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The “Mourning Knights” Chapter


Homeworld: Verax Prime

Verax Prime is the third world of a 5 planet system. It is a verdant world with small cities remenicient of a far ancient time in Terra’s past. The planet has a population of around 2.6 billion, and is regarded as relatively backwater compared to the more populace planets. Much of the planet is covered in forests, guarded by large, flying creatures that have much in common with bats. These creatures sport massive talons on their forelimbs, These Reapers are a constant threat of the populace, and has served to keep the populace of the planet fairly low. The Mourning Knights regularly hunt the creatures of their chosen home, however, the true purpose of their envolvement in the Sector is to protect the Forge on Verax IV, as well as the vast metal reserves within the other planets in the sector.

Verax Prime has 6 continents, separated out mostly by shallow seas, and broken up by two deep oceans. The most populace area of the planet is one of the southern continents, where the original colony for the planet was founded. Here, there is a small contingent of Mourning Knights from their 1st company; however, most of the Ministry is made up of serfs and noble delegats to the chapter whom deal with relations with the populace of Verax Prime and the extra-planetary colonies.

The planet also serves as the capital planet for the system, smaller colonies on three of the other planets are ruled by noble houses on those planets, save for the Tech adepts that have thus far, have been relatively unsuccessful on bringing the forges fully online on Verax IV, who serve the Adeptus Mechanicus.


Other Planets of Note:



Verax Beta: This deathworld is the closest planet to Verax’s Star. Without an atmosphere, the planet’s surface is broiled on the side closest to the star, making the planet unable to host any life on that side. Mining Crawlers constantly move counter to the planet’s orbit in order to stay in the shadow of the planet. These crawlers operate with very small crews, and the planet’s civilization is mostly aboard a colony ship that stays in high orbit above the worksite of the crawlers on the planet below. This planet by far has the smallest population, as the planet itself can support no life due to the incredible heat on the side of the planet facing the star.

Verax II: An Agri world with very strange properties. To look at the planet from orbit, the planet is covered mostly by clouds, and seemingly has no large bodies of water. The truth of the planet is that it is a “cork world” where the surface of the planet is supported by a liquid water internal core. The planet is actually far colder than one might think when looking at the surface. This is due to the planets unusual core made up of Ice crystal and Iron sediments. While very cold, the planets vegetation flourishes, and provides substantiale food stores in which are usually sent off as a tithe set up by the High Lords of Terra.


Verax IV: A forgeworld that is largely a barren, atmosphereless rock. The under exploration, had been found to have remenants of ancient forges that are suggested to cover much of the planet’s surface, and extend deep into its crust. While not properly activated, Mechanicus Adepts have been working hard at cracking the secrets held within the Forgeworld’s archaic vaults. Many of the vaults that have been brought back online have need of major repair, and most have completely nonfunctional reactors; this has been temporarily remedied by the tech adepts using the generators of their hab units to power the forges while they repair the reactors. The few forges that are completely online, are now protected by void shield emplacement, and have turned into permanent city structures as well as being working forges for the adepts that now operate them. Of the unearthed portions of the Vaults, STC variants with Plasma and Las technology has been discovered to be able to be produced, giving the Mourning Knights ample ability to be resupplied with such technology. Data has recently been discovered that suggests that the atmosphere was burned off at some point in the planet’s past, however there is little to substantiate this presumption, much of it has to do with a mythic planetary cannon that was supposed to use a geo reactor that used the core of the planet itself as a power generator. No evidence of such a cannon seems to exist however, although only a small percent of the vaults and forges have been unearthed.


Verax Minor: The farthest world from Verax’s Star, the planet is much smaller than Verax Prime. The planet has importance as a solar defense world, and is manned solely by an imperial guard force conisiting of 70% of the Veraxian free legion, as well as elements from the Cadian 3rd. The Mourning Knights 4th Company also usually resides here, and has an outpost on one of the planet’s northern continents.


Creatures of Note:



Veraxian Reaper: These solitary predators are the namesake for the 8th Company of the Mourning Kinghts, the Veraxian Reaper is a large, winged bipedal hunter, that for much of the history of Verax Prime had been thought of as Daemons. It wasn’t until a study was done on the creatures was done that it was found that they were simply an indigenous creature, and was not a malign influence from the Warp. Normally, Veraxian Reapers are solitary, opportunistic hunters, hiding in the upper canopies of trees and striking their prey from above and behind. Large talons tip each of the fingers of their fully opposable hands, and the Reapers have more than enough strength to rip a man in half with a single blow. They kill humans with regularity, although it appears simply that they think of humans as another food source, and are not governed by any malign intent, that is to say, they kill for food, and not for the will of any dark god. Although very strong and fast, and naturally armed, Reapers have been known to use rudimentary weapons, as well as being found to be carrying rudimentary tools. Hunting teams that have ventured into the deeper forests have found what appear to be small arboreal villages, which has led to studies to determine whether or not the creatures possess a level of sentience comparable to humans.




Geneseed: The Geneseed of the Mourning Knights has a questionable background, although it has possible ties with Black Templar geneseed, as has been seen in the honors of their first company. Unfortunately During their founding, heavy combat had decimated much of the chapter, and while a few survived to continue on the Chapter, little of the Chapter’s original records survived to present date. None of those few live now, and only legend and myth, much of it regularly purged by 2nd company, exists regarding the history of the chapter’s Geneseed.


A first recorded notation of the chapter was in M36, and has very close ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus. Nearly the entirety of the chapter’s 9th company is made up of Adeptus Mechanicus members, despite having the geneseed of the Mourning Knights. Record indicates that much of the chapter was destroyed in its first few years of service, gaining the final name of the Mourning Knights, which by most is regarded as a testimonial honor to the many brave Astartes that died in that time. Much however is conjecture, as none of those that survived those bloody days live now, many myths surround their origins, such as who they had fought against that killed much of the chapter. These Myths are regularly expunged by 2nd Company, giving rise to the theory that certain records still exist deep within the Ministorum of the Mourning Knights, and, in some circles, that they speak of these records indicating some sort of heresy.


In M38, Tau forces had been discovered in the Orem System. This discovery led to a long and bloody battle between the two forces. After fighting for nearly a thousand years, with neither side gaining ground against the other, the Tau and the Mourning Knights agreed to a cease-fire. The stipulation of this was that neither the Tau nor the Mourning Knights cross the system border, those vessels that did so would be under threat of military action. In M40 this nearly brought the Tau and Mourning Knights back into battle against one another, with a Manta stranded from the rest of its fleet during a naval action against an Ork fleet left the Manta badly damaged and deep within the Verax system. As the Manta neared Verax IV, One of the titans on patrol of the planet took note of the Ship, and once it broke atmosphere, was subsequently shot down. It was later found that the ship was without navigation, and Verax IV simply happened to be the closest planet the ship could land upon to make repairs. However, on board was one of the Tau’s spiritual leaders, a Tau Known as Aun’shi Starwatcher. In a bid to have the Aun returned safely, Delegates of the Tau in the Orem System made contact with the Mourning Knights to allow a transport vessel into the system to claim their people from the Chapter. They also made the claim that should the Chapter not allow them to do so, the Tau would bring the full might of their (much more substantial) Military force down on the Chapter, and the system they protected. After much debate, and without any real support from other Astartes Chapters, the Mourning Knights eventually allowed the Tau delegates to take their brethren back to their system.


Threats and Enemies



While the various companies have different objectives, crusades, and tasks sent by the Imperium, Verax Prime is by no means safe. While far from any threat from Chaos, much of their defense is against Xenos that occasionally come into the area.


Eldar: While the enigmatic Eldar are a deadly foe to be reckoned with, they are by no means the most constant threat. Fighting has occurred between the Mourning Knights and a group of Eldar that view Verax II as one of their worlds. Although the Mourning Knights have to drive them out every now and again, they do not pose too much of a threat to the general well-being of the system.


Orks: In a bid of War, The Ork Warboss Zurk Ironblood has declared WAAAGH on a neighboring system populated by Tau. On occasion, this WAAAGH spills over into the Verax system, and the various space hulks that come in system have to be wiped out.


Tau: A viable threat to the Mourning Knights and the Verax System. Years of fighting against the Tau have proven ineffective, with neither side taking enough losses to be truly beaten back. This has led to a tenuous cease-fire between the Tau and the Mourning Knights, although the occasional border skirmish takes place every now and again when one side or the other goes too far into the border between the two systems.

Tyranids: Only one instance has been recorded of Tyranids within the system. This was in the later years of M37, when a Space Hulk was discovered listing towards the gravity well of Verax Minor. Upon boarding the Hulk, it was found to be carrying a brood of genestealers, which were summarily put to death. The Hulk was summarily destroyed by a turbo laser Orbital Defense battery on Verax Minor. Nothing in regards to Tyranids have been heard of since.





1st Company: This company is the pride of the Mourning Knights, granted the founding of the chapter, and being distinctive among the rest of the chapters for being granted honors by the Black Templars. This has given prominence to the belief that the company had originally been a subsequent chapter branching from the Black Templars. Save for the Chapter Masters, the members of 1st Company are the oldest in the chapter, and each is a veteran of many confrontations since the chapter’s founding.

1st Company flies the colors of the Chapter, as well as their own company standard. The Swordmaster carries the Chapter colors, which read “Veneratum Et Mortis”. While the Company champion carries the Company standard, reading “Veneratus Excelsior”


Master of the Chapter Ordan Grey


2nd Company: Known for their devout protection of the chapter’s fortress Monastery, this revered company sees the least amount of combat. However, should the need arise, or should the fortress monastery be attacked, this company will fight to the last man in order to destroy their adversary. Occasionally, the master Chaplin will order a mission of faith, and during this time, 1st company will carry out their usual mundane tasks while the 2nd company sets out to complete whatever task they are set upon. These missions of faith are perilous tasks, and are among the most far reaching missions that any company in the chapter may undertake. They are also the most dangerous, as these are usually the missions that take any of the chapter out to fight against the forces of Chaos. 2nd Company is also unique, in that during these missions of faith, the entire company takes one of the strike cruisers, and ventures off alone, without the usual aid of another company.


2nd Company’s standard reads “Aegis Templar”, and while this may be another pointed association to the Black Templars, it is actually more in reference to the company itself, which is alternatively known as the Templeguard.


Master Chaplin Bedivere Neustria


3rd Company: Under the watchful eyes of the chapter’s master Librarian, 3rd company’s primary task is to seek out and eradicate black texts. It is their fervent hunting that for nearly a century the chapter had been under the scrutiny of the Inquisition. However, it is this very scrutiny that has led to the chapter being called upon under certain circumstances to help the inquisition root out lesser cults when their forces were taking care of more major threats to the Imperium.


3rd Company has had run-ins with the Inquisition from time to time when a particularly righteous young Inquisitor decides that The Company standard incites Heresy. The Morning Knights Libercanium already has a tenuous relationship with the Inquisition, due to their related mission of destroying black texts, however, not too many of the Ordos like to see “Liber Arcanum” fly above a company that actively seeks out and destroys tomes that are in dedication to the dark powers.


Master Librarian Geraint Erwin


4th Company: Trained in defensive tactics, 4th company is called in to protect operational outposts, with heavy use of cover, as well as expertise in finding "hard” locations, once 4th company digs their heels, it is hard to find any way to counter their defense.


The chapter’s premier defensive company is fiercely protective of its reputation, and will if given the order, fight to the last man in order to protect what they have been sworn to defend. In recognition of their accomplishments, this company has been honored in receiving the Imperial Shield, and has taken the name “Aegis Imperator” as their company name.


Watch Master Frey Valentine


5th Company: Commanding from the chapters only battlebarge Surge of the Indomitable, 5th Company is also known as the “drop company” as the company tends to use drop pod insertion as their main tactic against enemy forces. As Shock attack experts, 5th Company is used as a primary landing force, making a clear landing zone for the other companies to start conducting operations. 5th Company also works closely with 9th company when need of a defendable landing base is needed to be built.


Known as the “Orbitas Vindictum” the Primary tactic 5th company uses is to bombard localized areas of hostility, only to then land in their company’s kill teams. The tactic is relatively efficient on certain enemies, and is invaluable in facing against ork or tyranid incursions, as their ability to terraform a planet to suit their breeding habits is greatly hampered in the areas the chapter chooses to land.


Fleet Master Tristan Colvain


6th Company: Known loosely as an armor company, 6th company is primarily trained for use of armored cavalry and heavy weapons. Nearly every squad is armed with a heavy weapon, and all are supported by a strong backbone of armored vehicles. Although not as impressive as the array of devastating weaponry that 9th company can boast, 6th has far more manpower behind their weapons, and more of them as well. One of their primary duties is to guard the armory of the Mourning Knights, of which they are armed quite well to do so.


When in battle, 6th company has full leeway to requisition the armored support of their chapter assets within the 9th company depot. 6th’s techmarine, Ander, is seemingly one of the fiew friends Forgemaster Ticar actually has, and therefore has more than a little say in what 6th company is able to requisition. Due to this, 6th company deploys with a full complement of light armor predators and razorbacks. Although Ticar will not allow them use of any of the few Landraiders the Chapter owns. Due to the sheer amount of firepower that 6th can boast, the company has taken to being known as the “Iron Storm”.


Arsenal Master Kay Ector


7th Company: One of two companies not led by a Chapter Master, 7th company is tasked with search and rescue missions, and is the primary company to be called upon in medical emergency situations. Although not tasked for combat, 7th company is manned by a full retinue of marines, armed mainly for defensive combat. One of their more called upon military functions is to guard convoys of refugees in the event of a planetary strike.


The once medical company of the Mourning Knights, the company has become progressively less known as a lifesaver company, and more of a guardian company. While Capitan Reed still believes in the primary mission of moving civilians away from the main fighting, he does not see it pertinent to take those that are grievously wounded and risk those that stand a good chance of survival. The company has taken the name “Apothicarian” in honor of their fallen Master Apothicary, Carrigan Renault.


Battle Capitan Jerrick Reed


8th Company: So named after vicious clawed beasts within Verax’s massive forests, 8th Company is the primary assault force of the Mourning Knights. As with 7th Company, 8th Company is not led by a Chapter Master. This does little to change the fervor of the charge led by Brother-Capitan Wheeler, nor does it matter when the blades of the Reapers descend on their quarry.


One of the first named companies, the 8th is proud to bear the name Veraxian Reapers. 8th is also the one company to not have ever had an official Chapter Master to have led it. That is not to say that the Reapers are any less effective at their main objectives, and their use of near terror tactics have earned them a fearsome reputation. This is also quite usually the last step before Marines move on to 1st Company from one of the company’s jump squads.


Battle Capitan Victor Wheeler


9th Company: As with any adjunct to the Adeptus Mechanicus, 9th Company serves as the keepers of the machines of the chapter. The Forge Master is very clear that when not in use, the Chapter Depot is vaulted against all except members of 9th Company. Indeed, little is known of what goes on within the walls of the Depot. What is known, is that all the machines of the chapter are in better working order than what most chapters can claim. Entering the Depot comes at the risk of personal health, as the Chapter’s most devastating weaponry lies within. Here also, rests Master Apothecary Carrigan Renault, as well as Swordmaster Vance Lerant, each a venerated brother, interned in a Dreadnaught of immense power.


The 9th Company’s standard reads “Servitus Mechanicae”, and most of the Company consists of Servitors and serfs. The true combat element of 9th is relatively small and the company is singular in that it does not have a codex regulation 100 marines. Like 6th Company, 9th has a full complement of Predators, Thunderfire Cannons, and Razorbacks, as well as a full series of Rhino transports for every squad. Two more Techmarines serve as assistants to the Forge Master, who also in command of their own Servitors.


Forge Master Ticar


10th Company “Liber Tactica”: Where life starts among the Mourning Knights. Under the crucible of battle do the scout forces of 10th company operate, learning the valuable lessons that will carry them over into brotherhood in one of the established companies. It is here that scouts that prove themselves become initiate marines, donning their power armor for the first time. Most do not survive Master Kane’s rigourous trials. Those who do however, are anointed Astartes, and are thusly moved on into one of the 8 regular (it is quite rare for a new Astartes to join the ranks of 1st company) companies, or to operating vehicles if there are no available positions in the other companies.


10th company has been named the “Liber Tactica”, as it is the company that teaches the hard lessons of battle, in a real combat situation. Everything Master Kane puts his scouts through is eventually put to use later on in their lives. While The Master of the Chapter has seen more combat than any other member of the Chapter, Master Kane seconds him in experience, and some of the other Masters owe their expertise to him.


Recruit Master Samuel Kane




Combat Doctrine




The Combat Doctrine of the Mourning Knights differs slightly from the Codex Astartes. The Mourning Knights fight using mixed units tactics. Preferring to keep each company specialized to certain situations; each company serves a practical use when the entire chapter needs to go into combat. Generally, two companies fight side by side, and in this set-up, the Chapter fights with 5 battle-ready elements. When a battle element is sent out, it is left to the two company commanders how they set up their units, while usually the two companies fight separately to achieve the same goal, it has been known for two companies sent out to fight together to mix units as they see fit. This has led to enemies being confused as to the number of marines they are fighting. Often, opposition against the Mourning Knights has been known to give up, thinking they are facing the full might of a chapter when they are only facing a fraction of that number.


This fear has been exploited by the Mourning Knights when the need arises for the Chapter to come in full force. Often, the entire Chapter can be safely landed and fortified in short order. More often than not, 4th company will start disassembling drop pods to construct walls for the Chapter’s landing zone, with the assistance of 9th Company’s Servitors and techmarines. This has been made easier by the Forgemaster’s modifications to the Mourning Knights’ Drop Pods, allowing for the Drop Pod hatches to be detached from their hulls. These are further guarded usually by Thunderfire Cannons, which are temporarily emplaced until Manticore and tarantula bolter turrets are hard placed into the area.

Battlecry: Although the Mourning Knights will recite chants and Hymnals, their usual charging cry is “Veneratum et mortis!” This loosely translates to Honor the Dead. Strangely, after every battle, no matter the enemy, the Marines involved in the battle will walk through the battlefield, reciting prayers to the emperor for all those that had died, enemy and ally alike. This, while raising eyebrows among their allies, is looked past due to their combat prowess.





While the Chapter is relatively cut off from extra Astartes support, there are a number of supporting assets that the Mourning Knights may call upon in times of need.


Ships: Not counting the strike fleet of imperial cruisers that are on call in orbit of Verax Minor, the Mourning Knights have the Chapters personal ships. One Battlebarge, and three Strike Cruisers serve as the Chapter’s fleet. Surge of the Indomitable Is the Chapter Battlebarge and official mobile base of 5th Company. Spear of Carrigan is the oldest ship in service to the Chapter, the Stirke Cruiser was the personal ship to the original Master of the Chapter, and although now nominally in use by 2nd Company during their missions of faith, it does join the rest of the fleet for fleet actions when necessity permits. Rapturous Fist is a Strike Cruiser gifted to the Chapter by Inquisitor Devlin Lawrence for coming to his aid during his purgation of The Exelles. This battle had left the Chapter’s older Strike Cruiser beyond repair and threatening detonation. In recognition of their service, once Inquisitor Lawrence made planetside, he decreed that the company take the ship he requisitioned in recognition of their service, and with his word granted law by the Inquisition, the Cruiser was officially handed over to the Company, and therefore, the Chapter as a whole. Hammer of Dawn, while being one of the newest ships in service to the Chapter, is also the oldest ship of theirs that is currently in service. During the unburial of Verax IV’s Forges, this Strike Cruiser was discovered in a dry dock in one of the forges. After a great deal of servicing, the ship was placed into service by the Chapter, and has been with them since.


Guard Forces: The Verax system has a small (for a guard force) contingent of Colonial RG forces that may be called upon to provide support to the Mourning Knights when needed. Elements of the Cadian forces also stationed in the system have aided the Chapter as well, although since the Regimental command is not in system, it takes a bit of time to officially be granted aid by the regiment, which has led to the regiment operating without orders from time to time.


Legio Titanica: In the Forges of Verax IV rests a small number of Jackal class Wolf Titans. Under normal circumstances, these would be under the stewardship of the Adeptus Mechanicus. However, as the most senior Adeptus Mechanicus member in the system, Forgemaster Ticar has the final say on what may be done with the Titans. These great Machines see little use as of now however, as the forge they are stored in is still undergoing repairs to make it fully operational. Only one of the titans has thus far been used, and only to bring down an errant Manta that had found itself stranded after combating an Ork Hulk. The Tau of that ship had been lucky, as an Aun had been on that ship, and Tau Delegates threatened to drop the protracted cease-fire should the Aun be harmed.

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You certainly have gone BIG as you say. The depth of information you have provided on the captains is usually beyond what most people do. Other than that I like the name, does imply something terrible happened in their past. Personally dont like the whole "origins lost to time" piece as it seems like too much mystery to me, but you have done a good job with it.


Regarding the article, I would consider putting their origins as the first paragraph, followed by their homeworld/system. Also consider putting some time into their beliefs section as you dont have that yet and that really is the meat of a good IA as it gives your chapter the most character.


Verax IV: A forgeworld that has been found to have production capability of old STC designs. While not properly activated, Mechanicus Adepts have been working hard at cracking the secrets held within the Forgeworld’s archaic vaults. Of the unearthed portions of the Vaults, STC variants with Plasma and Las technology has been discovered to be able to be produced, giving the Mourning Knights ample ability to be resupplied with such technology. Otherwise, the world is largely a barren, atmosphereless rock. Data has been discovered that suggests that the atmosphere was burned off at some point in the planet’s past, however there is little to substantiate this presumption.


I would mention the barren atmosphere in the beginning and mention something about void shield covered hives. And why the imperium would still be on the rock in the beginning.


Hope that helps.

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I really like it overall. Its original and I love the allusions to templar origins but the whole "second company rarely fights" thing didn't appeal. I think if you altered them slightly to guard the space around the monastery, eliminating any potential threats that get too close, or going even further and actively hunting threats to the chapter itself. This activity could be tied in with some past event that gave the chapter its name. Just a suggestion :) . As I said Its pretty solid stuff.
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Thanks for the sugesstions... they are actually fairly helpful!


@ Andrew J: There aren't too many people actully on the forgeworld, only really enough serfs to get the primary forges running. However, that being said I should elaborate more on the status of the Forgeworld.


@ Wolf 2.3: You are correct, they do sound rather well... grounded. My actual intent for them was to more go after their particular missions, generally on the pervue of the Chaplin's visions... I shall elaborate more on that...


Thanks for the imput... definitely will help with my editing process...

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To be honest, I managed to get through half of this before becoming bored. For me, what makes a Chapter isn't the individuals it's the Chapter's beliefs, organisation and combat doctrine... stuff that adds character. So, in effect, please tell me more about these, rather than the various Individuals your Chapter.
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I have no idea what you added and you have a huge wall o' text. Can you mention what you added so that we can look it over easier? Also try to go through and bold or underline the main portions for easier reading at least, that would help me a ton.


Then I can get back to you on some ideas!

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updated the worlds section, added in information on creatures, notable enemies, and have some information regarding combat doctrines. On my next update of information I should have the finishing touches done for the IA
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They way you described the elder threat reminds me of ants. Their no big deal, but every year they come back, cause some annoyance and have to be driven off. In truth though, eldar are a dying race, and are far more cautious then to make pokes at taking back a planet like that. I feel as though if they were to say that the planet is theirs, and that they want it back, it would be a full out war in which they would use some devious tricks to cause alot of pain to youre chapter.


And for that reason, I feel you could write something very interesting. If you wanted to of course

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I like your new additions. One thing I noticed that you left out was the Segmentum of the Verax system, or the galactic position of it. Also you dont mention anything about a fortress monastery, not super important but will add some to the chapter.


EDIT: Also what are your chapter colors? Again not that important but interesting nonetheless.

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I have yet to be able to look at a galactic map, mainly because i haven't really had time to find one. Usually, I go for the Halo stars for my chapters, as I like that region, but I want this chapter a bit closer than that. I've also not fully commited to a color scheme that I would envision for the Mourning Knights... A color scheme i had for an old chapter I liked was Dark red(Inquisitorial) with Black trimming... and was thinking of using that on this chapter, but it doesn't feel particularly in keeping with the general feel of "mourning" to me... I also don't want to go straight Black as that seems uninteresting to me... Kind of limited (as far as my opinion goes) on metals if I choose to include those as trimming or not... I'm honestly kind of torn at the moment there. I may look into the PP paints line at their metals for trimming... I remember they have a gold color I particularly like that is more off black than gold...


Oh yes... the fortress monastary... will be getting to that, as well as adding in information on what exactly the Swordmaster is...

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