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Rhaps is 'bringing Luxy back' Thread

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So I originally signed up for this over on the Chaos side of thing because my new army needs some attention, but since I am awaiting the FW upgrades from the UK I didn't want to loose any more valuable time. Plus, I always do the painting comps here in Fang, it just didn't feel right.


I vowed (for now) a power armored Wolf Priest, stock. So here are a few pictures to start off with. His back pack and sholder pads will be added on soon. His head and Crozius holding arm are held on with ticky-tacky for demonstration purposes. I will be filing down the right leg/knee cap so the two bits of armor match as well, filling gaps with GS as I go.








More soon!! Thanks for looking!!


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Got the Shoulder pads all cleaned up and the backpack also ready for the primer. I've got a new job working swing, so the painting will wait until tomorrow.


I wouldn't call it an 'affinity' Kassill, more of a torrid sexcapade. The kind you don't tell even your closest friends about...


...except I just told thousands of annoymous persons over the internet. :)!!


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Thanks Forte!!


I just realized I got an Apothecary chest piece for this converssion, and I forgot to use it!! GAH!! ...........................you may be seeing anotherattempt here, or you may be seeing me loose my :D. Either way, I promise it will be exciting!!


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Finally got black primer on this bad boy after a grueling week at work, now I have started getting some base colors down. Pictures up later today!!


Agreed about the Apoth chest bit, although I did just acquire a GD Wolf Priest model on the cheap, so my chances of bashing ANOTHER priest of wolfy are, well non-exsistant. Have you seen the GD model??!! It's baws. :D


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Finally got black primer on this bad boy after a grueling week at work, now I have started getting some base colors down. Pictures up later today!!


Agreed about the Apoth chest bit, although I did just acquire a GD Wolf Priest model on the cheap, so my chances of bashing ANOTHER priest of wolfy are, well non-exsistant. Have you seen the GD model??!! It's baws. :D


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Lucky. I have been drooling over that guy for ages.....

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Finally got black primer on this bad boy after a grueling week at work, now I have started getting some base colors down. Pictures up later today!!


Agreed about the Apoth chest bit, although I did just acquire a GD Wolf Priest model on the cheap, so my chances of bashing ANOTHER priest of wolfy are, well non-exsistant. Have you seen the GD model??!! It's baws. ;)


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Congratz,are you going to vow the GD WP?If you do you should vow him as c/a Ulrik :)
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I am a actually commissioning a good friend and amazing painter to to the GD priest, I want him to look amazing, so he won't be part of my Luxy vow. Speaking of which, I got the bigger chunks of armor painted up today, then my ADHD kicked in and I started assembling more TDAWG for the second part of my vow... Pictures of the progress tomorrow, once I get the camera battery charged up.


Once you see the pictures you will be able to answer this question:

What color should I paint the helmet??


Here is a photo of my TDAWP for reference:


As you can see, my priest color scheme is black/deep purple (no, not the band...)/blueish washes over the silver metals. I plan on keep with this scheme. Suggestions??


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Here are those pictures I keep referring too...


The 'bits'



The 'rest'







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Thanks Brother Russ Brother... B)


Since I paint my troops a deep blue I wanted to also have the Priests follow my deviation from the norm. I also tried black power armor with gold/bronze trim, Blood red helmet and boots. It just looked too standard, so with the termi and this guy I opted for the purple undercolor and the white helmet as you guys suggested.


I've been assembling models all morning, but now I am off to do some more painting. Updated pictures soon(ish)!!


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Here it is...




I am having second thoughts about the Wolf Helmet now. I am open to any suggestions as to a replacement head for this guy.


I just can't seem to get the painting juices flow recently... I have been assembling terminators like they are going out of style. They'd better not, I'll have loads of more useless models!! :) :o


Back to work tomorrow, we'll see how much painting I get done this week...


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I am having second thoughts about the Wolf Helmet now. I am open to any suggestions as to a replacement head for this guy.
How good are your GSing skills?If its ok or good why not find a head and GS some longer hair to show his age?Or use a termie helmet,they look really good on PA :lol:

Also it looks good

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