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Angels of Vengeance


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Greetings fellow brothers. I have never really done one of these ongoing blog posts. So figured with the release of a new codex, I would start one.

So, This is probably one of the first Official Marines armies (of my own), that I am painting. What I mean is typically I do my own custom chapter. I have painted official schemes before, mostly when I worked at GW for a year, painting those official armies for the case or projects, and the only other time I can think of that I painted an official color scheme was for a sisters army once. This time, I have gone with a chapter that is an official successor of the dark angels. I have always loved the name and army icon of the chapter. Typically though, the black color scheme seems rather lacking, but in my case, I can't think of a better time to go with a black scheme. For starters, i haven't had a fully painted army of more than 1000 points in the past 7 years. I always start strong, but end up not finishing the army. Part of that has been trying to do complex paint schemes, or giving them several layers 3-5 of highlights and blends which take forever to paint a single figure let alone a unit, or simply put, I just lose motivation for the army or as I play the army I discover that it wasn't my playstyle. As always, I tend to go back to marines, so I might as well face it, i need to have a marine army.

Now Dark Angels, just got a new codex, and by far they have been one of my favorite armies of marines out their. Their lore and background is the biggest reason, I just love the secrets, they are the first legion, and all the angel iconography helps alot too. The robes are a nice bonus to painting marine armor as well. My first encounter with the dark angels was back in second edition. Back then deathwing were just awesome, nothing like rolling a 3+ on 2D6 for an armor save, and even with the modifiers, you needed a 9+ on 2D6 against a lascannon. Second edition was just fun. Since then however, i opted on creating my own chapter and I used their rules on several occasions. The last time I played dark angels was about 5 years ago, when I was getting back into the hobby again after 4th edition, I made a DIY chapter using an all death wing army. It was fun, but i ended up selling that army. This time around, I can't get over all the cool new detailed models. The new releases are just awesome, instead of just adding a feather, or putting them in robes, the new models are just so detailed and full of iconography, they are begging to be painted. Not to mention, the new rules are a boon as well.

So I have decided to embark on painting my new army. As mentioned I went with the angels of vengeance, but I encountered a lack of any good fluff from which to go on. Even with having all the dark angel codexs at my disposal, and the internet to back it up, the most fluff I have encountered on the Angels Of Vengeance is about 2 paragraphs or so. http://warhammer40k....ls_of_Vengeance
That site had the most lore and fluff compiled into one source. It still isn't much.
So in part, its almost like I get to create my own chapter while using an official one. I have searched online for other images of units, but at best, I have found maybe a one off sergeant or battle brother, and the one army shot of death wing terminators (that look like 3rd edition stuff). So how do you start painting an army, where you don't have much reference, its official, but some paint it using black robes, others use red, and the only company marking ever shown is the 3rd company, and you have so little fluff.

Well, you don't just start painting. You do have to do some planning, and thats what I did last week. I decided that I wont use bone on any of my models, because it stated that the chest eagles were in white. This meant my palette is limited to black and now white, and red. But how much red. Well the Chapters icon has a little red, and its a red robe, but it states the inner circle wears black robes, so which color do go for on the robes. I decided that my inner circle, meaning my command models or units with the Inner circle rule, will run around with black robes, with red lining, and red patterns if need be, while all other robes will be in red. I also decided, it may look 3rd edition or 2nd edition, but my bolter casings needed to be done in red. This means, my chainswords will be red too, as well as all my weapon casings. My hilts will be a redish brown to break it up, and of course I will add some browns in on leathering. The eyes and most optics will be done in a shade of red too, just cause they look better than in green. Speaking of green...i decided my purity seals will all be in dark angels green as a tribute to the parent chapter, and to break up the red and add a 4th color here and their. The only bone coloration will be purity seals only. I have also worked up a modification on all the company markings. Using the dark angel company markings I have gone and changed a few things. First off I removed the green and bone from the coloration, and stuck to black, white and red. This will allow me to use similar markings as the dark angels, but have it more suited to the angels of vengeance color scheme and my more limited palette (I will work on a digital rendition to add to this thread later). I also decided that all my marines will have a weathered look, chipped armor, weathered vehicles. For starters, this allows me to go with some more strong highlights, that I can then break up and dull up with the weathering. Also for the most part, all the models in question will have a painted on army icon, with the exception of the characters, which I might attempt to green stuff the chapter icon.

My next part was working on naming my characters and sergeants. I decided since Chorazin is a name for the grand master for the angels of vengeance (at least the cool sculpted mini, was in white dward 237, and their is an awesome image drawn on the internet), I will retain that name for the chapter master, but i needed to work on new names for my belial and sammeal conversions at future dates plus naming my company master. Also...since the 1st and 2nd company are in similar structure to the dark angels, however they don't use the same names, i still need to work up proper names for those two wings. I was thinking the Deathwing could be called the Vengeance wing, but what to call the ravenwing for the successor.

So with those thoughts in mind, this weekend, I posted my vows for the local painting stuff. And with getting my school assignments for the week caught up, I enjoyed some painting saturday and sunday evenings after work. Since I have a busy schedule of family (4 kids and a wife), plus working part time, and full time school (art classes), I opted to use my time wisely. It is also why a black scheme is very appealing at this point in my life, so little time, need an easy scheme to finish an army.

So here will be updated images of my army.  I will try to update the group shot as often as possible, but till then I will post finished stuff in the opening post of this thread.

Group Shot (of speeder, dw command, and nephilim)



Army Shot as of 4/1/2013


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I really dont feel the names of the successor formations should contain the -wing Idiom. We know were it came from the deathwing and perhaps there is a story for the ravenwing I am not aware of.


A good name for either formation could be Persecutors. Generally think of a reason why those formations would be named and not be just 2nd and 1st company and after you find your reason a name will come.


Ace job on the paininting! Welcome to the unforgiven.

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Thanks, you got a very good point. Naming them would just make me feel better, but either way, they are all gonna be angels of vengeance, all black and all deadly lol.


As for the painting, man my camera makes my highlights look even bolder and more rushed looking. They aren't that bright in real life thats for sure, as the color I used is greycoat grey (privateer press color) which is somewhere between black and the old codex grey but the photos make it look like codex grey. I managed to get my paints ordered today, so with all luck I should have them in by the weekend, which allows me to finish up the highlights on the red and metal, and then work on the weathering effects. Down side of living in the middle of a dry gaming community where the nearest local store is about an hour + drive one way.


As for my initial list, my basic first 2k list will be the following. This is more of I am gonna start with these, have some of the new shiny units, and then flesh out my army and battle company after words.

Azrael fill in


5 deathwing with assault cannon and one chainfist

5 deathwing with plasma cannon and one chainfist

10 tactical marines, plasma gun, plasmacannon, plasmapistol on vet serg in droppod

6 raven wing bikers, vet serg for leadership mainly(might spend the extra 10 points on a power weapon), 2 plasmaguns

+attack bike with multimelta

+landspeeder with assault cannon and heavy bolter

Landspeeder support with multilmelta and typhoon missles

Nephilim fighter with twin lascannons and heavy bolters/missles

venerable dread with lascannon and ccw/stormbolter in droppod

venerable dread with assault cannon and ccw/stormbolter in a droppod


Again total is around 1990, but might spend last 10 points on a power weapon for that sergeant. It gives me alot of dropping in behind the enemy, lots of plasma and assault cannons, some missles, some cool units, lots of scoring troops, and I plan to pick the reserve bonus warlord trait since azrael gets to pick the one he wants. This way I have a good chance of getting everything in by turn 2/3.


Again that is just the starter list. After that I will start fleshing out the 4th company, to give myself an overall flexible army. Basically I am starting off with the dark vengeance set + limited chaplain, and then adding some of the new goodies, plus I already have the one speeder and 3 pods already started with painting, and 2 contemptor dreads sitting on the paint bench primed and ready for another vow.

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Small update to my thread. I present a WIP Chorazin, my Azrael stand in for the Angels of vengeance. I still have to work up the helmet bearer for it. Undecided if I will do a conversion of a winged watcher, or just use the watcher from the new Deathwing box and replace the sword with a helmet. I took the DV master, and replaced the helmet with a robed head. I wanted to replace the shoulder pad, but then having to go back and greenstuff a leather strap for the bolter was a pain. SO I decided to just leave that pad and hand pain the icon on the shoulder pad underneath. I modified the backpack using bitz from the ravenwing sprue, and added a banner that had a skull on the top of the banner pole. I added wings again from more ravenwing bitz, and then sculpted a hood. This will work for now as my azrael substitute, until I get around to doing a much cooler conversion using some MkV bits. I want to do a rendition of Chorazin similar to the one that was in white dward 327 and can be easily found on the web. I tried to incorporate some elements of that model into this substitution. For the banner I plan do do the broken sword/key iconography that would have been on the other shoulderpad which the robes are covering. But this will be for a later vow, I have to finish painting my current vow up first.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I finished my first Vow, and completed my land speeder and my 3 drop pods. My paints finally arrived so I was able to finish them.






 I also set about converting up a librarian on a bike, so he will accompany my ravenwing units.   I converted the extra DV sergeant I had to be the base for my librarian and used the torso of the DV librarian and his backpack. I really wanted the casting arm, so I had to think how do I get a force weapon. I happened to have a Grey Knight terminator force staff so that did the trick, just removed the hand from the handle on the sergent so I could mount the handel and I removed the hand on the staff.  It is a little shorter than usual but hardly noticable considering he is on a bike.  I glue the staff in place, but added a leather strap that goes around his shoulder to help him keep it attached when he is casting his spells and so it doesn't drag the ground.   Can't wait to get him painted up.  Will be including him and a nephilim for my next vow, but will add WIP shots of the nephilim tomorrow or later tonight, gotta snap some shots of it first. 

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So I am working on my librarian on bike and had every intention to make the wings on the bike red. Now the problem is they looked good till i added the red to the bolt guns. Now it looks like to much red. Since their isn't many images of angels of vengeance ravening on the web and nothing official it makes painting challenging. So would it look odd if I had a white winged cowl on the bike but a red winged banners on the back? After this issue it has me thinking about my nephilim. Should i stick to white wings one the wings or should I make them red. I can justify the white cowls on the bikes it matches the chest eagles but I feel giant red wings might look good but might not fit in with the rest of my ravening units.
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I really like those drop pods, and you rarely see Angels of Vengeance armies so really looking forward to seeing this army develop. I want a bike Libby as well but can't bring myself to use the DV one, it's too gorgeous.
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yeah, I need to get me another one, just to have one on foot for this army.  They are pretty cheap though, even if you don't get it off ebay but through a bitz store.  5 bucks or less for a model is much better than paying GWs price for a finecast librarian. 


Yeah, I am itching to paint so much of the stuff I have assembled and primed right now.  Want to get this army moving, but I am trying to stay focused on my vows, and between family, work and my art assignments for my classes, its a bit tedious.  Glad I am making progress as I have been.


I currently have waiting paint after these two models, my converted azrael (still have to finish converting the watcher holding a helm), 5 knights, 5 dv TDA, 6 DV ravenwing and 1 attack bike, 10 DV tactical squad, and two contemptor dreadnoughts which will be veterans/deathwing dreads.  I also have to finish my company master conversion off the DV chaplain.  I also have 2 box sets of Terminators in route plus the bitz to make another 12.  That will give me a belial conversion, chaplain conversion, command squad, and 3 more deathwings squads.


I decided to focus first on deathwing.  I will basically be able to field either a 2k list all deathwing, or a 2k list mutliwing.   I plan to invest in more ravenwing units such as the black knights and a second nephilim, and start fleshing out a battle company soon.  However, those will wait till I have more of this painted of course.  


In my online search the only army I have found was an old 3rd edition looking terminator army, might have been 4th.   I am going to stick to the current fluff as much as I can, and only the Inner Circle will have black robes.  Everyone else will have red robes.  As far as robed terminators, well I will have my knights robed, my characters robed, and only the command squad robed, cause I feel they deserve that Honor as well.   That is why the librarian on the bike has a black robe, he has the inner circle rule, just wish it was easier to see from the pictures.  


well off to knock out this weeks art assignments so I can try to get the librarian and nephilim finished by the end of this weekend.  

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Small update.  I am still not finished with my librarian and nephilim yet.  Been a busy week with school assignments and this week isn't getting much easier.  


Anyways here is an updated shot of their current status.  The librarian still needs the black highlighted, and a few details like the gold trim on the swords on the bolters.   The nephilimi also needs the black highlighted, and detailing done on the icons, as well as the highlights on the red, and both need weathering and the bases finished. 



Also, This will be my next Vow, I went ahead and snapped a photo.  I will be looking at finishing my death wing list first before the multiwing.  

I have a unit of knights, a command squad, and 4 dw squads, plus a dreadnought and belial and an interrogator chaplain intended for that list.


Here is the WIP shot of the command squad and characters.  Belial is still awaiting a back banner bit.  I guess this week while I am doing sketches, maybe I will try to work out a sketch idea for the banner.  Any suggestions I will gladly take some, since I need it to just be a angels of vengeance deathwing banner.  I decided my command squad needed to look intimidating, so I used the robes on them.  It makes them look more veteran like and imposing.  Really gotta say, i love the robed terminators. 

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got my vows finished.  Here are the updated pictures.  Also i think i am finally figuring out the right setup of my lights and camera and background to take better pictures. 

Finished Nephilim






Finished Librarian

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jawdrop.gif That Nephilim is awesome man! Sweet stuff. I just started re-painting my army (yet again, SIGH) back to the Angels of Vengeance. Great work! Ironically, I have done the same thing to my Limited Edition Chaplain Seraphipottomus, or wahtever his real name is. Put his bits in Terminator armour, and he looks ready to PUNISH!

Well done mate!

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Thanks.  I like the limited edition model, its just I feel that the body is more suited to a company commander, so that is what I am doing.  I am giving my company commander the mace of redemption, and would love to get him finished, i just can't decide what to give him on the other arm.  The pistol arm already broke off, and I was going to remove it anyways cause of the shoulder, so i can't decide between a bolt pistol or a plasma pistol.  But i got some time before I work on that conversion, as I am going to paint up my deathwing first.


My planned list is 


Interrogator chaplain in TDA

Command squad (apothecary, champion, revered standard and plasma cannon)

a unit of 5 knights

2 units of 5 deathwing with assault cannon and chainfist

2 units of 5 deathwing with cyclone missle launcher with lightning claws, and chainfist

1 deathwing dreadnought with assault cannon and dread close combat weapon.


It doesn't seem like much, but it is 32 terminators and a dreadnought at 2k.  


I might put some paint on my tac squad at some point while painting these terminators.  Just wish I had more time for painting, full time art classes are getting hectic right now, finding little to no time to paint.  At best I get an hour before work some days, sometimes 30 minutes before bed.  Look forward to seeing some of your angels of vengeance.


As for the nephilim, thanks.  I debated on the white wings or red wings.  I opted for white to match the chest eagles and break up some of the red. It seems to work best, as it can be just way to much red.   I also added a number on the tail, as I was takign some influence from military aircraft, specifically marines and navy, as the marine ones tend to have an icon of some sort on the tail fin plus a number. Figured it would be like assigned number. Debated on adding a third number, and I might, just have to find a zero to match the numbers the dark angels use.   Wanted 3 numbers because the first number would basically be assigned fleet, the second assigned squadron, third being the number in the squadron.   May just put a second 1 in front of the 17 later, for now the 17 works perfectly.   

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So got up to the store today.  Managed to get in one game while I was up their, nothing spectacular, 1k battle, not alot fielded, got tabled by dark eldar because of the war of attrition and failed saves.  Was still fun.   Manager also got a group shot of my painted angels of vengeance, minus the drop pods.  Its amazing how much more awesome they actually look on a table. 



So as you can see, I managed to get my chaplain and command squad finished this week. Just need to work on Belial and another oath finished.  I was so focused on the unit, I got them knocked out, and was actually able to enter them into a painting contest at the nearest GW, which is why I went to the store today.   So here is hoping they do well in the squad category. 


Here are some close up shots.  First the command squad, then the chaplain.





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The Chaplain looks awesome. But please move the camera back to at least 1.5" and take the pic with Macro mode on. The you can crop the pic and he should be more clear.


I'm considering using your Chappy ideas when I build my own.

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JeffJedi, on 09 Feb 2013 - 02:11, said:

The Chaplain looks awesome. But please move the camera back to at least 1.5" and take the pic with Macro mode on. The you can crop the pic and he should be more clear.

I'm going to have to agree. The pictures do not give this model enough credit! And I think your Chaplain has sealed the deal on a kit bashed Librarian I wanted to make. smile.png
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I was sure I commented on this but my post-fu (or memory) must be defective....

Nice work on all the models - if I had to pick a fav. I think I would have to go with the Nephilim. thumbsup.gif

You do need to sort the pictures out so we can fully apreciate your work.

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Thanks. Will be doing some spring cleaning when I get the chance, and will update a group shot of the picture when I get updates.   Will have to see about snagging a better closer shot of that chaplain, I am still learning the proper distance and setup for the camera to get the best shots.  Since I don't have a permanent place set up, its always set up and taken down with each photo opp. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not a true update, but more of a bump.  I haven't really done much of anything to my angels of vengeance over the past month almost.   It took two weeks to get the bitz in to finish up converting my Belial.  I did get him primed and washed in black.  I managed to work on the bases of most of my death wing terminators, and added some shadow grey to the bases and some astronomicon grey, and I started applying some bases coat colors to the red and white sections of my Dark Vengeance terminator squad, but thats been about it.  Just been busy with work and school and family and honestly just haven't been all that motivated when I did get some spare time to sit and paint.    That is all going to change, as I am going to have to kick myself at least motivation wise to get back painting when I can get some spare time this month, and finish up belial, and try to work on painting up my death wing knights, the DV termie squad, and another Terminator squad.    Maybe if I can get that done, i can invest some time knocking out the first tactical squad for my 5th company or finish my unit of ravenwing bikes to go with the land speeder.  


Been thinking about making my mixxed wing list more flexible and maybe investing in a command squad or veteran company squad to escort azrael, and maybe getting some razorbacks for some transports.   Even thought about at least getting a box of 3 ravenwing blackknights to have that unit, and some extra bitz to finish converting up my 5th Company Master. 


Maybe I can also find time for a game this month, which will also allow me an updated group shot once I get more stuff with paint on it, not to mention, the motivation to paint that comes along with playing a game in the first place.

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Ok started working on my Belial stand in, and though I am still picking out a name, I am struggling to think up a design for his back banner.

So Belial is known as the bearer of the sword of silence. It's a nice title and it is his banner icon. So trying to personalize my successor Belial but I can't think of a cool title or a neat banner design without some title. My chapter master is based off the fluff for choral in, so his banner design is a broken sword and key. Anyways I mentioned him because he will already have the sword of vengeance. So maybe if I can think of a cool name that fits for his sword I can work out a title for my Belial too. Anyways any suggestions from my battle brothers here would be greatly appreciated as I am just having a mental block with most of my spare thinking time dealing with my school work and not enough time working on fun stuff.

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