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Vash113 last won the day on November 3 2014

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About Vash113

  • Birthday 01/26/1988

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    Arlington, Virginia

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    Tau, Space Marines, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard



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  1. To be fair often a school and the teachers are fairly hamstrung when it comes to responding to such situations. A friend of mine was working as an assistant teacher the last few years and had to put up with a lot of aggression, bad behavior and even violence from some of the students but his options for dealing with such behavior were extremely limited. He could not even give the kids a time-out or sit them somewhere else in the classroom. Schools can't really do all that much to punish or address the behavior of problem students and the only real recourse is to pile up enough evidence that the kids can eventually be expelled, but then they just move to another school and the cycle starts all over again.
  2. Sorry to hear about your issues with the school, unfortunately bullying remains a serious problem that public schools neither seem able or willing to address. I hope the new school works out better.
  3. I'm partial to Wardruna as well but prefer the track Helvegen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD65K4VR6Lw&index=2&list=RDdoErMZahSYY But seriously, I think my favorite has gotta be Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eHkjPCGXKQ EDIT: And an honorable mention to this song from A Bard's Tale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQlUYkw2VcU&list=PLOhFj2-qjLCAf3JMbbbmMUhjq8DAjZiCW&index=3
  4. I figured the lander would look a little like what PopGoestheMonkey used at Adepticon: https://spikeybits.com/2018/03/best-40k-team-displays-adepticon-2018.html That said I really have a hankering to go full-crazy and build up a Drop Castle for my Knight House like those in the Kingsblade book. As an aside it seems the Armiger's are being worked in as an "always there just not seen on the tabletop before" type thing, they aren't a new Technology Cawl has whipped up.
  5. If cost is your concern IMO the most efficient thing is to get 3 boxes, one from Forgebane and two Start Collecting boxes. That'll let you build three squads of 10, one armed with three plasma, one with three arc and one with three sniper rifles. Two Onagers, build one with a neutron and one with an icarus array. Plus two Armigers. I favor the Rangers at the moment, more range on their weapons makes for some solid and reliable fire without moving too much. I prefer the Macrostubber and Eradication Ray on the Dominus.
  6. Onagers with Neutron Lasers or Icarus Arrays are amazing, Kastellans with tripple Phosphor Blasters are amazing, Kataphrons with Heavy Grav Cannons are amazing. Those are all three solid choices that will serve you well. Rangers/Vanguard are decent troops with decent firepower, I'd avoid the Arc rifles and stick with Plasma and Arquebus for overcharge Primaris and Bike killingness and character sniping. With Forbebane you are already well over halfway to 1000 points though. 240 or so per Armiger, times two puts you at 480, ten Skitarii and the Dominus will easily put you up around the 800 point mark. Depending on your meta, what you expect to face I'd suggest an Onager for some long range anti armor or anti flyer, or some Kataphrons with Grav for just anti everything. Five shots a piece makes them a formidable firebase.
  7. I chose to represent Sacristans and Household Guard using the Adeptus Mechanicus/Skitarii army lists. I am hoping that the new Codex gives us some support elements. I'd like to see an HQ Techpriest Engineseer with the Household Keyword who can repair more than 1 wound on a Knight. I'd also like to see Tempestus Scions as Household Guard troops to provide some infantry support, Troops and objective holders to the list. Those two things would make me very happy.
  8. Well I must say that's some very clean work there!
  9. I bought the Companion when it first came out and didn't find it particularly helpful, it adds a lot of fluff to various houses and some particular Knights but doesn't provide a great deal of insight into military structures, alliances, trials and rituals and the other stuff that would fall under the categories of organization and recruitment. It's mostly about the general histories of some Houses and select Knights from those houses. It's not bad if you can get it but I wouldn't necessarily make it a priority.
  10. None that I know of. I'd try fantasy heraldry creators or something of the sort. I found a simple one real quick here, I'm sure there are others, they aren't 40k specific. Unfortunately the specifics of the Knight Houses are not very well detailed. Kingsblade and Knightsblade and the short story Becoming deals with the knightly houses of Adrastapol, most notably House Draconis and has some details, there is also Knights of the Imperium about House Cadmus and the short story The Devine Adoratrice which deals with House Devine which was featured in the Horus Heresy Book Vengeful Spirit. Ultimately it seems to boil down to every House maintaining their own unique and complex rituals and traditions with only loose similarities between them. Like with Space Marine chapters all Knight Houses will likely feature an Exalted Court that includes some broadly comparable ranks within them, but the specific titles, duties and honors and the specific merits necessary to attain those positions will be unique to each house, for example.
  11. I could see Secutarii, the transports and tanks and what not but I very much doubt the Automata will get 40k rules. The new Mechanicus codex includes the following lines: SO essentially this is almost like the fluff equivalent of "don't count on these things coming to 40k." But hey, I could be proven wrong, only time will tell.
  12. Promotion and command for the Custodes is not linear, some officers may have served with the Companions but others will not have and IIRC no alternate scheme has been outlined for the Companions. The Warders from the 40k Codex are likely your best starting place for the uniform of the Companions, lower body robes and alternate helmets. If you want to mark them out with purple well FW painted up Ixion Hale with a purple robe, which was on his lower body, so it's something some Custodians may wear and would help make them visually distinct and may have signified his position as a former or acting Companion.
  13. I'd go with a tilt shield of some kind instead of a Custodian thigh plate which I think will be a bit too big for the purposes. That is a lot of resculpting, the pelt and claw goes down over his belt and onto his thigh, if you have the skill to resculpt that go right ahead but IMO that's a bit much. shaving it down and covering it with a cloak is more likely but essentially leaves you with the same thing. A big bit of something covering his left side. Or you could leave off the shield in much the same way as the animal head. I agree, helmets are better than no helmets. Their shape goes all the way to the base, shaving them down won't produce a straight profile. You're better off removing it entirely and replacing it with an alternate halo. Not to be nit picky here but IMO that's not a scroll. I see no paper details instead it looks like a metal rod of some kind, perhaps a form of tech-key or code-cipher rod of some kind. If it irks you that much go ahead and remove it, I wouldn't replace it with a knife though, he's got the spear what's he need with a drawn power knife? I'd give him a sheathed magisterium dagger and an open hand or clenched fist. You could just shave away the rod and keep his fist maybe. Honestly he's a bit too busy for my taste but I don't think he's horrible, I honestly don't get the immediate need some people have to start hacking such a nicely sculpted model up because the most powerful of the Emperor's servants during the height of the Great Crusade has too much bling... I mean yea, that makes sense. He should be the most overwrought, busy and ridiculously ostentatious dude in the galaxy after the Emperor. If you really want a more toned-down Valdor just get the Shield-Captain Forge World is releasing. I've said it before but IMO that model may well have originally been intended to be Valdor, his appearance much more closely resembles the old visions artwork and his Guardian Spear bears clear similarities to the shape and design of the more elaborate one Valdor is carrying. His weapon is unique, his armor is unique, if you want a WYSIWYG Valdor stand-in that isn't so over-the-top go with that model, it's what I'm probably going to do, and he costs half as much.
  14. I was actually thinking of fielding a Custodes "Movie Custodes" force reflecting every model in the army as a Shield Captain or Vexilla. Every biker, every Terminator, every Custodian, all using the Shield-Captain profile. Wind up with like a fourteen or fifteen models at 2000 points, no vehicles and all characters...
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