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luna wolves war cry

ginger gobbo

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  • 2 weeks later...
Lupercal is actually Horus' surname, as revealed by the Cabal in "Legion"

Actually I don't think so. I think this is a case of using a title as a extension of the name. An example (non-40k related) would be "Eragon Shadeslayer" from the Eragon series. Or like the Orks such as 'Wazrak Skullcrusher.'

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They also occasionally used "In the Name of the Ship!" didn't they?



If I was a marine my battle cry would surely be "Let's fu#$%" this "#$%#ers!" or "The last to trash those #$"ards is a <DELETED BY THE INQUISITION>!" or something like that. It's more manly :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Horus' battle barge was the Vengeful Spirit, so when the marines of the 16th Legion were feeling choleric (ie, pissed-off), they would describe their emotional state by saying, as As7_K noted, that they "felt the hand of the ship upon them."


Without a doubt, the battle cry of the Luna Wolves was, "Lupercal!"

When they were renamed the Sons of Horus, it became, "For the Warmaster!"


"Kill for the living; Kill for the dead," was a solemn oath between battle brothers, not really a battle cry.


The 16th also made a big deal of swearing "oaths of moment" before going into battle. Often they would write the oaths themselves, but occasionally a superior would write an oath to a subordinate, charging them to accomplish great deeds in the performance of their duties to the emperor. These oaths would be forsworn upon a bolter, a sword, or some other weapon, and in the presence of a witness, a second. A big deal to the Wolves, but also not a battle cry.


If the legion's wearing white, it's "Lupercal." If they're wearing metallic seafoam-green, it's "For the Warmaster." And if they've scratched the Eye of Horus off their seafoam-green because they think Horus is a big a-hole, it's "For the Emperor!"


All of which, I know, is what everyone has said before me...but now at least I've contributed to the noise!

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