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Geneseed creation


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The geneseed of the Traitor Legions is under lock, key, stasis field, etc, etc. It is rumored they used purified geneseed in the Cursed or Dark Founding (can't remember which one, or if it was either now that I think of it). They do not use it any longer.


I'm not sure what you mean by divined, but geneseed is artificially created. The Emperor genetically engineered the primarchs and used their genetic information to turn humans into marines. Among the 19 organs glued to the insides of a marine (or is it only 18 now in the new codex?) 1 is a pair of glands called progenoids. Once these two glands mature they become geneseed to be used in the creation of other marines.


That is about as specific as I can get from memory. If you need more info try Lexicanum or if you're feeling frisky view the wonders of Searchy.


Hope I've helped.

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