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WIP (awesome) Space wolf conversions... :P (update 29/8/15)


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hmmm im not digging the green hair ;)


do you not undercoat your models? or do you just do it bit by bit?


the sheild is very cool paintjob is great

im surprised how good the leman russ turret looks on the rhino chassis! i always felt that the predator turret looked better on the leman russ chassis!! try it out if youve still got the turret and chassis



personally i think the dreads fingers should be chunkier and bigger

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@ wiplash- thanks for the comments, i'm really pleased with the shield too. I don't undercoat no, i know i should before people shout at me but i just don't bother :D i was surpirsed at how the leman russ turret looked, but i'm glad i tried it... now all i need is the extra armour and a meaty dozer blade and i'm away. as for the dread fingers, i need to add some greenstuff around them for the flexibl inner part and armoured outer so i'll see what it looks like. when you say bigger, i assume you mean longer, because I was worried they would look too long otherwise... i'll see what they look like with the greenstuff on them.


@floria gator, natanael, MaveriK and rodgers37 thankyou for your kind words, i'm glad i'm inspiring someone, means that i won't just give up after a while :)


anyhoo heres some updates of the paint job










it might be hard to see but he has quite a ruddy face, either from the cold, fighting or more likely being drunk :)

pretty much just the hammer to go now, and the gold around the shield

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok. finally got a computer again... stupid motherboards breaking :(


heres some pics of my finished wolf lord.

i'm thinking of changing his hair colour, to either dirty blonde or black amd would like opinions on that. I also think i'm going to add a couple more highlights to the skull on his wrist, and possibly on the shoulder too although that doesn't look too bad.


















any comments and critiques would be nice guys :)

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holy naked bejesus your greenstuff skills are pretty good, i've found some good articles about "cheating" with green stuff (basically you make a mold from sculpting putty i think and press green stuff into it and after it hardens just gluing it on which is obviously not what you've done) but anywho, keep on truckin with those models man they are really inspiring me to rip apart my whole army and repose everything, but i kind of like the "traditional" feral look, but they way you have captured the norse-ness of wolves is great. also your paint jobs are really good (about like my fathers) i'm slowly learning tricks to get mine looking that good and have a bunch of dvd's to watch from miniture mentors (if you havent heard of them then i highly suggest you look them up) well now off to bed much converting to do and maybe some pics to post this weekend if i remember to buy AA's for my cam.





Edit : here's the website for miniture mentor http://www.miniaturementor.com/



one more thing as well what colors did you mix for your armor, i was thinking about using like codex gray but after seeing the color of your WL's armor i reallllllllly like it

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Some absolutely fantastic work. That Wolf Lord carries both the weight of the TDA and the weight of years in his bearing. Looks stunning. Please keep the pics coming. After reading this thread I might even phone in sick to work and stay at home to make Wolf Guard.


As an aside, a tutorial for GSing those wolf cloaks would be helpful if and when you've got the time.


Until the Wolftime

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@ Ranvir, ask and thou shallt recieve http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...showarticle=705


@ Growler, LOL


@ lovesmuffins the colour is a mix of (i think this is right) 4 parts adeptus battlegrey, 2 parts regal blue, 1 part black.... i mixed up a massive pot of it when i first started so its been a while since i needed to mix any up. i then washed with devlan mud and a thinned badab black, before adding fortress grey to the mix for highlights. i think i even put a thin blue glaze over him when it started looking too grey on the edges but thats not a requirement.

i may well check out that site, always good for learning new techniques so thanks for the link.

as for the hair, i've been leaning to black myself so it may get a repaint soon...


in a couple of hours i'll edit in some shots of my half greenstuffed rune priest to


+EDIT+ as promised heres the updates on my rune priest








i'm in the process of starting his cloack, once i've sculpted it i'll take his arms and the clack off and start painting i think...


oh and while im here, my long fang pack leader is now nearly finished (the bolter and his back pack are all that remains i think... sorry for the slightly fuzzy pics










and lastly, some close ups of my wolf lord, i tried some glowing runes and i don't think they came out too badly, obviously room for imprvement




his crux was painted to look like stone/marble




and the inside of the shield was painted to look wooden, but i did add a metal plate and there are some wires ending in gems under there too...




i think thats it...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love your style. All the conversions give your minis an "heroic" touch wich is the finest for Wolves.


I do love the original armor scheme.


My only complaint is that I miss one step in your fur tutorial: the one showing how you press the green stuff when its on the model to create the fur texture.


Keep posting ¡

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

jeez its been some time, but i (foolishly) decided to sign up to the LPC this year... i pledged to complete my ven dread an a terminator... pushing the boat out you see lol.


ok, so heres the nearly fully converted dread, needs some work on the gun arm, theres a banner i'm working on and some small GS details and studs. oh and fingers... the cannon arm is going to look similar in style to the assault cannon from a termie with the finger guard area, some plasticard work should sort that out nicely.











while im her i may aswell show some of my stand in scouts. I want them to look like vets and also to look more savage than normal. Ive been looking at using marauder/catachan parts along with some random marine bits but so far i've not come up with a mix i like. then i saw some barbarian models on the cmon shop and got those to use in the meantime. the heads ae too small on the metal minis so will be replaced and the proportions of the scultp were out but they will do in the meantime.












so there we go, update no. 1for he LPC... should be fully converted within a week and then painting should be about another week, week and a half... gonna be interesting :)

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Are you making fingered powerfists for the Dread, like on a Titan?


And is that a Terminator body front as the head/body for the Dread? I'm having a lot of trouble coming up with a suitable body for my Ven. Dread so I'm wondering if I'll have to break down and get one from a bits site.

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@ Lord Azoth no its not press molded its a failry easy thing though, i made the square for te base plate, then added a blob of greenstuff and angle the sides of that blob to make the diamond.


@Kenmichi I'm planning on making them look like longer dread fingers, still blocky but more in proportion to the rest of the model. kinda like Wiplash's dread fingers... we'll see how it comes out


@ terminatorinhell its the Punisher cannon, the 'hand' holding it is a seismic hammer arm with an IG spotlight as the 'plam'. the ammo box at the back is part of a heavy bolter sponson form the predator.


@ Hrothgar the whole army is going to have a 'heroic', over-the-top feel to it... maybe more so on the characters but im planning on having every model converted in some way. as for the wolves, they were painted in a similar way to the tutorial at the bottom of this link...




@ demonprince101 easy tiger :)

the basecoat was a 4:2:1 mix of adeptus battlegrey, real blue and chaos black. i then washed it with a mix of badab black and devlan mud before hilighting it by adding fortress grey into the basecoat. keep going until your on about 1:2 mix of basecoat to fortress grey.

the scratchs were painted using fortress grey to make the shape an then infilling with a 1:1 mix of the basecoat and scorched brown.

th yellow was Iyanden Darksun, shaded with thinned down dark flesh. i then added golden yellow the the mix (think it was about 1:1 Iyanden/golden sun) before ading bleached bone for the highlights. the scratches were done in a similar way to those on the blue using bleached bone as the first step and the infilling with dark flesh.

the metals were a mix of boltgun, scorched brown and chaos black. they then got a wash of black and devlan mud before being higlighted using boltgun, chainmail and then a thin line of mithril. if the are was to be heavily weathered i would add scratches using chainmail/mithril before applying a thinned wash so it took some of the shine off of the scratches. a wash of gryphonne sepia makes the areas look a bit oily.

the close combat weapons were usually painted with chainmail as the base to keep them brighter and i don't give them the sepia wash.


does that help :)


@ wiplash cheers dude

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stinkenheim what are those models you used for your scouts? I'm a 40k and gamesworkshop noobie, so I need specifics when you reply. I only ask because I'm currently trying to tackle a space wolves army as my first 40k army, and doing so by converting as much as possible.


I just finished posing etc my SW Scouts which are similiar to these ones:



However, I didn't like how this guy's scouts were all static... despite bein' converted.... so I made mine have as many running/dashing/jumping stances as possible. I'll toss up some pics. Upon finishing I made the rookie mistake of "creating" one leg longer then the other using Green stuff to try and "heighten" the forced perspective of him when viewing him head on... looks great.. but when you turn him side ways and see how much longer his bent leg is... it looks horrid. I may redo.


Long story short... I wouldn't mind tackling another SW Scout conversion and your barbarians/samurai feel ones maybe a good starting point for me to see if I can get any creative ideas from.


Keep up the good work, your greenstuff skills make me jealous. You're painting is phenomenal as well... lol I've actually put off painting any of my finished posed figures as I don't want to mess them up seein' as this is my first army and all. LOL....but I should just bite the bullet and paint them up seein' as that is the only way I will get better.

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cheers for the compliment mate ;)


i used these models from Red Box Games, the proportions are a bit off and the heas on some seem really small but they aren't a bad starting point.








I used a razorsaw to take the lower parts o the leg off and then replaced them with parts of some Assault Marine legs.

The headswap on one o them is from the Chaos Marauder sprue, and he will get some hair sculpted on at some point to hide the join.

I used a plasma pistol and comat weapon from the old metal scouts to equip one of them, and replaced the end of the doublehanded axe that one of them carries with the axe head from an old space wolf scout.

I will be greenstuffing wolf pelts and other accessories onto them at some point as well as finishing the last few members of the squad but I'm busy painting the bits for the LPC...


Those scout conversions look cool, but like you say they are static which is one reason I decided against using the plastic scouts.

Wolf lord Mjolnir uses a nice scout conversion in his force, his blogs here;




they are on the scond page, as far as i remember they use parts of the catachan kits, as well as marauder parts. theres a tutorial on another website that i'll try and dig out for you aswell if you ould like.


hope this helps, if your unsure of anything then feel free to PM me.




found the website i was looking for, tey seem to have inspired many fellow wolves



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