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Painted Space Wolves


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So here we go, me with yet another army. A bit of background on why I love Space Wolves so much. Rewind 11 years to grade 7, where my (now good) friend brought in a painted Ragnar Blackmane model for arts class. Being an artist myself (I graduated from Sheridan College with a degree in Technical Illustration, and am now a Concept Artist at Ganz Interactive), I was most obviously intrigued, and asked him what this model was. Several birds with one stone, I'd made a new friend (who would one day invite me to his church where I would meet my now girlfriend, who's brother now dates one of my work colleagues and former classmate), AND I was hooked on Phoni...d'I mean Warhammer.


So I mosied (sp?) on down to the local Games Workshop to pick up some background information, and purchased the 40k starter set, and my first White Dwarf which, coincidentally enough, was when the 3rd edition Space Wolves codex had just been released, and Jes Goodwin had written an article on converting various Space Wolves. I couldn't put that issue down.


Space Wolves were my first army, and would from then on always be my favorite.


Fast forward now 11 years, and very little of the above has changed. With my painting talents having progressed as far as they have, I figured now would be a good time to remake my Space Wolves (of which I had sold many years prior). A new edition of 40k, a new Space Marine codex (and lots of new and very nice models), and a new Space Wolf book somewhere on the horizon all pulled me back.


And so here we are. 3 weeks ago I bought my 1000 points of Space Wolves and have been painting furiously since. After 21 days of hard labor, here are the results. We begin first with the workspace shot(s):





  1. Workspace. This is where the magic happens. Pretty simple, I use an illustration board to protect my table from spills, and an overhead transparency as my palette (easily replacable, and it won't knock around). You can see the brushes I use (sorta) in their protective cases. I use Raphael 8404's as my main brushes, size 0 and 1, with a Winsor and Newton 7 Miniature Series, Size 00 for eyes and script.
  2. My dual-screened computer. I use a Macbook Pro, with the secondary window for movies. I keep the computer far back so that paint won't splash onto it.
  3. A pair of fluorescent lamps. They're clean light, and allow me to see true colors (avoid halogen, which give a yellow tint to everything). These are also the lamps I use for taking photographs.
  4. Ah technology. Because my computer is so far away, and I don't want to have to constantly reach over to my laptop, I have both a wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse. That way I can just keep the keyboard in my lap and just type as I paint. This is also where my USB hub goes for camera/iPhone charging, portable hard drive, etc etc.
  5. Scented candles for purty smell :P, and a picture of me and my girlfriend.
  6. Spare parts used for conversions.
  7. Space Wolf transfer sheets collected over the years.
  8. Next up on the chopping block.
  9. Toolbox with all my paints, situated right to my left for easy access.. I use a mix of GW and P3 paints.
  10. Primers and basing supplies


Here's what I've finished so far (20 Grey Hunters, 9 Sternguard, 5 Vanguard):




And in sets of 4/5:










If you want any close ups, by all means ask and I'll try and accommodate. Rhinos to come (hopefully soon).




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The iconography I've used:


Great Company:



Grey Hunters:



Sternguard (a variation of the Grey Hunters icon). As a side note, all the Sternguard have unique names painted on all the scrolls as well.








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These are Space Wolves the way Space Wolves should be! Space marines with just a HINT of the barbarian, not the other way around!


(Oh, and the Vanguard and Sternguard are also completely illegal under the current codex, though I am sure you know that and the upcoming SW codex might just change that - or at least let you use those fantastic Vanguard as Wolf Guard?)

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Ahh! Exactly the colour scheme I'm working on!

But executed much better!

Thank you for the inspiration!


Now please paint some vehicles because that is my biggest headache right now?!?

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Ahh! Exactly the colour scheme I'm working on!

But executed much better!

Thank you for the inspiration!


Now please paint some vehicles because that is my biggest headache right now?!?


The three Rhino transports are up next on the chopping block.




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Can't say I like them, they just don't look nearly Wolfy enough. Too much like Ultramarines IMO.


The painting is fantastic though but I gotta say, using C:SM is all good and well but be prepared for the army not to fit into the new C:SW without at least some modification, I seriously doubt the SW will get anything like Jump Pack Vanguard for instance.


Besides the C:SW still gets to use most of the new rules and stat adjustments anyway, not really any big reason to use the new Codex, it's hardly more powerfull or balanced IMO.

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What is the recipe for the grey? It is not the traditional blue/grey scheme I usually see and I quite like it. Is it fortress grey based?


Really cool Space Wolves you got there DV8.


What colour did you use to paint the overall models?




I'll get into specifics when I do the tutorial, but a rundown of colors:



Codex Grey, Fortress Grey, Leviathan Purple, Asurmen Blue, Devlan Mud


The Shoulder Pads

Snakebite Leather, Iyanden Darksun, Golden Yellow, Skull White, Devlan Mud, Badab Black


The Metallics

Scorched Brown, Shining Gold, Skull White, Boltgun Metal, Badab Black


The Scrolls/Fur

P3 Beasthide Flesh, Bleached Bone, Skull White, Badab Black


The Eyes/Purity Seals

Dark Flesh, Blood Red, Fiery Orange, Leviathan Purple


that is awesome :) ! you have got to post a tutorial.............maybe...........please?


I'll do a tutorial when I paint my Wolf Lord.


The three Rhino transports are up next on the chopping block.


Da chopping block??? :huh: :o




Please built and paint them! ;)


Haha very funny ... :)


Can't say I like them, they just don't look nearly Wolfy enough. Too much like Ultramarines IMO.


The painting is fantastic though but I gotta say, using C:SM is all good and well but be prepared for the army not to fit into the new C:SW without at least some modification, I seriously doubt the SW will get anything like Jump Pack Vanguard for instance.


Besides the C:SW still gets to use most of the new rules and stat adjustments anyway, not really any big reason to use the new Codex, it's hardly more powerfull or balanced IMO.


It's absolutely adorable how everyone points this out to me. If I had a nickle for everytime ... Before you read the below, understand that I am being as objective and impartial as I can be as I type this, and I am in no means trying to attack anybody. If you find you have a sensitive demeanor or can't appreciate a bit of light-hearted sardonic wit, just stop reading now and accept that I have my reasons for using the Space Marine book over the Space Wolf book.


The bottom line is that I find the Space Wolf codex archaic and out-dated. While I really do appreciate the character and feel of the old list, I just don't like how it plays in 5th edition. We predominantly play 1000 and 1500 point games in my area (depending on where you go and table size, of course), and I think you will agree 5th edition is a very objective/mission based system.


My problem with the Space Wolf book is that it seems to be written with a very hero-hammer mindset, and with it's over-costed units and archaic rules, just doesn't seem effective to me (for why I'm building the army, but I will get to that in a moment).


The Retinue Rule

My BIGGEST beef with the book is this rule. Even back in 3rd or 4th I tolerated this simply because it didn't really make too big an impact what with Victory Points and such forth. But with only Troops scoring now, it seems counter-intuitive to me to ever take more than 1 HQ unit in anything less than a 2000/3000+ points game. That's just not how I write lists. I take 1 character to be my general, and then fill up the rest on y'know...the actual army (barring certain exceptions, Tyranids as an example requiring Synapse, but that's neither here nor there).


Being forced to take an HQ for every 750 points (that's 2 HQs in 1000 points!) just doesn't work when I want to take lots of Troops. Oh yes certainly you could take two cheap Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, or a Wolf Priest and a cheap Battle Leader, or even take advantage of the fact that the Venerable Dreadnought can be an HQ as well, but that doesn't bypass the fact that you're still spending more points than I feel is necessary on a model that probably won't win you the game. And I just have a dislike for fielding Dreadnoughts (or vehicles in general, unless I go entirely mechanized), as they have a tendency to die too easily, or just fail to do much. I put my faith in infantry.


Over-costed Transports

The Rhino and the Razorback still cost 50 and 70 points, and I have checked over the FAQs. There is no legal way for you to field the Rhinos/Razorbacks at their reduced cost, as the options are taken from the Space Marine codex, but the points for the transports are clearly listed in the unit entries in the Space Wolf codex. No amount of common sense or logical sequence can counter this, if someone demands I pay the old points cost for the transports, I must abide.


Expandability and Future Usage

Before I expand on this, a bit of background information. I have played several armies in the past: Black Templars since 3rd, and Deathwing, Ravenwing and mechanized Death Korp in 4th. Each time Games Workshop has released a new codex/edition, it has rendered the list itself useless/supremely ineffective. I've built sizable armies and spent no short amount of money, only to have it rendered utterly useless or retarded, or at best a sizable portion of the army becomes unusable.


I am not making that mistake again.


When I was figuring out what to buy for this army, I sat down with my Codices and Rulebooks and thought to myself: "How can I build a list that is effective, fun to play, easy to paint, and will be usable across the board in the future, especially when the new Space Wolf book comes out?"


Well, the workhorse of every Space Marine army has and always will be bolter-armed Marines. Black Templars are an exception and I find their newest codex a bastardization of the army they used to be (but that's another story for another day). So I knew in my mind that my list would have lots of Marines with bolters that I can expand upon as Codices dictate.


Of course the Rhino APC is also relatively generic so I knew I would be safe mechanizing my army in transports.


Assault marines (call them Vanguard if you want, at the end of the day they're just Marines with Jump Packs) are a bit iffy, since I'm not sure if they'll be a viable choice in the new book, but the models are nice, and it's only 5 models, so I wasn't too worried about them. Plus I've never used Assault Marines as a mainstay component in a list before so I thought I'd give them a try.


With that in mind, I set about first with the Space Wolf codex. And I thought it over and mulled it over, and it occurred to me that any and almost every effective list I could build with that book, would be a gamble. Why? Because I couldn't say with absolute confidence that I could use that unit in the new Codex. I'm sure you will agree with the new Codex coming soon, it is pointless to build a new army and take units that I might only be able to use for a couple of months, only to have to shelve those units and never use them again when the new book is released.


This is by far the most critical reason, not because I think the Space Marine codex is more "powerful" or "balanced". I don't play to win, I play to have fun. And having to spend money on units I may end up throwing away or never using in a couple of months isn't fun. So I essentially set the Space Wolf codex aside and set myself to use the Space Marine codex (as much as it jives with your common sensibility) for my list until the new Space Wolf book comes out, keeping the above criteria in mind.


Captain, Power Fist, Storm Bolter

9 Sternguard, Power Fist, Rhino

10 Tactical Marines, Power Fist, Meltagun, Rhino

10 Tactical Marines, Power Fist, Meltagun, Rhino

5 Assault Marines, Power Weapon


I'm sure you will agree that for 1000 points thats a more than generic enough list that I can essentially turn on a dime and re-configure without difficulty when the new Space Wolf codex comes out.


That's pretty much my thoughts/stance on the matter, and if you really wish to debate/talk/argue/whatever this over, shoot me a PM. This is a painting thread and I will not have it be filled predominantly with posts stating "zomg he's not using the Space Wolf codex *brainmelt* "


I have to agree with Vash113, the specialists look too much like any other Space Marine.

The tacticals look better, though, I like them. I especially like the Sergeant with the shoulder-slung bolter and powerfist.


The bottom line here is I drew the line. While I would have loved to amass Space Wolf bitz and convert every model to be an absolutely barbaric Viking-marine, it just wasn't worth my spending the time and the money to track down the bits and parts required through eBay and trades. Unfortunately Games Workshop, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to do away with Bitz Order, and so I'm unable to order individual parts/sprues. And between spending an age to collect the army, or get it painted to a pretty decent quality and playable on the table, I chose the latter.


If and when the Space Wolves are (re)released and they have a new awesometastic accessory sprue that is readily accessable (say an upgrade box like Dark Angels or Black Templars?), I will more than happily add more Space Wolf bits onto my marines. Until then, you'll just have to live with the fact that my Space Wolf Space Marines look more like ... oh I dunno ... other Space Marines.




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Great paint job. Great scheme. Completely understand the difficulty in getting enough space wolf iconagraphy together these days (hell, a SW back pack will easily run you $15 on ebay - EACH!).


Disagree on you logic for playing with C:SM, but hey, it's your army :)


Great friggin paint job though. Why no bare heads? (Just curious).

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Great paint job. Great scheme. Completely understand the difficulty in getting enough space wolf iconagraphy together these days (hell, a SW back pack will easily run you $15 on ebay - EACH!).


Disagree on you logic for playing with C:SM, but hey, it's your army ;)


Great friggin paint job though. Why no bare heads? (Just curious).


Speed, mainly. Painting a bare head takes infinitely longer than a helmeted head. Plus Space Marine helmets look so sinister and badass.



Haha very funny ... :P


Thank you.


I'll restrain the enthousiasm I expressed in a previous post.


Haha I was just being sarcastic ;)



Nice painting. How did you do the snow on the base?


Just GW Snow Flock glued on with Super Glue.




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I love them! :devil:


You've achieved the perfect grey colour as well as kept yourself from drowning them in pelts.


Too many Space Wolf armies seem to be a mess of fur, beards and runes with a few power armoured bits here and there.



Your Sternguard sarge looks especially badass. :)

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Screw the naysayers <_< !! That is one fine army and I agree with you, it's better to build something which can be slightly modified than to go balls to the walls only to end up with a useless army the next time your codex comes up for review. I have had that happen to me way too many times.


On a more serious note, please do a full tutorial for us! That gray is amazing! I love space wolves with such a gray, not the more bluish gray that GW uses. I am contemplating going back to my wolves, but I would gather the bitz necessary to make them look like the mad crazy vikings they are! However I was going to do a darker gray like yours, maybe a bit darker...


anyway I can hardly wait to see more! I have always enjoyed your paint jobs and conversions. You're quite inspiring, in fact I want to drive to my LGS to buy stuff...



Chappy P!

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