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Rise of the Imperium (formely Rise of the Emperor)


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The three Primarchs gathered for one final time, each would soon take
their respective legions to new targets. The strategium of the 'Cobalt
Fist' was spartan like compared to those on larger vessels, a single
oval table occupied the centre of the room, housing a hololith projector
and several cogitators. A large galactic map of the Eastern Fringe
willed the space above the table, dozens of systems and countless
streams of information alongside it. Runes marking fleets slowly moved
across the map, the Possion system was a hive of activity after its
recent conquest.

"Reinforcements from Deliverance already?" remarked
Guilliman, pointing to the south west of the map, where several white
ravens moved.

"You need warriors for war brother, let it not be said
that the Raven Guard bore its fair share of the fighting in this
campaign" replied Corax.

"Of course not brother, how many warriors can I add to the plan?" Guilliman was already at the hololiths controls.

"14,000" Corax smiled.

Both Guiliman and Curze were taken a back by that number, "I did not realise
Deliverance could produce such numbers in such short a time.  I am
impressed brother, even Armatura at its peak could not have produced
that many warriors in such short time"

"Forbidden gene craft finally paying off?" smirked Curze
ignored his brothers jibe "On the contrary, after Istvaan Father gifted
me with the means to replenish my legion at a faster rate".

"What sort of means" asked Curze

"The data on the Primarch project", Curze and Guilliman were shocked at that revelation.

"That makes things clearer now, at least no more of your bastard Were Geld
will created. You can share it with me to help me to rebuild my legion"
Curze face twisted into a smile.

"He entrusted it with me and me a lone, It is a promise I can or will not break" Corvus's voice took on a dark tone.

Konrad nodded in understanding, " Such like our Father".
After several hours of discussing and planning the Primarchs returned to
their respective fleets, there wasn't long before the fleets were to
move out and there was much work to be done. A small cadre of
Ultramarine officers were to remain behind to oversee the rebuilding of
Imperial influence in the Possion system and several Ultramar Auxilia
were station to defend it. The newly captured planets would act as a
mustering point for Imperial forces and a place to repair and resupply.
It would act as a spring board for further invasions into Tau space.

The first to depart Possion would be small battle groups of Night Lord and
Raven Guard, their legions suited to operating behind enemy lines. Ten
Ultramarine chapters backed by dozens of regiments of Imperial Guard
would launch assaults across several nearby systems. The plan was to
slowly but surely retake every system conquered by the Tau and to
eventually launch an assault on Ta'u itself. Countless of Oaths of
Moment across hundreds of ships were busy being sworn and over a hundred
new campaign banners had been crafted, even as the last words of the
Rites of Battle were being uttered, fleets left for their new
Shapes moved unseen in the distance, countless years of guerilla warfare had
honed their skills. There was an air of arrogance as the group of Night
Lords went about butchering the sentry patrols, they left the bodies
without any heads or flesh. The army base they watched was home to over a
thousand PDF troopers, the ten Night Lords deciding it was more fun to
terrorize than directly assault the compound. They'd watched the place
for three days now, every guard shift committed to memory, every sentry
patrol learned and killed. The first night the small group had killed
over one hundred soldiers as they slept, leaving their decapitated and
skinless bodies in a mound in the parade square. There had been much
laughter as they watched the base erupt in panic in the morning, the
frantic search parties came no where near to finding the perpetrators.
It was going to be a fun mission for the Night Lords.


A primitive wire fence formed the outer most perimeter of the army
compound, a concrete tower occupied by a dozen guards sat at each
corner. The entrance slightly better defended by two pillboxes and a
larger force of guards. Ever since their foray into the camp guard
numbers and patrols had doubled, although there were no signs of any Tau
support yet. All across the surface of Yaral Night Lord forces were
preparing to strike against targets, the plan was to rattle the cage,
produce unrest and then leave. Rakaul checked his bolter again to the
annoyance of Hakesh, for over three hours the squad had been waiting for
the sun to set. As the hours counted down their impatience began to
build, each Astartes longed to kill, even if their targets were only
humans and poorly trained ones at that.

"Do you really need to
constantly play with your bolter? Do you think it will fly away if you
leave it alone for more then a minute?" there was an edge of irritation
in Hakesh's voice.

Rakaul chuckled "Perhaps it might, we will never
know" and with that he began to check his bolter again to the amusement
of his other battle brothers.

"You're an annoying bastard Rakaul" scowled Hakesh.

As the sun began to set a lone figure approached the group, scraps of
flesh clung to his midnight blue armour and he wore a chain with scalped
skulls on across his chest. The other nine Night Lords barely
acknowledged their sergeant as he returned from his scouting mission.

"No on missed me?" he laugh sarcastically, "Hope you haven't been too busy preparing for our mission".

"Of course we missed you Sergeant" Hakesh replied mockingly, "Rakaul here
has checked his bolter at least 300 times in preparation.

"263 times" Solokos corrected.

Before Hakesh and Solokos could descend into another argument about the
importance of paying attention to details or lacking a sense of fun,
Sergeant Lemos ordered his men to kneel in a semi circle in front of
him. The hour of battle was at hand, it was time for them to take their
Oaths of Moments, a rare occurrence in the Night Lords. Lemos unfurled a
small banner with the legionary symbol on, the winged skull. The banner
moved slightly as a light breeze swept over the landscape, it gave the
impression the winged skull was laughing.

"My murderous brothers" Lemos began, "Do you swear upon the colours of the legion to carry out
your duty? Do you swear that you fight in the name of our gene-father
and the Emperor until your dying breathe?"

"I swear" came nine replies each of them making the sign of the Aquila.

 Oaths sworn it was time to move, darkness was rapidly setting in . A similar
scene was being repeated across Yaral, the rebel forces unaware of the
carnage that was about to engulf them. Another force may have felt some
pity towards their foes but these were Space Marines of the Night Lords,
pity was not a concept they understood nor care for. Power levels for
their armour had been at minimum levels for days now, with a thought the
reactors were fully brought online, the reactors buzzing momentarily
deafening each warrior. It would be 23-34 minutes before the night
patrol was started and 39-46 minutes before there was an aerial sweep of
the area. The legionnaires would reach the eastern part of the base in 9
minutes and their attack would begin in earnest. They would clear each
of the 38 buildings systematically. The thick undergrowth provided
little impediment for the Space Marines fast pace but it did provide
ample places for booby traps to be hidden. Brother Koron glanced at his
auspex as several red dots flashed on its screen. The Night Lords
stopped as Koron worked out a safe path to walk through; none of them
wished to die, especially to something as lowly as a booby trap. Such mighty warriors deserved a better death than that.




Added more to that chapter, you get two additions today! Hope you enjoy it. I
appreciate any feedback as long as it is constructive. Cheers for

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Yet another add for you to hopefully enjoy,


In perfect unison Aphoson and Therikos fired their missile launches, the krak rounds soaring into a guard tower. Explosions tore through their upper levels, shattering glass and chunks of masonry flying, killing and maiming the guards. Before warning sirens could be sounded two more missiles neutralized the two remaining towers, the two Night Lords discared their spent weapons and ran to catch their brothers up. The chain link fence was no match for power weapons as Hakesh and Rakaul carved throw it, now they were proceeding with their mission, noise was not a concern. The bulk of the soldiers in the camp would either be eating in the Mess halls or in their personal billets, even now as the alarm sounded it would still be some time before any form of armed resistance could be co-ordinated. The billets themselves were considered primitive, a mixture of brick and wood, offering no protection at all for their occupants.

"Remember there is no time for fun and games, we just kill until there is nothing left" Lemos reminded his squad, 9 confirmation chimes was the reply.
The camp was roughly square shaped, a large parade ground filled its centre and buildings were placed in rows around it. It would take even a human only several minutes to jog across its breadth. Its style and layout reminded Lemos of a prisoner camp rather than a military location; the Tau offered to improve the worlds they settled yet the it seemed they did not fully trust those they liberated. Lemos snapped from his musings, he took aim down a street as several soldiers moved across his vision; three shots, three kills. A loud whoosh filtered through his helmets audio receptors, Zoral had no doubt unleashed his flamer. Shouts, alarm sirens and the sounds of discharging weapons mixed together to form a orchestra of battle, although Lemos wouldn't describe this as a battle; massacre was more fitting.
Solokos caved through the side of a large brick building, his power maul gaining him entry. dust and debris momentarily filled his vision, targeting reticules in his helmet picked out five individuals. He could smell their fear, urine was trickling down each of their legs. There was only one fate for cowards and turn coats. He unleashed a clip from his storm bolter, the surprised troopers were ripped apart in a hail of fire, the mass reactive shells ripping through their bodies. Solokos advanced from the bathroom, more troopers struck with fear met him as he entered the main area of the billet. Some of them were smart enough to flee, there was no sense of camaraderie as they scrambled for the single exit. Another pull of the trigger and Solokos cut his foes down like a farmer harvesting his crops.
Several loud bangs sounded off in the distance, the tell tale noise of frag grenades, followed by the revving of chain weapons and several screams. Taphos was coated in blood as another sweep of his blade removed an appendage, a head of him several of the PDF had managed to arm themselves with lasguns. They fired at him haphazardly as he thundered towards them, all sense of discipline having fled them; without breaking step Taphos switched to his bolter and firing off a quick burst. Several las shot slammed into his left pauldron and a grenade explosion washed over him almost knocking him off balance. They had accessed the armoury at last then he thought. Before he could fire at his new targets a bright orange beam of super heated air reduced the six troopers into a disgusting fatty liquid. Taphos's helm registered a friendly, Urkul entering his sight a moment later.

"You're getting slow in your old age" laughed Urkul as he lowered his melta gun.

Taphos reloaded his bolter, "Still quick enough to best you" he voxed back.

Before more friendly insults could be traded a rocket screamed past the pair, exploding in a nearby billet quickly turning it into an inferno. Several mortar shells landed around them too, the shells too close for comfort.

"Confirmation of enemy heavy weapons, missiles and mortars. Move with caution" Taphos warned his brothers over the vox-net. Several replies acknowledging his warning were returned. After several minutes and the constant whirring of chain axes the mortar fire abated.

As the Night Lords proceeded with their extermination the PDF forces were dwindling and like animals they were being herded towards the parade ground. Fires raged across numerous buildings and those that weren't infernos had been ripped apart by bullets and grenades. A few foolish officers had offered surrender, losing their heads in the process. There would be no mercy shown here. It was not in the nature of the Night Lords to offer any. The surviving throng of troopers scanned the darkness wearily, sporadic lasbolts were fired off into the distance. An unnatural calm filled the night, totally at odds with the blazing fires and the muffled cries.

"For the Emperor!" the battle-cry was like a thunderbolt, drowning out the noise of burning buildings and weapons.

From all different directions the ten Night Lords emerged, the midnight blue of their armour seemed to absorb the darkness, the Astartes were like figures from a nightmare as they descended on their prey. Screams of terror joined the 'booms of the bolters as the Night Lords opened up on full-auto. It took less than a minute to finish off the survivors, bolt rounds and frag grenades turning nearly three hundred men into a huge bloody mess.
Lemos took out the Legion standard used earlier to swear their Oaths of Moment too and removed a telescopic rod from his belt. After having attached the standard to it, Lemos rammed the standard through a body and into the bloodied concrete. To the salute the colours was the only respite he and his men would get, there were more targets for his unit.

"Ave Imperator, Ave Dominus Nox!" rang out across the vox.



That part is wrapped up for now. Now a question to those who are reading, what would you like next. Would you like to see the Fall of Mars or would you like to see the War of the Webway?

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  • 2 months later...

I love your story ! I do not have finished to read it, but it is indeed one of the best fanfic I ever meet. Palpitant, émouvant, doux et très beau ! And we can see your progress in quality of literary style and of descriptions. I definitely love it !

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