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Dr Duck

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In 1999, aged 18 I rolled my last dice and put my gaming behind me deciding i'd out grown it.


Last autumn I found myself flicking through my new GF's copy of the latest rulebook, the desire to play that had lain dormant for almost a decade suddenly reawoke and before I knew it I was on the GW site, credit card in hand.


Its been about 6 months now and i've well and truly got hooked again. I've also found that my approach to the hobby is vastly different with the painting and modelling element now of far more interest to me.


Playing primarily in a games club, I prefer to keep my armies smaller. This has allowed me to indulge myself and collect quite a few different bits, the fact i'm no longer on a struggling teenagers budget has(n't) helped too.


At the moment my modest collection is:


Grey Knights (2000pts): 90% painted. Currently painting up a Rhino and some Inq Strom Troopers


Death Gaurd Nurgle Marines (2000pts): 40% Painted. Currently working on Typhus



I've also got some other projects:


Brass Legion Khorne Marines (WIP - Collecting) Currently working on Chaos lord on Juggernaut


Iron Warrior Support Core (3x 5 man support units for my chaos armies:): Waiting for the box to arrive in the post ^_^


Dark Templars (loyalist SM) (WIP - Concept): Picking a colour scheme and testing it on sample models

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