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Sanguinary priest conversions?

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Hey guys I just got two sets of the new sanguinary guard boxes and planned to make 3 priests from the bits of one box. (already made a Dante and Tycho with the extra 2) Anyways I was wondering how people have been modeling their priests? I was thinking of simply giving them a bolt pistol and chainsword then a chalice on them somewhere, maybe hanging on a belt or something. Any ideas on what others have done for their priests?
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Here is my conversion work in progress:




I used the terminator chaplain, with storm shield and t hammer arms. On the T hammer arm I simply used the new Death Company power sword. I had to cut it a bit to fit. On the shield arm i attached the hand from a tactical squad left bolter arm and glued in the chalice from Space Hulk.



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Here is my conversion work in progress:




I used the terminator chaplain, with storm shield and t hammer arms. On the T hammer arm I simply used the new Death Company power sword. I had to cut it a bit to fit. On the shield arm i attached the hand from a tactical squad left bolter arm and glued in the chalice from Space Hulk.



Jawaballs, my jaw actually dropped when I saw this guy. I wasn't 100% on how I wanted to make a terminator Sanguinary Priest, and still don't.. but you've added another possibility to my mind.


Here are two of mine:




I love the first, but the second didn't come out quite as well as I'd hoped. He's solely created to drop in with a Sternguard squad.

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hey there, heres a pic of my 3 priest conversions using the sanquinary guard bitz. They are still WIP on the paint jobs. Since they are on foot only one of the legs seemed to really work as a running pose, most of hte legs really only work with jump packs because they appear to be landing or doing a touch and go bounce off the land.

Anyways my 3 priests are pretty much just stock priests with a power weapon upgrade. I tend to keep them cheap when i field them, and i also figured since my chapter is a successor chapter, they use chalice's in ceremonies but not at war. So i kept the stock backpack and arm from the apothecary bitz on command sprue.


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Here is my conversion work in progress:




I used the terminator chaplain, with storm shield and t hammer arms. On the T hammer arm I simply used the new Death Company power sword. I had to cut it a bit to fit. On the shield arm i attached the hand from a tactical squad left bolter arm and glued in the chalice from Space Hulk.



I'm honored to know that the great Jawaballs and I were thinking along similar lines for the Termi-priest conversion! Mine's just holding the grail and sword in the other hands. Or at least he will be—the grail bit I mail ordered hasn't come in yet.

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Here is my conversion work in progress:




I used the terminator chaplain, with storm shield and t hammer arms. On the T hammer arm I simply used the new Death Company power sword. I had to cut it a bit to fit. On the shield arm i attached the hand from a tactical squad left bolter arm and glued in the chalice from Space Hulk.




Awesome! :) I'm totally looting this idea... :D

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Thanks every one for the compliments! I went with the right hand because, unless Im blind, the only power weapon in the DC or SG box sets is this right handed one. That sorta forced me to put the grail in the left hand. I am running this guy in a Land raider Crusader, with 5 storm shield termies, a reclusiarch and a librarian. Muahaha! I know there are better combos, but I have been wanting to use SS termies since they changed the rules. But I figured this squad is good on many levels. First of all, the ICs are hitting at 6 and 5 initiative, and doing a lot of damage. The termies are there for monstrous creatures, vehicles and mopping up what the ICs fail to wipe out.


And if you are curious painting wise, I used the 50/50 bloodred/darkflesh routine outlined in White Dwarf. The metal parts are only base coated with a 50/50 shining gold and scorched brown.


On the sword I tried to reproduce the wavy watery look that you see reflected on the bottom of a pool on a sunny day. :)



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I think what midnight angel has done with the sword and Narthecium (spelling?) is what I am looking most for so I don't have to order a bunch of grails or use mine from space hulk. I forgot to mention that I will probably give them all JP, or at least for now then convert some more for foot squads later using the same method with the apothecary backpack...now i just gotta scrounge up some of those Narthecium gloves.

Very nice conversions on here by the way. Jawaballs if I was using Termy armor on mine that would be perfect. :D

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I think what midnight angel has done with the sword and Narthecium (spelling?) is what I am looking most for so I don't have to order a bunch of grails or use mine from space hulk. I forgot to mention that I will probably give them all JP, or at least for now then convert some more for foot squads later using the same method with the apothecary backpack...now i just gotta scrounge up some of those Narthecium gloves.

Very nice conversions on here by the way. Jawaballs if I was using Termy armor on mine that would be perfect. :D


It will have to wait until I get home for a picture, but the new Vanguard Vet Sgt. blister is a pretty dynamic pose and is pretty good for making a nice priest. Use his right handed PW and an apothecary left arm and back pack. And yes, this stuff looks good guys! It's nice to stop and appreciate other doods stuff for ideas.



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well when i was looking at doing my priests, i looked at order straight apothecaries or ordering the bitz for the apothecary from a command squad box. I already had one set of bitz just laying around in my bitz box. But when i did the math....it was 12.99 thru the warstore for the set of apothecary bitz, or i could order the priest or apothecary from GW directly for 14.99. I had already ordered a sanguinary guard box to make my priests anyways, so i just went with that in the long run. It gives me my 3 priests and i still have a couple extra body bitz to convert up a Dante conversion for my DIY army, and i will probably use the last body and extra bitz to make a veteran sergeant for my jump pack assault squad i have to scrape together.


So..the option was basicaclly order the bitz or get an apothecary. The apothecaries are typically metal, and if i recall the priest model they sell online is a metal/plastic hybrid. So...if you want to make your priests look different you could order one of those priests with a right handed narthecium, or get the left handed ones from the command squad. If you buy regular command squads, you can techinally just use the command sprue as bitz, and make 5 regular tactical marines or RAS marines from the box and any extra bitz you have.

If i manage to get a grail..i might use one for a High priest/corbulo conversion, otherwise i personally like the look of having the narthecium as it shows they still have the tools to remove the glands from dead marines. Afterall..in the fluff the grail is used to make new marines, not for retrieving glands from the dead in the midst of war. So to me, all those grail weilders are just heading to an initiation ceremony, not to war. Besides you wouldn't want to spill the precious blood of the primarch in the middle of battle and have it lost forever lol.

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Where are you guys getting all these apothecary arms??

bought the command squad sprue when it came out. then later bought another one (cant recall what for though) so uh...the local GW? :rolleyes:

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Here's one of mine i posted a while ago. He's been (half) painted since, but i haven't had chance to take any more pics of him.



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Here is my conversion work in progress:




I used the terminator chaplain, with storm shield and t hammer arms. On the T hammer arm I simply used the new Death Company power sword. I had to cut it a bit to fit. On the shield arm i attached the hand from a tactical squad left bolter arm and glued in the chalice from Space Hulk.




Nice conversion. I don't agree on the chaplain mask for a priest despite the obvious similarity in the terms. I'm probably just a little anal in believing the chaplain mask is pretty much chaplain wargear (litanies).


...but on the whole, I think it's a very nice model and anyone that says it can't be used as a priest is an idiot.



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Sorien you have pretty much sold me on simply giving him the chainsword, apothecary glove combo as I think your model looks awesome. (looked through your pics and they all look damn good)


Now the question is whats the best way to get a hold of just that glove piece? Also since I am using the Sanguinary guard box to make the models do you guys think one without the wings but with the jump pack would look good? I think since it looks different it would make it stand out more.... thoughts?

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I made one up from a RAS with a greenstuffed narthingy.


When I got the DC box set I used the legs with the parchments, some flashy other bits and the regular backpack with a little chalice on top. You don't really need the narthingy, cause it's not listed as wargear anyway.

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I made one up from a RAS with a greenstuffed narthingy.


When I got the DC box set I used the legs with the parchments, some flashy other bits and the regular backpack with a little chalice on top. You don't really need the narthingy, cause it's not listed as wargear anyway.

fluffwise its what causes the 6 inch bubble. they either carry a grail or a part of a grail in their reductor (if i understood it properly that is)

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I made one up from a RAS with a greenstuffed narthingy.


When I got the DC box set I used the legs with the parchments, some flashy other bits and the regular backpack with a little chalice on top. You don't really need the narthingy, cause it's not listed as wargear anyway.

fluffwise its what causes the 6 inch bubble. they either carry a grail or a part of a grail in their reductor (if i understood it properly that is)


That's how I understood it as well, though the idea of giving the back-packs with the Chalice and using that as your blood chalice is pretty neat too I didn't think of that... I just used apothecary parts (As you see one Sanguinary priest using them on Page 48)

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  • 10 months later...
I've used the chalice off the top of one of the death company back packs - I find the size to be suitable for a normal sanguinary priest...just glue it on the waist and away we go!
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