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Chronicles of the Claws

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The Pack sat at a long,low table in the feast hall,their mood quieter then most in the boisterous atmosphere. Miklos sat across from Morgan,draining flagon

after flagon of Mead and Ale,though the old Wolf Guard matched him drink for drink,a smile starting to creep across his grizzled features. Wreck was busily

trying and failing to win at Arm wrestling with Pup,who though shorter by a foot was easily winning each contest. Tap and Hel both sat drinking quietly,both

staring at the Maul hanging on the wall and the Warscythe now crossing it,the last trophy that Skeggi won.Damian meanwhile sat looking morosely at the empty chair of Loki,the tip of a nail digging new furrows in the thick oak. The somber mood is shattered by the flying body of a fellow Blood Claw's downward arc, shattering crockery beneath him before momentum rolled the pup backwards onto the floor face down. The table opposite them held the rest of the Unconcious Claw's pack,who were doing a quick count of the mugs that had escaped being spilled or broken before great laughter exploded from all but one. "Well Jarvis...you lost,more then 3 kept from spilling, Now you got to buy a round for them and us both!" cried one of them. Jarvis bowed his head,acknowledging both the loss of the bet and the promise of another round before stepping quickly to get it. Miklos looked to Morgan,raised his intact mug and toasted the other table,while Hel and Wreck looked at their shattered mugs with dismay. "Benefit of Experience eh Miklos?" said Morgan,grinning widely.


After their mugs had been replaced and refilled,a mighty howl erupted from one end of the feast hall,quickly echoed by all within and signaling the

beginning of one of the Fang's most treasured and entertaining traditions,the telling of the Sagas of Battle. One by one,dour Long Fangs,over-excited Blood

Claws and their Grey Hunter Brethren spoke up,telling tales of their battles with the Orks in this last week. Every now and then a quiet voice would cut in

at the end of a tale and the Scout it belonged to would tell a tale of stalking green-skinned prey through the ruined city,Of icy blades in the night and

amusingly placed explosives. Then a well known and liked Blood Claw named Jonas stepped forward smiling,before relating the tale of how he and another Claw named Jester had stolen the Ork Warboss's BigTrukk, before driving it full speed through half of his encampment,the gigantic steamroller on the front of it causing a level of havoc even Jester had been suprised by. His story continued with an account of well over a hundred Ork Bikers chasing after the Warboss's prized vehicle,whose force field generator had been activated by Jonas through the simple expedient of kicking it repeatedly. At the looks of suprise on the faces of many in the hall,he laughed and said "Well..It had several boot prints on its side,so either it was something that broke down constantly,or that needed to be kicked to get it to start." As the laughter finally died down,he finished the tale,explaining how after the Bikers had started to catch up,they had spun around,causing the unweildy trukk to tip,jumping into a abandoned building's second floor before the trukk began flipping and then exploded,roasting over 20 of the Bikers who had drove too close. At this,Jester piped up from his seat "Yes,and the hardest part about not getting caught by the swarm of Orks looking for us was that one cackling the entire walk back to the base!" Jonas chuckled and bowed,before retaking his seat.


No one immediately stepped up to present another tale,and several wondered aloud if that would be the winner of the night,before the murmur quieted as a

ancient Long Fang,easily 3 centuries old stepped up,raising his hands and garnering everyone's attention. "My name is Barak Longtooth,and I have been a Son of Russ for close to 400 years,have cut my teeth on every enemy of Imperium and Man from one end of this galaxy to the other. I tell you what I experienced this last week,And I will bet a drink from each of you,against the drinks being on me for the entire night,that none of you have heard of anything like it."


At this,the Hall fell silent, all eyes on the old Long Fang. "My Pack was on the 5th floor of a university,overlooking one of the main roads into the heart

of the city. We were tasked with destroying any tanks or artillery that moved up the road and Russ knows the hunting was good. It was close to noon when a

convoy of Orks moved up from the eastern quadrant,Led by what looked like a cross between a Blood Angel Land Raider,and a trashcan. Following it was one of the green-skins artillery peices,a great barrel with coils around it like a snake. Erik and Snorri there had set up their launchers allready,and I brought

Painless up and made it ready to bite" As he said this,his body settled into a well practiced half crouch,and his hands took up the position of a Lascannon

gunner. Then continuing "Erik and Snorri both landed solid hits,blasting parts of the Raider free of its hull,but it was Painless's bite that claimed the

kill,slicing through its fuel tank and detonating it,sending metal and Ork bits flying. The Artillery swung its barrel towards our building,Still driving

forward full bore as they reloaded their Launchers, It became clear to me that the foul beasts would fire before we could. Green lights sparked along the

barrel,as a flash of light enveloped the strange vehicle as I fired. The shot dug a great divot in the road,sending the next truck in line flipping forward

into the hole,but of the Artillery there was no sign. I had just time enough to cast a puzzled look at Erik before the vehicle appeared in front of

us,driving full out and suddenly naught but 5 feet from us. I dived out of the path of the careening vehicle,its top armor sheared off by the ceiling and its

own speed,before Thorin stepped forward, Slamming his Power fist down on the front,smashing through the engine and sending the front wheels through the floor below us and catapulting it up and over him to land in a heap of broken metal on the ground outside the building. I say this now...Have any of you ever had a Ork try and drive over you while 5 stories up?" His eyes scanned the crowd,shock,suprise and amusement on every face. "Well then...Looks like I will be drinking well tonight then won't I Brothers?" he called,his question answered by howls and cheering.



Well,Another chapter down. figured I would give them some down time,and then I heard a story that I absolutely HAD to put in. In a game one of the Brothers here at the Fang was playing against Orcs,and his Long fangs were on the top floor of a building,when a Shokk attack gun misfired,teleporting the vehicle into the building and tank shocking the Long Fangs. I took a bit of artistic liscence with the response,but still...ya gotta admit getting a Ork vehicle to the face while 5 stories up is definitely a tale to tell. The next chapter is going to have the pack dealing with a death world where they have to traverse it via jump packs, While dealing with some rivalry from some Blood Angels after the same target. All in all it should be quite amusing.

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The Alarm claxons scream of warning,accompanied by the flash of red warning lights sent the Pack to the weapon racks,While Miklos attempted to raise Morgan on the comm. Morgan had ventured up to the bridge an hour before,and had yet to return. Morgan's calm voice responded "Ok pups,we have a problem. something on the planet we are traveling near is interfering with the Astropath's control." He was interrupted by the Lt yelling "We have lost contact with the Hopeand The Martyr's Voice. They are breaking apart in the atmosphere Captain,and we aren't doing much better." Morgan interjected with a hurried command to the Claws. "Get to the Drop Pods and make ready to do Planetfall just in case. Bring the Jump packs,sensors show the planet to have an unstable crust." Miklos and the rest hurried to follow Morgan's orders,making sure to grab a beacon as they entered the drop pod.


As the Larger ship,containing over 10,000 civilians headed to begin re-populating Bixin 3, started shaking more violently,its nose dipping into the

atmosphere of the planet the Captain knew what was about to come.His body was linked to the ship,he felt every shudder,every melted panel from the heat of the atmosphere,every twist and buck of the wounded ship as it thrashed in agony,desperately seeking to avoid its fate. At his right,slumped in its chair and

missing half of its skull,his astropath had been the first casualty of whatever was on this planet. Without its ability to guide the ship through Warptime

and Realspace,its ability to avoid the Planet's gravity had been severely impaired. The Blood Angel frigate following close behind,The Martyr's Voice,had

allready broken up in the atmosphere,releasing only a handful of drop pods. The Space Wolf Frigate Black claw,following a bit farther,had so far managed to avoid falling into the atmosphere,but only by pulling away from the planet,though It had dropped a single pod as well. The Captain gave out a deep sigh of relief as the ship accelerated,breaking free of the gravity,followed by a ragged cheer from the occupants of the deck,before the alarm bells continued to ring. Looking around franticly,the Captain looked at the engineering officer,whose pale face clearly showed his panic "Sir...the Engines are offline...We have no control over our speed or direction" With a feeling of shock,the Captain submerged his senses into the ship once more,feeling helplessly as his ship accelerated faster,like a slingshot speeding from the planet's pull,his sensors telling him the path his ship was taking. As the nose of the ship entered the scorching heat of the system's sun,the Captain had time for a single whimper before all went black....


At the Blackclaw,Morgan raced towards the Drop pod containing his pack,desperate to reach them in time. The captain had seemed confidant enough in his

ability to escape,though he said it would leave the ship crippled in orbit.Morgan jumped inside the Pod,his mouth open to tell his pack that they could stand

down,when Miklos reached up and hit the release,sending the Pod rocketing down to the surface below.....



Well,First part of the new story done. This will possibly be the last story with them as Blood Claws. I may or may not skip forward a bunch of years to where they are now,doing smaller stories involving the different individuals. Anyways let me know what you guys think. And to respond to an earlier post,Some of them are from games I have played,others are the product of a fevered imagination combined with lack of sleep and bunches of caffiene *grins*

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Morgan surveyed his pack,his critical eye roving over each in turn. They had reacted to his order with efficiency and enthusiasm,and that he couldn't fault

them for. With a growl he points at Miklos "Well...since we are now on the surface,cut off from the rest...we might as well do some good..and get some

payback. Any reading on where the disturbance is coming from?" Morgan's question was interrupted by a tremor,followed by the crash of the Drop pod slipping into a freshly opened chasm in the ground. Amid the cursing from the rest of the pack,Miklos spoke up "I grabbed a Locator Beacon,but with this interference there is no way it will reach the Blackclaw or that it would be able to get to us. We need to find where its coming from." Tap turned with a smirk,pointing over to where the Drop Pod had been,its bulk obscuring the sight of a far distant beam of light emanating from the tip of a Pyramid-like structure. "Think that might be what is causing it?" Morgan smirked as he checked the fuel dials on the jump pack. "It might be at that..Now..Walk soft Claws..this planet is trying to kill us." The pack set off at a good pace,using the unfamiliar jump packs to make short hops,bouncing across the broken earth.Tap called out over the comm "It's a good thing Wreck isn't here...he would have looked at his jump pack and it would have exploded probably!" The rest of the Pack laughed at this,while Wreck growled "I am right here you blind bugger" to which Tap responded "Really? It's been 5 minutes and I haven't heard any crashing noises..I could have sworn you were still back at the Fang." "Why you little ba-" The angry retort from Wreck was cut off by their communication's emergency channel "eat..any surviv"*static*"ps head to lo-"*static* "by Flare. Sons of S-"*static* "at marked coordi"*static continues for several seconds and then the com's go dead. Morgan signals a halt and then removes his helmet,shaking his long grey hair free. "Allright Wolves,take your pots off,they ain't worth a damn right now anyways." As the rest complied,stowing their helmets in their packs,Pup grinned as he breathed deep,his nose twitching. "It is faint,but I think I smell boltgun oil that way" as he points vaguely towards the pyramid. "Well then Claws...lets go bail out the Blondies from whatever trouble they are getting themselves into" said Morgan as he motioned the pack forward,sending them hopping across the broken landscape once more.


"Brother Darius,have you been able to reach The Martyr's Voice?" At this comment,the young Blood angel looked up at his Seargent and shook his head "No

Brother-Seargent,It seems to have either been damaged in the crash or by the storm. Darius then stands up,rejoining his squad who stood waiting for orders. The Seargent then walked back towards the squad "Well Brothers,we have been sent here with a single mission. We must find the individual or object causing the disturbance and by Sanguinius we must destroy it. Preliminary reports from The Martyr's Voice stated that it came from a Large building to the NorthWest of our current position. The Seargent's voice was cut short by their communication's emergency channel"eat..any surviv"*static*"ps head to lo-"*static* "by Flare. Sons of S-"*static* "at marked coordi"*static continues for several seconds and then the com's went dead. Activating his helmet's vocalizer,the Seargent says "We have brothers in need...we will not leave them in danger" With that,the squad of Blood Angels activated their jump packs,soaring across the broken earth in long graceful arcs,several of the newer troops,Darius among them laughing with the sheer thrill of flight...



Just a short update today since I have to get prepped for the weekly tournament..and since I am home alone with the four kiddos I haven't had much time for writing. That and this story isn't coming together as easily as some of the others..*shrugs* well anyways...I hope you like it so far,and I hope any blood angels reading this are not insulted by the Blondies comment.

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