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Glory and Hate! A Marines Malevolent Project


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newest addition is pretty awesome, dual chainswords is always gonna be cool, though I think perhaps the wrist ribbing is a bit thick? it makes them it look like both wrists are broken, I'd suggest making them a little smaller so that the armour is wider and theres less gap between the hand and the armour (ideally no gap atall on the bottom of the hand, with the ribbing showing between the arm and upper part of the hand if that makes sense)


Still this blog has been an inspiration for a long while now, very cool work going on in here.

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Never mind, I thought it was a cool idea in terms of the fluff with the Marines Malevolent lack of armour supplies, I thought the cracked skull would be a fitting style. How come you would never use that helmet?


All good, man. I have a few reasons not to use it: First, I have a grand total of 0 Mk VII helms and 2 Mk VII chestplates in my army, both scavenged. I like the look it gives my army, plus it helps match the fluff created by Mr. Kyme, which shows a heavy preference towards older gear (primarily Mk. VI). Second, it's the mindset I imagine for my company (or as I call it, my Centuria). My guys believe they are the spiritual heirs to the legacy of the Thunder Warriors, who they view as the Emperor's last true sons. Never once did they fail, or falter, and died in their entirety to create His realm. Wargear from that era, and from the early Crusade, before the Primarchs were found and ruined everything (in their opinion) are treated as heirlooms; everything else is treated as a tool. A filthy, battered tool is still a tool, and useful. A broken tool is no longer useful, so is stripped for parts and cast aside. A helm in that condition would fall under my Centuria's Laws of Survival, judged ineffective for warmaking, and thus a weakness. Our gear is beaten and worn from centuries of constant conflict, but is still combat effective despite appearances. Third... that's a big freakin' skull section showing, lol. The warrior wearing that helm would fall under the Laws of Survival as well, and either would be retrained as an armour or ship crewman if possible, or stripped of equipment and useful organs, and executed with honour.

Point taken, though that must cost you quite a packet on Forgeworld goodies for the relevent Power Armour pieces!


Anyhow, on to the update. My detail brush is toast, so until I can get out this weekend to get a new one, all painting has halted. So, I'm focusing on modelling 'til then. This next fella is an ode to my best friend, a person who is the closest I've ever had to a brother, and who at this time is out in Afghanistan. This one's for you, man. Wish I was out there with you. My MM's will be waiting for your damned Death Guard, bro.


Brother-Lieutenant Nikolas, leader of Tris Squad and second in command of the IV Centuria.

A fitting tribute to your mate, nice touch. The relaxed pose of this model with the double Chainswords just makes him ooze cockiness and an aura of untouchable-ness (is that even a word?? Lol).


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

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Thanks everyone. Yeah, the wrists are a bit off, but that's about what I'm capable of right now. What y'all saw was attempt #5, the first four were downright hideous. Hey, practice makes perfect, right? Well, if you've followed this thread for a while, you might recognize these two. Finally decided to get them out of my 'to do' pile, lol.


Working on a Termie and the Strenguard Sergeant, hope to have 'em done in a few days. Talk to y'all then!

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Hey there, I just stumbled onto this thread, having decided to start my own army of Dragon Warriors Chaos Marines.


I was wondering if you'd read Nick Kyme's "Tome of Fire" Trilogy about the Salamanders?


The Marines Malevolent feature heavily, especially in the first story (and near the end of the trilogy), as a great Loyalist antagonist for the noble Salamanders. One side is all about master-crafting weapons and protecting the innocent, while the Boys in Yellow are all about salvaging tech and getting the job done no matter who gets hurt, even other Loyalists.


When I'd finished reading, I was this close to starting my own Malevolents Army, because they're so refreshingly 40k, such a brilliant moral grey area, but I do already have a sizable loyalist force already, so that's off the cards for now. Instead, I decided to go with the Chaos antagonists of the stories, the Dragon Warriors lead by the Sorceror Nihilan.


This might have already been answered somewhere in the 42 pages of this thread, so forgive me if it has, but I was wondering if you'd read Tome of Fire yet, and was aware of the particularly meaty revelation about the fate of the Marines Malevolent squad in Book 3 (Nocturne)?


I thought it was a really cool twist and given the bitz that you're building your Malevolents from, made me think you could do something very cool by incorporating those particular characters into a more corrupt squad. It's something that you should know *only* if you're building a Malveloents army, and you don't want the Salamanders Tome of Fire spoiled, so I'll stick it in a spoilers blob;



Salvaging some Corrupted Chaos Armor, by the end of Book 3, there's about 20 Marines Malevolents who go on a Chapter Master Sanctioned mission to assassinate the Salamanders Chapter Master Tu'Shan, steal his Thunder Hammer and try to use it to free themselves from the corrupt Chaos Armor they're now fused to... It wouldn't be of much note, but the fact that they're sanctioned by the Marines Malevolent's own Chapter Master, to kill the Salamanders CM, and that a good portion of the Malevolents Survive the final battle (it's uncertain how long they'll survive though), means that you could feasibly model a little bit of Chaotic Corruption into a few special characters if you wanted, and even field them with CSM rules!


Would be cool I think...



Great work so far!

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@Thunder Knight: I've gone over Mr. Kyme's book a number of times, actually. First off, Vinyar is a Captain of the 2nd Company, not a Chapter Master. Second, Sergenat Lorkar himself could no longer remember if Vinyar had ordered him to do what he was doing, or if he had done it on his own; his mind was pretty far gone. Third, have you read Mr. Kyme's short story, Emperor's Deliverance? It was in Black Library Games Day Anthology 2011/2012. The story covers the infamous action on Armageddon, where the Marines Malevolent butchered thousands within the refugee camps. At a point it the book, one of the Marines Malevolent strikes his own brother for going too far, almost murdering a Sister of Mercy. I liked that quite a bit. In my mind, that shows there is a (what I call) Traditionalist element within the Marines Malevolent, men who still despise the weak and cowardly, but show respect to the strong and willing. It also shows that there may be a potential civil war building within the Chapter, a war between the Traditionalists and the younger generations who have no control over their hatred, loose cannons like Vinyar. Fourth, I will not have corrupt anything in my army, period. If I wanted to play Chaos, I would have played Chaos.


(Next bit is my homemade fluff, mind you)

Finally, my Company are hardline Traditionalists, having spent the majority of their existance in Nomadic self-exile, as the Marines Malevolent were originally taught by their spiritual founder . Thousand of years may pass before the IV Centuria would make contact with the larger Demi-Legio, only if resupply was neccessary to survival, or to pass on their exploits to the Master of the Bibliosophs for historical documentation. Their most recent contact 150 years ago was a shock to the IV; the Marines Malevolent had reorganized themselves according to the half-traitor Guiliman's teachings, and elements of the Demi-Legio, now Chapter, had abandoned the Kin-Bond of the Black Heart, waging war without restraint or control. Forced by honour to continue existing within the bounds of the greater Imperium, Captain Mikal Anicetius hopes to gather about him as many Traditionalists as possible, and prepares for a civil war within the Chapter to regain restarint and control to the Chapter's spirit, and bring the Marines Malevolent back into line with their original teachings, before their uncontrolled hatred consumes them all.

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@Thunder Knight: I've gone over Mr. Kyme's book a number of times, actually. First off, Vinyar is a Captain of the 2nd Company, not a Chapter Master. Second, Sergenat Lorkar himself could no longer remember if Vinyar had ordered him to do what he was doing, or if he had done it on his own; his mind was pretty far gone. Third, have you read Mr. Kyme's short story, Emperor's Deliverance? It was in Black Library Games Day Anthology 2011/2012. The story covers the infamous action on Armageddon, where the Marines Malevolent butchered thousands within the refugee camps. At a point it the book, one of the Marines Malevolent strikes his own brother for going too far, almost murdering a Sister of Mercy. I liked that quite a bit. In my mind, that shows there is a (what I call) Traditionalist element within the Marines Malevolent, men who still despise the weak and cowardly, but show respect to the strong and willing. It also shows that there may be a potential civil war building within the Chapter, a war between the Traditionalists and the younger generations who have no control over their hatred, loose cannons like Vinyar. Fourth, I will not have corrupt anything in my army, period. If I wanted to play Chaos, I would have played Chaos.


WOOOOOOW! Where can i get this story? i didnt know this existed!


great updates btw. that double chainsword guy is badass!




could anyone briefly summarize/spoiler the moments where the Marines Malevolent appear in Nick Kyme's Novels? I attempted to read the Salamanders Novels for the sake of finding out more about the Marines Malevolent, however I did not manage to finish the novels because it was just so frustrating. As you can guess, I dont thnk these novels are the most brilliant piece of work from the black library publications. For me Nick Kyme's interpretation always seemed like a very cartoonish rendition of unconvincing half evil stereotypical bad guy Space Marines that act horribly just so the amazing brilliant glorious heroic first founding Salamanders Chapter can turn up to justify how brilliant and amazing they are compared to the evil Marines Malevolent.

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The Emperors Deliverence story is in the Tome of Fire book as well, which should be out soon. I picked up a copy at Games Day, just to see what the mutants were up to next lol.


Got to say those latest marines are awesome. A little dirty, but still awesome.

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@1000heathens just an idea, as MM scrounge what they can try and find sentinal mounted heavy weapons and convert them to be used by marines? I'm not sure how it would work but i'm just throwing it out there! Oh and the marine with the knife looks ace, keep up the good work.
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These are some lovely and really characterful marines. I too go for the whole battle scarred look for my marines jus not quite as heavy as yours. Loving the army shots as well would be an amazing army to play against.


Can't wait to see more.



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The Pred looks awesome man .. I'm really digging the rust on it.. especially on the black sections.. it has a solid real feel to it. I think some soot on the stacks would look awesome .. but that might just be me as I love to soot mine up haha..


Loving the twin chainsword guy .. I don't know what it is about a dude with two CSs but always looks BA to me. Poses looking awesome as ever man !



Been a while, huh?


Icarus-Pattern Predator, "Old Bill", Unification Era

If you ain't Cav.... :jaw:


More stuff in the works, ladies and gents. Keep an eye out..

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I think i like this Sternguard Sarge even more than the old one with the Iron Warrior helmet (Lost in the warp, the Emperor knows his name).



The two colour helmet looks ace, and the red shield is a nice touch. Its good to see another colour make an entrance to break up the yellow and black!

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Man Heathens, I'm not even going to joke, I am in love with your new First Centuria Sergeant. :)


The paint scheme on the MK II helmet looks so killer. He just has this simplistic aura of 'badass' to him and he knows it. He doesn't need ridiculous shiny medals or useless helmet crests and other ostentatious crap to let everyone know he's a stone cold killer. He'll just rip your face off. Does this fine fellow have a name?


Absolutely ace, brother. Can't wait to see more.

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