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Angels Dark Angels; reinforcing the roster


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My Path to redemption's WIP.


So far most of the bikes have been based with a bit of detail, vindicator is still soaking and Belial is sitting there waiting for his turn.


My Sergeant seems to have lost his head, but then he remembered hes on a bike, speeding through war zones and ruined hive cities... so he decided to put his helmet back on!





edit: new project added

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, Having finished my bike squad from my vow (for the most part, heading out to the bit store on wednesday for the meltaguns) I figured I would post pictures...


And after having used a ravenwing command squad in one of my games, I ended up going a bit beyond my vow... as such, I present the 98% finished

Ravenwing Attack Squadron Altheos




Vet Sarge with power weapon, apothecary and standard bearer



and then two shots of the Sarge, mainly for Isiah and to show off the control screen. I filled the gaps between the two hoods with glue as I didnt have any green stuff or knowledge of how to use it. So i decided to use the paint and wash in an attempt to make the filled in gap just look like more robe, as if he had a hood like a Chav that would go down past his chin if he wanted it to.





You can still kind fo tell its not how they are supposed to be if you pick it up and look, but for tabletop distance, I think it looks pretty sweet.

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  • 5 weeks later...

SO I decided to update this thread with my work on my November vow, as I have done quite a bit of work with it so far.


First up is my Green land raider that was basically done. this was it before the vow




and now that it is done.






there was such little work I wanted to do that I would never have gotten around to it without the vow. and I think the added metal colour really makes the model.


now the Predator.


started out as sprues in a bag. then I went to this




which progressed to this





and caught up here



( found another top turret bit on ebay for like 8 bucks so I will be able to have both and secure)


finally, keeping with the "helmeted path to redemption" I give you one of my Dark Vengeance Sergeants



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Almost done with my DV Sergeants!









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Predator "done"


I managed to lose the hatches, so while I try to find more from friends or bits stores I know I wont get them in time for the end of this oath. and with them not actually detracting from the model's tabletop play, and just the sexy-ness factor, Ill call it done.



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Great Stuff AV :tu:

that axe is waaaaay old...cool,but old(must be a chapter relic :P )

you paint really fast you get a tank and a full tac squad finished in the time that it takes me to do a 5 man termie squad :blush: ...that isnt finished yet.


keep up the good work and get them new hatches!



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Thanks man. Yea the axe came from my bits box. I still have 2 second Ed flamer marines too. (I use them as counts as melta guns when I play greenwing)


And being honest with the tac squad thing, I assembly line them. Since for the most part my standard list only has two tac squads I paint them with the "three feet rule" in mind. The tank I put quite a bit of time into tho. I still have 8 bikes, the back packs for the tacs, and one land raider to paint for my vow.


Another think that helps me paint so fast is the 40w bulb in my hobby lamp (big magnifying glass with a light) but sometimes it dries the paint while its still on my brush!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Working on a template set, so I have something to work off of, here's the legs. I think they came out rather nice.





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Its always worth thinning down the paint either with water or a thinning agent.


Needs more coats for the same coverage but looks much smoother :)

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Thin them down? I just use them straight out of the pot. Are you saying I shouldn't have been doing that?

Yes, exactly. painting out of the pot only makes your paint dry faster in the pot and some paints are too thick to be applied straight out of the pot (and they will get even thicker due to drying cause by pot open). Get a painting palette or mosaic surface, take some paint and mix it with water until it has milk-like consistency. You'll need 2 or 3 coats but the miniatures won't loose the detail and the washes will look better.

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Thin them down? I just use them straight out of the pot. Are you saying I shouldn't have been doing that?

Yes, exactly. painting out of the pot only makes your paint dry faster in the pot and some paints are too thick to be applied straight out of the pot (and they will get even thicker due to drying cause by pot open). Get a painting palette or mosaic surface, take some paint and mix it with water until it has milk-like consistency. You'll need 2 or 3 coats but the miniatures won't loose the detail and the washes will look better.


Agreed. I pretty much add more or less water to everything on my palette (Chaos black always seems the thinnest). Whites like you are painting with your DW can be thicker. My skull white actually dried up so much I wound up pouring some water directly in it!


We're not talking a lot either in most cases. A dab of paint on your palette may only need you to dip your brush in water once or twice and mix into the dab to get it where it needs to be.

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Finished my first tartaros, and I really like the way it came out.







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Alright, so I have the dread mostly done, just need to do the autocannons and throw a wash on it, and the rest of the tartaros bodies are ready for painting! Some images for you guys.




And a close up of the dread. I plan on washing it, and throwing some script on the cloth piece on his left side but I still feel like something is missing... Like it needs more, but I can't figure it out. Any ideas?



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AngelVeto, you've gotten some very nice work done! I like the depth the Tartaros has, but I don't really see any highlighting, which could really help accentuate the armor pieces. On the Dread, you could paint all the little targeted bits as gems and do a DA or Deathwing symbol on the open leg plate, or glue a bit from the Ravenwing sprue to spruce up the piece. I like how you have all the base colors blocked in, so it will be good to see it after the washes!
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Well the reason for the lack of highlighting is a simple one, I don't feel I have a steady enough hand to do it yet, so nothing in my army is highlighted yet. Maybe eventually I'll go back and do it, but I don't know.


As for doing something on the other leg, I do have some purity seals I wanted to use but couldn't think of a good spot, so thanks! (I don't have the ravenwing upgrade sprue, all my bikes have come from the DV set. I like the new style better than the old one, so I never bought it. )

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Alrighty! Here's some more WIP shots.


Dread is almost done, just need to work on the few lens looking things and do the arms. And I was looking through my bits box and found something perfect for the open leg (at least in my opinion) and I think it looks like one BAMFin' venerable bro.




Now the tartaros patterns are coming along nicely, here's a group shot with the completed guy in the back (he had his turn in the spotlight, now it's time for his battle brothers to shine)




The arms are all magnetic, but I really like this pairing I have. I might try to number them or something.










I'll have to try and get some 45 degree shots or something tomorrow, as I don't think these head one are really giving the degree of awesome I feel they posses.


So anyway, let me know what you guys think!

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Looking interesting so far AngelVeto but you asked for advice so here we go :yes:



1: when you take the photos try putting a piece of white paper behind the model. This will help the camera to focus on the model and not any other items you have on your desk.


As you get more serious with your photography you can make your own lightbox very cheaply (just do a google search and loads pop up).

Mine is simply 3 cheap desk lamps for all round light and a white back and sides to help reflect the light ion the model.


2. The wash on the termies is too heavy for me. I know everyone has their own way of doing bone white and it can be a complete pain to get right (for a great example of how good it can look check out Stobz's work of art on his thread ;) )


This is how I do mine - it gives a good finish and is fairly quick.


i) Spray with Army painter Skeleton Bone making sure you use light coats at the recommended distance. If you dont have sprays use multiple diluted down layers of Ubhasti Bone.


ii) Use Agrax Earthshade in all recesses and armour joints then touch up any spillage with Ubhasti Bone.


iii) Mix Ubhasti and white about 50:50 and drybrush over all the bone areas


iv) Mix Ubhasti and white about 25:75 and drybrush over the armour edges


v) use white and a very dry drybrush to give a final highlight to the very edge of the armour


Then crack on with the detailing. If you want you can then do some weathering but I don't normally do it. :)


3. Not all negative :P - the dread is looking good - when you are doing text, try using a very watered down paint or an ink/wash - or even better still invest in a micro pen.


Your gold is nice and magnetised arms are the way to go ;)


Sorry if this seems harsh - I don't mean to be :D

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