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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Ultramarines Strategium+++

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And the Ultras are leading the way! Well done Aquilanus! Keep it up and you'll be the highest contributing forum in the Codex faction! thumbsup.gif

In the nicest possible way, I really hope not. If we're the highest contributing forum, even with a 100% completion rate from us, the Codex Chapters faction will be right down the rankings when it's all finished.

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So time for vow 2. Getting ready for Apocolypse


I Zeuspro answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete The original four Masters of the Chapter, 1 Space Marine Captain with Bolter and Power Sword, 1 Space Marine Captain with Power Fist and Relic Blade, 1 Space Marine Captain With Power Axe and Storm Shield and 1 Space Marine Captain with Thunder Hammer. Also 1x 10 Man tactical squad with Combi-Plasma, Plasma Gun and Lascannon from Codex Spacemarines of total value 730 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ultramarines and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end

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I should have mine finished tomorrow as Ive a couple of seals and 5 backpacks to do 


Heres the libby now hes assembled



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So, for my THIRD vow. It would have been bigger, but as most of the bitz I need are unavailable at the bitz site I use (for now, and I'm kinda broke until Month end anyway laugh.png ), I'll settle for this vow and add the others for vow FOUR (Oh, yeah baby - VOW FOUR!!!!)

I AQUILANUS, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete ONE Command Squad, ONE Storm Talon with Typhoo(oooooooo!)n launchers, ONE Razorback with Las-Plas weapon, ONE Danarth Lysander Counts as, ONE ten man Devastator squad and ONE Librarian from Codex: Space Marines of total value of 890pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Rainbow Warriors and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end. Specific points breakdown can be given if needed by Captain Semper smile.png

Taste the Rainbow!

Before I sign off, a little story I whipped up smile.png

The battlefield was theirs. Sheer weight of numbers had forced the Rainbow Warriors' Fourth Company back. Having to regroup in such a slapdash way gnawed at Varagol's soul, but it was that or have the Fourth fail completely.

Not an option.


Turning he could see his oldest friend, Chief Librarian Eh'Tor, his light blue armour heavily dented and scorched. He had survived an attack of Burna Boyz, but not before turning most of them to atoms with his psychic abilities. The effort had taxed him dearly, a nasty wound in his side was also giving him trouble. Varagol would not mention it, and Eh'Tor would not let it hamper him.

"Seer." The honorific was an old one, rather than the official title, but it had more gravitas, more respect, and Varagol had that in spades...

"We have managed to secure the immediate area, but without support, this position will eventually be untenable."


Curse the Greenskins and their barbaric ways! This world was once beautiful. It will never be again. Whilst there is no doubt that the Imperium will retake it, the Orks foul method of reproducing ensured that this world will be scarred for centuries, fires raging across its surface again and again to be rid of the blight.

Coming out his revere, he noticed the return of the Scout squad. Dolgma was a harsh task master, but he was the best and wanted to ensure that others who followed him were as good as he was.

"Report younglings." The term was a tease, a harmless poking of fun. Varagol needed a lighter humour to think straight. He needed to turn this battle around.

"We ventured as close as we could, Lord." The Scout Sergeant answered. "We could not see anything. Too much dust in the air, so thick even the magnoculars couldn't penetrate it. We don't know how it came to be, but it sounded like an explosion just before the dust cloud."

Varagol motioned the squad to take positions across the line. His face grimmaced. The Orks were not above fighting each other, especially if they think their current foe is not worth finishing off! The thought made him snarl, Eh'Tor's chuckle didn't help. Eh'Tor did not need to be a mind reader to know what he was thinking.

"What is that?" Varagol turned to the nearest Marine. Quavering at the sight of his Lord's ire, the Marine tried to answer, but couldn't. He didn't know.

Eh'Tor closed his eyes, concentration on his features.

It's a vehicle. he communicated to Varagol. I don't recognise the engine noise though.

Varago turned to the direction of the noise, his pistol raised, chainsword revved at maximum. If he met his end at the hands of a Xenos craft, so be it. He would sell his life dear for that to happen, however.

The noise was now unbearable, a dust cloud as thick as that the Scouts reported, sweeping ahead of it. Slowly, he squeezed the trigger ready to fire as soon as he could get a clear shot...

++Brother-Captain Varagol++ This is Storm Talon Perca Fluctus. Respond++

Varagol lowered his weapon. Whilst his anger at the pilot and their love of mischief could wait, he was relieved to see that he now had a chance to finish this battle after all.

++Perca Fluctus. I respond. New targets. Co-ordinates in transmission now++

++Received. Now enroute.++

Eh'Tor could see the smile return to his friends face. The appearance of the Storm Talon meant that the armoured section of the Chapter had finally caught up. He could see Varagol's Razorback ahead.

"Come on Brother. We have a war to finish!"

"No, Seer. The battle. The War never ends!"


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Im happy to inform that I finally pulled my finger out and continued working on my (still 1st) vow smile.png But I have question Captain: Do all my woved minis have to be painted as Ultramarines? Or can I include other chapters such as Sons of Orar, Imperial Fists, Raven Guard, etc?

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As long as they correspond to a legal entry from the C:SMs you can paint them what you like - your minis after all! ;) however you cannot change a forum you initially vowed for - even within the Codex faction!
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Sons of Orar! Would love to see you paint some of these.....

It would be cool to see, but I can't help but smile when I see the word Orar - I've permanently got someone from Devon or Somerset saying it in my head whenever I read the word! laugh.png
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Aqs, single handedly destroying the cool reputation of one of the finest chapters. Ill never be able to think about them the same again. Although it would make a good conversion if I could gs a straw of hay to chew on and a flat cap


GC08: Well coming from someone who has just painted 40 scouts unfazed, Ill take your word for it. At least you have not just sprayed it brown and shoved a big U on it.

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Aqs, single handedly destroying the cool reputation of one of the finest chapters. Ill never be able to think about them the same again. Although it would make a good conversion if I could gs a straw of hay to chew on and a flat cap

GC08: Well coming from someone who has just painted 40 scouts unfazed, Ill take your word for it. At least you have not just sprayed it brown and shoved a big U on it.

I must admit that I know little about them (will being having a dig into their background shortly). I do get rather random thoughts through my head and that was one of the more...milder ones blink.png I normally catch the others laugh.png

Having seen GC's ADL, I can see he's put a lot of effort into it. I did think it was finished, but I'll have to look closer the next time I see it. The Sons of Pochutec (Prism) want a rematch... msn-wink.gif

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Two ways to do it.

1. You make an account in the gallery section. You then upload the pics straight from your computer to the gallery and then you copy the link of the pic from the gallery, you go to your post you click on the little green square from the menu bar in the top of your post editor and you paste the link in the field provided there.

2. You upload your pics to photobucket or equivalent and do the same process (i.e. copy the link and paste it in the field provided when you click the little green square button from the menu bar in the post editor).

PM me if you still experience probelms. smile.png

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