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Prikyth Durcor Jal - WB Chapter

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Well noctus cornix's chapter thread got my brain thinking and well...damn you, now iv thought up one of my own.  this is my problem - wayyyyy too many projects. but thank you for the inspiration noctus! anyway, i am certainly interested in criticism.  my first question to you is whether this should be official lore or independent fluff?
so here goes. right now im just drafting ideas. it is certainly not organized like it should be yet.
Chapter of Prikyth Durcor Jal 
Name roughly translating to "Cast in Blood and Iron"


Prikyth Durcor Jal Marine in DOW SS

Basic Idea:
The Prikyth Durcor Jal are a chaos space marine warband founded from a Word Bearers Host and part of an Iron Warriors Company. As such, its members mostly consist of Word Bearers and Iron Warriors. They control the Forge World of Diamat and base their operation off their large fleet. The Prikyth Durcor Jal are more strictly organized than most chaos forces, believing that it is key to their success. They were formed under the leadership and beliefs of Harkon Dolohov, former First Acolyte of Eliphas the Inheritor. Harkon took command of the remainder of Eliphas' Host after his defeat and death on Kronus. He also took Eliphas' armor and weapons for himself. He has since grown his Host and increased his own chaotic power.


WIP History

Eliphas the Inheritor was a Dark Apostle tasked by the Dark Council with conquering the planet Kronus.  In his black crusade, he was defeated and killed by his own masters (although he would return thanks to the Warmaster).  At the time his First Acolyte was Harkon Dolohov, an ambitious veteran who had patiently worked his way up the ranks, but also become disillusioned with the Dark Council.  Never the less elevated to the rank of Dark Apostle and ordered to rebuild Eliphas' former host to atone for his failure.  Harkon had no intention of suffering the same embarrassing fate as his predecessor and immediately began training new Word Bearers.  Yet, the Dark Council was unaware of just how strongly Harkon disagreed with them; they had overlooked it as part of the common rivalries between Dark Apostles.  Harkon was a loyal Word Bearer and believed in Lorgar without question, but he saw the Dark Council as simply a lodge of corrupt and selfish fools who manipulate the word of Lorgar to their own ends.  He despised them for what he saw as nothing short of a betrayal of their Primarch and his sacred creed.  Harkon would take it upon himself to lead his brothers upon the path of chaos as Lorgar had taught them from days of the Heresy, the path of truth, not the path of jealously and infighting of the Dark Council.  The foolish power struggles of the other Dark Apostles weakened the Legion and impeded the goals of chaos.  Harkon would have none of this in his new host; he immediately purged the warband of all questioned his new path and indoctrinated all new recruits with loyalty to him and Lorgar first.  While his purge was merciless, it did not seriously hurt his host's manpower, as Harkon had also been charged with recruitment while still an Acolyte.  He had used his responsibility to recruit followers into the host knowing that his master would eventually make a critical mistake.  As such, by the time he had replaced Eliphas as Dark Apostle, most of the marines in his host were men recruited by Harkon and veterans who longed for the old days of Lorgar, who would be more easily turned into loyal followers.  In addition to rebuilding the hosts troop numbers, the new Dark Apostle set about acquiring as large and powerful a fleet as he could muster.  He used his raids on the shipyards of the Imperium and rival warbands to both build his fleet and train his recruits.  In a few years, he had expanded his fleet from a strikecruiser and a few escorts to include a modified battle barge, multiple strike cruisers and cruisers.  Not only had he excelled at the task given to him, but his host now far exceeded its power under Eliphas.  Harkon was beginning to grow the army he need to assert his independence from the Dark Council.  However, he still lacked a crucial resource in his plan, a reliable source of war material and supplies which he could control.
Notes: Extensive use of Mark III Iron Armor helmets by assualt marines.
Numbers: 1200

Diamat is a forgeworld which fell to chaos during the Heresy and was long forgotten.  Over time, The Chapter Prikyth Durcor Jal claimed the world and allowed a faction of the Dark Mechanicus access to the world, under the rule of the chapter.  It is here that the Dark Mechanicus allies create new chaos marines and war material for the chapter.  As the homeworld of a csm warband, it is not only a forgeworld but planet sized fortress.  When the original WB host took over the world, they did their best to fortify and garrison the world.  But their union with an Iron Warriors force truely transformed the world into an impossibly well fortified and defended bastion of chaos.

Image of Diamat: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130303212910/warhammer40k/images/f/f0/ForgeWorldInterior.png
The Book of Lorgar guides the spiritual beliefs of the warband, however, they interpret it quiet differently than others. They believe that they were chosen by Lorgar and that they see his words with true clarity. They believe that somehow Harkon was given direct orders by Lorgar to form an independent warband and enlighten his brothers of the true meaning of his Word. There are 2 main myths as to how this happened: some say he was the first enter the cathedral in which Lorgar has sealed himself and spoke with the Primarch directly. Others say he was given a vision before ascending to power. Either way, shortly after his Eliphas' fall, Harkon rose and began reteaching his brothers about the Word.
Combat Doctrine: [this is where the iron warriors play a bigger part.]



Chapter Master and Ruler of Diamat:
Overlord Harkon Dolohov
Harkon[ http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs12/i/2006/315/6/2/Eliphas_the_Inheritor_by_ZealotOfHonor7776.jpg
Overlord http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110121132521/dow/images/1/1a/931664_20061006_790screen002.jpg
his stolen Alpha Legion armor http://www.deviantart.com/download/138644850/Firaeveus_Carron_wargear_by_Zoggrogoch.jpg
Sorceror Lord armor http://www.dow2elite.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/240078tzeentch-1024.jpg
Dark Apostles
War Captains
Dark Apostles
typical Dark Apostle http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/b/bf/DarkApostle.jpg
another Dark Apostle http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110321080959/warhammer40k/images/6/6b/Erebus_Unit_by_andreauderzo.jpg
Dark Apostle with cronus http://dreamworlds.ru/uploads/posts/2010-05/1273420453_lorgar2.jpg
higher ranking Dark Apostle http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyngyrsWjj1r1tpfvo1_500.jpg
War Captains
War Captain http://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/316324-warhammer-40-000-dawn-of-war-dark-crusade-windows-screenshot.jpg
War Captain close up http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/4/42/Eliphas_DOWDC.jpeg
war captain formerly of the Alpha Legion http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120417171455/warhammer40k/images/8/83/FiraeveusCarron0.jpg
War Captain http://fc71.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2006/356/f/f/Lord_Kessoq_by_Saevus.jpg
another War Captain http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/20/19839/thumb_620x2000/malice.PNG
Warsmith http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/18/17546/thumb_620x2000/relic00024.jpg
former Alpha Legion Sorceror http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/21/20432/thumb_620x2000/alpha_sorcerer.jpg
Sorceror http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/20/19839/word_bearers_sorcerer.PNG
Chief Sorceror http://th03.deviantart.net/fs20/PRE/f/2007/294/9/2/word_bearer_sorcerer_by_calfCut.jpg\\]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs20/PRE/f/2007/294/9/2/word_bearer_sorcerer_by_calfCut.jpg]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs20/PRE/f/2007/294/9/2/word_bearer_sorcerer_by_calfCut.jpg\\




Still maintains techmarines.


Warpsmith http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2610370a_99810102015_CSMWarpsmithCFC02_873x627.jpg


Techmarine http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/20/19839/thumb_620x2000/relic00020.jpg


Uses a variety of vehicles - Rhinos, Predators, Land Raiders, Baneblades, Chaos Land Speeders, Dreadnoughts, Defilers


Chaos Land Speeder http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y249/monkeydude15/Chaos%2040k/P1010837.jpg


Chaos Land Raider http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1252568_99120102010_CSMLandRaidermain_445x319.jpg


Dread http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Images/Product/DefaultFW/medium/Worldeat1.jpg


Siege Dread http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120124042756/warhammer40k/images/thumb/7/73/Iron_Warriors_Dreadnought.jpg/159px-Iron_Warriors_Dreadnought.jpg


Venerable Dread http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120714062519/warhammer40k/images/b/b5/WB_Dreadnought_The_Hellfeaster.jpg


Ancient Contemptor https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7056/6873009666_cac3c83046_z.jpg









Battle Barges:

Dread Angel, heavily modified flagship, largest ship



classes - Emperor, Retribution and Oberon - defiled of course


Strike Cruisers:



Also possesses several battlecruisers, grand cruisers and cruisers

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Hmm....I don't think the dark counsel would take a rogue faction too well. And at only 1200 men they'd be crushed easily. The word bearers for the most part have been fairly unified, though split among several warhosts (which would have been previously equivalent to chapters when they were a loyalist legion). Dark ambition is definitely a key characteristic of the apostles, but starting a splinter host seems too straightforward for a word bearer and not very conniving. Almost sounds like your apostle might be an iron warrior himself. I'd find it more believable if you kept your faction a warhost of the word bearer legions, while your apostle worms his way up the ladder and implements his ideals. Like I said, warhosts can have their own unique identity while still being members of the word beaers ie: serrated suns chapter from legion days, and Big rule book gives some examples of different word bearer hosts in the cadia apocalypse section near the end of the book. So they'd follow their own ideals and pursue their own means, but would remain "loyal" word bearers as it suites their ambitions.

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Well at the moment there are four renegade factions of the Word Bearers.


1.) The Sanctified - introduced in the 4th Edition Codex, reintroduced in Forgeworld's IA Volumes 6 and 7. Numbers unknown. Side note, devoted solely to Khorne.


2.) The Foresworn - 6th Edition Rulebook. Only 200 strong.


3.) The Sons of Damnation - 6th Edition Rulebook. Numbers unknown.


4.) The Lords of Desolation - The Emperor's Chosen(Short Story) by Mike Lee. Numbers unknown. Side note, led by a sorcerer, not by a Dark Apostle.


Combine that with the fluff from GW's Legion Warband entry and the fact that the IA article says that no two Word Bearer Hosts are alike, well there may be "unity" but there is no uniformity. As a result, there is plenty of potential for rogue factions and their survivability, if rarity.


@Lord Marshall: Looks like you're off to a good start. Hope to see more.

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Warlord, you certainly bring up a good argument, but i find there is more flexibility in the WB. flexibility and rivalry that allow for splinter groups to rise.  although i did think about something more in line with your suggestion at first, but i felt it was a little too much for a fluff writing piece.


Kol Saresk, that WB host led by a sorc sounds very interesting, iv never heard of that before.  im gonna have to read that for inspiration.  glad to hear iv got a good start!


thanks to both of you! i look forward to hearing from when iv written more!

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To bring up more support for what Warlord said, in Daemonworld, the Word Bearer's dispatch a six-man kill team to kill one Word Bearer who went rogue. Holding to the fluff, I would imagine a lot more than a kill team would be dispatched if a sizeable host left the fold.


Also, going on more Word Bearer fluff, this from the Dark Disciple novels, the Word Bearers despise sorcery.


As to your original idea of Word Bearer's interpreting the Book of Logar oddly, I have to say that would be highly unlikely. The Hosts are led by the Dark Apostles who spend years dedicating themselves to the Dark Gods and memorizing the Book of Logar and the many Apocrypha that no doubtedly exist.

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No offense, but in Daemonworld, that six-man strike team was led by a captain. Literally, a captain. As far as I know it's the only time I've heard of a 40K-era Word Bearers Captain. They also despised sorcery in this novel.


However, sorcery is ironically a key part of their rituals since they like psykers even less and yet they chant and make sacrifices to summon the warp as well as astral projecting and a good number of other things. There was also the Witch-Prince from the BA series, he carried the title "Warmaster" IIRC too although it was made obvious he was subservient to Abaddon when he prepared his funeral shroud before reporting to the Despoiler. So in reality, what the Word Bearers class as a sorcerer is someone that uses warp-magick/psychic powers(since the Grand Apostle from Dark Creed was a strong psyker IIRC) who is not part of the clergy. But that doesn't stop the individual from being what is normally classed as a "Chaos Sorcerer".


And like any religious body, there will always be sects and breakaway factions. Some will be brought under heel, some won't. A small few will stick true to the original teachings, the majority will "interpret" those teachings in the manner that best makes them happy. Or "make new ones" and try to disguise them as already being apart of the teachings.


And the Dark Council does not bring all dissident factions under heel. Kor Phaeron isn't a part of the Council of Sicarus and yet he can orchestrate one failed coup that resulted in the death of at least two Council members IIRC and the destruction of a few hosts, some warships and a prized Necron artifact that was prophesied to be instrumental in the ultimate fall of the Imperium and all Erebus does is "Well, it wasn't the first time and it won't be the last." Thus revealing that there have always been at least two major factions in the Word Bearers; those who follow Erebus and those who follow Kor Phaeron. Regardless of the motivations.


There is also the fact that the IA article clearly states that each Host is unique according to the tastes of its Dark Apostle/leader. Meaning there is no uniformity in the "unified" Legion.


And the final point is that three of the four factions I presented, were introduced by GW. Meaning GW believes their are sects, factions and breakaway warbands within the Word Bearers. Combined with the aforementioned Legionnaire Warband entry which says:


"The Chaos Legions, sundered into hundreds of warbands after the cataclysmic events of the Horus Heresy, have been waging the Long War against the Imperium for ten thousand years. The fires of hatred in their hearts burn just as fiercely as they did in ages past. United under the banner of charismatic, but frequently deranged, Champions of Chaos, the Traitor Legionnaires of the First Founding work ceaselessly to tear apart the hated edifice of the Imperium."


You get that all nine Legions have been "sundered into hundreds of warbands". And since most people try to canonize 40K into GW-FW/BL-FFG, technically this fact is "canon". The Word Bearers can and do have splinter factions and non-uniform Hosts which have the GW-approved potential to interpret the Word differently from how the Council interprets it. Ironically, interpreting it the way Lorgar intended is different from the interpretations of Kor Phaeron and Erebus. Argel Tal makes note of this at the Shrine of the Blessed Lady aboard the Fidelitas Lex in Betrayer by A D-B.


@Lord Marshall: This might also be something you might be interested in looking at. Technically unofficial but it doesn't break with current fluff so it can just be considered "an open interpretation".



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Word Bearers and Sorcerers are quite a bit like the good old cleric vs mage/wizard argument from DnD and other similar settings.


Also regarding the Sanctified it's unknown whether the Sanctified mentioned in Siege of Vraks are the same as the Word Bearer Sanctified warband mentioned on the GW website for a short period. It's happened before that new warbands have assumed the names of warbands of old. Even loyalist Chapters of the Imperium have at times had their names and chapter number reused if the previous chapter has been wiped out.


In the 4'th edition codex they were cross-referenced to the Word Bearers, one could assume because both are potent deamonancers. But even Night Lords and Alpha Legionnaires have been known to summon Daemons. Doesn't necessarily make them Word Bearers. Even tho many like to interpret that cross-reference as them being a de-facto splinter cell.


Of course that's just the way I chose to see it.


Also continuing to reference Dark Disciple,  

remember the whole purging the ranks of all that don't have the "correct" view of the Word deal? Yeah, that happened.




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Page 138 of Imperial Armour Seven


"The Sanctified

Advanced knowledge of daemonancy.

Thought to have ties to Word Bearers Legion.

Responsible for the opening of Vraks' warp-portal."


Combine the "supposition" of this warband of Sanctified with "another" Sanctified warband being a confirmed descendant, conclusions can be drawn.



Actually Dark Creed said the purge was of all Terran members, not members who had deviating beliefs. Also, the third incarnation of the Brotherhood(which theoretically could be considered a splinter faction attempting a coup d'etat of the Council) was only suppose to basically kill anyone who even thought about standing in the way of Kor Phaeron laying the groundwork for his rise to power. The only matter of doctrine would be the doctrine that Kor Phaeron preached versus the doctrine Erebus preached. Also, wasn't the Grand Apostle from Dark Creed a member of the Council of Sicarus? A point of division even in the "ruling body" of the Word Bearers.


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i must agree with Kol here - there is more than enough evidence to concur that sorcery is used by the WB. even if something might say they dislike sorcerors, its kinda a hypocritical statement on the WB's behalf.


i also agree that there is enough similarities to concur that the 2 Santified warbands are one and the same.  plus i have seen it stated in several entries on Vraks that they converted to Khorne worship there.


Kol is also correct involving the brotherhood.  essentially, the first one was simply a purge of Terran marines.  after that they were all political.  in fact, one could argue that the brotherhood has really never been used to silence those who interpret the Word differently than Lorgar would.


the only reason the WB is considered to be a unified legion is because they are the only csm force to have any legion level command structure in place.  even the black legion is not unified - they only answer to Abaddon because he is the Warmaster.  they are also the only ones with some kind of standardized (marginally) method of organizing troops.


and thank you Kol for that ref - ill certainly give it a read!


finally, you could also argue strongly that no important WB leader really follows the Word exactly as Lorgar intended anymore.  his absense has allow his apostles to change their interpretation to fit their own designs and lust for power.  Erebus himself has admitted to having frequent power feuds with Kor Phaeron.  The basic spiritual idea of my chapter would be to return to the correct interpretation of Lorgar's Word.


as usual, thank you all for your thoughts!

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the foresworn are a warhost of the word bearer legion. as shown in the first heretic, each chapter (which would become warhosts) have their own unique names, combat doctrines, and heraldry (though often plays on the wordbearer's main heraldry). This was quite unique as most other legions (especially the more strict ones like ultramarines or imperial fists) simple numbered their companies who would sometimes gain nick names (like the troublesome fourth). In a sense the word bearers laid down the foundations for the 1000 man chapter system in respect to unique signifiers and chapter names.


Thus they often identify themselves in a manner that suggests them as "rogue" factions but ultimately they are still a part of the word bearer legion. you'll notice in the battle for eagle gate that the different word bearer warhosts they give examples of still have the word bearer iconography. this is because they are different warhosts, not unique independent legions. I'd agree that it is possible for some warhosts to attempt to strike it out on their own, but I doubt it ever ends well for them (which is saying quite a bit considering nothing ends well in the 40k universe).


At the end of the day though its your army so you do what you want ;D . I was just giving my fluffy two cents.

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The Sanctified have a burning skull. But everyone agrees that the Sanctified are not contemporary Word Bearers. And you are right, each warband is individual and that individuality is apparent to each Host. And that individuality, doesn't have to just be in appearance. It can be in beliefs as well. Such as the Warband of the Broken Aquila only refusing to take in the Warp for the most part while the Warband of Krieg Acerbus drinks in Chaos like I drink in soda. Both are "Night Lords", and if history is anything to go by, Talos will offer a helping hand to Acerbus if it is needed, but both are individual elements.


But then again, that's all a warband is. It isn't necessarily a whole new organization that has to be different on every level from its former incarnation. Perfect example are the Sanctified. Still wear Word Bearers red. Bear a slightly modified burning skull. With the exception of being devoted to Khorne, they are just like the Word Bearers in more than a few aspects. Sometimes a warband is nothing more than an individual piece of a whole. However, just because it is a part of that whole, doesn't mean it behaves inline.


For example, maybe Lord Marshall's warband never returned from the Kronus Campaign and never made contact with Sicarus or Ghalmek. As far as the XVII knows, every Word Bearer that went to Kronus is dead and gone. So when Dolohov began to change the doctrine to better suit his needs, there was no overlooking body to persecute him. And when his warband emerged under a new name and allied with an Iron Warriors warband, maybe the XVII didn't recognize its prodigal sons. Or maybe they did and the Council believed that it would be more beneficial to allow this "renegade" faction to exist as an ally than as an enemy. Or maybe the XVII does seek retribution against Dolohov and his followers only to fall prey to the defenses of Diamat, battle after battle.


An alternative could be that Dolohov did return to Sicarus. And after pleading for a penance crusade for redemption with what was left of his Host, he left to pillage the stars. Eventually they claim a planet and pledge allegiance to an Iron Warriors warband that got them out of a tough pickle. Meanwhile, Dolohov grows disillusioned with the Dark Council. But he knows that if he just publicly disclaimed them, he would be forcibly removed from his apostleship. So instead he starts slowly weaving ways into his doctrine. Maybe he studies how to predict the future using the power of the warp so he could tip a few major battles into his favor, to build up the appearance of him receiving visions. And after a while, he would "reveal" that it was none other than Lorgar who gave him these visions and that he had been receiving them since Sicarus, but he keeps it inside the warband, never telling any outsiders. The result would end up being that the Council never pursues him as a renegade, because they don't know that he's planning a coup. As far as the Council knows, his "penance crusade" has exceeded all expectation in claiming a Forgeworld and bringing many newcomers to the "Faithful". So now the warband is still a part of the overall XVII, but they are still a "rogue faction".


See what I mean?


Although to be honest, A D-B did a much better job of presenting that idea than I did. The post I am referring to is two of my posts back. But just in case it needs repeating:



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a lot of excellent ideas there.  my thinking is more like a combination of Kol's 2 examples.  the chapter forms some kind of agreement with the Iron Warriors involving Diamat that leads to their union.  the chapter and Dolohov will be a rogue group in the manner presented in Kol's 2nd example - they are only nominally part of the legion.  they recognize the Dark Council as the leaders of the legion, but because they disagree with them, they dont answer to them, only Lorgar.  so they dont really listen to the Dark Council or Kor Phaeron.  they are additionally unique as a WB warband in that they dont follow the normal WB organizational or rank system.  for example, dark apostles are officers under the Overlord.

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wow so i read that thing by A DB and i kinda want to call him Sheogoreth because, hes insane, intelligent in 40k lore, and correct despite the madness. its very interesting and enlightening and definitely useful for anyone to read. fav quote so far "Maybe the Warp eats them" LOL

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

very well. more to come


name possibilities:  The Iron Scripture, Haloed Scripture, Bloodied Sons, Baleful Eye, Black Oath, Iron Faith, Iron Scholars, Blood Redeemers, Hellforged, Bloodied Forge, Steel Wardens, Iron Covenant, open to suggestions

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  • 5 weeks later...

well thats the problem - i like all of em but none of them really stand out.  thats why im asking ppl what they think works best for conveying the combination of WB and IW as well as the idea of re-enlightening other WB

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Actually, there's a BL short story where Huron Blackheart cuts a deal with a Word Bearer sorcerer who left the Legion. So there is indeed precedent for both WB outcasts and WB psykers.


As for a name...perhaps something Colchisian? We know from Betrayer than Vakrah Jal (Argel Tal's personal warband) means "Consecrated Iron".

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