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Blood Hounds

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Tactical Marine .


Assault Marine


Devastator Marine


Scout Marine


Veteran Marine









Tech Marine




Basic information - BLOOD HOUNDS
  • Founding : Second (suspected)

  • Gene-Seed :Lynn Elgonson (Other records call him Lion El'Jonson)

  • Successors of : Dark Angels

  • Chapter Master :Grand Master Aldric the Reformer

  • Battle Cry : "For the Imperium, for the Primarch and for the Chapter!"

  • Main Colours : Black and Red

  • Full Strength : 1460

  • Current : Unknown

  • Specialties : Close combat and Stealth

  • Tactics : Stealth and heavily mechanized combat

  • Known Descendants : Doom Angels

  • Beliefs : The Emperor did not intend for this current Imperium, steps must be taken to return it to his true ideal.

  • Favoured Equipment : Mk 6 "Corvus" Power Armour, retractable monofilament claws, Cameleoline and Refractor Fields.

  • Present activities : the 5 battle companies are wandering the galaxy responding to threats.

  • Fleet assets: 12 Strike cruisers, 2 battle barges as well as the Kardon system fleet.

  • local rituals : Day Of The Spirits(Celebration of the spirits of all things in nature and the dead.)

  • Relics : A number of storm Eagles, a pair of Fire Raptors and a Crystal Power sword weilded by the Chapter founder

  • Awards:
    Light through darkness: Given to Brothers who fought in the invasion of the homeworlds by Dark Eldar 300 years ago.
    Mark of silence: For Bringing down one of the wretched Fallen
    The mark of dawn: For fighting in a Black Crusade.

  • Worlds :

    • Kardon : Temperate flat green planet, site of the larger of the 2 fortress-monasteries, with large advanced cities, and Home to The great black saber hounds that prey upon the red-brown oxen of the plains.

    • Ardon : Sister planet of Kardon, site of the smaller fortress-monastery (in the planet's largest canyon), grey mountains and jungles, and advanced farming cites and home to the magincent Blue and gold mountain eagles.

    • The Blood Hounds maintain 2 worlds for several reasons, one of those being their need for more recruits the usual.


  • The Blood Hounds are a Chapter shrouded in mystery, they are believed to be of the geneseed of the Lion and to have been created in the original splitting of the Legions.

  • Although the Chapter does not follow the organizational pattern of the Codex Astartes they adhere to the ideals and principles within it's hallowed pages.

  • As an Unforgiven chapter, they are charged with the destruction of the Fallen Angels.

  • Although they are isolationists, they are one of the friendliest to mortals in this region, going to further extents than most to protect the common citizen liken to that of the Salamanders or Ultramarines.

  • The Chapter commonly builds it's own equipment, steal from disliked forces such as the Ad mech on the rare occasion where they can get away with it as well as salvaging and purifying Chaos equipment.

  • After The invasion of Kardon and Ardon by a Dark Eldar force the Chapter needed to replenish their ranks quickly so the new Grand master of the Blood Hounds Aldric ordered the chief Apothecary attempt something that had not been done outside of the forces of chaos. Female Space Marines... (This is of course a Chapter Secret.)

  • The Blood Hounds are strongly independent as the origial founder, a Captain of the Dark Angels Legion in the Great Crusade looked down upon everyone but the Guard and fellow Space Marines, as such the Chapter is very isolated from the Rest of the Imperium.

  • The Chapter sets out to recruit and train others to be psykers, most officers and NCOs are varying degrees of normally lower level physkers, as higher levels become Librarians.

  • Due to distrust of the Mechanicus the Blood Hounds recruit keep and hide Hereteks to not only produce the large numbers of rare equipment used by the Chapter but also to create new, innovative tech, for the Chapter cares not for the babbling religion of the Tech Priests

  • All marines of the chapter are aware of the existence of the Fallen although those not fully initiated know only of their existence and not the full story, This is one of the things that sets them apart from their parent and brother chapters. The Blood Hounds feel that their marines cannot identify and track down The Fallen in battle if they don’t know what they are.

  • One may think that only marines of the chapter are allowed in the Grand Library In the chapter fortress on Kardon, but in fact, most of it is (barring certain areas) open to almost everyone. The chapter house is a gigantic fortress that is made to serve as a shelter for the entire population in times of invasion.

  • The chapter entirely rejects servitors on the basis that robots are not trustworthy,
    ships are run by volunteers from the planetary defense forces, and combat vehicles are fully crewed by space marines.

  • The Chapter frowns upon bionics Heavily.

  • Recruits are not sent to combat until receiving Power Armour.

  • The chapter frowns upon removing one's helmet in combat.

  • Once the chapter has won a planet from heretics or aliens,They see to it that the planet is repaired to a state of at least relative comfort and safety for it's people as is taught in the Codex Astartes.


Grand Master Aldric the Reformer of the Blood Hounds wields *The Absolver* a power blade forged of psychically attuned crystal during the Great Crusade for a captain of the Dark Angels, founder of the Blood Hounds Chapter of Astartes.


After Someone of about 7-10 volunteers to join they must go through about 3 years of schooling before the final test:

When aspirant is around 13, he - along with 9 others - is knocked out and awoken in some harsh terrain on the planet. They are left with a slide recording that tells them that they are being chased by Chaos Marines, and that they have to evade them and get to a Storm Raven. While in reality, the "Chaos Marines" are really Blood Hounds masquerading as such and using stun rounds against them. after the test they begin their augmentation


Factions of distrust and dislike within the Holy Imperium.

  • High Lords of Terra

  • Inquisition

  • Mechanicus

  • Some Chapters present on the loyal side in the Badab War, particularly the Red Scorpions.

Primary enemies :

  • Chaos(Fallen)

  • Dark eldar

Xenos Pact :

the Blood Hounds have a pact with the Craftworld Ulthwë, Who cooperate with them to combat the forces of Chaos.


The Blood Hounds have had a mostly minor, sometimes major presence in most of the Black Crusades.

The Blood Hounds' home world was once invaded by the Dark Eldar.

In the year M41.673 two ships of the Dark Eldar Kabal ‘’The House of Devils’’

attacked the planets of the Blood Hound's seeking revenge for a recent defeat at the hands of the Hounds.

seeing as the chapter had recently suffered heavy casualties and its second company was not present

the vile xenos saw it as a perfect time to strike.

First the Xenos disabled the Kardon's fleet support then began to land troops

while this gave the people of Ardon enough time to evacuate the people

Kardon were not so lucky. As the xenos filth began to rampage across the planets

green fields The first company of the Blood Hounds mobilized to create a distraction long enough to for the other companies to evacuate

the populace of the planet. While the Blood Hounds were mostly successful in defending and drawing attention and few civilian casualties

were taken the Blood Hounds themselves took many losses even after the troops from Ardon arrived

to assist it still was not enough and the Eldar filth were slowly but steadily pushing towards the chapter house that served as the refuge for the

entire planet's population. That is until the 2nd returned, After three days of fighting the Blood Hounds had fallen back to the chapter house

but could not defend for long. That was when the second company returned from their mission

to find the planet under attack. The strike cruiser of the 2nd immediately open fired wit it's lances

catching the first ship by surprise and completely destroying it, The second ship however only took major damage before it disappeared. Seeing nothing else to stand in their way the

2nd deployed their first units by drop pod then the rest by Thunderhawk

attacking the enemy from behind. With the help of the Company

Librarian(Who would become the Chief of the Librarians soon after) the captain of the 2nd, Aldric managed to destroy the commander of the xeno's force. Leaderless the Eldar wraith-gated

back to their last ship and fled leaving the Blood Hound victorious.

It was however a bitter the victory as the the entire first company was wiped out, many, many more Space Marines dead and the Chapter Master dead, leaving Captain Aldric in command. This was how he gained the title Reformer, as he was tasked with Repairing the Strength and spirits of the chapter after this.

and everyone lived happily ever after. THE END

Tactics: The normal battle plan for the Blood Hounds is to sneak up using camouflage, get into position then open fire with all weapons. The Assault squad go first jumping down from the sky straight into enemy weapon emplacements and light vehicles, some then proceed charge the enemy while the rest provide suppressing fire, then once in range the tacticals attack with close combat weapons. After they secure an area the land raiders will roll up and deploy the devastators and more tactical squads while the other armoured vehicles provide support for the infantry. The Stormthawks and Stormravens then swoop over and provide air support as well as deploying the assault and last of the tactical squads.


There are 11 squads per company, which includes a 10 man command squad.

Transport :

The first company rides in Storm Eagles, and the rest of the chapter rides in Storm Ravens.

All squads ride in Land Raiders.

Terminators are fielded as ten man squads.

Companies :

  • 1st, Deathwing: Veteran Company

  • 2nd,Kabal Slayers:

  • 3rd,Daemon Banishers:

  • 4th,Hounds of Kardon: Battle Company

  • 5th,Lights of the Star Eagle:

  • 6th, Mountain Born: Reserve Tactical Company

  • 7th, Wardens of the Plains : Reserve Tactical Company

  • 8th,Wings of Ardon : Reserve Assault Company

  • 9th, The Fire Bull’s Wrath: Reserve Devastator Company

  • 10th, Eyes of the Hound : Recon-Sniper Company

  • 11th, Ravenwing: Motor pool Company

Battle company composition :

Command Squad

6 Tactical Squads

2 Devastator Squads

2 Assault Squads

11 Land Raiders

4 Dreadnoughts

4 Land Speeder Tempest’s

11 Storm Ravens

21 ThunderHawk Transporters

4 ThunderHawks

8 Storm Hawks

4 Whirlwinds,

8 Predators

2 Stalkers

2 Hunters.

Squad breakdown:

Command :

1 Captain

1 Lieutenant

1 Standard Bearer

1 Company Champion

2 Apothecaries

1 Librarian

1 Comms Officer

1 Chaplain

1 Tech Marine.

Tactical :

1 Sergeant

1 Corporal

4 Marines

1 Heavy Bolter

1 Missile launcher

2 Special Weapons.

Devastator :

1 Sergeant with Special Weapon

1 Corporal with Special Weapon

2 Special Weapons

6 heavy Weapons.

Assault :

1 Sergeant

1 Corporal

2 Special Weapons

6 Marines with bolt pistols and chainswords.


1 Sergeant with Bolter/Sniper Rifle

1 Corporal with opposite of Sergeant

4 Marines with Sniper Rifles

4 Marines with Bolters.


5 Centurions.

(notes: all blood hound are recruited for their psychic ability : the Blood Hounds attempt to acquire psychics for the whole chapter only the best of them become librarians.)


Helmet types:

  • Hound shaped: Worn by officers and Sergeants

  • Golden laurels: Worn by Corporals

Helmet Stripes :

  • Red : Worn by marines and marine officers.

  • Purple: Worn by Veterans.

  • White : Worn by Apothecaries

  • Blue : Worn by librarians.

  • Yellow : Worn by Tech Marines.

  • Black : Worn by Chaplain's .

Company Colours:

  • 1st: Red

  • 2nd: Midnight blue

  • 3rd: Purple

  • 4th: Silver

  • 5th: Pink

  • 6th: Grey

  • 7th: White

  • 8th: Cyan

  • 9th: Red-brown

  • 10th: Green

  • 11th: Yellow


In the history of Kardon and Ardon, it is said that there are 3 spirit animals that watch over them:

  • The Blood Hound is the animal that gather the spirits of of those who die for a good cause in battle and delivers their souls to the Emperor.
  • The Fire Bull gathers the spirits of those who died fighting for a bad cause in battle and lock up their spirits until they are deem worthy to return.
  • The Star Eagle gathers the souls of those that did not die in battle.

PLease note that the AMAZING formating was made by http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/user/77459-lord-th%C3%B8rn/

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Welcome to the BnC... I'm sure others will be along soon to suggest a few things you might want to have a think about but I'd just like to ask about this bit:


tac squad ride in razerbacks devastater squads in pretitors  and assalt in wirlwinds and snipers in razerbacks

Is there any particular reason why you have picked these particular vehicles for these squads? 


I assume that since your tactical squads all use Razorbacks that you only have 5-man squads, not 10-man squads (since you cant fit 10 marines in a Razorback). Is there some reason for this? Perhaps your chapter spent a lot of time in ship-to-ship fighting and decided to permanantly split 10-man squads into 5-man fireteams since they rarely had the space to operate as a 10-man team in boarding actions?


Given Predators cant carry any troops did you mean to say that your devastator marines are usually fielded with armoured support (by Predators)? 


Similarly, Whirlwinds cannot carry any troops - perhaps you could phrase this as your assault troops also act as spotters for your Whirlwind artillery tanks, calling down barrages onto enemy positions to soften them up for the assault troops to then charge in?


By snipers do you mean Scouts? If so, how does having razorback transports affect their mission? Razorbacks are not exactly known for being stealthy, or particularly fast (unless you're Blood Angels!) so surely that means your stealth specialists are not able to be stealthy? Is there any reason why your chapter doesn't use the Landspeeder Storm (if you are using the Dark Angels codex maybe?).


Just a few thoughts to get you started, and good luck with your ideas.

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Hi everyone, I'm new and this is my space marine chapter, the Blood Hounds. The shoulder color is just  for second company, and yes, even in mk7 era we still use mk6. We have an Ultramarine-like home world and are a Dark Angel's second founding chapter, but we're very different. Everyone in the chapter knows what happend on Caliban, and all the people know that there are Chaos space marines and primarchs.  We hate the Administratum and the Inquisition, the Iron Snakes and Storm Wardens too, as well as the Sisters of Battle.

We have girl space marines in our chapter, we also have 12 squads per company; the last two are sniper squads. We have 11 companies, the last one is our vehicle company that makes all our stuff, since the Adeptus Mechanicus dont supply us. We have five heavy weapons per devastator squad and we were formed specifically to fight Chaos.  Our tactical squads ride in razorbacks, devastator squads in predators, assault squads in whirlwinds and snipers in razorbacks. We are also freinds with the good Eldar and got them to show us how to make plasma guns that do not explode. We are also not agaist retreating and have even killed commisars for not letting their unit retreat.

We are very nice space marines, and when we win battles on planets we fix them to Ultramarine-grade planets.



Ok, I've made that a little easier to read, a little grammar goes a long way.


Some of what you've got is decent. The oversized companies, the extra company, self-sufficient production of war materials, created to fight Chaos, enmity towards the Administratum, Ecclesiarchy and Inquisition, rivalry with other chapters, positive relationship with the Eldar, willingness to withdraw and concern for basic humans. All very workable.


Some things are no good though. Use of vehicles without transport capacity as transports, extra heavy weapons in squads, marines with sniper rifles (unless you're refering to scouts) and plasma weapons that don't overheat. These things can't be represented on the table without cheating. You can say your devastators carry an extra heavy weapon when writing your background, but you can still only take 4 heavy weapons per squad during a game. You could also say that your devastators and assault marines ride to the battlefield in predators and whirlwinds, but once you're actually playing the game they can't do that as those vehicles don't have any transport capabilities. Your plasma weapons will still suffer from the Get's Hot! rule, regardless of your background stating the Eldar taught you how to make more stable plasma technology.

As for those snipers riding in Razorbacks, if they're scouts they can't take razorbacks as an option, if they're marines they can't get sniper rifles, so you'll have to stick to scout snipers without razorbacks when actually playing, but in your background they can ride in whatever they want.


Now, female marines? That's actually impossible because of the process required to make marines what they are, it simply doesn't work for women. That part is the only bit that really needs to be dropped entirely, while the rest can be fixed.


From what I can tell of your chapter composition, instead of maintaining a 10th company made up solely of scouts, they are included as an extra squad in each of the other companies, and the 10th company is either another battle or reserve company. You could also say that rather than the 1st company being the veteran company, your veterans are instead spread over the entire chapter as a matter of course, with one veteran squad per company. This gives you 1000 'normal' marines, 100 veterans and 100 scouts, all split into 10 companies numbering 100/10/10. The 11th company is then essentially the armoury/motorpool, made up of all the chapters vehicles and techmarines, which would then be attached to the other companies as the need arises. These guys are also responsible for maintaining the chapters supply of war materials. That's pretty much a standard part of every marine chapter and doesn't actually require an extra company.


Those things definately mark you out as not being particually codex-adherant, but as you've said you're a Dark Angels successor, so your guys wouldn't care as much about that as they would if they were an Ultramarines successor. They're not even that divergent, the Salamanders, if I remember correctly, only have 7 companies, but with more marines per company. I think the Iron Hands have a different structure again. The Space Wolves have more companies with less marines in each, 12 companies with about 80 marines in each.


Your relationship with the Eldar might bring you under suspicion for heresy and corruption, but that could be somewhat overlooked due to your efforts in improving newly acquired worlds to a certain standard. This would still put you on uneasy terms with the Inquisition and the Ecclesiarchy, which you've included, while the Administratum would see you as stepping into their domain, which they never like, which again you've included. They wouldn't be too happy about you popping their commisar graduates on a regular basis either. These organisations probably made some effort to petition the High Lords of Terra for your chapters dissolution, but they lacked enough evidence of heresy/corruption for action to be taken, especially since the High Lords would be aware of your purpose of hunting Chaos.


From the evidence, despite your chapters intentions, they walk dangerously close to becoming renegades ... much like their parent chapter.

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Hello the reason my devastator squads can ride predators and  assault squads in whirlwinds is because my dad changed some things so  those  vehicles can carry troops, also no squads 11 and 12 are real space marines with sniper rifles and no my tactical  squads are 10 man teams.

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Ah - are these things the models you have? If so, I'd suggest simply not saying that those squads travel in those particular vehicles - how you play your army in games does not necessarily mean how they always have fought all the time against everyone - if you say 'my tactical squads are in Razorbacks' then people will ask why (as we have), but if you just say your troops make use of standard vehicles then the question never arises. Just a thought to make this go a little easier - the more detail you add in, the more detail can cause you problems.


How old are you?

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Given your age I will try to keep this polite.




First off please make an effort to learn proper spelling and grammar. Your posts are barely legible.



blood hounds


Normally Dark Angels successors follow a "Angels of X" naming convention. There's also Disciples and Consecrators in there too. So I'm wondering why they're called Blood Hounds, of all things.



and yes even in mk7 era we still use mk6


I don't understand what you mean. Mk6 was created during the Heresy, and Mk7 was created at the tail end of the Heresy. Both armor marks have been in use for ten thousand years, regardless of any possible difference in performance.



dark angels second founding chapter


2nd Founding Chapters have tended to carry a tremendous stigma in the Liber; writers doing as such tend to be perceived as reaching for something far beyond their station, trying to attain a level of glory and importance only reserved for official GW Chapters.


Nowadays 2nd Founding is regarded as more plausible due to the Codex Grey Knights retcon by the arch heretic that guy Matt Ward, but the stigma remains for many, including myself.



but were very different everyone in are chapter knows what happend on Caliban and all are people know that there are chaos space marines and primarchs




And it's pretty much a given that Space Marines know that their traitor counterparts exist. Otherwise they would be horribly confused when they face them on the battlefield.



and we hate the atmistotom and the inquisition and the iron snakes storm wardens too as well as the sisters of battle


Um, why do you hate all these people? And how has your Chapter continued to survive given that they have so many enemies?



we have girl space marins in are chapter


Female space marines are... a touchy subject in the Liber.


Basically, female space marines don't exist. Gene-seed only works with males. And that is all I will say about that.



we have 12 squads per company the last two are sniper squads and 11 company the last one is are vehicle company that makes all are stuff since the marshons dont we have five heavy weapons in a devastater


Having a divergent Chapter organization is technically not a bad thing, but it should be explained why you deviate from the norm, like historical or cultural reasons.


Dark Angels are not really all that divergent either, just two specialized formations given the particulars of hunting the Fallen. Everything else largely conforms to the Codex.



are tac squad ride in razerbacks devastater squads in pretitors  and assalt in wirlwinds and snipers in razerbacks and command sqauds in vindecaters


Well, Razorbacks are the only vehicles with transport capability, out of all those you named.



we  are freinds with the good eldar and got them to show us how to make plasma guns that do not explode


Most Eldar are perfectly fine with slaughtering a billion humans if it means a handful of their wretched kind will survive. Are you okay with that?



also we are not agaist retreating and have even killed comisars for not letting the unit retreat


How have you managed to get away with fragging commissars? Because you're probably pissing someone off somewhere by doing so.



we are very nice space marine


I'll give you some credit for not using the word "humanitarian," because I'm starting to get sick of seeing that word in every IA I read.


But basically, my perspective is that "nice marines" are something of a massive cliche in the Liber. Heck even my own Chapter, I'll probably have to change that up a bit.


Consider what the average Space Marine is. A Space Marine is, by definition, a hateful, rage-filled, racist, genocidal fascist. Even the nicer ones like Salamanders.


Yes, it is possible to have Space Marines that show more compassion for ordinary humans, but you should probably go into the specifics of why they do, and why and how they came to be that way.



we fought at the battle were the bunch of space marines were attacking the Ecclesiarchy palace agaist the sisters and the reason we do not like Administratum, Ecclesiarchy and Inquisition and sister is becuase their crazy they have people killed becuase they know that  there are chaos space marine


What, and you haven't? How often do you think the average Chapter has to kill innocent people, not because they like doing it, but because there is no other choice?



in fact we killed an entire company of iron snake becuase they were using gaurd as bait so that could blow up some caos marine we had to jump in and save the gaurd and win the battle ourselves


I would advise that you not drag in an official Chapter and drag their name through the dirt in order to elevate your own Chapter by comparison. Especially since that official Chapter belongs to Dan Abnett.


Hope that helps.

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This bit:


everyone in our chapter knows what happened on Caliban and all our people know that there are chaos space marines and primarchs

is actually quite interesting. Presumably the chapter master is not quite as 'in the loop' as all the other DA descendant chapter masters due to this (so even though the whole chapter know as much as him, he doesnt necessarily know any more than a low-level deathwing marine in the DA chapter maybe???)

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In regards to the plasma, did you perhaps mean your chapter befriended the Tau and not the Eldar, since the Tau are the ones who improved on plasma technology.


As to the 5 heavy weapons, if he were using the SW codex, there'd be no problem.

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Eldar plasma technology is also fairly stable, they just don't utilise any direct plasma weaponry, instead using grenades and missiles to deliver their plasma. They likely see it as a crude tool rather than something to be used as a weapon in it's own right, especially when their laser-based weaponry is so superior. Tau plasma technology may be more stable than human plasma technology, but it achieves this at the cost of reduced power (only S6).


To think that a young race like the Tau could be more advanced than an ancient race like the Eldar is a little far-fetched. They might reach an equivalent level, but they wouldn't be better.

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well our founder was at that battle and told the whole chapter 

All of the Dark Angels vowed to never tell any new recruits about what happened when Caliban was destroyed. What would have made your first chapter master break his vow after living with it for years? Given the other Dark Angels and their descendants have already killed other loyalists to keep the secret, how have your guys survived? I cant imagine your chapter not being followed/watched and possibly attacked by the Dark Angels for this. 


Or do you mean that your chapter all know about all the other Chaos marines and traitor primarchs, but not necessarily the Fallen?

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That part is not without precedence, the Disciples of Caliban were allegedly formed specifically to hunt Cypher, and the arguement could be made that the marines have some basic knowledge of their mission, given it's importance. They might not know many of the details, but it's not impossible that they are aware that some Dark Angels turned traitor. Being formed so early, it's possible the first Chapter Master of the Blood Hounds was less stringent about the knowledge imparted to newer recruits, since so many of the founding members would have already known what had happened, seeing as they were present, and he figured at some point someone would probably let it slip to a brother recruited at a later point.


They might put some twist on it, probably leaving out the part about Luther or that there are still traitors alive today, but I can see the knowledge that there was a schism within the ranks of the Dark Angels and a subsequent conflict that tore the planet apart, but that all the traitors were killed. They would of course be forbidden from speaking to outsiders about this, probably even neophytes. They would have to be especially cautious of revealing the fact they know the secret to their parent chapter and other successors, or they'd certainly be wiped out. These guys really have no friends and only their record keeps them from being declared Excommunicate Traitoris, while the fact the other Unforgiven chapters aren't aware of how free they are with "The Big Secret" is the only thing keeping them from being hunted down and slaughtered like ... well, hounds.


Maybe the work they do to lift human worlds to a higher quality of life could be a form of repentence, since they could believe all the Fallen are dead, so instead strive to seek redemption through benevolent acts rather than continuing the hunt. Yes, it's a little far-fetched, but with fluff like Draigo carving his name on Mortarion's heart, I can deal with this claim.

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everyone, I'm new and this is my space marine chapter, the Blood

Hounds. The shoulder colour is just  for second company, and

yes, even in mk7 era we still use mk6. We have an Ultramarine-like

home world and are a Dark Angel's second founding chapter, but we're

very different. Everyone in the chapter knows what happens on

Caliban, and all the people know that there are Chaos space marines

and primarchs.  We hate the Administratum and the Inquisition,

the Iron Snakes and Storm Wardens too, as well as the Sisters of



have girl space marines in our chapter, we also have 12 squads per

company; the last two are sniper squads. We have 11 companies, the

last one is our vehicle company that makes all our stuff, since

the Adeptus Mechanicus don’t supply us. We have five heavy weapons

per devastator squad and we were formed specifically to fight Chaos. 

Our tactical squads ride in razorbacks, devastator squads in

predators, assault squads in whirlwinds and snipers in razorbacks. We

are also friends with the good Eldar and got them to show us how to

make plasma guns that do not explode. We are also not against

retreating and have even killed commissars for not letting their unit



Since your new to all this, its not too bad.

You could do with some explanations as to why you despise the Iron Snakes and so on, detail often helps in DIY's, otherwise it is simply just to unexplained. 


Now we come to the issue of female space marines.

Female space marines are an impossibility in the Games Workshop universe. The gene-seed used in creating a Space Marine requires the DNA sequence of the primarch..therefore it also needs to match that primarch's chromosomes...of which since they were all male (logically the Forgotten and the Purged primarch's should be male) every marine needs XY chromosomes...of which are male only. Sorry to burst the female space marine idea bubble. If you got this idea from the Sisters of Battle, well their not space marines.


And personally I always thought that Tau had more knowledge of Plasma weaponry...but its your choice, im sure the know-it-all eldar are just as adept in plasma weaponry.

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  • 1 month later...

That part is not without precedence, the Disciples of Caliban were allegedly formed specifically to hunt Cypher, and the arguement could be made that the marines have some basic knowledge of their mission, given it's importance. They might not know many of the details, but it's not impossible that they are aware that some Dark Angels turned traitor. Being formed so early, it's possible the first Chapter Master of the Blood Hounds was less stringent about the knowledge imparted to newer recruits, since so many of the founding members would have already known what had happened, seeing as they were present, and he figured at some point someone would probably let it slip to a brother recruited at a later point.


They might put some twist on it, probably leaving out the part about Luther or that there are still traitors alive today, but I can see the knowledge that there was a schism within the ranks of the Dark Angels and a subsequent conflict that tore the planet apart, but that all the traitors were killed. They would of course be forbidden from speaking to outsiders about this, probably even neophytes. They would have to be especially cautious of revealing the fact they know the secret to their parent chapter and other successors, or they'd certainly be wiped out. These guys really have no friends and only their record keeps them from being declared Excommunicate Traitoris, while the fact the other Unforgiven chapters aren't aware of how free they are with "The Big Secret" is the only thing keeping them from being hunted down and slaughtered like ... well, hounds.


Maybe the work they do to lift human worlds to a higher quality of life could be a form of repentence, since they could believe all the Fallen are dead, so instead strive to seek redemption through benevolent acts rather than continuing the hunt. Yes, it's a little far-fetched, but with fluff like Draigo carving his name on Mortarion's heart, I can deal with this claim.

Well actually,  the reason we lift human worlds to a higher level is because we think the whole empire is screwed up so we are trying to fix it. I mean our whole chapter  thinks the emperor made too many mistakes as an emperor as it is the only thing keeping us from going out on our own is the fact that we have to protect the rest of humanity.

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  • 2 months later...

Just one question:


Why is there a pink stripe on the helmet?  It stands out, and I can't for the life of me see how it ties in with the rest of the paint scheme.

First it's red.  Second red  goes well with black. And  third I mostly copied their scheme  from 1st edition dark angels. Since we're  a dark angels unforgiven successor chapter. 

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  • 2 months later...

That's a big old block of text.

Have you considered putting a few paragraphs in to break it up?

With regards to helping you develop the content, I'm going to give you a link to the Liber Astartes DIY guide.

It's a long read, but absolutely worth it.


There's plenty of good advice in there, worded far more eloquently than I myself could repeat right now.turned.gif

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That's a big old block of text.

Have you considered putting a few paragraphs in to break it up?

With regards to helping you develop the content, I'm going to give you a link to the Liber Astartes DIY guide.

It's a long read, but absolutely worth it.


There's plenty of good advice in there, worded far more eloquently than I myself could repeat right now.turned.gif

I kinda did all that but ill try to break it up.smile.png

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