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The Pestilent Angels - New Army Project

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The Pestilent Angels


The renegade chapter that has so recently been scouring the worlds of the Pacificus sector began their existence as the noble Crimson Wings. Born from the lineage of Sanguinius, they were granted some measure of his nobility, and were said to be amongst the most gentile and approachable of the Adeptus Astartes.


Their battle record was one of glory and of victory. On the battlefield they proved that they had been granted more than the nobility of Sanguinius, but his fury too. Even those brothers not inducted into the chapter’s Death Company fought with a zeal that bordered on frenzy: their assaults were enough to drive their opponents before them and they were shock troops almost without parallel.


Yet despite this tendency towards blood-crazed butchery, the Crimson Wings were careful to shield their allies from their fury. Unlike their brother chapters, they were determined that their legacy would be one of nobility and of honour.


This reputation was well-earned until the situation of Alpraxi IV. While investigating a Necrontyr outpost, a squad of battle-brothers were exposed to an as yet unknown form of radiation. At first, the apothecaries believed that the radiation had somehow triggered an onset of the Black Rage, but the reality was far worse.


Each brother had indeed been afflicted with the physical aspects of the Black Rage, but the radiation had also created tumours within their bodies: virulent and incessant. No drug, no treatment would prevent the spread of the tumours throughout the bodies. Each brother perished in agony and torment.


Had it ended there, the Crimson Wings may well have been spared damnation, but it was not to be. All precautions had been taken to observe disease control protocols, but defying all logic, the sickness began to spread. First the apothecaries and their staff, then the battle brothers, through them their sergeants and commanders, and soon the entire chapter was dying.

The Crimson Wings tried to die with honour, and sought an end tearing the throats from the emperor’s enemies. Their noble veneer began to fall away, and the chapter became harsher and less forgiving in its dealings with other imperial forces. Most notably, they opened fire on three Dark Angels battle barges when they refused to give a reason for breaking off a joint campaign.

Chapter Master Altro grew embittered at his chapter’s fate. The Crimson Wings had conducted themselves with nothing but decency and honour, and now they wee doomed and beset by traitors. He wanted a way out: a way in which he could save his chapter from the abyss that stood only a few steps away. He prayed for it.


And that prayer was answered: not by the emperor, but by another God whose influence was more palpable and real than the machinations of the emperor. Altro was beset by a vision in which Grandfather Nurgle swore to grant them a means to cure their plague and restore their noble aspect. There was to be no charge for this gift: it was a boon bestowed upon a valued child. Altro found himself unable to answer, and when he was returned from his vision, he could hea the still booming voice of the grandfather.


Nurgle told a half-truth. The Crimson Wings were momentarily restored to their previous selves, but at a terrible cost. Brother-apothecary Maxin created a device, claiming that he did not know how, that the secrets to its design were whispered to him. This device, shaped like a metal beetle, and around the size of an Astartes hand, would seek out human blood for the Crimson Wings. When a subject was identified, their blood could be extracted by the device. Blood that could be used to purify their own, and stave off the pain of the disease.


The reputation of Crimson Wings protected them for a time, and they limited the creatures to seeking out blood of their enemies. But there was little to be had. Those who survived the onslaught of the Crimson Wings were almost always incompatible. And the death toll from the disease grew. Altro grew weaker.


The incident that cemented their status as renegade was the massacre of an entire imperial guard regiment by the forces of the Crimson Wings. The relief from the pain that the blood granted was palpable, and shattered whatever old on decency the chapter had left. Turning from the emperor’s light, they began a genocidal campaign across several star systems. Growing stronger on the blood of imperial subjects, the chapter renamed itself in honour of their new patron, and began a campaign of terror.


Altro now commands an army of hardened and bitter warriors. Each one has committed thousands of murders to maintain his own life. They spread disease and death wherever they walk.




*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *            *




What do you think guys? I was sort of inspired to do this by someone who began a Blood Angels army based around the Dornian Heresy. There was a superb introduction to the army, which is where the beetle-devices come from. I make no claim to having invented them, and would credit the creator if I could rememeber the first thing about him :)


In fact, if the author is reading  then please get in touch, and I’ll credit you. I’ve tried not to steal your idea verbatim, but it is rather a good one. I’d love to be able to use that passage as the introduction of my own army with your permission.


I was thinking about using the new Black Legion Rules to represent these guys. A couple of Nurgle marked units (although I’d try to avoid anything Daemon-y) and quite a few cultists. Leader would be a corrupted Sang guard (Chaos Lord I suppose), with maybe a dark apostle/corrupted librarian to boot.


So, with me finally getting to the point of this: anyone got any ideas/advice about what sort of an army to build? I’d like it to be reasonably competitive, but capable of telling the story at the same time. Win, lose, or draw, I like a good story :)


Hope this hasn’t put too many of you to sleep :D

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  • 5 months later...

Well guys: with my Fleshtearers nearing completion, I think it is time to revisit the Pestilent Angels.


I like the idea of a corrupted chapter master still bedecked in the Gold of a Sang Guard, but showing signs of decay. I also like the idea of his guard being blessed with the same boons as Warp Talons.


Does anyone have any advice as to what would work nicely in a Nurgle Army? I'd be interested to hear what you all think of the idea as well.


Also, the Chapter Master is now called Coriolis :) a much better name :)

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First off let me say I love the build up story, I have at times tried to put pen to paper about my warband of the Purge and I end up writing in circles.  I would like to answer some of your questions with a few of my own.


1st - Are you looking to use Plague Marines or MoN Marines?

2nd - How recent is there fall?

3rd - Not so much a question as it is a thought, what if you had a tragic choice so to speak.  With the blood to cure the poison the Pestilent Angels mind degrades to the point of berzerk rage due to the Black Rage and they become mindless killers, however their Noble Appearence is restored.  Without the cure they are able to maintain their Noble Mind set and control over the Black Rage, but their bodies are wracked with constant pain but never finding the release that death holds.  This would allow you to explore various modeling / list building options plus I feel that this ups the Tragedy scale abit, which I believe is the best thing about playing chaos of any flavor.

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Thanks for the comments, I'll try to answer them


1. I shall probably use plague marine rules for them, but I'll convert my own models. A mix of chaos and blood angel parts with maybe a necron scarab thrown in for good measure (they're pretty perfect for the beetle constructs)


2. I'm portraying them as fairly recent in their turn. However, I also want there to be a history between them and the Fleshtearers. Maybe ten years or so? I'm also going to link them up with a purge army sooner or later in a grand alliance :)


3. I'm not sure that would fit with my idea of what they are. The idea I wanted was that they have come to hate the imperium that they bled and died for: the same imperium that expelled them just for doing what was needed to stay alive.


I've sort of modified a quote from Gollum for that :) :


"They cursed us, they named us traitor! They turned us away from all thoughts of mercy and kindness, and cast us into the night


We shall see their dear empire bleed for such a deadly insult..."


- Renegade Chapter Master Coriolis


It's not much, but I think I'm happy with the sentiment :)


Thanks again go your comments. I welcome more if you had any :)

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  • 2 months later...

Well guys, some progress at last:




Coriolanus on the right, and Sanguinary Priest ( now sorcerer) Maxin on the left




The remains of a Plague angel tactical squad. I plan to field them as Plague Marines




Cursed Sanguinary guard, which I shall be fielding as Warp Talons




Cultists. There will probably be another twenty added before the army is complete




Recent intelligence reports have indicated that Coriolis has received reinforments from other renegades, and in particular, the waveband known as 'The Purge'




These fellows will also be painted as Purge Marines (standard chaos marines, with MoN)


I've also managed to find the original piece that inspired me to actually make this army. Once agin, I make no claims of authorship:




Hope you guys like them

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Nurgle worshiping Blood Angels successors basically combines all of my favorite things.


I like the use of Angelus Boltguns on Plague Marines, and Sanguard death masks for Warp Talons is an interesting idea. Really want to see everything painted, though!

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Ladies and gentlemen. I present Chapter Master Coriolis




Seraphicus, Veteran sergeant of the Plague Angel tactical squad




A small detachment:




Seraphicus duels a Dark Angels librarian:




Hope you guys like

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only change I'd make to their backstory is that I'd dispense with the metal beetle thing. I think it's a lot more intense if they discovered that they could hold the tumors at bay by directly drinking the blood of their enemies. We know from the Blood Angels novels that the Blood Angels and their successors know about the old Terran myths of vampires and that they hate and fear the idea that there is any room for comparison between themselves and fictional monsters of Mankind's dark past. If the combination of the curse that afflicted them and Father Nurgle's "cure" led them to becoming even more like these mythical beasts, it would make their degradation all the more complete. Drinking blood from your enemy's neck is much more immediate and real than using a robot beetle to extract it, and you could see how it would drive the chapter to increasing madness.


Additionally, I don't really buy the communicable radiation poisoning. That seems a bit... odd. Radiation doesn't work that way. Do you think you could play with that a little, make it something that makes a little more sense?


Two other points... both of which it might be too late for you to apply:

  1. Given that they are able to get the blood of their enemies to keep the curse at bay, why are so many of your models warped and deformed looking? Wouldn't most battle brothers - except maybe the death company marines, who are screwed up and degraded anyway - look pretty normal?
  2. Why are you using chaos models if part of the point is that the chapter is obsessed with maintaining the appearance of loyalty even as they fall from grace? From what you wrote, it seems like this is a chapter who has just stepped off the precipice and doesn't really realize that it is damned. They're still thinking that they can bargain their way out of this. They can just take a little blood. Just from the bad guys. They can make this work. They're sure of it. If that's the case, why all the chaos-y flare

Otherwise, awesome fluff and great models. I really enjoy the way you use Blood Angels bits but bang them up a little so that the chapter's descent is represented in their wargear!

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The only change I'd make to their backstory is that I'd dispense with the metal beetle thing. I think it's a lot more intense if they discovered that they could hold the tumors at bay by directly drinking the blood of their enemies. We know from the Blood Angels novels that the Blood Angels and their successors know about the old Terran myths of vampires and that they hate and fear the idea that there is any room for comparison between themselves and fictional monsters of Mankind's dark past. If the combination of the curse that afflicted them and Father Nurgle's "cure" led them to becoming even more like these mythical beasts, it would make their degradation all the more complete. Drinking blood from your enemy's neck is much more immediate and real than using a robot beetle to extract it, and you could see how it would drive the chapter to increasing madness.


Additionally, I don't really buy the communicable radiation poisoning. That seems a bit... odd. Radiation doesn't work that way. Do you think you could play with that a little, make it something that makes a little more sense?


Two other points... both of which it might be too late for you to apply:


  • Given that they are able to get the blood of their enemies to keep the curse at bay, why are so many of your models warped and deformed looking? Wouldn't most battle brothers - except maybe the death company marines, who are screwed up and degraded anyway - look pretty normal?
  • Why are you using chaos models if part of the point is that the chapter is obsessed with maintaining the appearance of loyalty even as they fall from grace? From what you wrote, it seems like this is a chapter who has just stepped off the precipice and doesn't really realize that it is damned. They're still thinking that they can bargain their way out of this. They can just take a little blood. Just from the bad guys. They can make this work. They're sure of it. If that's the case, why all the chaos-y flare
Otherwise, awesome fluff and great models. I really enjoy the way you use Blood Angels bits but bang them up a little so that the chapter's descent is represented in their wargear!



I think i will change the radiation thing, sort of realised that it was stupid even as I was writing it :).


It was the idea of the metal beetle demons that made me actually start this army, and I made a special Trip to Warhammer World to grab some scarabs :) so I think that bit will stay :)


I wasn't so much trying to portray them as chaos marines that were trying to maintain the semblance of loyalty, but rather as loyal marines that have said 'well, you're going to damn us no matter what we do, so we're going to make your lives a living hell'. They seek to make their enemies suffer for the crimes against the chapter and have thrown their lot in with the grandfather wholeheartedly so that they live long enough to see it done.


But I agree about the radiation thing :) gonna change that :)

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Oh, he looks neat. Can we get some more angles on him? I'd love to see what he looks like from the side/behind.

Ask and ye shall receive :). Sorry about the pic quality, only got my phone cam at the moment.









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I chose the three drops for a couple of reasons:


1) It was one of the few bits I had left when I got around to the characters


2) I thought that when painted a pallid green they bore a resemblance to the Mark of Nurgle


3) it's pretty easy to freehand of I need to

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