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How to: Vassal Batreps!


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Hi guys,


Hi guys. I usually don't come in here and only really hang out in the DA section, but I took the time to make a tutorial that might help some of you.


I've been making Vassal batreps and have really enjoyed the look of them. Like most people I'm a visual learner and just reading about a batrep really detracts the awesomeness that it should provide. I made a simple Vassal tutorial for anyone interested. I'd like to think that it's a selfless act to spend my time doing this, but in reality it's the exact opposite. I just want to see more batreps. If you make one let me know! Even if you don't play DA I love batreps.



1. First you need Vassal... download it here.






2. Next you need the 40k mod. This is the exact link.






3. Install it. Once done you'll have to load the 40mod.




Go to "OPEN MODULE" .. I know import is highlighted.. that isn't what you want. Ignore all the icons on my desktop. :)


4. Find where you placed the 40k module and open it.






the mod takes awhile to load.. maybe it's packed bad, or maybe my computer sucks.. I dunno.


5. Starting vassal.




Once loaded it will open. Pick OFFLINE game. I haven't tried a online one, but this is a Batrep tutorial not a online one :p


You'll pick your board type and select observer as which player you are.


6. Once open you are ready to start.




The tabs along the top are what you'll use. "Map", "Models" and "players" is how you'll lay you board out. To select something on the board you'll need to hold the SHIFT button while you click.




Other shortcut keys are...


CTRL+the arrow keys rotate the model.

CTRL+M removes the little 'M' over the model that pops up if you move it.

CTRL+D deletes a model

CTRL+C copies a model




as you can see here I've placed terrain, models and even firing lines on the board. Now we'll need to export this.


7. While holding down CTRL click the PRT SCR button (Just to the right of F12 on most keyboards). This will copy your screen and place it on the clipboard.


8. Now open MSPaint. Pretty much all computers have this program as it's standard with windows.Open the Start menu (bottom left of your screen) there is a blank box that should say something like "Run" or "search for programs or files" Type in MSpaint and it will open.


Alternatively you could use another pic editor to do this, but MSpaint is easy and common.




9. Once open click CTRL+V to paste your screenshot as you see here. From here use the "select" tool from the toolbar and select the section you want to use. As you can see here I've selected the game board that I made.


CTRL+C copies the part you selected to the clip board.


Now click in the top left of MSpaint. It should look like a little file. (in other versions it might just say 'file').


click "NEW" and then CTRL+V your selected section.




If should look like this. Save this. Remember to use "save as" and make sure it's a JPG file, as they are the most common type of pic. Also remember to name it something that will help you remember the order it belongs in; IE.. turn1DA.jpg



10. Now you need a photo hosting service. There are several out there but I use photobucket. make an account. It's free. Upload your pic.




From here you can make different folders if you want.




In Photobucket they make a handy little button that pre-loads the link to your pic along with that correct headers to display it on the forums. I circled it.


To paste the link just click CTRL+V while typing your forum message.


Now repeat the process 6 - 10 for each turn, changing the position of the units of shooting as you played the battle. While it might seem like a daunting process you'll get good at it and be able to crank out a vassal batrep in 30min or so.


That's it. Hopefully I explained the process well enough. I'd love to see other Vassal reports on here!





I have a few in my sig if you've never seen one.

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Awesome!  I can't do this at work, but now I have something fun to do tomorrow at home!  I have on occaision used hand-drawn maps, which are useful, but with this I can be a bit more professional. 

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