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What other sicaran variants would you like to see


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Since the sicaran is supposed to be the missing link tank between the land raider and the Rhino chassis I was wondering what sort of variants you would like to see forge world produce.


So far we have

Anti light/medium/fast tank


Tank hunter



I would like to see an IFV variant. Lose the sponsons and reduce the turret to a single auto cannon/heavy bolter/ las cannon and gain transport capacity


An anti infantry version with a higher rate of fire main weapon at a lower strength.

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I would like to see something like a a bridgelaying unit or utility mechanicum vehicles.

Battlefield support/supply and cargo with anti personnel and anti air sponsons, but no main weaponry.

Open topped assault vehicles.

Siege-insertion transports, e.g. Breaks through wall, drops hatch and assault)

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Since the sicaran is supposed to be the missing link tank between the land raider and the Rhino chassis I was wondering what sort of variants you would like to see forge world produce.


So far we have

Anti light/medium/fast tank


Tank hunter



I would like to see an IFV variant. Lose the sponsons and reduce the turret to a single auto cannon/heavy bolter/ las cannon and gain transport capacity


An anti infantry version with a higher rate of fire main weapon at a lower strength.


The characteristics of the Sicaran's main gun actually make it pretty good at killing heavy armor, too.  Maybe not superheavy armor, but Land Raiders do have enough to fear from it.


I'm with you on the transport version.  A sort of up-gunned and up-armored Razorback for moving a squad of Veterans + Centurion around the field in speed and safety.  An anti-air version might be cool, as well, but I just don't see it being used as artillery - from what we've seen, artillery pieces in 30/40k are most commonly built on the support vehicle chassis (rhino/chimera).  I'm just not sure what a Sicaran with a WW launcher brings that a normal WW (or WW Scorpius) doesn't already do.  I mean, why waste the production making an armored artillery piece when your artillery should be firing from relative safety anyways?


That in mind, seeing some kind of assault gun variant would be cool.  Something with a demolisher cannon/battle cannon/large blast ordnance in a turret or hull mount (like the Venator) would round out the battle tank/tank destroyer/assault gun trifecta.

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I'd like to see something that deals with hordes. Maybe about six rotator cannons on the main turret and perhaps heavy bolters for sponson weaponry should do it. Basically it'd be the Sicaran Dakka-Bus.

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A bit off-topic, but I'd love to see some variants of the Land Raider Achilles, based around the idea once the Imperial Fists had modified their Land Raiders to allow for the larger weapon, they would disseminate the schematics to the other legions.


This would allow different main weapons in place of the thunderfire cannon (still without transport capacity), and you could have some vehicles almost exclusively used by each Legion, e.g:

*  The Ultramarines could have a precursor to the Terminus Ultra, with sponsoon twin lascannons & a hull mounted laser destroyer array - a dedicated tank hunter - the "Achilles Terminus" maybe?

*  The Dark Angels could have a precursor to the Ares, with a hull mounted demolisher cannon & sponsoon mounted flamestorm cannons? (probably exported to the Iron Warriors)

*  The World Eaters / Blood Angels could have a variant with a hull mounted avenger bolt cannon

*  The Iron Warriors could feature one with a hull mounted Medusa Siege Gun (.....phosphex shells anyone?) and sponsoon lascannons

*  The Iron Hands could have one with a hull mounted Graviton Cannon


Or maybe I just love the idea of converting one of the upcoming MK2b Land Raider Achilles :P

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Volkite Cascade



S6 AP 5 Heavy 6 Deflagrate, Haywire


Range 36"



Or alternate firing mode:


18" draw a line 1" across from the weapon, any model under the beam is hit with a S6 AP5 deflagrate, haywire hit

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Volkite Cascade



S6 AP 5 Heavy 6 Deflagrate, Haywire


Range 36"



Or alternate firing mode:


18" draw a line 1" across from the weapon, any model under the beam is hit with a S6 AP5 deflagrate, haywire hit


Heavy 6 haywire?  Really?  Let's work from the Volkite Carronade on the Glaive.  It has a few distinctions that might be important.


1. Unlike the man portable Volkite weapons, its range is in a multiple of 12 and not of 5.

2. High strength, low AP

3. Heavy Beam

4. Ignores Cover


We've also never seen a Volkite with multiple firing modes.  Looking at the man portable volkites, we can kind of see a doubling of one stat and the stepping of another by one.  IE, the Serpenta to Charger doubles the rate of fire and steps the range by one increment of five.  The Charger to Caliver doubles the range and steps the strength by one.  So we can kind of get a feel of how Volkites scale, and then work from what we know of the only vehicle-mounted Volkite we've ever seen.


48" S8 AP3 Heavy 1, Ignores Cover, Beam, Deflagrate, Haywire


So, a copy of the Glaive's gun, but with the AP stepped by 1 worse, and a Beam special instead of Heavy Beam - we'll call it just the same, but half an inch wide instead of an inch.

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Volkite Cascade

S6 AP 5 Heavy 6 Deflagrate, Haywire

Range 36"

Or alternate firing mode:

18" draw a line 1" across from the weapon, any model under the beam is hit with a S6 AP5 deflagrate, haywire hit


Heavy 6 haywire?  Really?  Let's work from the Volkite Carronade on the Glaive.  It has a few distinctions that might be important.


1. Unlike the man portable Volkite weapons, its range is in a multiple of 12 and not of 5.

2. High strength, low AP

3. Heavy Beam

4. Ignores Cover


We've also never seen a Volkite with multiple firing modes.  Looking at the man portable volkites, we can kind of see a doubling of one stat and the stepping of another by one.  IE, the Serpenta to Charger doubles the rate of fire and steps the range by one increment of five.  The Charger to Caliver doubles the range and steps the strength by one.  So we can kind of get a feel of how Volkites scale, and then work from what we know of the only vehicle-mounted Volkite we've ever seen.


48" S8 AP3 Heavy 1, Ignores Cover, Beam, Deflagrate, Haywire


So, a copy of the Glaive's gun, but with the AP stepped by 1 worse, and a Beam special instead of Heavy Beam - we'll call it just the same, but half an inch wide instead of an inch.


I agree with you and I was just shooting some numbers out, but don't you feel S8 AP3 might be too overpowered for it? Plus ignoring cover might put it into the territory of jerk player.


However vehicles are easier to destroy in this edition, but I wouldn't change the beam size as it is difficult already to mess with, there's no official template for it.


I believe the FW team did a 1" beam because it's about the width of a tape measure, which makes sense for ease of calculating hits.



I was thinking S7 too but I feel that begins to step on the toes of the auto cannon especially the upgraded one the sicaran has. Very few will take it if the cascade is that much better.



I say still stay in S6 and AP3 possibly, culverin is +2 shots and longer range by 15". I'm saying it's the sawed off shotgun version of the carronade.




The strength of the carronade, but the range and fire rate of the culverin. Somewhere in between

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The big issue with your initial idea was heavy 6 + haywire.  Throw a prescience cast or cognis signum buff on that tank, and you will kill a Spartan in one round of shooting - even through a Flare Shield.  Not a matter of luck, of getting a six on your pen and then a six on the table.  2+ to remove a hull point and six shots.  Talk about overpowered.


S8 AP3 seems fine to me - we've already got battle cannons throwing that around, it's not unexpected out of the main cannon of a tank.  I think the reduction of the beam width is appropriate, just as superheavies use larger blast templates than normal tanks, this hypothetical Volkite Cascade weapon would have a smaller area of effect than its superheavy variant.  This gives the weapon real punch vs marines and doesn't step on the toes of the autocannon variant, nor does it overly threaten Terminators.  No worries about it being used like JotWW to pick out sergeants or apothecaries or anything, the Heavy Beam rules specify that casualties are removed like normal and not from directly under the beam first.  If anything, I might tone down the effect vs superheavies - maybe make it a flat two hits (or 1d3) against a superheavy and the beam ends.  Stripping 2-4 hull points from a superheavy like the Glaive does is probably a little too effective.


I don't think the Ignores Cover is that bad - against vehicles, you're only ever getting one hit, and getting that negated through covers saves would really hurt the damage output.  We're talking about a gun with a very stable damage output.  None of the randomness of rolling to hit, 2/3 chance of just stripping a hull point, 1/6 chance of nothing, 1/6 chance you get a roll on the table.  There's also no distinguishing between light and heavy armor (where the standard Sicaran will absolutely tear up light armor while still being effective against heavier armor), it's just a stable baseline damage output, that you can only increase through getting good positioning and hitting multiple vehicles with the same beam.  And against infantry, I think a lot of the same reasoning applies, along with the logical thought of 'the beam will just punch through cover, so there is no hiding from it.'  If it will punch through a Land Raider and hit a Rhino on the other side, why won't it punch through a waist-high wall?


The specific stats aside, I think we've already got a variation that brings a lot of shots (the standard Sicaran).  A variant that brought a Volkite beam would be something new and exciting.

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A variant that brought a Volkite beam would be something new and exciting.


Yes. A Volkite beam weapon on the turret and Volkite Culverins on the sponsons. The more Volkites the better. 


Volkite Cascade



S6 AP 5 Heavy 6 Deflagrate, Haywire


Range 36"



Or alternate firing mode:


18" draw a line 1" across from the weapon, any model under the beam is hit with a S6 AP5 deflagrate, haywire hit


Not a bad idea, depthcharge (although kitwulfen's take on the matter does warrant refining the idea). As you said later - a sawn-off Carronade, basically. So it could be called... the Sicaran Cascade (good name M2C). 

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