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The Thiasus - Hitting a purple patch!


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Hello all,


What a fantastic and inspiring place this is! Ive spent most available hours, at home and work, browsing through the awesome eye candy and informative discussions which flourish here. Love it!


But I digress. Many a year ago I began collecting Space Wolves (2nd edition, early-mid '90s), gave up when I hit puberty and discovered girls and drink, and eventually (inevitably!) was drawn back and immersed back in the grimdark of 40k. Having dusted off, stripped and begun repainting my SW, I have been tempted into the warm, embracing bosom of Slaanesh and the Emperor's Children (I was sold on the idea of Noise Marines!).


Having spent many months procuring a vast hoard of EC, Slaaneshi and assorted Chaos models, I am now at the point of somehow building it all into some sort of coherent force, and doing it justice with brush and knife. Despite having devoured all info I could find on the EC, I am still a little tentative as to what my next moves should be in order to make the most of my white lead and plastic harvest. While my skills with the brush are adequate, they were not really pushed by the demands made on me by the SW, and my customising, kitbashing and greenstuffing abilities are non-existent, having never had the need to do so before. The nature of the EC and Slaanesh demands a great deal of creativity, skill and imagination, and judging from what I have seen within these forum walls, it is here in abundance.


And so I beseech thee, fellow neophytes and acolytes of Slaanesh, to give me succour and aid my soul modelling skills!


Right, enough waffle; lets get down to business. My intention for this army is to centre the models around music/noise, and so I have focussed a lot of attention on acquiring Noise Marines (i must also mention at this point that I am not particularly au fait with the current 40k rules, so would also appreciate some pointers with regards unit/army compostion etc.). I am keen on incorporating a lot of different musician items from throughout the Citadel models range (drums, horns etc. - dont know if there is much else tbh!!!).


I am also keen on the notion of the 'terata', mentioned throughout the Angel Exterminatus novel, but havent really given it much thought beyond that. I have some ideas which I would like to share on this 'blog' in the near future, but for now will concentrate on what I can do this minute. I must also mention I am very impressed and inspired by "Kuyash'Slaa's" models - i think he has really hit a rich vein of quintessential EC/Slaaneshiness, and would maybe like to lead things that way too.


For now however, my main concern is the colour scheme. I cant say I am a fan of pink CSMs, and so will stick with the classic purple pre-Heresy EC scheme, although may adapt it slightly. I am going to follow this chap's colour suggestion for the purple, but would like to know where people find those Space Marine templates which they colour in with their own armour schemes. I have heard it is in DoW? That true? A point in the right direction would be great.


Now the bit you have been waiting for: my collection (or some of it at least)!








(L to R):

  • Dechala the Denied - model is a bit crap so this will be carved up somehow
  • Azazel - potentially use this as a DP but I dont like the head, so will likely bit amalgamated into something
  • KoS - fantastic model. This will be kept as it is (ram's head, of course), but could be potentially used as a count-as DP



(L to R):

  • Fabius Bile - leave as is. he looks pretty decent in the 6th ed so will probably use him quite often
  • Lucius - model is pretty cool; havent looked at the stats but ive read in places he isnt that good except as a HQ assassin(?)
  • Chaos lord (terminator, the old metal one) - i  like the model but he isnt very Slaaneshi, so im not sure what to do with him. may use the spare arms on some other termis. or magnetize them
  • Chaos lord (power armour) - same as above. like the model but not sure if he fits
  • Slaanesh lord on serpent (not pictured) - from WFB; bought it to use for conversions. potentially to go with...
  • Chaos lord (terminator, new plastic one - not pictured) - i would use this as a sorceror with the above model. if they work together that is!




  • 10x terminators - the old metal variety. cool models, but, as im sure the familiar lament goes amongst you, does not appeal to the EC connoisseur. I am going try to add some Slaanesh flavours to them via different heads, markings, banners etc. but am not sure there is too much that can be done. Suggestions are welcome


  • 6x Possessed - cool minis. will probably leave them as they are. might try and squeeze in a daemonette claw or two if possible
  • 6x DV Chosen - superb sculpts these. I love them and will probably paint them as they are, although if anyone has seen these Slaaneshed to the nines, I would like to see it!





  • 10-20 noise marines!!! - I went a bit overboard with these (nothing wrong with a bit of excess though, eh?), but have a very nice collection. I think I will have two squads: the acolytes - 10 of the old metal ones (including NM champ and 3 unreleased models), and the neophytes - 10 plastic CSMs (not pictured; not built!) kitted out in full NM regalia (heads, torsos, weapons, another NM champ etc.). I would like to procure some Kakophoni in the future too, simply because they look wicked!! I think the general rule is one blastmaster per 10 NMs, so there is no problem there, but please correct me if I am wrong (more BMs the better!).


  • 10x standard CSMs (with DV lord) - these are decked out with the standard weapons and plastic bodies, but with some EC shoulder pads and some extras to make them stand out.


  • 10x close combat CSMs - I bought a load of models off of Ebay and the seller had made up a squad comprised of nothing but chain swords, lightning claws and bolt pistols from a variety of kits (they look good!). However, the dilemma here is that they dont really fit in with the EC manifesto, do they?. I would like to know what the verdict would be in playing these as count-as beserkers, but under an EC banner. Is this possible?
  • 20x DV cultists (not pictured) - the models are pretty cool, but i think they require some perverting in one way or another to make them fit in.
  • 10x Daemonettes (not pictured) - although these dont really count, I have them and will use them for spares etc. As mentioned, Im keen on the theme musical "instruments" so will make good use of the lizard-horn-thing that comes with this kit (also the Seeker one too)


Fast Attack:



  • 10x Raptors - old metal ones bought of Ebay before the new plastic ones came out, but i think they look badass anyway. I will investigate swapping some chain swords for claws, and maybe some alterations to the jetpacks (wings? too cliched?) and feet (tentacles?).



  • 5x Havocs - Had to be had, really. Stick some EC pads and banners on and that will that
  • ForgeWorld Sonic Dreadnaught - The pride of my collection! Love it.
  • Chaos Dreadnaught - the old one with all the trimmings. not sure whether he will make the cut, but could be good for some future perversions
  • Hellbrute - this was "customised" by the seller on Ebay, by sticking a DP arm instead of the meltas. Bit annoying really, so he may go sadly, as I quite like the model
  • 3x Obilterators (metal, not pictured) - still fresh in their packets. Again, not sure what to do with these as they arent particularly becoming to the image of Slaanesh/EC. However, there is potential, although cutting through all that metal to make some mods looks like a pain.
  • 1x Defiler (not pictured) - terrible model, but i have a vision of something quite decadent (if i am able to pull it off!!!). I will post my ideas in the near future but may need some help in accomplishing it
  • 3x Rhino (not pictured) - all with FW doors (although only one has it now). Will stick some Slaaneshi paraphernalia over them
  • 1x Predator - as above
  • 1x Land Raider - as above

All in all, im not really that bothered about points at the moment, although i hope to get a 1000pts or so list ready and painted before summer. I will post the list in the near future. However, I would love to hear what you experienced ECers think, suggestions as to paint schemes, conversions, army structure, themes etc. General pointers are more than welcome and will be greatly received, and any other noise you wish to shout in my general direction.


I will try to post when I can, but I end with a disclaimer: I am slow at painting, using old fangled methods and techniques (I am looking into improving), and that is only when I get the opportunity to paint! So please be patient! Also, the pictures will improve - they were simply rushed to get something viewable in here before going to bed (ill also get the rest photo'd if I can)





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You got me interested.

Recently I'm looking into the forum of Excess more and more. It worries and excites me in equal parts.

No, no. Must remain a loyal servant of the Emperor.


Very much looking forward to seeing what you do, particularly with the WHFB Slaanesh lord on serpent -I love the look of that model- and Dechala.

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Simple rule when doing Slaanesh stuff...there are no limits. No all Slaanesh warbands came from the Emperors Children and even the ones that did are likely to be completely different to others.


Looks like you've got a ton of stuff to work on. I can fully recommended the Kakophoni minis.


Hopefully see some wip stuff from you here soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

About time for a mini photo update, in lieu of all the ETL bizzle going on.


My pledge was for 15 Noise Marines, all of which (minus weapons - didnt take any pics of those) can be witnessed here:




Plus a couple of nice portraits of my current favourites out of the bunch:






Photos are a bit lofi as my camera is on loan; ill get some hi-res ones up soon.


Hopefully ill also get these done in time to get busy on another squad for the comp but RL is taking a real toll on my designs to get stuff built and painted. Not even sure if these will be done in time!!!


Anyway, ill try and get some more updates in the near future.



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Metal minis .... mmmmmm. yes.gif

Im old school GW - grew up on a diet of metal minis and cant break the habit.

Cant browse through Ebay listings without getting all magpie-like over the shiny metal. Something about it just feels "right": the weight, the sharp edges... Plastic and resin are all good (havent had any experience of Finecast) with their detail and ease of cutting etc, but just dont make me go crazy ilke metal does.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Its not!


Ive had some big exams for work this past month, so have had to devote my time to them rather than any painting. Plus the cricket season has started, which also takes up any weekend time (with minis and cricket, the missus is not a happy bunny!)


Nonetheless, evenings should now be a bit more suitable for getting some serious work done now. None of this "Qualification" rubbish! Hopefully ill get my vow completed relatively quickly and fire up a large one before August. Many a mini is waiting in the wings!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright folks?


Some work has been done on my ETL vow. But not much! The looming 1st August deadline is making me sweat a little, but hopefully ill be able to pull it out of the bag.


However, in order to do so, I require a little advice. The pictures below are of the 2nd generation Noise Marine models released circa mid-to-late 90's. Absolutely awesome models. Definitely one of the best, or at least one the best characterised, models GW has released, IMO. Ive slapped on a bit of purple and gold (much tidying up to be done before they are finished), but their heads perplex me.


Are they part of the armour, and therefore remain purple? Or are they some sort of hideously deformed space marine flesh-head, and so require painting as such? I am inclined to go with the latter, but studying the models, I see rivets, cables and tubes running into/through them, which puts a little doubt into my mind. 


What does the community think? I apologise that the pictures dont really do much good in picking out the details (i was in a rush when taking them).







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The heads are part of the armour as far as I remember. But with some organic designs. I'm likely the worst person to give ideas on painting Noise Marines as I just want to go mental with colours and contrasts when I do mine.


What I can say though is you look to Dr doing a more Heresy era scheme and they used white and platinum as spot colours here and there (before othe colours were introduced too) so there's a couple of options for you.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi folks,

Its been just over a year since I first made a post here, so i feel i ought to give an update as to how things are going (which is pretty poor in terms of quantity). Having missed my pledges for both ETL III and the last Call of Chaos, I feel I owe you guys some evidence of my travails! msn-wink.gif

I apologise for the size of these images, as I dont know how to rescale them on the forum to a suitable, non-cache clogging, screen real-estate obliterating scale. If anyone has any suggestions/advice on how best to do this, I would love to hear. Size is not everything in the case of showcasing mini's, as if a picture is too big, it actually spoils the artistic effect achieved through painting at such a small scale. Not to mention show any dodgy paint jobs all too clearly!

Anyway, Noise Marines:




You cant really see it in this picture, but there are quite considerable gaps between the arms and torso of these NMs. This was done using the new/current versions of the Blastmaster and Sonic Blaster. The arm which attached to the weapon would not square up at all, and so in order to get both arms to attach even remotely, it was necessary to have some large gaps and pin them to the torso. This wasnt helped by my naivety in not looking into this prior to painting everything separately! Its a bit late to put any GS in the gaps, so ill just have to live with it. Unless anyone has any suggestions?





And now what will be some close combat Noise Marines:










This guy is not part of the CC squad but I like him anyway! The classic Emperors Child



Looking over these at super magnification, I can see there are still plenty of bits that need touching up to finally say they are complete, but after a year of doing marines, Im a bit sick of them so am moving on to some vehicles, dreads, HQs, and daemons! Hopefully ill be a bit quicker on them this time, but will also endeavour to give you some WIP snaps for feedback and morale.

Im all ears (or eyes?) for comments, criticism, praise and put-downs. Your suggestions on improvements will be well received and contemplated.


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Looks Excellent! thumbsup.gif

I'm personally amazed at how well the snake rider lord looks as the on-foot champion of the close combat unit. What are you doing with the snake?

Also, where are those chain-wrapped arms with the plasma pistols from?

Thanks for the positive comments!

He's not actually the rider lord, but the WFB Slaanesh champion/lord on foot. I have done another kitbash using the rider but the waist has come out a bit waspish, and doesnt quite sit right with some CSM legs and bum. Ill put a pic up to show you.

Not sure what im gonna do with the snake though; ill try making it into some champion or daemon or herald when the time comes.

As for the plasma pistols, they are from the Emperor's Children champion/HQ (first of the portrait shots of the Noise Marines). As is the power sword on the CC Noise Marine sporting the top-knot.

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  • 1 month later...



Having got sick of painting space marines, i focused my attentions on some mech for a nice change. My intention was to get everything mag'd up for ease of flexibility when drawing up battle lists, and also 'cause i cant afford to fork out on a new model of something just to have a bit of variation!


Again, does anyone have any suggestions on how to make the images posted here any smaller, without making the images themselves smaller (i.e. click on the pic to make it bigger)? Im posting direct links from Photobucket into the image link script in the forums.








Lots of toys for the dread! Just need an auto-cannon to complete the set.


Not owning an airbrush, and not being particularly thrilled with the prospect of base painting a number of rhinos, preds and a dread by hand from scratch, I invested in some Army Painter Alien Purple spray. This is a bit of a gamble, as my colour scheme is a dark, rich purple, using Naggaroth Night as the base and building up from scratch, but im quite please with the result. Its not as light as I thought looking at the can, but its gonna need a good few washes of Leviathan Purple and some Naggaroth Night applied to the recesses. The one criticism, although it is probably user error more than anything, is that the paint is a touch on the thick side in places. Not devastatingly so, but i would have preferred it thinner.

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Wow! Impressive update!
The only way I know to fix your image problem is to use the sites own gallery and linking to images through some of the options there, though someone more tech-savant might have a good tip for you.

The images are showing up fine for me though, both on the PC and my phone.


All those dreadnought arms, it'll make it easy to just add a new body for your next addition to the army. :) Mind if I steal the Slaanesh shield arm into banner from an earlier update? It was exactly what I've been looking for.

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