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Thanks to you all people. It's humbling to get so many positive comments and constructive feedback.

Always been a fan of the 8th legion, and I have to say these are the finest I've ever had the pleasure of viewing. That last titan was simply phenomenal.

Googly moogly that is impressive. In a horrifying way. Which means you've rather nailed the Night Lords.

That is just freaking beautiful...in the 1980's slasher film kind of way. Dude you nailed it.

That is... very good. The end result is as great as expected, a true centerpiece for your army.

The Warhound is real a beast. Simply amazing.

Thank you, Snickers, Sanguinity, Cull, MrBear and Barabbas!! I agree the 8th are a brutal lot, so the trophies are mandatory! thumbsup.gif After the ETL I'll try a shot with my entire army... Thanks amtes, for your feedback and support.

Darn, you saw through my ruse...circles withing circles: make the promise of a model, forcing you to fail your ETL vow! Seriously, I'll write you a PM when the package is out, but it'll be THE THIRD time I'm going to the post: I missed the office by minutes once, another time I was actually lifted the envelope (yes: somebody stole an evelope with several OOP terminators I was sending you)...

Boy is that titan cursed! Congrats on a great model!

Thanks TanHausen, yeah man, the Titan IS cursed. That's what you get from meddling with the forces of Chaos. Your bad luck is final proof that the DAs are all heretics. msn-wink.gif I'm looking forward to the model! OOP you say...?

I'll readily admit that I am normally not all that interested in Titan models, but I still recognise this as an amazing piece of work! You've really gone above and beyond in the attempt to tie this model together visually with the rest of your Night Lords, and the effort was very well spent. A stunning piece of work!

Oh, and the knowledge that I did my small part in naming this beast certainly beats the 1,500 Internets by way of reward, but I appreciate the sentiment, of course msn-wink.gif

There's one teeny tiny bit of criticism, though: While I am not at all bothered about the airbrushed OSL (since it looks rad and I can also totally get behind your explanation about being a lazy painter), I think the one area where it doesn't work all that well is the eye on the ...erm crotch plate: Maybe it's the fact that it seems to lack depth, but that's the one area that seems unfinished in an otherwise stunning paintjob.

Anyway, amazing work! The Cataphractii are not nearly spiky enough, though msn-wink.gif

Well Kraut, the 1500 internets are well deserved. You can spend them on likes, comments, and troll-removal teams. Very handy. msn-wink.gif
About the OSL - Forte and my friend Ruben (who is yet to become a Frater) said something similar about the eye and I have to say I tend to agree. You make a strong point abou the depth. I will return to it after the etl and try to replace the eye with a true Night Lords symbol. Thanks (also to Forte and Ruben)!

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Night Lords Raptors and vanilla Jump Pack Lord with Chain Glaive (Axe).


21st Claw, the Carrion Raptors, led by Terran Born Aric Halborth. The Carrion Raptors were originally part of 11th Company. Their former sergeant was killed by 11th company's commander Artebius in an honour duel however, after which Halborth led the claw off ship in order to avoid vindictive repercussions by Artebius' bodyguard. He took a transport ship and entered a nearby warp storm that bled into realspace, planning to join another company to safeguard his brothers. The ship translated into realspace a month later, only to find that more than a millenium had past, in which the Horus Heresy took place. Halborth contacted a nearby imperial outpost using standard VIII Legion identifier markers, only to find their ship to be hunted down by PDF fighters. The claw managed to crashland their transport unto the outpost, after which they proceeded to hunt and kill all Imperial personnel. The outpost turned out to be a small refueling station servicing the Ardillian trade route. The Carrion Raptors then used this outpost to lure an armed escort ship to them, which they took over. Using this ship, the Vindicat Argentum, to reap and pillage the sector - which finally led them to be noticed by Tol Zhaqael's attention. The contemptor made them an offer and they have been reaping ever since under the umbrella of 47th company's armada. Halborth has formed an unstable alliance with Qas Thoval, the sorcerer who functions as Zhaqael's emmisary. Their bond is a worry to both Zhaqael as to Kalethec, especially since the strange arrival of a XV Legion ship...



Six Raptors (2 special weapons), Champion with Chainglaive and Lord with Chainglaive

The special weapons are magnetized.

Aspiring Champion and Lord

The rest

Feedback most welcome!

Only the last 14 cultist left and my Vow is DONE! Tomorrow...

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Ah, been looking forward to seeing these painted!


I love the raptor models and you've done a great job kitbashing and posing them. The bases are really nice, a refreshing change from the standard plastic ones.Your sword and pistol poses are ace, and I'm a huge fan of that jump lord. The paintjob really ties everything together nicely and brings out the extra character in those helmets. Nice glow on the plasma guns, too.

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Allright, and here's the last unit from my ETL3 vow - which is now complete!

The cultists might need some clarification. They're 14 models, but two models are on one base -which doens't make for a 'proper' playable model in the current 40k rules. I don't care about that, as the rule of cool is leading IMO. The other thing is the fact that there's also a flamer in the unit. I wanted maximum flexibility for this unit. I didn't pay/earn the ETL points for the flamer so I hope this isn't a problem.

Compelte unit


Gruppe 1


Gruppe 2


C&C as always welcome! Pos and cons, as long as you're constructive laugh.png

Ah, been looking forward to seeing these painted!

I love the raptor models and you've done a great job kitbashing and posing them. The bases are really nice, a refreshing change from the standard plastic ones.Your sword and pistol poses are ace, and I'm a huge fan of that jump lord. The paintjob really ties everything together nicely and brings out the extra character in those helmets. Nice glow on the plasma guns, too.

Thanks Ghost! I'm always glad to hear your ultra positive feedback. It's like you're putting down reviews in a magazine sometimes! thumbsup.gif

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Finished my second vow. Took me exactly twelve hours. biggrin.png

Typhus. And yes. He's blue. That's because he needs to fit in with my Night Lords Plague Marines. thumbsup.gif




Terminator Lord with Lightning Claw and Power Fist (I've always meant to do this model, who is the standard lord in my two-years-in-the-running-and-unbeaten 1000 points list).



Feedback most welcome!

Hey zeus you know how to pump out schemxy models!

Cheers mate!

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Hey! That is a lot of beautiful models Augustus, I'm quite envious of your ability to paint things in such a good tempo. You don't happen to have an enslaved warp entity chained in you basement that helps you to manipulate time, and if you do can you lend it to me some time? msn-wink.gif

Everything is really good but I especially like Typhus, you have really made him feel like a corrupted Night Lord. I hadn't thought that he would fit so good in blue. Linking to "that" song is a crime against humanity that is almost to much even for a member of the Eight though...

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Cypher is finished. I decided to paint him in pre-heresy colours as I found that A. More suiting to his fluff, and B. it saved me from having a Dark Angel-coloured model that is not a trophy in my army. Black is so easy and boring to paint. I am now even more convinced the BTs have it easy.


Hey! That is a lot of beautiful models Augustus, I'm quite envious of your ability to paint things in such a good tempo. You don't happen to have an enslaved warp entity chained in you basement that helps you to manipulate time, and if you do can you lend it to me some time? msn-wink.gif

Everything is really good but I especially like Typhus, you have really made him feel like a corrupted Night Lord. I hadn't thought that he would fit so good in blue. Linking to "that" song is a crime against humanity that is almost to much even for a member of the Eight though...

Ha! Thanks mate! Actually I do have something like that in my basement. It just doesn't manipulate time, it just sits there. Chained to the wall. Next to all the others. furious.gif cool.png

I like Typhus too. It's such a beautiful model, really a joy to paint. Especially after those tedious cultists...

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Sorry to double post here... just thought I'd upload my latest model: the classic DV Helbrute.


I know there's been a lot of hate on this model. I don't like the rigidity of the pose either, but what I do admire and appreciated was the incredible level of detail and the perfect fit this model had. It's a testimony to the advances in plastic miniature production of GW in the last few years. And it was a joy to paint.







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I don't like the model ( as I'm not in the 'warped and mutated' camp when it comes to chaos marines) but it's a good paint job (as always smile.png)

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Thanks guys. I agree the back of the model is WAY too fleshy - I too try to stay away from the 'warped and mutated' camp. But I had the model and it was a nice diversion while still making something usable with the rest of my army. thumbsup.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished the Ectofaced Forgefiend and with that finished my fourth ETL3 vow.





Thanks for looking and as always: feedback welcome!

Thousand Sons are awesome! biggrin.png

Thanks Nezulius! I'm planning on adding eight more to make two squads of nine each, plus Ahriman for a nice 10K contingent. thumbsup.gif

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Looking smashing! Your ability to paint quick and well strikes again. I've painted 10 marines these last couple of months and you have managed to do I don't know how much... I bow before you msn-wink.gif

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Finished the two DV characters. I changed around their backpacks and gave the Dark Apostle a Night Lords MKII shoulder pad. The models where a blast to paint, although I will take more time with more 'valuable' models -read: more fluffy to my Company and more likely to actually make it on the gaming table. And Abaddon. This also explains why there's absolutely no fluff for these guys - not even a name. I have a vague story about these two guys being in the same gang on Nostramo. I'll think it through and write it after the ETL probably - and post it in this thread of course.

So here they are:



Thanks for watching and if you have feedback or comments: most welcome! thanks.gif

Looking smashing! Your ability to paint quick and well strikes again. I've painted 10 marines these last couple of months and you have managed to do I don't know how much... I bow before you msn-wink.gif

Thanks mate! IU really appreciate you revisiting every time I psot an update here. It really keeps me going!
Also: I know I'm painting fast lately. But I've noticed the ETL also kinda puts me into a quantity over quality kind of mode which I'm not sure I approve of myself. Especially the unique models I'm about to paint deserve all the TLC they can get. So slooooooowly from now on...


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Wow, you're absolutely whipping things out at a breakneck speed, and not the smallest drop in quality to be found!

Let's see here, the titan rocks. We need more god machines on the right (read: evil) side. The cultists are suitably hodge-podge and awesome. The raptors make me love that plastic kit all over again, and you've done great 30/40k cross over work with them!

And if it makes you feel better about yourself, Typhus's spilled guts actually made my stomach heave a little... so good job there... I guess tongue.png

Two items if I had to find a tiny thing to nit pick (and this is only b/c your work is phenomenal). I would like to see a little bit more stuff going on the bases. The smaller 25mm ones look just fine, but Bela'kor and the Mauler, for example have pretty big open areas that just scream for something to go in them.

... and that sentence felt weird to type...

But secondly, the OSL on the Fiend is looking good, I think it just needs a tiny bit more definition in the recesses. It whites out just a bit now, but I'm not sure if that's a bit too much camera flash.

Anywho, in conclusion, you're kicking ass. Please continue to do so.

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Wow, you're absolutely whipping things out at a breakneck speed, and not the smallest drop in quality to be found!

Let's see here, the titan rocks. We need more god machines on the right (read: evil) side. The cultists are suitably hodge-podge and awesome. The raptors make me love that plastic kit all over again, and you've done great 30/40k cross over work with them!

And if it makes you feel better about yourself, Typhus's spilled guts actually made my stomach heave a little... so good job there... I guess tongue.png

Two items if I had to find a tiny thing to nit pick (and this is only b/c your work is phenomenal). I would like to see a little bit more stuff going on the bases. The smaller 25mm ones look just fine, but Bela'kor and the Mauler, for example have pretty big open areas that just scream for something to go in them.

... and that sentence felt weird to type...

But secondly, the OSL on the Fiend is looking good, I think it just needs a tiny bit more definition in the recesses. It whites out just a bit now, but I'm not sure if that's a bit too much camera flash.

Anywho, in conclusion, you're kicking ass. Please continue to do so.

Flint! I'm glad you're back - you've been missed! Thanks for all your positive feedback and the constructive feedback. I did rush the fiend a bit as the model didn't quite appael to me as much as the ones I've been working on (I have already painted two maulerfiends and started referring to the forgefiend as 'the cow'), so I'll take another lookk at it after the ETL. Concerning the bases: I absolutely agree. I tried adding some detail on Be'Lakor but as you've spotted it doesn't really work all that well. Do you have any suggestions or sources I can draw some inspiration from? (I have three other monster bases in my fifth vow, so I could use the help biggrin.png

Still hate you Augustus msn-wink.gif

Aww. As I you, Forte! wub.png

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@Augustus - what is your 1000 pt list btw?

ha! You wish ro know my secrets! Well, seeing as this is a very closed off and safe place, I shall divulge them. But only to you.


I actually have two similar lists, which both revolve around overwhelming the foe.



Chaos Lord on bike, MoN, Sigil of Corruption, Power fist (150pts)



10 cultists, 1 flamer (55pts)

10 cultists, 1 heavy stubber (55pts)


Fast attack

5 bikers, MoN, 2 meltaguns (160pts)

Heldrake with baleflamer (170pts)


Heavy support

Maulerfiend (125pts)

Maulerfiend (125pts)

7 Havocs, 4 missile launchers (161pts)


The other list is similar, except nurgle biker lords and bikers, I do a khorne terminator lord with 5 khorne terminators, who deepstriek behind enemy lines. Somtimes the havocs bring autocannons in stead of missile launchers. Against non-sm lists the bikers sometimes get flamers in stead of meltaguns.


The battle plan is this: cultists lay back and grab objectives. Missile launchers destroy heavy infantry or armour. Maulers act as antitank soakers and suppressor units (enemy tries to avoid them, but they move 12" and soak up a lot, so you can use them to push the enemy away from cultists and/or havocs, and into bikers or termies). The bikers shoot and assault most important units/the termies deepstrike in the middle of enemy line, shoot, soak up return fire, then shoot and assault. The heldrake does what we all love it to do.


My friends and I like to play short, small skirmish battles with no bars held. This army has a win-loss rate of 14-3 and is highly feared for obvious reasons. In small armies, the maulers are extremely scary units, as they can soak up a decent enough amount of fire, but in smaller armies, the enemy usuually doesn't have a lot of antitank, and there are two of them!

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