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[Commission] 5 Suns Custom Space Marines Chapter


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Not really. The brief is mesoamerican, but avoid excessive eagle / jaguar (ie Aztec / Incan) references. So the various glyphs reference stuff like that but I avoided overly feathered headdresses etc. There's still a few things in there to give it a sort of tribal feel, but most of the theme is imparted by the tan / red / teal colour combination and the interlocking dags pattern.

Its the fact that it isnt too excessive while at the same time there is just enough for it to be recognized as mesoamerican which I have to give you props for.

I tried to do that with my Minotaurs, giving them that ancient Hellenic look without being too overt about it. Creating balance in things like that is key with chapters that are based off of real world cultures, and you pulled it off .

Well done mate thumbsup.gif

I wanted him to step away from what most other people do when portraying Mesoamerican Chapters with Eagle and Jaguar warriors and try to delve a bit more into their customs that people don't pay as much attention to. That being said, the original Index Astartes I wrote kinda beat you over the head with superficial references and lots of changes for no reason. Once the marines are finished, I'll start rewriting a lot of it to make the changes as subtle as Winterdyne's awesome depiction of the Five Suns.

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So, 3d printing custom parts for conversions. It's handy. Much quicker, more accurate, more repeatably consistent than hand sculpting. Means that I can do stuff like this:




and end up with:




Should make doing some of the work a lot easier. Now I need to figure out the shape of various other plates on the terminators for replacing...

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  • 3 months later...

Few more variant pauldrons, and the first spread of Storm Shields. 





Soon be moving on to some custom weapon pieces. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

WoW! seriously i'm not being sarcastic, but this jobs been going for a while sweat.gif but sooo worth it!!

awesome work winterdyne, as usual...


Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, this project is my (luckily only) bugbear. When it came in, I actually tried to outsource it to another painter who was working with me. That didn't go so well as he was setting up another business at the time, so I ended up with the models back (with some part assembly). As I'd a full schedule myself, I attempted to outsource again, and *that* went belly up, leaving me with a bit more work done, a chunk of payment out, but still with 95% of the work to go, and no free scheduled time.

Thankfully the client is superbly understanding that I still need to make money to pay the bills and in exchange he's getting my best attention when it goes on there - stuff like the decal design, 3d printing (couldn't do that when I started!), conversion / sculpting / part design (there was some conversion budget but I'm going way beyond it) etc. Goes without saying too that my pricing now is a bit higher than when this job was quoted and contracted, so the clients also getting a bargain on the work rate. :-)

But still, there's a way to go.

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