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Justifying 30k tactics


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So I decided I really, really like the tactics and characters of 30k. the Centurions and all the things you can do is freaking awesome to me. I dream of building so many lists and doing a lot of cool things with these guys!


Now with that said, I really don't know what to build. My favorite fluff for any of the chapters belong to the Dark Angels. My current army is even a successor to them! but. but they changed their armor colors right after so it feels strange to play an army consisting of black DA when most of my games would be after the heresy. 


I don't really feel comfortable playing an army thats really mainstream, and I don't like limiting them to one area of time, but I don't know what elde to do!


Maybe make a second founding successor? like fresh out of the codex astartes thing, new chapter, still using legion tactics?



I really don't know...

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Well buddy, don't let anyone tell you you can't paint one of the successor chapters because after all we have people painting theirs in the pre primarch patterns such as the Dusk Raiders and Warhounds.



Your particular company may have different shoulder pads and or colorations as well as iconography :)



I was trying to get away from the mainstream as well and also go back to my first love, the Dark Angels as well.

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Dark Angels are cool to me and this isn't a discussion on who is better. I can see maybe doing a 2nd founding chapter like Angels of Absolution or maybe some chapter else, but for now I'm stuck on it. 


Just, the tactics are the biggest thing I like about 40k, and thinking about doing marine stuff that we can't do now just makes me happy to think of it!

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There are plenty of chapters which diverge from the Codex Astartes.  You need only look at the Black Templar or Space Wolves to see just how divergent some chapters are.  Now, a chapter won't have the resources of a legion.  They likely won't have a motor pool including a dozen Fellblades.  If they're a first or second founding chapter, they might be lucky to have one.  So some Legion toys might remain, but not many.


These two together, the availability of chapter relics and divergence from the codex astartes (which appears more acceptable in chapters founded earlier) mean that you could easily justify a 40k chapter with post-Heresy roots, that uses the crunch from the HH books.  Instead of spreading their special and heavy weapons out among smaller, 10 man tactical squads, they group their bolter-guys into big tactical squads and support them with specialized squads of special and heavy weapons.  Is that really so crazy that you can't just call it a codex-divergence?  Having a few relic contemptors, or sicarans, or predators?  Maybe you mix a few of the plastic GW predators for autocannon/lascannon preds and then have a deimos predator executioner to represent something older.

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Dark Angels are cool to me and this isn't a discussion on who is better. I can see maybe doing a 2nd founding chapter like Angels of Absolution or maybe some chapter else, but for now I'm stuck on it. 


I know; I'm just kidding, sorry.

Honestly, though, I'd say that handwaving them as being time-displaced from the Heresy would be the best bet; that way, you get to play as the actual Heresy-era Legion, rather than a poor man's substitute. Besides, you say you're already doing a Dark Angels successor, so...

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I don't know about anyone else but I am a DA fan and I'm just waiting for the Heresy book with DA in them before I start collecting. That and to win the lottery to afford it or maybe give up a kidney. I know there are generic Legion lists but I really want the DA legion book so I will wait. I've got enough to put together anyway. Anyone have an idea one when the DA legion book comes around? Sorry Tiger hope you don't mind a question of my own involved.



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Consecrators wear the old scheme no? The only difference is the symbol. They even have all the old gear.


So You have 3 options as I see it. 


Black Pre heresy DA with Red DA symbol. 


Black Pre heresy DA with Consecrator symbol - explaining its like a special division or something.  The army then doubles as Consecrators


Green Pre Heresy DA with white DA symbol. - Cypher wears green who knows, why these guys do. Maybe as the HH book says they are caliban chapter and went green early.



IIRC DA adopted the green quite early. Even Cypher is green for some reason. When did DA switch over exactly I cant remember?


Your kinda unlucky because the only loyalists who changed colour are the ones you like.   

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My army's got green shoulder pads O-O wow cool! 


Thanks for the options and ideas too. I like the consecrators well enough but I don't like how "mysterious" they are as I have a hard time justifying fluff that isn't my own. 


I could also do angels of vengence, as those guys do appeal to me a bit.

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