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Following in the Foot Steps of Iron Hands Fanatic

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So I was really inspired by Iron Fanatics work on crafting his own Iron Hands Clan history that I really wanted to attempt it myself, I asked him in his thread how he achieved it and I've dipped my toe into doing it myself and this is what I've come up with. I've altered two or three things, I wanted to add a fanged mace for my own companies emblem but couldn't find a decent one for it, I tried to use this image and played around with altering it but I just made a mess. Also not happy with the number I did on the knee pad but couldn't figure out what font they originally used. Need to figure out cropping to the arm was easy enough but if I want to take things off other images then it's a bit of a problem when they come up with the background.




Edit: Took another shot at the knee instead changing the company number into numerals.



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Nice work, Pixlr is super useful once you get used to it.


Got a few images I thought you might find interesting:

*If you wanted a higher res base, then this finished MK III IF direct from Extermination might be useful:



*In terms of the numbering, this pic is the best for cannon fonts:



*Also, maybe the mace from this pic is closer to what you had in mind?


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Thanks they are useful :) I'm going to keep practicing how to crop and add them, atm I can add something that has the same colour background and meld it in just about but different colour backgrounds are still a pain. As for the mace, I wanted one that looked like the crossed swords on the picture you supplied greaves or the twin axes from the breacher, but it's not a problem.

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