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The Storm Crows Space Marines Chapter
Version 1.1 (New Stuff in Yellow)
Version 1.0 Here
Founding Date: 21st Founding (Cursed Founding)
Progenitor: Possibly Raven Guard, Neither White Scars nor Raven Guard claim the Storm Crows as a Successor Chapter



Like all cursed founding chapters, the Storm Crows were founded to fix problems with their progenitor legion's gene seed. At first, the founding appeared a success, the Storm Crows to this day lack the significant genetic defects of the Raven Guard (if they were indeed their progenitor). The Storm Crows have fully functioning Betcher's Glands and Mucranoids, experience none of the skin coloration defects, and experience a comparatively normal success rate in their recruitment, but like all Cursed Founding chapters, these early gains came at a high cost.

The Storm Crows were seconded to the Storm Lords and their initiates were trained in the aggressive mechanized style of their mentor chapter. Despite many early victories together, the Storm Lords and the Storm Crows parted ways once the Storm Crows had a functioning Company. It is widely believed that the falling out between the Storm Crows and the Storm Lords is due to the Storm Lord's discovery that the Storm Crows are not Sons of the Khan. Still the Storm Lords color scheme is echoed by the Storm Crows own color scheme and the chapter holds the Storm Lords in high regard even if that kinship is not bound in blood.

The Desecration of Andale

Soon after the Storm Crows achieved independent combat strength, the Chapter was asked by the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Lord Ibric Dolan to destroy a chaos cult that had taken over the planet of Andale in the Mourkain Sub-Sector in the Ultima Segmentum. The Storm Crows, eager to prove themselves in the Emperor's light, arrived in force, drop podding onto the planet and conducting a brutally efficient war. The cult's strongholds and hideouts were quickly and systematically destroyed, crushing any threat the cult posed. Despite these victories, the PDF units serving with the Storm Crows began to report what were later called battlefield atrocities by the citizens of Andale. Some going so far as to claim that the Storm Crows were overcome by a need to feast on the flesh of the fallen. The Storm Crows ignored the allegations and quickly found the head of the cult to be the wife of the Planetary Governor, Liliana. She had agreed to follow Slaanesh in return for her stunning appearance, which she used to rise above her birth as an underhiver.

By the time the Governor had heard of the charges leveled against Liliana and burst into her room with a squad of PDF, the Storm Crows had already consumed much of her body. The Governor, furious that his wife was killed without trial and worse despoiled in such a horrific way, attacked the Storm Crows. The Governor and his squad were quickly put down. Unfortunately for the Storm Crows, the Inquisitor Lord arrived shortly after the carnage and post-posthumously found the Governor to be free of Chaos taint. The Storm Crows claimed that the Governor attacked without cause, but once the Inquisitor saw the state of Liliana's body he ordered them to answer for their actions aboard his ship. Worse still, Inquisitor Lord Ibric Dolan's Ordo Hereticus Inquisitorial Teams reported finding hundreds of human corpses on Andale, apparently cannibalized by the Storm Crows.

Despite the evidence arrayed against them, the Storm Crows saw nothing wrong in their actions on Andale, which they viewed as crushing an expansive Slaaneshi cult. The Chapter submitted to full testing with the Adeptus Mechanicus Biologis, who along with the Chapter's Apothecaries, found that all Storm Crows Marines who fought on Andale had an enlarged Omophagea organ. Whereas Storm Crows Marines yet to see combat had normally proportioned organs. Beyond this inexplicable organ growth none of the Inquisitional methods found any trace of warp taint or latent heresy. When the Company Captain who killed the Governor was called in front of the Inquisitor, he testified that the Storm Crows had been so successful in finding the root of the rebellion because of their Emperor given gifts. Without consuming Liliana, the Captain could not be sure that the cult had not penetrated further. In that moment, Inquisitor Lord Ibric Dolan saw in the Storm Crows a perfect tool for fighting the enemy within. The morning after the testimony, the Storm Crows were cleared of all charges and given the nearby, secluded planet of Namira as their homeworld by Inquisitorial Decree. All official records of the Desecration of Andale point to a cannibal Slanneshi cult as committing terrible atrocities and all PDF who served with the Storm Crows were granted the Emperor's Benediction.

After the Chapter established itself on Namira, Inquisitor Lord Ibric Dolan called upon the Storm Crows to cleanse numerous worlds of heresy until his death, increasingly relying on their unique talents throughout his career. His more radical successors continue to request the Storm Crows aid when the enemy intentions, identity, and whereabouts are unclear and in return keep the Storm Crows secret safe from their more puritanical counterparts.


The planet of Namira is a planet wreathed in electro-magnetic disturbance. Non-shielded ships entering the atmosphere have little chance of landing safely on the small islands that make up its surface because the highly charged atmosphere makes navigation impossible. This, and the few natural resources available, means Namira receives almost no outside interference save for the Storm Crows Chapter who claim it as theirs. Thunderheads roll in from Namira's vast oceans to batter the small human settlements, throwing the seas into a fury. The various tribes of Namira raid one another during the lulls between storms taking to the oceans in fast moving sailing fleets. The Storm Crows prefer to not interfere with the Namira Population and have taken an abandoned island as their Fortress-Monastery, Mornhold Keep. These raiders provide the majority of the necessary recruits for the Storm Crows; however, the Chapter has also been known to take recruits from other world's within the sub-sector (including Andale) as is their right.


The Omophagea organ allows all Space Marines to discover part of a person or creature's memories by eating their flesh, but to a Storm Crows Marine the experience is far more intense and addicting. Throughout their lives and especially after their first consumption, a Storm Crow's Omophagea enlarges and grows its nerve network, increasing its brain-stomach connection. As a result all Storm Crows feel the need to consume the dead much in the same way that Blood Angels feel the need to drink blood. In addition to experiencing vivid memories, some veteran Storm Crows can even detect strongly held thoughts and feelings of the recently deceased. This is called “Corpus Prospectus” by the Storm Crows and is seen as a significant battlefield advantage by the Chapter's Leaders. This “Corpus Prospectus” also plays a significant role in the Storm Crows' unique Chapter Beliefs.


The Storm Crows' Chaplains preach that the Storm Crows are blessed by the Emperor. The gift of “Corpus Prospectus” is seen as chief amongst his gifts as it allows the Storm Crows not only a significant battlefield advantage, but also a means to ensure their own purity and loyalty. Due to this belief, lack of a clear Progenitor Primarch, and their close relationship with the Ordo Hereticus; the Storm Crows hold the Emperor as the center of their Chapter Beliefs. However, like most Space Marines, the Storm Crows believe the Emperor is their genetic father who united all mankind, but do not see him as a divine god.

The Chapter's differs from its Brother Chapters in three main rites all of whom are related to the gift of “Corpus Prospectus”. First and most important of these is the “Ritual of Remains.” Chaplains have led the Chapter in this ritual ever since Andale and it has been a core practice ever since. During the Ritual, fallen Storm Crows who are incapable of continuing to serve the chapter as Dreadnoughts are transported aboard the Storm Crows ships in orbit to be ritually eaten by their surviving brothers after the conclusion of the campaign. To outsiders the act is seen as an abomination, but to Storm Crows, it is their last service. A veterans lifetime of experience and knowledge can be shared amongst the brotherhood as well as his deep seated feelings of loyalty and honor. This ritual has bound the chapter together since its founding and as a result the Storm Crows Apothecaries go to great efforts to retrieve a portion of the bodies of their slain brothers even after their gene-seed has been removed.

“You will know my mind, heart, and soul soon enough. Do not judge me too harshly my brothers.” - Last Words of Veteran-Sergeant Victor, 3rd Company 4th Tactical Squad

Despite the battlefield advantage their “Corpus Prospectus” gives them, eating flesh of fallen chaos worshipers carries the huge risk that the taint of the Storm Crows fallen enemies might infect the Brothers themselves. To combat this risk while still providing the Chapter the battlefield advantage the “Corpus Prospectus” gives them, the Storm Crows Chaplains preform the ritual called “The Feast of the Fallen.” Fallen enemy squad leaders remains are purified in fires of holy promethium, while the Chaplain recites hymns of purification and exorcism. Only after the Chaplain declares the flesh free from chaos taint is the enemy fit to consume.

The Storm Crows have learned since Andale that openly consuming the dead is seen as abomination by their allies, therefore the Storm Crows will conduct “The Feast of the Fallen” far from the eyes of their allies. The “Ritual of Remains” occurs after the conclusion of a campaign and is a much more solemn affair. Sergeants are responsible to share any information discovered during the Feast.

In addition to the “Ritual of Remains” the “Feast of the Fallen” the Chaplain might order a Storm Crows Marine to preform the “Sacrament of Sacrifice” which is typically only ordered when two marines are so at odds that it is preventing their squad from functioning correctly or the marine in question is suspected of some grave offense, including eating outside the “Feast of the Fallen.” The marine or marines are then expected to give the chaplain an offering of their own flesh to be consumed by their brothers that they might better find the truth of the conflict or offense. This is only ordered as a last result and is seen as a harsh reminder to the ordered marine of his dereliction of duty. The flesh is consumed in the same manner as in “The Feast of the Fallen” and is seen as marking the Brother as a potential enemy, furthering his shame. If the marine is unwilling to preform the Sacrament when ordered or if his brethren detect any form of corruption, he is intermediately killed lest he contaminate more of his battle brothers.

The Polyphagus

The “Corpus Prospectus” has a dark side known only to the chapter and is held as its deepest secret and shame. To a Storm Crow eating the dead can be so addictive that a temporary uncontrollable madness can set in. These marines find themselves unable to contain their desires and if undiscovered the marine might eat tainted flesh outside the purification offered by “the Feast of the Fallen.” This twists them into a Polyphagus, a marine so infected by the amount of chaos-tainted flesh he has consumed that his very body serves as a conduit directly into the warp itself. The mutations caused by this unshielded warp contact turn the Polyphagus into a hulking monster possessing only an animal intelligence and capable of only killing and eating its victims. Storm Crows hunt the Polyphagi without rest and regardless of cost.


A Polyphagus

Combat Doctrine

Typically the Storm Crows, when conducting planetary operations, will engage planetary defenses from orbit allowing an initial drop pod assault to establish a defensible landing for thunderhawks and storm ravens. Thanks to their early tutelage under the Storm Lords, the Storm Crows prefer a lightning blitz of massed armor to keep the enemy on their heels. After conducting a “Feast of the Fallen,” the Storm Crows press their advantage using their armored breakout towards their next targets. The orbiting strike cruiser disables further enemy fortifications ahead of the armored advance and thunderhawks, storm ravens, and storm talons establish air superiority. It is very common for Storm Crow companies to be bolstered by Ordo Hereticus Inquisitorial forces which commonly fall under tactical command of a Storm Crow Captain. The Storm Crows use these forces to defend and secure gains made by the faster moving Astartes.


Because of the early abandonment by the Storm Lords, the Chapter follows the Codex Astartes organizational guidelines more closely than the White Scars and their successors. The chapter is organized into the Codex ten companies though the commanders of the battle companies often enjoy a larger degree of autonomy than normal, usually only reporting back to the chapter master after a campaign's conclusion. This frees the Chapter Master to intercede in conflicts beyond the scope of a single battle company without hampering the activities of the Chapter as a whole.

Since their duties often require frequent deployments over large areas, the Chapter has rarely been seen to deploy as an entire chapter. As such the Chapter maintains a larger than average fleet of 6 Strike Cruisers, each usually holding the majority of a battle company, but maintains only a singular Battle Barge, Namira's Blessing which usually has the majority of the Veteran 1st and Reserve 6th – 9th companies, the rest being seconded to the various battle companies in support.

Squad markings and heraldry follow Codex guidelines with the exception that Storm Crows often write litanies on their armor in similar fashion to the Black Templars. Also absent are company specific markings as individual squads are often moved to different companies as the tactical situation dictates; this is solely based upon agreement between company commanders, though requests are usually met. Veterans will be marked out a skull device on the right shoulder pad.

The Chapter in its long history of working with the Ordo Hereticus has come to hold psykers as particularly dangerous and has less Librarians than other Space Marine Chapters. Conversely, Storm Crows place a high importance in spiritual matters often having a senior and junior Chaplain assigned to each company to perform the “Ritual of Remains” and “The Feast of the Fallen”.

Chapter Motto

High Gothic: Vide Veritatem
Low Gothic: See the Truth
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You've already made up a Chapter - making up a sector shouldn't be too hard. :P


I am not sure if a Chapter accused of excessive cannibalism in their first war can be said to have overcome the Blood Angel's flaws - it's not entirely the same, but it's similar enough that I imagine many wouldn't care to examine the bits in between.


If the Governor burst into his wife's room with a platoon of PDF - how big is that damn room?! Maybe a squad would be more fitting (and what you may have intended from the following sentence).


Eating a warp-cursed body and being declared free of taint = digestive tracts of steel. I think there could be potential here for some of the said eaters getting a bit warped themselves - shame of the Chapter? The threat within that's a cruel irony of the very enemies they are used to hunt? Who knows.


At first glance I was unsure about the beliefs section but on reflection I actually think it's pretty cool. I like the bit about eating their own. Maybe part of this could be worked into their recruitment/initiation stuff?


Remember that not every Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor will hold the same views - puritans vs radicalists and all that. Chances are a great deal of them still won't like the Chapter (probably puritans in this case), so I'm not sure the Inquisitorial link holds up as a general thing - a few Inquisitors here and there, maybe.

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I feel that the raven guard successors may be unnecessary, they don't seem to have much to do with the raven guard. Also, I feel that a group tasked with absorbing the thoughts and feelings of chaos worshippers would be able to stay without taint so well. However, I really like the premise. For visuals, you may consider making their voxes red.

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You've already made up a Chapter - making up a sector shouldn't be too hard. tongue.png

I am not sure if a Chapter accused of excessive cannibalism in their first war can be said to have overcome the Blood Angel's flaws - it's not entirely the same, but it's similar enough that I imagine many wouldn't care to examine the bits in between.

If the Governor burst into his wife's room with a platoon of PDF - how big is that damn room?! Maybe a squad would be more fitting (and what you may have intended from the following sentence).

Eating a warp-cursed body and being declared free of taint = digestive tracts of steel. I think there could be potential here for some of the said eaters getting a bit warped themselves - shame of the Chapter? The threat within that's a cruel irony of the very enemies they are used to hunt? Who knows.

At first glance I was unsure about the beliefs section but on reflection I actually think it's pretty cool. I like the bit about eating their own. Maybe part of this could be worked into their recruitment/initiation stuff?

Remember that not every Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor will hold the same views - puritans vs radicalists and all that. Chances are a great deal of them still won't like the Chapter (probably puritans in this case), so I'm not sure the Inquisitorial link holds up as a general thing - a few Inquisitors here and there, maybe.

Thank you for your feedback. I am sure I can come up with a sector msn-wink.gif (thinking Ultima Segmentum - Viceroy Sector - Mourkain Subsector). I don't want them to curse free just differently cursed. I did mean for the Governor to break in with a squad not a platoon I will fix it in version 1.1. I am unsure about how to deal with the need to eat in a Strigoi-esque way with the need not to be declared excommunicatus ala Sons of Malice. I felt that having a radical Ordo Hereticus group of Inquisitiors as benefactors would be about the only way. I am unsure about what form the warp tainted flesh contamination should take place, but I like the idea for certain. I need to make better use of the flaw for recruitment for certain. Again thank you for your feedback.

Maybe Warp taint gives them the pukies?

Apart from the cannibalism-fixation and the Inqusitorial ties, they seem pretty generic. I think a stronger visual theme might help, right now they look like any other Raven Guard Successor.

I am still unsatisfied in the look of the Storm Crows. Perhaps more of a mix of Blood Angels and Raven Guard?

I feel that the raven guard successors may be unnecessary, they don't seem to have much to do with the raven guard. Also, I feel that a group tasked with absorbing the thoughts and feelings of chaos worshippers would be able to stay without taint so well. However, I really like the premise. For visuals, you may consider making their voxes red.

I chose Raven Guard because it links with the chapter name. I am not married to them as a progenitor. Like I said I am trying to walk the line between cursed but not tainted. If there is a good way for me to have some of the marines slide to taint, without the chapter being *Blam*ed I am open to it. I think incorporating more red is definately going to happen in 1.1.

What about something like this:


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"Storm Crow" makes me think of the mech, and Gandalf. Both of which are grey, so what about something like...


Dull red on the vox to emulate dried blood. And you'd want to go with a less hideous gold on the aquilla, of course.

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I'm a fan of a lot of what you have going on here, particularly the whole visual of a murder of crows when conducting war, rituals, recruitment, etc.

One idea for their genetic lineage could be White Scars, as they could easily represent a more feudal/barbaric chapter like your Crows. Plus, maybe their seed was designed to try and control the more violent tendencies of the White Scars or one of their existing successors, but it just made them more immune to them, resulting in bloodthirsty consequences. Plus the whole "Storm" motif is already there

Could there be some kind of altercations for their Librarians based on the almost prophetic nature of the Corpus Prospectus? Or with eating the tainted flesh? Might help add some unique touches to your chapter...

If you're looking for a homeworld name still, maybe something involving "Murder" would be appropriate (a murder being the word for a group of crows!) Ideas that come to mind are "Mont Murdera", "Murder's Roost", you get the gist msn-wink.gif

One last note is that I am especially fond of your battlecry. Whereas most IA's tend to have something suitable exclusively for the heat of combat, yours seems equally appropraite as an omen or warning to the curious, definitely adds to the whole dark side of your chapter

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I really like the idea for using White Scars rather than Blood Angels for a progenitor. Since the Storm Crows are a cursed founding, they could be a mix of two first foundings. Mixing Raven Guard and White Scars would balance each other out (the careful strategy and infiltration as a counterpoint to the fast moving raid) but likely result in the chapter being forsaken by their founding legions' chapters, which is perfect (I don't want a 1st Legion junior-wannabe).

I took a whack at subduing the Blood Angels feel and adding a chapter symbol mock up in photoshop. I am playing with the Storm Crows following codex pauldron company colors. Still a bit worried about maintaining the crow color theme without looking like black templars, iron hands, raven guard, etc. I'd like some more C&C before I put out IA version 1.1. Thanks for all the help and encouragement!

Problems I'm wrestling with:

Making the Flaw significant without exposing the Chapter to Excommunicatus

Color Scheme


Brother Castius, 3rd Company 2nd Tactical Squad

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Gene-seed doesn't get mixed, but what you could do is have the Chapter be lied to about their origins.

Raised from White Scars gene-seed, the High Lords (/whomever you want) were ambitious with the creation of the Storm Crows. In an attempt to curb the violent tendencies of the White Scars and their successors, experiments were not only conducted on the gene-seed itself, but the new Chapter was raised/reared/seconded/taught by the Raven Guard, who were told the Storm Crows were of their lineage. While the Raven Guard remain ignorant of the truth, the Storm Crows would go on to discover the true source of their Chapter.


Alternatively, both Chapters could discover the truth at some point, leading to a falling out between them, both feeling deceived and damaging years of brotherhood and honour. Such a revelation could drive the Storm Crows to embrace the Corpus Prospectus, which until then might have just been an odd, rare ritual, but runs closer to the White Scars and their Storm Seers than anything the Raven Guard have. By embracing the Corpus Prospectus, the Storm Crows hope to reconnect with their Primarch, but in so doing, fall deeper into acts of cannibalism and violence, perpetuating the flaw, but keeping it from just becoming the Black Rage, as it retains an element of ritual. (Not that the Black Rage doesn't, but the Corpus Prospectus is a thing they do, whereas the Black Rage is a thing that happens.)

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Some colour schemes for you to consider.


Keeps the dark grey and the light pauldrons, but by going away from parchment pauldrons you add some distinction against the Blood Ravens.


A bit Blood Angels I'll admit, but I don't recall seeing red and black quartered.


The above, but with light pauldrons.

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Some colour schemes for you to consider.


Keeps the dark grey and the light pauldrons, but by going away from parchment pauldrons you add some distinction against the Blood Ravens.


A bit Blood Angels I'll admit, but I don't recall seeing red and black quartered.


The above, but with light pauldrons.

And now my eyes are bleeding. Thanks so much for that.

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You're very welcome, Cep! :D Since that was my goal, and since you liked them so much, I'd be very happy to PM you some more! I'm thinking....hmm, something in chartreuse and pink? Maybe not quartered, though, that's a bit overdone, isn't it? Maybe just alternating all over!

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Index Astartes

The Storm Crows Space Marines Chapter
Version 1.0
Newest Version Found Here!
Founding Date: 21st Founding (Cursed Founding)
Progenitor: Unknown. Possibly Raven Guard or Blood Angels, Imperial Records conflict.



Origins: The Desecration of Andale

Like all cursed founding chapters, the Storm Crows were founded to fix problems with their progenitor legion's gene seed. At first, the founding appeared a success, the Storm Crows to this day lack the significant genetic defects of either the Raven Guard or the Blood Angels (if those were indeed their progenitors), but like all Cursed Founding chapters, these early gains came at a high cost.

Soon after the Storm Crows achieved combat strength, the Chapter was asked by the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Lord Ibric Dolan to destroy a chaos cult that had taken over the planet of Andale in the ZZZ (Looking for an appropriate sub-sector in the Ultima Segmentum) sub-sector. The Storm Crows, eager to prove themselves in the Emperor's light, arrived in force, drop podding onto the planet and conducting a brutally efficient war. The cult's strongholds and hideouts were quickly and systematically destroyed, crushing any threat the cult posed. Despite these victories, the PDF units serving with the Storm Crows began to report what were later called battlefield atrocities by the citizens of Andale. Some going so far as to claim that the Storm Crows were overcome by a need to feast on the flesh of the fallen. The Storm Crows ignored the allegations and quickly found the head of the cult to be the wife of the Planetary Governor, Liliana. She had agreed to follow Slaanesh in return for her stunning appearance, which she used to rise above her birth as an underhiver.

By the time the Governor had heard of the charges leveled against Liliana and burst into her room with a platoon of PDF, the Storm Crows had already consumed much of her body. The Governor, furious that his wife was killed without trial and worse despoiled in such a horrific way, attacked the Storm Crows. The Governor and his squad were quickly put down. Unfortunately for the Storm Crows, the Inquisitor Lord arrived shortly after the carnage and post-posthumously found the Governor to be free of Chaos taint. The Storm Crows claimed that the Governor attacked without cause, but once the Inquisitor saw the state of Liliana's body he ordered them to answer for their actions aboard his ship. Worse still, Inquisitor Lord Ibric Dolan's Ordo Hereticus Inquisitorial Teams reported finding hundreds of human corpses on Andale, apparently cannibalized by the Storm Crows.

Despite the evidence arrayed against them, the Storm Crows saw nothing wrong in their actions on Andale, which they viewed as crushing an expansive Slaaneshi cult. The Chapter submitted to full testing with the Adeptus Mechanicus Biologis, who along with the Chapter's Apothecaries, found that all Storm Crows Marines who fought on Andale had an enlarged Omophagea organ. Whereas Storm Crows Marines yet to see combat had normally proportioned organs. Beyond this inexplicable organ growth none of the Inquisitional methods found any trace of warp taint or latent heresy. When the Company Captain who killed the Governor was called in front of the Inquisitor, he testified that the Storm Crows had been so successful in finding the root of the rebellion because of their Emperor given gifts. Without consuming Liliana, the Captain could not be sure that the cult had not penetrated further. In that moment, Inquisitor Lord Ibric Dolan saw in the Storm Crows a perfect tool for fighting the enemy within. The morning after the testimony, the Storm Crows were cleared of all charges and given the nearby, secluded planet of Namira as their homeworld by Inquisitorial Decree.

After the Chapter established itself on Namira, Inquisitor Lord Ibric Dolan called upon the Storm Crows to cleanse numerous worlds of heresy until his death, increasingly relying on their unique talents throughout his career. His successors continue to ask for their aid when the enemy intentions, identity, and whereabouts are unclear.


The planet of Namira is a planet wreathed in electro-magnetic disturbance. Non-shielded ships entering the atmosphere have little chance of landing safely on the small islands that make up its surface because the highly charged atmosphere makes navigation impossible. This, and the few natural resources available, means Namira receives almost no outside interference save for the Storm Crows Chapter who claim it as theirs. Thunderheads roll in from Namira's vast oceans to batter the small human settlements, throwing the seas into a fury. The various tribes of Namira raid one another during the lulls between storms taking to the oceans in fast moving sailing fleets. The Storm Crows prefer to not interfere with the Namira Population and have taken an abandoned island as their Fortress-Monastery, XXX (Still looking for a good name). These raiders provide the majority of the necessary recruits for the Storm Crows; however, the Chapter has also been known to take recruits from other world's within the sub-sector (including Andale) as is their right.


The Omophagea organ allows all Space Marines to discover part of a person or creature's memories by eating their flesh, but to a Storm Crows Marine the experience is far more intense and addicting. Throughout their lives and especially after their first consumption, a Storm Crow's Omophagea enlarges and grows its nerve network, increasing its brain-stomach connection. As a result all Storm Crows feel the need to consume the dead much in the same way that Blood Angels feel the need to drink blood. In addition to experiencing vivid memories, some veteran Storm Crows can even detect strongly held thoughts and feelings of the recently deceased. This is called “Corpus Prospectus” by the Storm Crows and is seen as a significant battlefield advantage by the Chapter's Leaders. This “Corpus Prospectus” also plays a role in the Storm Crows' unique Chapter Beliefs.


The Storm Crows' Chaplains preach that the Storm Crows are blessed by the Emperor. The gift of “Corpus Prospectus” is seen as chief amongst his gifts as it allows the Storm Crows not only a significant battlefield advantage, but also a means to ensure their own purity and loyalty. Due to this belief, lack of a clear Progenitor Primarch, and their close relationship with the Ordo Hereticus; the Storm Crows hold the Emperor as the center of their Chapter Beliefs. However, like most Space Marines, the Storm Crows believe the Emperor is their genetic father who united all mankind, but do not see him as a divine god.

The Chapter's differs from its Brother Chapters in three main rites all of whom are related to the gift of “Corpus Prospectus”. First and most important of these is the “Ritual of Remains.” Chaplains have led the Chapter in this ritual ever since Andale and it has been a core practice ever since. During the Ritual, fallen Storm Crows who are incapable of continuing to serve the chapter as Dreadnoughts are transported aboard the Storm Crows ships in orbit to be ritually eaten by their surviving brothers after the conclusion of the campaign. To outsiders the act is seen as an abomination, but to Storm Crows, it is their last service. A veterans lifetime of experience and knowledge can be shared amongst the brotherhood as well as his deep seated feelings of loyalty and honor. This ritual has bound the chapter together since its founding and as a result the Storm Crows Apothecaries go to great efforts to retrieve a portion of the bodies of their slain brothers even after their gene-seed has been removed.

“You will know my mind, heart, and soul soon enough. Do not judge me too harshly my brothers.” - Last Words of Veteran-Sergeant Victor, 3rd Company 4th Tactical Squad

Despite the battlefield advantage their “Corpus Prospectus” gives them, the Storm Crows have learned since Andale that openly consuming the dead is seen as abomination, therefore the Storm Crows will consume the enemy dead together as squads in what they call the “Feast of the Fallen” far from the eyes of their allies. The “Ritual of Remains” is conducted outside of these times and is a much more solemn affair. Sergeants are responsible to share any information discovered during the Feast with the rest of the chapter and restrain their brother marines when fighting from eating outside the Feast.

In addition to the “Ritual of Remains” the “Feast of the Fallen” the Chaplain might order a Storm Crows Marine to preform the “Sacrament of Sacrifice” which is typically only ordered when two marines are so at odds that it is preventing their squad from functioning correctly or the marine in question is suspected of some grave offense, including eating outside the “Feast of the Fallen”. The marine or marines are then expected to give the chaplain an offering of their own flesh to be consumed by their brothers that they might better find the truth of the conflict or offense. This is only ordered as a last result and is seen as a harsh reminder to the ordered marine of his dereliction of duty. If the marine is unwilling to preform the Sacrament when ordered or if his brethren detect any form of corruption, he is intermediately killed lest he contaminate more of his battle brothers.

Combat Doctrine

Typically the Storm Crows, when conducting planetary operations, will engage planetary defenses from orbit allowing an initial drop pod assault to establish a defensible landing for thunderhawks and storm ravens. After conducting a “Feast of the Fallen,” the Storm Crows press their advantage using an armored breakout towards their next targets. The strike cruiser disables further enemy fortifications ahead of the armored advance and thunderhawks, storm ravens, and storm talons establish air superiority. It is very common for Storm Crow companies to be bolstered by Ordo Hereticus Inquisitorial forces which are commonly under tactical command of a Storm Crow Captain. The Storm Crows use these forces to defend and secure gains made by the faster moving Astartes.


The Storm Crows follow the dictates of the Codex Astartes generally. Since their duties often require frequent deployments over large areas, the Chapter has rarely been seen to deploy as an entire chapter. As such the Chapter maintains a larger than average fleet of 6 Strike Cruisers, each usually holding the majority of a battle company, but maintains only a singular Battle Barge, Namira's Blessing which usually has the majority of the Veteran 1st and Reserve 6th – 9th companies, the rest being seconded to the various battle companies in support.

Because of the long distances between Storm Crows operations, the commanders of the battle companies often enjoy a large degree of autonomy, usually only reporting back to the chapter master after a campaign's conclusion. This frees the Chapter Master to intercede in conflicts beyond the scope of a single battle company without hampering the activities of the Chapter as a whole.

The Chapter follows the Codex Astartes guidelines for squad markings and heraldry with the exception that Storm Crows often write litanies on their armor in similar fashion to the Black Templars. Also absent are company specific markings as individual squads are often moved to different companies as the tactical situation dictates; this is solely based upon agreement between company commanders though requests are usually met. Sergeants will typically have a off-white helm in contrast to the darker helms of his squad. Veterans will be marked out a skull device on the right shoulder pad.

The Chapter in its long history of working with the Ordo Hereticus has come to hold psykers as particularly dangerous and has less Librarians than other Space Marine Chapters. Conversely, Storm Crows place a high importance in spiritual matters often having a senior and junior Chaplain assigned to each company.

Chapter Motto

High Gothic: Vide Veritatem
Low Gothic: See the Truth

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  • 3 weeks later...
Did I go too far the polyphagus stuff? I am trying to walk a fine line here I know but I am trying to incorporate a major flaw without going too far and becoming renegade/traitor. Do you like the Storm Lord stuff? Should I change it or expand? It reads at about the length of a offical IA, is there anything I should add or take away? Looking for more feedback!
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Close ties with the Ordo can be a flaw in and of itself. Other Chapters are likely to view them with suspicion or even derision. I don't think any but a Chapter with a specific beef with the Hereticus would ever go so far as to abandon the Storm Crows, but it would strain relations with their fellow marines. "Astartes do not answer to Inquisitors! Only to the God-Emperor!" When in reality yes, they do answer to Inquisitors. Even so, to be so willing to deal with the Inquisition could be frowned upon by other Chapters. It's an interesting angle if you ever delve into fiction involving Space Marine allies.


You've got some good stuff going here. The only thing that strikes me out of place is at the end of the “Sacrament of Sacrifice”, where a Storm Crow is immediately killed if he refuses. I understand being executed if he is corrupt, but killing him for not taking the order seems... wasteful. A Space Marine is a massive investment, worth decades of work at the least. With no other real signs of fanaticism in the Chapter, it seems odd that they would react so harshly to this. I feel like there would be a recourse, or a method of .... honour duel, or something, in which the brother who refused has to fight the Chaplain. Victory assures his innocence in the eyes of the Emperor, failure sees him lose a piece of flesh. Something. A Space Marine is just too valuable to waste just because he thinks he's right. If there were other mentions of executing brothers for anything, this wouldn't feel so significant.

Also, what happens if a Storm Crow IS corrupt? In that case the Chaplain has just consumed corrupt flesh, and exposed himself to corruption and suspicion. Throwing in a line about Chaplains in that position, and what they do to purify themselves, would not be out of place. Not entirely necessary, but it would add a little flavour.


I like the homeworld. It sounds like Polynesia, or even Earthsea, if you're familiar with those books. Lots of little island nations. A storm crow would be an especially potent symbol, to people from that world.

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