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Daemonic Pact 1: A Chaos Event Result


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Hello everyone

I have the honor and pleasure to present the result of B&C first Daemonic Pact Result. 14 brave soul pledge to chaos, 9 came back with their goal archive, 5 became spawns. To decide a winner for the event, please vote for your fav below(1 vote per person per category) Thank you for your time.


Dead line for voting july 11th

There will be three categories: Best Fluff, Best Paint, and Best Overall(A combo of fluff and paint job). Best Overall will get The Daemonhood banner and decide what we paint for the next Pact event.

Example of voting is at the bottom of my post.

Pics are below, with any fluff contribute below the picture.

Since this is the first time for this mini event, treat the error and confuse of the voting as myself trying my best to give the chaos community what they want and figuring out the best direction for the event. With your input and support we can make Next pact better.

Everyone good with this direction?

Now time for the complete vow, enjoy.



Contemptor Dilar of the 96th Company, Formally of the 1st Company

Dilar Kar Noris was the first Night Lord in the Legion to have fallen in battle along side the Emperor he was then granted the honour of access to one of the First Contemptor Dreadnoughts for the VIII Legion.

Dilar was sent to the 96th Company when the company was formed to give the Company a point of view of experience, which was of course needed in the creation of all new companies in the Legion as they were sliding further into degradation.

During the Heresy Dilar was hit dead center with multiple meltagun blast Dilar. This of course killed Dilar thus when the apothecary and techmarines from the 96th company arrived they declared him DOA. However his death allowed 1st claw access to the Emperors Palace and to start to spread terror within the walls.

Dilar’s Contemptor Dreadnought was recovered by the 96th company and allowed the Champion of 1st Claw be installed within the Dreadnought after the elimination of the 1st, 5th, 9th, and 12th claw by a squad of Custodes



Squad Dendex is assigned to King Ferzix, the 7th of the Lords. The Squad is named after their Champion, Dendex, who is known as a dissident among the rest of the warband. His opponents have mockingly nicknamed him: "Pretty Rainbow" (after his mutated hairdo), which hasn't helped to improve his famously foul temper.

He believes that the Iron Kings are a degenerate bunch, calling them "lazy, foolish and ignorant". He often claims that they should be at the front of the Long War, and find glory for their warband.

Lately, he took his "rebellion" a step further by artificially oxidizing his armor's left arm. Symbolizing his perceived weakness of the Kings.

His squad has taken over this gesture to show their respect to their Champion.

So far, Dendex' requests for an audience with the High King have been denied, but he continues to win glories on every assignment he is sent on. He believes that soon, he can no longer be ignored.

He does not know that the High King is watching him closely, observing his methods. Calmly waiting for the moment when he can either wins him back over, or wipe him of the face of the earth.



He ran. He ran as fast as he could. But he couldn’t escape It. No matter how far went or how long he ran, It was right behind him. The Song!

Its haunting melody had caused him to forget his name. It caused him to forget many things. Like how he had come to be in a group of people, all running in the same direction, herded by eight red giants with horned skulls on their shoulders and chanting a monotous dirge in some foul tongue. These….. giants, these monsters, thesebehemoths kept pace with the group of people and would occasionally turn back and shoot someone, seemingly at random. He didn’t know why they did it. Maybe it was to keep the group moving forward. It certainly worked out that way.

He had something in his hands. A… rifle. He thought. He couldn’t be sure. The word slipped around his tongue and it was hard to hold onto, like it wanted to run away from him. It had a flashing red light. It meant something important. Something bad he thought. Low Charge. That’s what the light said. He thought it must be bad.

The Song reverberated in his core. The dirge mitigated its effect on his person, but not by much. He noticed that as he ran, he clutched at a pendant around his neck. He slowed down a little to look at it, as it piqued his curiosity. It was a golden chair. No, that didn’t sound right. A golden throne. Where did he get it? What did it mean? And why did he grasp it as though it was a shield? He looked up to see one of the inhuman guards looking at him, bolter raised. The being saw what he was looking at and seemed to give a small nod of approval, before turning away to talk to his four brethren. He felt like there should have been something else in his hands.

Somehow he got blood on his face. It covered him all over. There was a woman next to him who carried something that looked disturbingly like a child, but was too pulped and bloody to tell. Is that where the blood came from?

They ran. They continued running. At least, he thought they were still running. He didn’t remember stopping. Then again, he didn’t remember starting either. They ran through alleyways past rockcrete brick buildings. Sometimes they ran through the buildings. Flames were everywhere. What had happened? Had they been attacked? Or where they the attackers, forced to flee after being defeated?

The sky was a swirling red-black, swallowing the smoke that rose towards it and drinking in the light of the dying city. The Song was still with him. It seemed, different. He wasn’t sure how though, faster maybe? Or was it louder? The group he was running with seemed smaller. He wasn’t sure why. He only ever remembered there being-

They stopped. Or rather, the giants stopped running and they stopped to keep from running into the giants. Now he knew something was different. He didn’t know what though. Nothing sounded different- That was it! The Song had stopped. The silence was worse than the Song, but suddenly Jon could feel a bit more at ease. Wait, Jon. Jon Towers. That was his name. He was a member of the Royal Fusils, the bodyguards of the Ruling Family. The planet had been attacked by Traitor Marines. It had been strange as the entire vox-network had been taken over by some sort of malignant tech-chant and began to broadcast the Song. Everything went south from there as orbital defenses refused to function, ships began to fall from the sky and even worse, people began to forget. It started with small things like why they entered a room or what they did a few hours ago. But eventually it got so bad that some forgot how to breathe. Those were the lucky ones. The survivors began tochange, becoming the things of nightmares.

Then the saviors came. They called themselves the Exorcists and somehow, they were able to keep the worse effects of the Song from taking hold, at least for a little while. He remembered how some had begun to change during the run from the palace to the starport and the Astartes had killed them on the move. He also remembered how one the servants had turned too quickly and had managed to kill the czar-heir in his mother’s arms, spraying blood all over Jon who had been right behind her. He doubled over as he puked. He remembered how monsters in red and stone grey armor had burst from the alleyways and buildings to attack the Exorcists, only to be pushed back again and again, but not before claiming at least one of the Emperor’s Angels as a corpse.

Then, the sky screamed. The Song hadn’t stopped, it had simply paused. And now, It had reached the crescendo. Something burst from the ground underneath one of the three remaining Exorcists, knocking the Angel to its feet and then crushing in its skull with a metal hoof. His brethren turned on the daemon with their bolters, spewing death and fire. It rocked back under the impacts and then seemed to shift. One minute it was there, the next it had moved towards the closest Astartes and had planted its axe firmly into the skull of his attacker. A twist of the wrist and pieces of the body flew in every direction and Jon was drenched in even more blood. It shifted towards Jon and the other civilians next. He leapt out of the way and narrowly avoided the creature’s axe as everyone else died. Apparently, on the ground and covered in fresh blood, he then escaped its notice as it went after the last Exorcist.
It was fascinating as it seemed the creature had been caught in pict-capture, but at the same time seemed to struggle in every direction all at once as the Astartes reached towards it with his hand outstretched in some strange gesture. Then the Exorcist muttered a single word and it was catapulted backwards, crashing into a building. Three grenades were launched through the hole it had made and the explosion brought the building down.

“What was that?” Jon asked.

“That, was Tzarkanis, the warlord who lead the attack on your world. He should be dead now. Come, let us make haste and –“ The Exorcist’s words were cut off as his voice began to gurgle, as though he were drowning. And then he began to rise in the air. It was then Jon saw what was wrong. The creature, Tzarkanis it had been named, had survived the explosion. Its stone-like armor was cracked and destroyed in many places, with blood, oil and something else leaking from it. The face of the creature had been the most mangled as pieces of its skull were showing as the facial muscles of its faceplate – no, its face – spasmed in pain. Its hand had punched into the Exorcist’s back and was grabbing him by the spine.

“You of all people should know better than to give sound to that name, Exorcist. It is the name of Death after all.” The creature spoke, its voice almost singsong in its intonation while sounding of screeching metal and breaking glass wrapped in the screams of dying children.

“Foul creature, you can kill me, but more will follow. It is only a matter of time until - you and your abominable kin - are finally destroyed.”

“You know, I killed a Grey Knight once. They are your forbearers I believer. Do you know how I did it? I ripped out his spine, just like this.” Jon screamed his last, signaling the end of the Song.

Code Level: Vermillion
Sender: [REDACTED}
Received By:[CENSORED]

My Lord, here is the requested summary on the Bloody Hymn and the referendum for cited historical records and essays.

The Bloody Hymn is a very notorious, yet unknown warband. The earliest recorded mentions are in 632.M36, during a small event known as the “Gideon Revolt”, a minor repercussion of the recently ended Age of Apostasy. As a result, many Imperial authorities believe them to be a Chapter of the Twenty-First, or “Cursed”, Founding. This is highly debated as the most common Astartes seen leading them, Tzarkanis, has been entered into Inquisitorial records[Note: See Attached] as early as M32, although his origins seem to be as mysterious as the Bloody Hymn itself.

Speaking of Tzarkanis, it seems the records are… Misleading. Despite his name pre-dating the Bloody Hymn itself, it seems that the name does not belong to any one individual. Normally it wouldn’t be an uncommon occurrence in a populace the size of the Imperium’s to have more than one individual sharing a name, but for four such individuals to share the same name, and all fourbe Astartes(and Traitor Astartes at that) as well as being seen leading the same warband at different times just within the last four hundred years, well it beggars belief[Note: Refer to the records of the Arcadian Massacre, in which four different and simultaneous planetary assaults were led by Traitor commanders who all claimed to be Tzarkanis]. As such, I must issue the personal belief that the name “Tzarkanis” isn’t a name, but rather a title, a shield for which the leaders and operational commanders of the Bloody Hymn hide their True Names behind.

Continuing on, as I am sure you are aware, the Bloody Hymn are rather notorious for being highly mutated, so much so that it is believed that they feature a high number of Possessed Marines such as the Warband “Beasts of Annihilation” and the Renegade Chapter “Crimson Slaughter”. It is also peculiar to note that they have a certain MO. In the moments before planetary assaults, it is not uncommon for a specific piece of scrapcode commonly referred to as the “Song” to infiltrate our vox networks. In and of itself, it is harmless to our equipment. But to the populace of the planet, the effects have ranged from merely debilitating to simply monstrous. The most common side effect is a mild form of memory manipulation, which simply distracts all but the most strong-willed individuals into doing nothing. In others, this “forced laziness” will result in a lack of will to live, in which the afflicted will pass on quietly as their organs cease to function. In others still, it is not uncommon to increased levels of hyperaggression.

Thankfully and unfortunately, this last side effect seems to only be seen amongst those who are most commonly associated with violence. This however, includes many of our own armed forces, which when combined with the first side effect of memory manipulation; it has resulted in more than one planet’s defenses falling apart due to lack of cohesion.

The most disturbing side effect is that it seems to “hollow out” certain individuals, leaving their bodies to be possessed by daemons of the warp. This appears to affect individuals at random as both cultist warriors and even pious Ecclesiarchs have been seen to fall prey to this possession.

This concludes my summary of what we know. Most of that information is the testimony of survivors, vid recordings, pict images and supposition by some of the Inquisition’s greatest scholars. Attached below are pict-captures of the most common Tzarkanis, the one known as “The Choirmaster”.

Dark Apostle


Their names lost to the Warp, their regiment forgotten and their once proud home world in ruins the regiment now known to Imperial Scholars as the ‘Traitor 13th’ had a long and glorious history. Whilst much of this has been erased from the Imperial Archives by Inquisitorial decree, some remains in living memory, and no end of rumours and legends tell of their fall.

Hailing from an obscure and militaristic Ecclesiastical world within the Maelstrom Zone of the Ultima Segmentum region of Imperial Space, the ‘Traitor 13th’ was once the defenders of the Imperial Truth in their system, and was joined by a prosperous Agri-World and a Forge World that supplied the system’s garrison with the necessary food and munitions to combat the Chaotic and Orkish threats of the Maelstrom as well as numerous Pirate raids. Their prowess in defending their home world was well known, as was the religious fervour, bordering on fanaticism with which they did it that. To all in their neighbouring systems, they were the ideal Imperial Soldiers; veterans of a hundred incursions with unshakeable faith in the God-Emperor to guide them as His mailed fist – yet it was their faith that would be their undoing.

Targeting the Ecclesiastical worlds on the frontiers of the Maelstrom, a strike force of the Word Bearers 13th host entered Imperial Warp Space 3 days before all contact was lost with the system. Opening a small Warp Rift’s on the neighbouring Agri-World, the Word Bearers unleashed hell on the system as boiling blood rained from the skies, staining the fertile earth below whilst their crops failed; turning to mulch with too many diseases to combat. The ‘13th’ responded immediately, fighting back the tide of Daemons.

6 hours after the rift had opened, it vanished; the victorious Guardsmen rejoicing in what they believed was divine intervention. However, the first blow had already been struck and the agricultural production of the world had been severely crippled, cutting the system off from its much needed imports. Within 24 hours, hunger had started to set in and riots broke out across the Agri-World in response to the Governor of the system’s command to begin rationing, only to be put down by the ‘13th’.

In the wake of this wave of panic and discontent the Word Bearers opened another rift, this time much larger than the first, above the system’s Forge World. The ‘13th’ once again responded fearlessly but there was no reprieve this time as the rift increased in size, a massive Warp Storm spreading across the system as on the surface of the Forge World a full half of the regiment was stranded and wiped out as the very surface of the planet warped beneath their feet. Three days following their first contact with the Word Bearers, the Warp Storm had grown to such size that all communication was severed between the system and the rest of the Imperium; hope hung by a thread, yet their faith remained.

+++ All Imperial records end here, with the fate of the entire ‘13th’ declared as KIA by Inquisitorial Mandate +++

Yet the legends never ceased…

Their faith abandoning them, much of the populace rose up against the Imperium through fear and hunger. Feeling betrayed by the god they had devoted their lives to when no aid had come to relieve them; they turned against those who had once valiantly protected them. With fully ¾ of the planet fallen to Chaos, the ‘13th’ mounted their last defence in the capital city of the Ecclesiastical World in a bid to buy those citizens that remained a chance of evacuation.

When the wall was breached, tides of frothing cultists teeming through the Space Port where the last of the evacuations were taking place the ‘13th’, numbering only 100 men now, made their stand, forcing the enemy back after days of intense fighting and great loss; only 15 remained of these veterans of 100 incursions.

Neighbouring worlds tell of the heroic defence mounted by the ‘13th’ when the enemy breached the walls of the last remaining Space Port as they attempted to evacuate all they could, their noble sacrifice as they gave up the last of their shuttles, remaining on the doomed planet to waylay those that sought to destroy them and the last stand made by the ‘13th’ before the Shrine of Saint Crassus. All tell of their eventual demise yet the truth is much darker.

+++ Here begins an Inquisitorial Documentation pieced together from captured Cultists in service of the Word Bearers 13th Host and members of the revived ‘Traitor 13th’ +++

Hiding amidst the bodies of the fallen before the ruins of the Shrine of St Crassus, their blood stained armour turned grey by the dust that stuck to it and wrapped in their Camo Cloaks, the last of the ‘13th’ waited. As the Cultists returned, they arose from the corpse strewn ground, like vengeful spectres, prayers to the Emperor on their lips. Striking from the shadows they fought until their laspacks ran dry and their combat knives were dull, disappearing as quickly as they struck and before the enemy could strike back. The legends tell of Cultists who threw themselves into fiery infernos and mutated craters in fear of the wrath of the ‘13th’, yet their victory was short lived. Encircled, and now fighting with what little they could salvage from the rubble, the last of the ‘13th’ barricaded themselves within the desecrated Shrine they so had fought before. It is in this moment, alone and trapped, the enemy closing in on all sides and hammering on the doors and windows the faith of these 15 men finally faltered.

As the Warp Storm cleared, and the baying hordes broke the ruined Shrines doors, salvation came. The last of the ‘13th’ were not met with the vicious horde they were expecting, but by a single man. Towering above all others and enclosed within Crimson armour covered in an unfamiliar script they could not read, the man spoke, his voice booming; powerful and unwavering yet filled with conviction. He spoke of a ‘Primordial Truth’ and the existence of Gods more powerful than they could ever imagine whose sheer power they had witnessed first-hand yet defied to the last. Yet it was their conviction that granted them mercy; all they had to do was renounce the False Emperor and unlimited power would be theirs from Gods that would answer.

Broken and in despair, the last of the ‘13th’ accepted the offer of the Apostle of the Dark Gods. Inducted into the Word Bearers 13th Host, from where their name derives, they formed an Auxiliary force, specialising in urban warfare and terror tactics in service of the Word Bearers and began to rebuild their once glorious regiment. Gifted with heavy armour that emulated their saviour, the most fanatical of the last of the ‘13th’ were given positions of leadership within the regiment whilst the remainder formed as special operations force of veterans who struck from behind enemy lines.

+++ Field Report 13: Commander (Redacted) of the Krieg 256th Infantry Regiment. For the attention of Inquisitor (Redacted), Ref: ‘Traitor 13th’ +++

A cell of highly trained and well equipped Human Auxiliaries have been spotted and engaged on Monastery Worlds close to the Maelstrom. They appear to be working in conjunction with Word Bearers forces in the region and attempts to capture and identify have been unsuccessful, however our scouts have inferred that they resemble the rumoured ‘Traitor 13th’ alleged to have once been the (Redacted) Regiment that had previously been considered KIA.

All those involved have been silenced indefinitely and a report sent to you in the Inquisition for further investigation.

Equipped as heavy infantry, they appear to be highly specialised in covert operations and stealth based warfare. Reports confirm they have been both deployed on the front line as shock troops or from their Valkyrie transport behind enemy lines. It is believed that they are the same cell due to identical markings.

I request immediate intervention from the Inquisition as many of our key supply facilities and positions of strategic importance have been destroyed. Analysis of the damage suggests a preference for Plasma weapons of a much higher quality than previously encountered in traitor regiments in this system and this seems to be the case in all other equipment too.



One such modular daemon engine with a collective animus is the Warfiend Mahmud, of the line of Menachem, of the line of Melchizedek, most recent of Mojos mighty mechanical monstrosities. The fiend can be fitted with ectocannons, hades autocannons, or a pair of devastating giant saw blades which chew through enemy vehicles and fortifications alike. Each of these weapons have their own bound daemonic spirit possessing them, while the body itself is possessed by a network of several such spirits bound together.

The resulting abomination is sometimes unpredictable, and when it takes sufficient damage the network can begin to come unraveled - more then once Mahmud has wrecked itself in battle, literally tearing itself apart with its own terrible weaponry. But the binding on the daemonic spirits, reinforced by the chief sorcerer of the Crimson Eye, has held, and after each 'incident' Mojo has pached his monster back together to fight again. Wiegraf, a consummate strategist and disciplined warrior, finds the unreliability of the new daemon engine extremely frustrating, but cannot fault its sheer force in battle, nor the tactical versatility that such a modular war engine affords him.


The Hamaraz-class rapid attack walker was designed and put into service in just four days during the Second Siege of Hive Ardus on Bellam’s World. The well fortified hive had resisted several airborne assaults, and the Warsmith’s tank companies were bogged down in the treacherous suburban terrain leading up to the gates. The Warsmith, furious after his personal Shadowsword was rendered combat ineffective after collapsing through three sub-levels within sight of the hive gates, demanded a solution from his Master of the Forge. Thegn Volundr already had preliminary designs for the Hamaraz and jumped at the chance to rush prototypes into production in the captured foundries just beyond the battle zone. Efficient and motivated, his hastily constructed assembly line was still turning out fresh walkers as the first wave scaled the fortress gates and ripped their way into the hive.

The Warsmith demanded a highly mobile and hard hitting machine to be delivered into an ongoing siege, so pilot safety was low on the list of priorities when theHamaraz were rolled out. The exposed control deck has led to a high mortality rate among the pilots. The deadly glory of the Hamaraz-class attracts loners or strongly individualist Iron Hounds uncomfortable with their place among the squads to petition Thegn Volundr for a turn at controlling one of the big machines. Often the first job of a new pilot is to hose what is left of the old pilot from the control deck. With a sturdy frame, solid armour, and well protected power plant, a Hamaraz often only needs minor repairs when between pilots.

The Hamaraz excel in urban or otherwise difficult and crowded terrain because it is agile and fast. While it is susceptible to ambush by infantry using heavy weapons, the overwhelming close combat capabilities make this an all or nothing tactic for desperate enemies. In open terrain facing heavy armour or air elements, the Hamaraz suffer in comparison to conventional heavy tanks. In its role as an urban attack vehicle and rapid siege engine it is unmatched by any other walker in its weight category among the Iron Hounds inventory.

Pictured is Corporal Einrithi, piloting his machine Butcher’s Block. Einrithi is a rare veteran, having survived six serious engagements as a Hamaraz pilot. Considered a vanity by most Iron Hounds, Einrithi displays personal heraldry on his machine, a habit that is persistent among the Grand Company’s mecha pilots.

The Dark one


Fluff missing

Sith ari


Fluff missing

Raaaas (My bad I miss you, I love your NL)


21st Claw, the Carrion Raptors, led by Terran Born Aric Halborth. The Carrion Raptors were originally part of 11th Company. Their former sergeant was killed by 11th company's commander Artebius in an honour duel however, after which Halborth led the claw off ship in order to avoid vindictive repercussions by Artebius' bodyguard. He took a transport ship and entered a nearby warp storm that bled into realspace, planning to join another company to safeguard his brothers. The ship translated into realspace a month later, only to find that more than a millenium had past, in which the Horus Heresy took place. Halborth contacted a nearby imperial outpost using standard VIII Legion identifier markers, only to find their ship to be hunted down by PDF fighters. The claw managed to crashland their transport unto the outpost, after which they proceeded to hunt and kill all Imperial personnel. The outpost turned out to be a small refueling station servicing the Ardillian trade route. The Carrion Raptors then used this outpost to lure an armed escort ship to them, which they took over. Using this ship, the Vindicat Argentum, to reap and pillage the sector - which finally led them to be noticed by Tol Zhaqael's attention. The contemptor made them an offer and they have been reaping ever since under the umbrella of 47th company's armada. Halborth has formed an unstable alliance with Qas Thoval, the sorcerer who functions as Zhaqael's emmisary. Their bond is a worry to both Zhaqael as to Kalethec, especially since the strange arrival of a XV Legion ship...

I vote for Dark Apostle for best overall, us word bearers need to stay together.

For Best Painted, I vote for Raaas

For Best Fluff, I vote for Dark Apostle

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Congrats everyone. So much good stuff here.


My vote for best model (best paint is a bit unfair) is purely based on originality. The Dark One

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Hey Uprising, you forgot my finished raptor squad. I know my vow was lost in the warp due to the BnC Warp Storm of May 19-21, but I did make the vow and I did finish it and post it. There's also extensive bckground of the unit and my army in my entire showcase log, so I hope you will include it still in your first post. Also, I hope you will llow me to bear the Eye of the gods banner and not consider me spawn! Cheers! thumbsup.gif

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Hey Uprising, you forgot my finished raptor squad. I know my vow was lost in the warp due to the BnC Warp Storm of May 19-21, but I did make the vow and I did finish it and post it. There's also extensive bckground of the unit and my army in my entire showcase log, so I hope you will include it still in your first post. Also, I hope you will llow me to bear the Eye of the gods banner and not consider me spawn! Cheers! thumbsup.gif

I am so sorry I miss your vow, warp storms are a pain. Your in.


@Dark Apostle: I have a soft spot for traitor guard, and love your freehand, that why you got my vote.

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Some impressive stuff coming in from the daemon board, which I haven't been following. And it's nice to see that sithari got in after all, though I think he still owes a write up.


Speaking of, part of the daemonic pact event was coming up with fluff for our warbands and the individual entries. If there's no particular deadline for voting, I'd like to take a day to read through what people wrote before making my own choice.

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Is that how it works, Up? Considering that there are a couple very nice entries that seem to be missing the fluff bits altogether (looking at Sith and Dark here in particular), separating fluff, model, and overall voting would definitely affect how I vote.
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I thought it was all going to be broken up though with the fluff on one vote, the models on another and then an overall?


Is that how it works, Up? Considering that there are a couple very nice entries that seem to be missing the fluff bits altogether (looking at Sith and Dark here in particular), separating fluff, model, and overall voting would definitely affect how I vote.


Honestly, I have no idea.  This is my first time hosting.  

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please think it over and let us know exactly how we're doing this. If the fluff counts, linking to the posts with the write ups would also be helpful, to be sure I'm not missing anything. If the fluff counts, but someone doesn't have theirs up yet, i personally have no objection to letting them post write ups after the deadline. No sense standing on formality, if it means missing out on an interesting read.


If the the voting is purely on models, on the other hand, that would simplify things, and there'd be no reason to wait.

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Wow! Thanks for letting me through Uprising - I wasn't expecting that at all, so cheers! B)


I'll sort out some background and get it posted in my plog when I get back from work later tonight.


Like mal & sheesh, I'll hold back from voting until a decision is reached. Plus it gives me a chance to really appreciate everyone's great work and figure out just who I'll vote for! :D

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IF there will be a different category for conversions my votes will be


MAX for conversions and Malisteen for Painting 


IF there will only be painting


I vote for MAX (because his conversion trumps Malisteen's paint job (sorry mal, your forgefiend looks fricking awesome, as does the conversion of The Dark One's bigbird, but I'm just a sucker for walker conversions...))


Fluff for Dark Apostle

Overall for Dark Apostle

It was super hard to choose, btw. Malisteen's fiend is beautiful and The Dark One's bigbird is an awesome conversion, but I'm just a sucker for walker conversions...


Editted to incorporate the new voting rules.

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I'm still waiting for up's final decision, and to see if any of the entries presently without fluff get fluff posted before the end of the day, because it definitely makes a difference to me.  If we're voting on models/paint jobs alone, than I'm ready to vote, but I don't want to say who yet, because if the write ups count, then they haven't written one, so I'd vote for someone else.


I don't know who I'll vote for yet if the write ups count, since I'm still reading through them, and am hopeful that one or two late larrys might still post something up.

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Ok, I hope everyone enjoys the changes made.  Also before we continue, would you all like to have a best conversion entry aswell?  


@Raaas:  I can not find your fluff on the unit, I spent 20 mins looking in your wip blog.  


Is everyone happy with the changes?  

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