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My chapter... warning post is long!


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Hey all,

Thanks to all who take the time to read this...

So I have been working long and hard on my chapter. I feel it is nearing its final stages of completion and i wanted to get all of your thoughts... mainly to smooth out the rough edges. I am so nervous someone will be able to find one (or many) details that blow my story out of the water...


Couple things: first I have no idea how people pick just one army type! They all have their merits and strengths. The guard are insanely crazy. The Dark Angels look sick in their clergy robes. The Ultramarines are simply religiously stringent. And the Space Wolves just encapsulate the very idea of awesome!! So for my chapter I wanted to have bits of them all.


I am trying to keep them within the confines of typical Imperial rule while still granting the freedom I am striving for in their existence. If you all see detail (or the lack of detail) that contradicts this please let me know! I am looking for some constructive criticism and hopefully a heap of general praise here!


I hope to finish up my website, short stories, and hopefully novel dedicated to them soon (not the novel - whew)

(I tried to pull out all of the html tags; sorry if i missed one)


Well without further delay - the story of the Condemned Pack Chapter



The Condemned Pack are no longer, and never officially were, a recognized Space Marine chapter in service to the Imperium. Their total service time numbers 285 standard imperial years. During their short time the chapter's existence was extremely prejudicial, however active they were. With no official documented accounts of the chapter's existence they operated in the shadows, often with suicide missions from the Inquisition directly. Even operating as initial strike forces on enemy strongholds only a small number of rumours ever surfaced of the bravery of the 'Howling Wolf' Chapter. Many believe they were of a new shock-troop company and the rumours most commonly died there. Their recorded history has since been divided by the chapter into five periods. The times of trial, loyalty, honour, judgement, and obligation. According to Inquisition records though a small detachment of the chapter still exits today it is all but disbanded, their exact whereabouts are unknown, and they have been deemed excommunicate traitoris. Truthfully, they are deep within the Maelstrom...
History - Origins - 681.M41
Forgeworld of Ghalmek in the Maelstrom
Not much is known on why Ahriman, cursed sorcerer of the Thousand Sons, captured so many of the Emperor's servants or when he began his work. Some believe that Ahriman was collecting an army for his future assault on the Black Library; others that he was attempting to find a way to cure his brethren of the Thousand Sons. Whatever the cause Space Marines from numerous chapters, forces of the Imperial Guard, and even civilian populations were collected and experimented on like rats.
While within Ahriman's grasp many accounts of those escaped swear to have been tortured by traitor Marines bearing the mark of the cursed Alpha Legion and those of an unknown warband. All claimed to have had their minds probed and been connected to cursed Chaos machinery. Many witnessed comrades mutilated and slain over countless years. Even after multiple attempts to escape more and more were captured leaving no end of the torture in sight.
Nearly 175 years after Ahriman slaved his first prisoner, the Emperor's servants banded together and escaped his grasp on an enemy Gladius class frigate. They fled their prison; bound for Imperium to spread the news of sorcerer and his latest threats to the Imperium.
History - Creation - 713.M41
During their travel through the warp battle damage forced them to exit before reaching holy Terra. As fate would have it they exited in close proximity of an Imperial world. After attempting contact with the planet they came in contact with an Inquisitor who was currently quelling a rebellion. Immediately they came to his aid, swiftly ending the battle, and together they began rebuilding the world in the Emperor's name. After completing his mission the Inquisitor withdrew to return the former captives to Holy Terra for contest.
Upon hearing of the news a high conclave was immediately formed to discuss the issues presented. First and foremost was the concern of the Chaos forces involved. What was assumed to be three normally separate forces working together was dangerous, however, the presence of a mysterious warband was the greatest concern. An unknown warband, so scarcely remembered, presents the dreaded reality of a long forgotten legion still being in service of the Chaos Gods rather than destroyed as previously presumed. For days the council queried the survivors to this single subject learning that only the Space Marines had the vague memories. The conclusion was deemed that some high degree of sorcery was involved each time the warband was present that removed the memory completely from those more weak willed and left a 'smudged imprint' on those of the Adeptus Astartes.
Towards the returned forces the High Lords were concerned from how long they were under chaos influence and that each of them bore the mark of their capture on the left side of their necks. The great High Lords of Terra deliberated on the topics put forth while contacting the Masters of the Chapters involved. After being told of the planned course of action Great Wolf Logan Grimnar, Chapter Master of the Space Wolves, re-avowed he would never allow a repeat of the events of the 1st War for Armageddon and see his fellow wolf brothers 'cleansed' and dishonoured. They would be screened for any taint of chaos and if none was found they would be reunited with their fellow brethren.
It is unknown if the Great Wolf's words held such high regard with the High Lords but the initial plan was abandoned and an alternate path chosen. The entire group was scoured for the slightest hint of Chaos, and although little was found none were allowed to rejoin their fellow chapters and legions due to 'unforeseen tampering.' Every unfortunate soul was placed in a new chapter and the Condemned Pack was born. This renegade band of Space Marines and mortal men were deemed the condemned of the Imperium and banished from the rest of mankind to patrol along and within the Eye of Terror. None would ever again be allowed to return home, even contact their former brethren or they would forfeit both their lives and any whom seen them and mark them with heresy. They would operate in secret and none would know of their existence other than the High Lords of Terra, the highest members of the Holy Inquisition, and Chapter Masters of those involved. The Imperium gained yet another secret arm in its conquest of the galaxy.
Despite the minimal backing of the Imperium the newly charged chapter was given direction that outside of a skeleton armament it would receive minimal, if any, funding. Thankfully, their new homeworld was also chosen for its abundance of war material that the chapter could manufacture themselves. In total the chapter received one battle barge, five strike cruisers, ten Thunderhawk gunships, five land speeders (reconfigured by Mars to house powerful jamming devices), an array of small arms and ammunition, and the initial construction of a fortress-monastery. With this lack of armament a great many of the Astartes chapter masters made the decision to dispose of some malfunctioning equipment and requested the aid of some Condemned Pack representatives to dispose of them.
History - Organizational Duties - 713.M41
The Condemned Pack began their service simply patrolling along the Eye of Terror and conducting 'suicide missions' for the Inquisition. When any strong points the Emperor's Chosen must face were deemed a high threat, the Inquisition sent in the condemned souls to weaken them before anyone else even arrived. Occasionally a force would arrive to find a stray cruiser in orbit or catch the end of the Condemned Pack's extraction.
There have been occasions in such circumstances where the arriving forces have opened fire upon the chapter believing them to be part of the danger. Of course in these instances the chapter would not return fire and could never respond or initiate any attempts of communication. Similarly there have also been rare instances where a Condemned Pack attachment is the closest force near a critical engagement and they are instructed to assist. Most often the result of this is the force dropping behind enemy lines and wreaking as much havoc as possible before succumbing to enemy forces. In every such action the chapter's sacrifice has been enough to swiftly turn the tide of battle.
When not under the order of the Inquisition the chapter conducts raids within the Eye of Terror both in the attempt to salvage more equipment for the chapter and in search of their mysterious captors. The Condemned Pack battled for the honour to once again be allowed in the Emperor's sight. They attacked without remorse and, other than one instance, have only retreated when the Chapter risked exposure.
History - Time of Trial - 713.M41 thru 738.M41
These first years marked their initial pursuit to regain their honour in service to the Emperor and prove to the Inquisition that their loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind remained true. Only ten Terran years after its creation, and without reinforcements, the force was diminished by almost half its strength leading all to believe it was the Inquisition's plan to ensure the chapter wouldn't survive the century. Of the original nine companies only five remained. The greatest force depletion and growth happened almost concurrently in 737.M41. In this time the chapter was sent as a defence patrol in Ultima segmentum for the Explorator General who was inspecting a potential new threat to the Imperium. Of the five remaining chapters four were sent. After the battle for Valos the four chapters returned with approximately a squad each. After only 24 years the chapter was reduced to a force of only 28 Space Marines and 168 Guardsman. However, the severely damaged Battle Barge held an escaped 3300 civilian survivors from the battle. Surprisingly the majority of the survivors were healthy males capable of service and soon found themselves in training. The rest were placed in service of non-combat positions within the remaining chapter fleet and fortress-monastery and began a small city of the Imperium's forgotten. Although a shameful scar on the chapter's war banner the lost battle gave the chapter the ability to once again return to full strength.
History - Time of Loyalty - 738.M41 thru 861.M41
The second age of the Chapter marked their struggle for survival. Diminished to terribly low numbers the Chapter began to train every willing survivor from the Battle of Valos. This long time would mark the chapter's battle to return to the Imperium as an efficient force. It would take the Inquisition over a year to send a new representative to Hati which allowed the chapter to grow its numbers slightly and train their new recruits for their next mission. Despite minimal oversight the chapter trained and still performed their duties as a patrolling force at the Eye of Terror. Regardless of the Inquisition's absence and later superstitions the chapter remained true. Over the next 75 years the chapter would slowly build its numbers to the force of approximately 669 Space Marines and 408 Guardsman.
One of the greatest mysteries to the chapter, indeed the Imperium as a whole, occurred after the events of 801.M41. While on route to aid in the battle against Hive Fleet Naga the chapter's only Battle Barge was lost to the Warp when the Astronomican flickered. Though the event resulted in thousands of ships being lost to the Warp the BrandrRánulfer found its way home after only 36 years. After the barge, severely damaged from its time in the warp without aid, returned home to the surprise of everyone the Inquisition launched a full investigation. When the Inquisition completed their investigation it was documented that the force, though cut to half, likely returned with assistance from the Gods of Chaos. The chapter was completely recalled and another thorough sweep made for any taint of chaos. In aid of the Inquisition detachments of the Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Crimson Fists, and Black Templars instituted a blockade of the planet. After a rigorous and detailed inspection, nearly leading to bombardment of the planet the chapter settled into its previous duties.
History - Time of Honour - 846.M41 thru 982.M41
Again diminished to only four chapters and scattered guardsman for support the chapter was weeding out those individuals truly unworthy of the Emperor's Touch. With a decent size force the chapter could finally stop inducting any able body and find those who were most deserving. The chapter's biggest concern was its scout program. The entire Scout Company still was but a squad strong. Those en-charged with scouting missions rarely returned and left the company barren. The Assembly of the Unclean came to the decision to retire the Company standard and recharge its survivors. Those left were all sent to aid in the training of new recruits and would be called upon when needed. The Moon Fang was moved under direction of the GrandMaster.
History - Time of Judgement - 982.M41 thru 999.M41
Again the Chapter slowly saw a slight rise in manpower to field six near full companies thanks to the civilians living among the chapter. The Scout Company was reactivated and moved under command of Chief Scout [??]. After a time the Chapter was becoming the most formidable force it had ever seen, even greater than when it could nearly field nine companies at its founding. The steely veterans were many and the recruits had been trained well. Such a time was not to last however as Abbadon the Despoiler began his next crusade. The thirteenth Black Crusade had begun. The Condemned Pack Chapter was originally tasked with containing the strays from the main battle force until Abaddon launched his main attack on Cadia. The Chapter was instructed to rapidly aid the Imperial Forces and turn the tide. During this engagement members of the Codex Company meet remnants of the 13th Company of the Vlka Fenryka and learned a disturbing truth. After the battle progressed was eventually won the [Codex Captain] informed his fellow Captains about his experience.
History - Time of Obligation - 999.M41 thru Current
After the Thirteenth Black Crusade the Chapter took what they learned from the 13th Company and made the Vow of Obligation. The Chapter was beginning to understand that they would never truly find the answers and redemption they sought by operating within the confines of the Inquisition. The Condemned Pack swore to find the one sorcerer called Ahriman and return him to the Imperium for judgement and finally clear their name. The Chapter returned to Hati with its battle-hardened force and began to empty their fortress-monastery. Taking anything and everything they could the chapter loaded their battle barge and three remaining cruisers. They made final inputs into the Librarium and copied its banks. The entire legacy was taken to Fenris and a lone, severely damaged Thunderhawk descended to the fang with Chapter records for safe keeping. Afterwords the Chapter departed for the heart of the Maelstrom in search of Ahriman. The Inquisitor still badly wounded on the barge throughout this ordeal refused to drop his charge of overseeing the Chapter and went with them. After being informed of the Chapters actions by the Space Wolves the Imperium deemed them Excommunicate Traitoris, stationed a large force of Imperial Guard on the planet of Hati, and converted its function to a forward fleet supply point.
Current Operations
At their peak they numbered nearly 1100 strong with approximately 700 of their number being Astartes. On average they numbered around nine hundred with around one third being Astartes. Today they only number around five hundred, with just around two hundred Astartes. Of those that do not operate in combat there are a great deal, more than enough to aid the chapter and pilot the crafts.
Though the remaining fighting force of the Chapter has been surely tested, their operation within the Maelstrom has caused them to change their tactics significantly. With reinforcements only from within they rely more on lightning raids attempting to connect the clues to the sorcerer's whereabouts. Though the clues do lead them from the Maelstrom at times, they never linger and should the trail disappear the Condemned Pack would never fulfil their Vow of Obligation to their fallen brethren.
Currently left to the Chapter in its offensive capacity is 199 Astartes, not including command personnel or the Blood Angels Death Squad, a small reserve force of over 300 Imperial Guard, and the Inquisitor's Retinue. Though the small population that chose to depart with them on their journey are a source of reinforcements, their number rarely grows. Together the force follows a trail that they trust will soon lead them to Ahriman and the answers they seek.
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