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Hello everyone!

So at the start of may I decided to enter the ETL, this year on the side of the Salamanders:

I, Ashmantle, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete Captain Pellas Mir'san, Bray'arth Ashmantle and Master Harath Shen from Codex: Space Marines (Badab War Characters update) of total value of 550 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Salamanders Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

For various reasons, progress was slow and it took me much longer than I thought it would.

At this point I am still cautiously optimistic I will be able to finish my vow on time, since the most time consuming, the Dreadnought, is almost done and the Apothecary is well on his way to be finished. Which leaves the Captain, who is still in the process of being built... but I am getting there.

Well, enough text, on to the interesting part, the pictures:

Dreadnought before:


Apothecary before:


Latest picture of the dreadnought:


Latest pictures of the apothecary:




Progress on building the captain:





There are some more pictures in my gallery for those interested: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/gallery/album/9633-etl-iii/

C&C welcome.

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Really great use of greenstuff detailing on these salamanders-- though I think the choice of a plasma pistol on an apothecary is a bit of an occupational hazard on his part.

I think it's meant to be harath shen? Which has a plasma pistol and power sword and some funky rules ;P. But correct me if I'm wrong ;P


Oh and great GS work I'm struggling to do the drakes head XD so I'm very envious ;P keep up look forward to your vow's completion

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All this greenstuffing goodness is making the nocturnian in me very happy, and I´m especially looking forwards to seeing The Winter Blade finished. I can´t recall ever seeing any artwork  or models of him so it´ll be great to finally see him realized in plastic/resin form!

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Thank you!

@The Chaplain

Thanks! Since he also comes with Artificer Armor and Feel No Pain (4+), the risk seems manageable.

(For anyone interested, his full rules can be found in Forgeworlds download section. Here is a direct link: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/B/badabupdate-v2.pdf )


Thanks, you are correct the Apothecary is supposed to be Harath Shen.


Thank you!


Thanks, I have seen one or two kitbashes of him on this forum, but there aren't all that many.

A bit more progress on the Captain:





For the moment he is just pinned together.

I'm pretty happy with how he is coming together, although some of the details need a bit of cleaning up.

I think the helmet needs a bit more work, though I'm not sure yet what exactly is bothering me about it, apart from the missing rivet in the middle...

Not sure yet what to do for the swords pommel, I'll probably go for something simple.

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@Brother Pheidias

Thank you!


Thanks, problem is: I don't like to part with my creations.


Thank you!

@Hrolf the Cunning

Thank you, I certainly plan to do more!

Small update on the Apothecarygallery_68666_9633_532938.png

I'm thinking about repainting the flames in bronze, not happy with how they turned out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The work you're doing looks amazing! Keep it up! I hope you made your deadline. And I just want to say that seeing this makes me really happy. A lot of my gaming group is way more concerned with winning games than anything else, so I can't really discuss the hobby aspect of WH with them, and I'm glad to see that the whole community isn't like that. So thank you.happy.png

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  • 2 months later...


Thank you.


Thanks. Yes, I finished them all in time.

In another topic I was asked how I did the chapter icon, so I thought I would try my hand at a little tutorial:

I started with the upper part of the head:


Starting the spines/horns at the back:


Next comes the lower jaw, put a little blob of green stuff in roughly the right overall shape and size in place:


And finished:


Now you can either smooth the surface further or let it cure and sand it down later, wich is what I will do.

Once it is cured you can add further details, like scales.

Tools used:

-hobby knife

-clay shapers, mainly the one on the left (Angle Chisel)


I hope that helps.

Comments, critique and/or questions are all welcome.

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Wow, have to echo everyone. Your greenstuff skills are *stupid* good.


I especially love the drakeblade you've pretty much crafted from the ground up.


Salamanders always hold a special place in my heart since they were my first marine army way back in 3rd when they had no speeders and Initiative 3.


Keep up the awesome work!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thank you.

Ah, yes, the glorious days of Codex: Armageddon. smile.png


Thank you.




Thank you.

So I started to assembble some Assault Marines:







The fuel tank on the flamer needs some details, maybe an aquila, a drake head or some flames. Anyone got a suggestion?

C&C welcome as always.

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Thank you for the suggestion, I like it.

Some more progress:



I started with the spare fuel tank, mainly to avoid accidently ruining the little insignia on his arms. Now to figure out how, and in what shape, to add flames to the tank... I might have to reposition the salamander head a bit higher up, so that it sits more central.




Something about the last chapter symbol doesn't sit right with me... I might have to redo that one.

C&C welcome.

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